articles for problem efgfghancountered in k to 12

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  • 7/27/2019 Articles for Problem Efgfghancountered in k to 12


    Name: Jenny Rose Sumagaysay

    Date of Submission: August 26,2013

    Article Source:

    Reaction: Problems encountered in K to 12 (Article 1)

    Everybody agrees that big reforms are necessary to reverse the decline of Philippine

    education. The Philippine educational system pursues the achievement of excellent

    undergraduates in the elementary and secondary level. At present, the Department of

    Education pronounces the addition of two more years in the basic education of students, which

    according to them will benefit not only the Filipino youth but all the Filipinos in the Philippines.

    This proposal is part of P-noy's Educational Reform Program. The administration

    asserts that with the implementation of such program, the problem of unemployment in

    the country will be resolved. In as much as employment in the Philippines is concerned, the

    K12 education also responds to the fact that most countries in the world already have

    the same plan in their educational institutions. With this, the standards of these

    countries go a notch higher than what the country has, thus, creating an expansion in

    the global competency. What can be really said about this plan?

    While the reaction of the public is divided, where some are in favor and some are

    not, here are several issues that I point out to the aggression of opposing groups

    especially the parents to this program. One of the main problems in the Philippines which

    the government needs to resolve is the lack of school and classrooms in the different

    parts of the country. It is important that students stay in a place that is conducive for

  • 7/27/2019 Articles for Problem Efgfghancountered in k to 12


    study while they are away from home. In addition, with teachers go abroad to teach, or

    do another job, there is already a shortage of educators in schools that mold the minds

    of learners. And this deficiency has become a problem for the country in the past

    several years. Finally, there is a need for students to utilize the appropriate

    instructional materials and school equipment for them to learn and gain the necessary

    knowledge in school. This lack of accessibility in books and other school supplies clearly

    manifest the scarcity in the public schools in the country.

    There is nothing wrong in aiming the other fraction of a horizon, and that is

    what the government attempts to accomplish. It is in fact an indication that to aspire

    for something higher, one must carry out certain actions to achieve the goal. However,

    the administration also ought to realize and clearly understand what the educational

    system in the Philippines needs to develop primarily. The mentioned issues above are only

    a few elements that entailed to be resolved. At some point, the Philippines cannot go

    ahead unless the concerns are faced and the difficulties are completely solved. There

    are a lot to be done to improve the competency of the youth. The government does not

    need to gaze from afar.

  • 7/27/2019 Articles for Problem Efgfghancountered in k to 12


    Name: Jenny Rose Sumagaysay

    Date of Submission: August 26,2013

    Article Source:


    Reaction: Problems encountered in K to 12 (Article 2)

    The short school cycle is blamed for the poor learning skills of students in the Philippines.

    Admittedly, it is a factor that affects the quality of schooling. But it is wrong to assert that it

    is the principal reason for the underperformance of schools and students. What about

    availability of learning resources, adequate teacher preparation, appropriate school facilities

    and other essential elements in raising the quality of education? In short, lengthening the school

    cycle or decongesting the curriculum would be rendered meaningless if the school setting is still

    not conducive to learning.

    K-12 proponents argue that its the standard in most countries and that the Philippines

    need it catch up with its neighbors if it wants to be more competitive in the global market.

    Indeed, K-12 is already the global norm but it doesnt mean that the Philippines has to blindly copy

    the model. In fact, its premature and mechanical implementation might even worsen the crisis of

    education in the country. Based on the experience of developed nations, K-12 succeeded if its

    implemented under an efficient education system. Therefore, what the Philippines should

    prioritize is the building of modern school facilities throughout the country. Address the basic

    problems of schools, plug the loopholes in the bureaucracy and then lets consider the to adopt


    K-12 will certainly affect millions of innocent lives and whats at stake here should not be

    trivialized because it involves the future of an entire generation. But Aquino is ready to risk the
  • 7/27/2019 Articles for Problem Efgfghancountered in k to 12


    future of the youth by agreeing to the launch of the ill-prepared K-12 program this school year.

    Why conduct an education experiment that may cause harm in the lives of millions? Why the

    rush? Whats so special with the year 2016? The great potential of education reforms must not

    be torpedoed by the narrow objectives of electoral politics.

    Education is societys great equalizer but it remains a distant goal in the Philippines

    where more than half of students who entered Grade One are still unable to finish high school.

    The problem is not only the short number of school years; the bigger problem is the high drop-

    out rate in all levels of schooling. The challenge then is to mainstream the out-of-school youth

    into the formal schooling system. But by adding two more years in the school cycle, K-12 will only

    succeed in producing more school drop-outs and a new underclass of school rejects. K-12 will

    finally institutionalize the reactionary fantasy of preventing the rise of college educated

    proletariat. In other words, K-12 will worsen inequality in society.

    K-12 serves as a reminder that education must not be left in the hands of technocrats,

    bureaucrats, and policymakers who are often divorced from the realities of everyday life. K-12

    should lead to more public discussion and debate about the establishment of an education

    system that is truly responsive to the aspirations of the greatest number of Filipinos. Hopefully,

    it would inspire us to continue the struggle not just for meaningful education reforms but also

    for political initiatives that would lead to the rise of political leaders and champions who

    understand the role of a nationalist, scientific, and mass-oriented type of education in

    improving the lives of Filipinos.