artificial intelligene

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that creates a Intelligent Machines that work and reacts like humans. It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programmes. These programmes are used to understand human intelligent.

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Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that creates a Intelligent Machines that

work and reacts like humans. It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programmes. These programmes are used to understand

human intelligent.

As the AI is a programme, it can be fixed into the Robot that react same as human beings.


These Robots will have the following capacities:Knowledge, Reasoning, Problem Solving, Perception, Volition,

Learning, Planning, Ability to speak, walk and ability to see.

There are many types of Robot. It is said that in the future there will be female and male Robot with actual body organs, such as face,

hands, and legs like us.

The British Physicist Stephan Hawking who is considered the master of the universe say that the Robot with AI will have more capability of understanding and problem solving than to those of

human beings.

The Robot will be connected to the computer, wi-fi, printers, and mobiles. They will be used in the forces such as military, navy and

air force. It said that the Military Robot will fight the wars 1000 times better than the human beings.

We will be able to make AI Robot as a best friend as they will look like human beings and their brains will work faster than to those of

human being.

It said that the AI Robot will replace the teachers in the classroom and they will able to teach us far better that those of our human

being teachers. Student will able to ask any questions to them at any time as they will work 24/7 days. They will not need a rest.

The children will be produced through the machines and they will install AI into their brain. These children will grow up like we grow and they will become the part of the society.

They will have same as us.

AI will also be fixed into the animal like machines. These AI animals will become the main sources of transport we will not need to have

car or buses to travel.

AI Robot with medicine station will take over the jobs of the Doctor. If ae become unwell, we will not need to go to hospitals as they will check us and provided the right


It is said that in few thousand years later the AI Robot may take over the world and this may be dangerous to the human


Projected by:Arahant Dhotre, Std. Vlll, GHK School, Santacruz, Mumbai