
Why Indonesian education is in crisis Scott Austin, Jakarta | Opinion | Sat, May 03 2014, 9:44 AM - See more at: indonesian-education-crisis.html#sthash.AdOfOIaW.dpuf I have no doubt that some will read the byline of this editorial and conveniently turn off or tune out without considering an iota of the argument or rhetoric presented. It isn’t my country, they certainly are not my children, and whether this country implodes or soars to the heights of success makes little difference to me. So what is the major malfunction of the Indonesian education system? Does anyone seriously believe “education” in Indonesia is on par with the west, or even Asian countries like Japan, Korea or Singapore? Ask the question another way: If you had to have spinal or brain surgery, would you prefer to have that surgery performed here in Jakarta, in Singapore or Hong Kong? If you answered “here in Indonesia”, I would presume you either have a very decently western-trained physician, or else no resources whatsoever. Or at least, none of my Indonesian friends with any money has ever had major medical procedures performed here. They very readily say they would rather fly to Singapore than trust an Indonesian doctor to open them up. Which is all one needs to know when it comes to “evidence”of the torturous state of Indonesian education. Certainly we can take a good deal of time arguing about whose fault it is — but the more immediate and pressing question ought to be why Indonesia has not followed in the footsteps of Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore and Japan. Rather than chasing red herrings that lead to nowhere, let us tackle the real problems plaguing the system. Better to kill the disease than merely react the symptoms, after all. To all of this I am certain there will come shrill protests that my own country, AMERICA , is no shining example to follow. Indeed, my country has created successive generations of people so devoid of morality that it is

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Why Indonesian education is in crisisScott Austin, Jakarta | Opinion | Sat, May 03 2014, 9:44 AM

- See more at:

I have no doubt that some will read the byline of this editorial and conveniently turn off or tune out without considering an iota of the argument or rhetoric presented.  It isn’t my country, they certainly are not my children, and whether this country implodes or soars to the heights of success makes little difference to me.

So what is the major malfunction of the Indonesian education system?    Does anyone seriously believe “education” in  Indonesia is on par with the west, or even Asian countries like Japan, Korea or Singapore?  Ask the question another way: If you had to have spinal or brain surgery, would you prefer to have that surgery performed here in Jakarta, in Singapore or Hong Kong?  

If you answered “here in Indonesia”, I would presume you either have a very decently western-trained physician, or else no resources whatsoever.  Or at least, none of my Indonesian friends with any money has ever had major medical procedures performed here.  They very readily say they would rather fly to Singapore than trust an Indonesian doctor to open them up.  Which is all one needs to know when it comes to “evidence”of the torturous state of Indonesian education.

Certainly we can take a good deal of time arguing about whose fault it is — but the more immediate and pressing question ought to be why Indonesia has not followed in the footsteps of Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore and Japan.  

Rather than chasing red herrings that lead to nowhere, let us tackle the real problems plaguing the system. Better to kill the disease than merely react the symptoms, after all.

To all of this I am certain there will come shrill protests that my own country,AMERICA , is no shining example to follow.  Indeed, my country has created successive generations of people so devoid of morality that it is soon doomed to entropy in the same way that the Roman Empire did.  

But one fault is not remedied by pointing out another, and as much as it may please the senses, arguing about my country’s shortcomings does nothing to address the issues that plague Indonesia’s education system.

So what are the major issues here in Indonesia?  Let us look at a few.  

First, corruption: the graft and corruption that is Indonesia is almost unparalleled in scope, and its influence on the educational infrastructure of the country can not be overstated.  It is no mistake that diplomas being easily purchased and cash-laden envelopes greasing the wheels for degrees that have not been actually earned play a large part of the reasoning behind informed, well-off people in Indonesia traveling overseas to get medical attention.

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Second, integrity (a close cousin of the whole “corruption” thing).  There is none here.  The same person who smiles and assures you all is fine will 10 seconds later stab you in the back with no more than a flinch of a thought, if that.  

This general deficiency quite literally bleeds into the educational system in this country. You know, the whole idea of paying for scores related to the national exams (UN) administered, the additional concept (practiced regularly) of envelopes of cash exchanged with administrators or teachers that, magically (or not so magically) seem to correlate to above average marks for students who clearly can barely spell their own names, let alone count and reason higher-level arithmetic.

And thus we come back to the reason well-off Indonesians and expatriates travel overseas for serious medical treatment.

Does anyone see a pattern here?    That I managed to suck $40,000 plus out of your economy (in US$, by the way, not Rp) is just further evidence of where I was educated, and conversely where I was not educated.  Enough said.

The writer, who holds a Master’s degree in education and a Bachelor’s degree in political science and English literature, teaches at an international school in Jakarta. - See more at:

Mengapa pendidikan di Indonesia dalam krisisScott Austin, Jakarta | Opinion | Sat, May 03 2014, 9:44 AM

Saya tidak ragu bahwa beberapa akan membaca byline dari editorial ini dan mudah mematikan atau lagu tanpa mempertimbangkan sedikitpun argumen atau retorika disajikan. Ini bukan negara saya, mereka pasti tidak anak-anak saya, dan apakah negara ini implodes atau melonjak ke puncak kesuksesan membuat sedikit perbedaan bagi saya.

Jadi apa adalah kerusakan utama dari sistem pendidikan di Indonesia? Apakah ada yang serius percaya "pendidikan" di Indonesia adalah setara dengan barat, atau bahkan negara-negara Asia seperti Jepang, Korea atau Singapura? Mengajukan pertanyaan dengan cara lain: Jika Anda harus menjalani operasi tulang belakang atau otak, Anda lebih suka untuk memiliki operasi yang dilakukan di Jakarta, di Singapura atau Hong Kong?

Jika Anda menjawab "di Indonesia", saya akan menganggap Anda juga memiliki seorang dokter yang sangat sopan barat terlatih, atau tidak ada sumber daya apapun. Atau setidaknya, tidak ada teman-teman saya Indonesia dengan uang yang pernah dimiliki prosedur medis utama dilakukan di sini. Mereka sangat mudah mengatakan mereka lebih suka terbang ke Singapura dari percaya seorang dokter Indonesia untuk membuka mereka.

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Yang semua orang perlu tahu ketika datang ke "bukti" dari negara menyiksa pendidikan Indonesia.

Tentu saja kita dapat mengambil banyak waktu berdebat tentang salah siapa itu - tapi pertanyaan yang lebih segera dan mendesak seharusnya mengapa Indonesia tidak mengikuti jejak Hong Kong, Korea Selatan, Singapura dan Jepang.

Daripada mengejar ikan haring merah yang mengarah ke mana-mana, mari kita mengatasi masalah nyata mengganggu sistem. Baik untuk membunuh penyakit daripada hanya bereaksi gejala, setelah semua.

Untuk semua ini saya yakin akan datang protes melengking bahwa negara saya sendiri, AMERIKA, ada contoh sukses mengikuti. Memang, negara saya telah menciptakan generasi-generasi orang sehingga tanpa moralitas bahwa itu segera ditakdirkan untuk entropi dengan cara yang sama bahwa Kekaisaran Romawi lakukan.

Tapi satu kesalahan tidak diperbaiki dengan menunjukkan lain, dan sebanyak mungkin menyenangkan indra, berdebat tentang kekurangan negara saya tidak apa-apa untuk mengatasi masalah yang mengganggu sistem pendidikan Indonesia.

Jadi apa isu utama di Indonesia? Mari kita lihat beberapa.

Pertama, korupsi: korupsi dan korupsi yang Indonesia hampir tak tertandingi dalam lingkup, dan pengaruhnya terhadap infrastruktur pendidikan negara tidak dapat dilebih-lebihkan. Hal ini tidak kesalahan yang ijazah yang mudah dibeli dan amplop uang tunai sarat mengoles roda untuk gelar yang belum benar-benar diterima bermain sebagian besar dari alasan di balik informasi, baik dari orang-orang di Indonesia yang bepergian ke luar negeri untuk mendapatkan perhatian medis.

Kedua, integritas (sepupu dekat seluruh "korupsi" itu). Tidak ada di sini. Orang yang sama yang tersenyum dan meyakinkan semua baik-baik saja akan 10 detik kemudian menusuk Anda di belakang dengan tidak lebih dari bergeming dari pikiran, kalau itu.

Kekurangan umum ini secara harfiah berdarah ke dalam sistem pendidikan di negeri ini. Kau tahu, seluruh ide membayar untuk nilai yang berkaitan dengan ujian nasional (UN) diberikan, konsep tambahan (dilakukan secara teratur) dari amplop uang tunai ditukar dengan administrator atau guru yang, ajaib (atau tidak begitu ajaib) tampaknya berkorelasi di atas tanda rata-rata untuk siswa yang jelas hampir tidak bisa mengeja nama mereka sendiri, biarkan hitung sendiri dan alasan-tingkat yang lebih tinggi aritmatika.

Dan dengan demikian kita kembali ke alasan baik-off Indonesia dan ekspatriat bepergian ke luar negeri untuk perawatan medis yang serius.

Apakah ada yang melihat pola di sini? Bahwa saya berhasil menyedot 40.000 $ ditambah dari ekonomi Anda (dalam US $, dengan cara, tidak Rp) adalah bukti hanya lebih lanjut dari mana saya dididik, dan sebaliknya di mana saya tidak berpendidikan. Cukup kata.

Penulis, yang memegang gelar Master di bidang pendidikan dan gelar Bachelor dalam ilmu politik dan sastra Inggris, mengajar di sebuah sekolah internasional di Jakarta. - Lihat lebih lanjut di: