artist profile- the black keys

Stage Performance On stage their performances are set up with the drum kit in the centre and the singer in the foreground. The lighting is focused onto the players and the instruments are often lit up from the sides. The black keys logo or font can often be Costume The bands clothes are very casual. They are often pictured in shirts and jeans, or darkly coloured suits. As a two piece band they don’t have a

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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Artist Profile- The Black keys

Stage Performance

On stage their performances are set up with the drum kit in the centre and the singer in the foreground. The lighting is focused onto the players and the instruments are often lit up from the sides. The black keys logo or font can often be found in the decoration or upon the drum face. Colours used are predominantly dark blue and red.


The bands clothes are very casual. They are often pictured in shirts and jeans, or darkly coloured suits. As a two piece band they don’t have a “uniform” of sorts, but are commonly seen in materials such as cotton, wool, leather and denim.

Page 2: Artist Profile- The Black keys

Album Artwork

The Black Keys album artwork has developed over time but the main concepts have remained consistent. The artwork always features their iconic and individual font with the name of the band followed by the album cover. The album art for Brothers (pictured below) is an exception to this but follows the font and concept of the album art. The colours used are often quite dark. Images commonly show the artists themselves (in the earlier work) and within the later work photography of urban American areas with old and rustic objects such as cars.

Website Design

The website design for features the dark colouring commonly found throughout The Black Keys work. It also includes the same font that is used on the album art of the most recent album, “El Camino”. This aids the fans to establish the songs with the website and increases the familiarity and recognisability of the band. The website is laid out in a grid method which when hovered over with a mouse displays the different options and links. In the top left hand corner the box shows a music link, with a play button to allow visitors to the site to play the artists music whilst browsing. Again increasing the knowledge and promoting the artists.

The website is also very easy to move around, and keeps the design, font and imagery consistent throughout.