as level media pitch presentation

Pitch Presentation

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: AS Level Media Pitch presentation

Pitch Presentation

Page 2: AS Level Media Pitch presentation

IntroductionIn my Pitch Presentation I am going to include the 3 following subjects:

• What type of Magazine am I publishing and why?• Who is my Target Audience and why?• What will my Magazine have to offer?

I am also going to use existing an existing Front Cover, Content Page and Double Spread Article to show what they have to offer and to show how I would like my own Magazine to be.

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What Magazine am I publishing and why?For my AS Media Studies Magazine Production Research Task I am publishing a Health and Fitness Magazine because I feel that these genre of magazines are very interesting and motivational. I also have experience when it comes to Health and Fitness which has inspired me to create a Health Magazine.

My Health Magazine will be to help my chosen Target Audience have a healthy lifestyle but also to make it more enjoyable for them as no one wants to have the same boring day-to-day schedule.

I am producing a health magazine because I would like to give advice about health and fitness and I would also like to inspire/motivate teenage boys to have a healthier lifestyle. I would like my Health Magazine to be motivating to my Target Audience as people sometimes find it hard to find the motivation needed to achieve their goal and work harder at their fitness.

I would also like my magazine to be able to give all the advice that people are looking for in order for them to hit their target.

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Who is my Target Audience and why?My health magazine will be aimed towards teenage boys between the ages of 16-20 because I feel that this is the age group that would take most interest in the magazine.

I have chosen the age group of 16-20 because I feel that I have more knowledge on what teenagers would like to see in a magazine and what they enjoy reading as I am a teenager myself. Also Health and Fitness Magazines seem to be very popular with teenage boys nowadays because more teenage boys are beginning to care about their health and they are also wanting to gain more muscle.

My target audience is also this age group because I feel that teenagers are more interested in health and fitness than adults and because I am a male I have knowledge and understand of what male teenagers enjoy to read and what sort of articles they are looking for and also what sort of advice they are wanting to get.

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What will my Magazine have to offer?My magazine will consist of advice on healthy eating, healthy living, exercises, muscle gain and weight loss. I am familiar with weight loss which gives me an advantage when creating my magazine as I have knowledge on weight loss which will help me when writing a double spread article.

The advice I will give on healthy eating will be things such as what meals to eat, hat beverages are best to drink, how often you should eat, what snacks you can eat etc. because I feel that this advice will be very helpful towards my audience. I have chosen this as a topic because the advice can help people replace a packet of crisps as a snack at night time with a healthier snack that is just as filling and it can also help them replace the sugar filled fizzy drinks with something a lot healthier.

I will also give advice on what workouts and exercises are best to do in order to lose weight because this is where the hard work comes in. no one wants to do the same boring workout every day so I am going to give advice on how to mix them up a bit and make the exercising a much more enjoyable experience. Everyone loves working out as long as it is enjoyable, especially if it doesn’t even feel like you’re working out!

I have experience when it comes to weight loss so this is a huge advantage to me while creating the magazine as I can give some of my own tips and workouts tbat helped me in order to help others.

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Existing Health Magazine Front CoverThis existing Health Magazine Front Cover has a lot to offer as the subheadings show what is inside the Magazine. The colours used are bright and attracting as the red mast head is attention grabbing and appealing to the eye. I would like to include bright colours on my front cover to engage contact with the reader from a distance.

The layout is in a nice and tidy manner to make it easier for the reader to understand what the magazine is about and the main image is large and in the middle of the front cover to show the readers that the focus is on the main image. I would like to have my front cover similar to this to make it appealing to the readers and also to make it interesting.

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Existing Health Magazine Content PageThis existing Health Magazine Content Page has a lot to offer as you can see the subheadings which tell the reader what sort of articles are further in the magazine. I like the layout as it has 2 images on the left side of the page with a caption below each and at the bottom of the page there are a few subheadings. On the right side of the page there are a list of subheadings and beside each subheading are numbers to make it easier for the reader to navigate their way through the magazine.

The colours used are bright to make the Content Page more appealing. I would like my Content Page to be bright coloured to make it more lively and attractive to the reader. I would also like my layout to be tidy to make it easier for the reader to navigate their way through the magazine and I would like to include images to make the magazine more enojyable.

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Existing Health Magazine Double Spread Article

This existing Health Magazine Double Spread has a lot to offer as it has got a nice and easy layout for the reader to understand what is going on and what the article is about. The double spread has 2 images but they are the same image. One image is large and on the left page and the other image is smaller and on the right page. The article itself is on the left page and it doesn’t have a loft of information which I find important because some people don’t enjoy reading a lot of information and sometimes find it boring.

The colours used are bright which is what I would like to used to make it more appealing to the readers eye. I am going to use images to show what the focus is on in the article. I am not going to use a lot of information in my article because I want to keep the readers interested in the magazine and I want it to be enjoyable for them.

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SummaryIn my Pitch Presentation for my Health Magazine I have included the 3 following subjects:

• What type of Magazine am I publishing and why?• Who is my Target Audience and why?• What will my Magazine have to offer?

I have also used an existing Front Cover, Content Page and Double Spread Article to show what they have to offer and to show how I would like my own Magazine to be. I would like my Health Magazine to be eye catching to the audience and I would like it to be bright coloured in order to engage contact with the reader from a distance.

I want my Health Magazine to be motivating towards my target audience as I would like it to be enjoyable and give my audience the inspiration they need to work harder at having a healthier lifestyle and achieving their goal.

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