as media studies foundation portfolio evaluation question 5

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. By Kvarne Bukowski How did you attract/ address your audience
  2. 2. In my media product I attracted my target audience in the different ways. For example, due to the fact that our target audience is people aged 15-25, in my media product we used comedy and action to entertain and attract the audience. We attempted to over dramatise minor things and situations in my media product and make everything much more dramatic and exaggerated, this may make the our young adults target audience attracted to my product due to the fact that many people aged 15-25 are usually big fans of comedy movies and find them very funny and amusing, so that is the way in which we decided to attempt to attract my audience.
  3. 3. Also I attempted to attract my audience by using action filled scenes. This may attract my intended audience which is young adults due to the fact that that age group are usually interested in fast paced, action packed action movies, due to the fact that it is very adrenaline filled and is very exciting with all the violence in it. Also the action aspect of this genre may attract that audience of teenager to young adult males as stereotypically the psychographic profile of this audience of males is that they enjoy fast paced and violent action, this is a contrast to females who would stereotypically enjoy more emotional films where they can connect with the main characters such as romantic films, which is a reason why I will not aim my film at females. Also, the use of music I used within my media product would attract my audience which would be young people aged 15-25, males in particular. The genre of rock music would normally be listened to by those of a teenage aged due to the loud and fast paced nature of the music; we used the rock music in the opening of our films directly attracting our audience. In addition this type of music would suggest action due to the dramatic and loud nature of it, and therefore would suggest to our audience that they would be going to watch an action film.