ascension worker workbook by inelia benz

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  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Ascension is a state of living awareness.


    Inelia Benz, all rights reserved.

    Ascension WorkerWorkbook

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Table of Contents

    .................................................................................................................Introduction 3

    ...........................................................................................Unit One: Define Your Role 5

    ...................................................................................Unit Two: Your Ascension Tools 8

    .........................................................................................Unit Three: Law of the Land 9

    ................................................................................Unit Four: Services and Products 11

    .......................................................................................Unit Five: Ongoing Training 17

    ....................................................................................................Unit Six: Ascension 19

    ................................................................................Ascension is not mysterious 19

    ......................................................The Ascension steps and Levels of Ascension 20

    ...................................................................................................The light body 23

    .........................................................Keeping your problems out of the session 24

    ........................................................................................Ascension vs. Oneness 25

    ........................................UnitSeven: Ascension Schedule versus Employer Problems 27

    .............................................................UnitEight: The Darkworker vs. Employer Ego 29

    ......................................................................................UnitNine: The Physical Body 30

    ..............................................................................................UnitTen: The Ego Body 31

    .....................................................................................UnitEleven: The Mental Body 32

    ...............................................................................Unit Twelve: The Emotional Body 33

    ....................................................................Unit Thirteen: The Energy/Spiritual Body 34

    .........................................................................................Unit Fourteen: Meditations 35

    ............................................................Unit Fifteen: Understanding Energy Exchange: 36

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page 2
  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz



    Welcome to the Ascension Worker Workbook.

    It is my goal that this workbook will provide you with the tools needed to work as an

    Ascension Worker in a way that is satisfying, rewarding, profitable and joyful.

    Ascension Workers are those individuals who single mindedly exist to raise the

    vibrational level of others as well as the Earth.

    With this in mind, the first order of business is for the Ascension Worker to be in a

    raised state of existence at all times, or as much of that time as it is possible.

    It is highly desirable that before you do this you have already done the Spiritual

    Ascension 101 Course:

    Among all the empowering units of the Ascension101 Course, there is a unit which

    dealt with letting negativity, in all its form, grow, express and release, filling the space

    left behind with light and universal love energy. You will be expected to do this

    exercise at any time you feel negative vibrations in your life. And remember, when we

    are in Flow and following our JOY, there is no negativity that can overwhelm us.

    As an Ascension Worker, we cannot allow ourselves the luxury of indulging in negative

    vibrations, nor make the mistake of trying to suppress them, or move past them. If

    you find a tool to release negative vibrations, and filling the space with light and

    universal love that is more e"ective than the one you learned from the Ascension

    Course, use it. Throughout your Ascension Work career, always seek and use the

    most e"ective tools you can find or channel intuitively.

    Your career as an Ascension Worker will expose you to many people and their

    struggles. This course will give you the tools to find modalities that will allow you to

    help those individuals, keep your boundaries strong, make healthy energy exchanges,grow your practice, keep you protected within the law of the land, and set your work

    comfort zone.

    There is no way to raise the vibrational level of another being on a permanent level. All

    we can do is assist them in learning how they can raise their vibrational level

    themselves. Most of the time, all they need is for you to be there and letting them

    experience the higher vibration they can themselves achieve, and give them tools that

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page 3
  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    they can use to make it a permanent fixture in their lives. Keeping this in mind, you

    can use any modality, religious belief, and language the person will relate to, or you

    feel has helped you personally.

    It is advisable for you to take at least 3 days or longer for you to work through each of

    the Units. This will give you a good chance to really integrate each unit into your life.Of course, this is just a guideline, and you are the best person to know how long you

    should stay on each Unit.

    Each Ascension Worker is unique; there will be topics that will come up for you that are

    not covered in this workbook. There will also be topics in the workbook that are not

    relevant to your practice. It is upto you to review this workbook and prioritize what

    you want to address first, second, etc., and also add any topics you want to cover.

    If you want to spend more time on one particular unit than another, say you finish a

    unit that is not very relevant to your practice in a few hours, and want to spend the rest

    of the time working on another unit, this is perfectly ok. Remember, you know what itis you need better than anyone.

    Some details to keep in mind:

    I use the terms employer, as well as client, when referring to those people you will

    be working for as an Ascension Worker.

    It might be best to print out this workbook, and put it in a binder or folder so you can

    work on it away from your computer.

    Reference Material at

    1. Ascension101 Course

    2. Rules of Engagement

    3. Sex, Love and Soulmates in the New Paradigm

    4. Healing in the New Paradigm

    5.Journey into Manifestation

    6. Limitations: Why do we create them?

    If you, at any time, use material you learned from this workbook, or from the Spiritual

    Ascension 101 Course, my other courses, tools or material, website, or related articles

    audios or videos, you will need to get written permission from me, as well as include a

    reference to the source, Inelia Benz and, as this material is


    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page 4
  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit One: Define Your RoleMost people, when you tell them you are an Ascension Worker, Guide, or Coach, will

    say, whats that? or, what do you do?

    Define the following terms and also how they are di"erent, or the same as, an

    Ascension Worker:

    1. Lightworker

    2. Healer

    3. Psychic

    4. Channel

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

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  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    5. Shaman

    6. Guru

    7. Reiki Master

    8. Religious Minister

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  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    9. Awakening Master

    10. Artist

    11. Writer

    12.Define, in your own words, what it means to you to be an Ascension Worker.

    What is it that you do. Make sure you sleep on it, and process any aspects thatcome up when you define yourself with regard to ascension work. Add more

    sheets as necessary:

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

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  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Two: Your Ascension ToolsThere are no right or wrong ascension tools. Anything that already exists can be

    used for the purpose of ascension.

    If you have modalities and tools you already use in your practice, then list them below

    and describe how your use of them now di"ers from the use you gave them for

    whatever they were designed for, for example healing or psychic readings. Also add

    modalities that you want to explore as ascension tools, whether you have used them in

    the past or not. If there are any tools we used together and you want to learn, please

    list those as well:

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

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  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Three: Law of the LandIt is very important to keep you working within the law of the country you live in. For

    this purpose there are several suggestions you can follow, but they do not replacedoing a thorough investigation of the laws in your country of practice and getting

    actual legal advice from a qualified professional in your locality. Remember that I am

    not a legal expert, so these suggestions are not to be taken as legal advice and most

    certainly do not cover all the legal aspects of running your own business.

    1. Ascension work is NOT psychology, psychiatry, medical, physical or nutritional


    Therefore, unless you are certified to practice in one of the above in your

    country or state, you cannot give people advice on these issues as an expert.

    Always tell them this is advice from a spiritual perspective and to check with

    their doctor before proceeding. Also, if a client starts showing signs of mental

    or psychological disturbance, refer them to a psychiatrist or their medical

    doctor. Do not continue their ascension work.

    2. Get yourself covered under the law by being ordained a Minister in the ULC

    (Universal Light Church), if this church is recognized in your country or state of

    practice; it is free and very simple to do online. This allows you to give Spiritual

    Counseling and Guidance.

    3. Make sure you have a business insurance policy that covers you for the practice

    you are going to do.

    4. Use a Terms of Use for your website, where any legal contest has to be carried

    out in your city of residence (this will save you travel expenses if anyone did

    decide to sue). Have a look at the TOU at, bottom menu;

    there is a link where you can make your own for free at the bottom of the TOU

    page. Read through it and make sure you add relevant clauses.

    5. If you need to get certificates to practice your modalities in your country or

    state, get them. For example, some states require being a registered massage

    therapist before doing hands on healing.

    6. Keep copies of your costs and bills in order to have and keep a clean tax record.

    7. If you are in a state or country where one of your modalities is illegal, psychic

    readings in California for example, then always state something like, For legal

    purposes I have to let you know this reading is for entertainment purposes

    only. Before you begin your reading, or have it in a prominent place in your

    work space or o#ce.

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  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    8. Keep records of your sessions for a set period of time, then shred them, or

    destroy them in a way that they cannot be accessed. This will protect your

    clients if your o#ce or computer security is breached.


    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Four: Services and ProductsIn order to make a living out of your lifes work, it is imperative to have a practice that

    allows you to see clients in a way that is enjoyable, e"ective and profitable. If youalready have a thriving practice, then you can simply integrate your Ascension work

    into it. Below are some ways in which others have established their practices. See

    which ones you might want to try, or expand on. When making a decision, make sure

    you follow your joy. On the examples below, write down how you might use each

    modality to express Ascension and Oneness.

    1. Readings

    These can come in many forms. It could be by using tools such as oracle or tarot

    cards, pendulums, runes, or other tools, or simply be energy or channeled

    readings. This modality can give a lot of information on the persons areas to

    be addressed during their ascension process. They can also be o"ered as one-

    o"s or as part of a larger modality such as a course or coaching.


    2. Coaching

    Coaching is a long term commitment both from you and your employer. It is

    very much employer goal oriented, and your job is to keep them focused on the

    end result, which is their ascension. If you decide to use this modality, you

    need to make the following decisions:

    a. How long will the coaching go on for? Will it be an ongoing permanent

    arrangement, or will it have a time limit? If it is permanent, will it have an

    escalating price structure, or will it stay the same price forever?

    b. What will your availability be during the coaching time?

    c. What will your price structure and payment methods be?


    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    3. Guidance

    Guidance di"ers from Coaching in that it is not goal oriented, but issue based.

    The client will come to you with di"erent ascension or spiritual matters and you

    will be there to guide them through to solutions that will raise their vibrational



    4. Courses

    Courses will have a set structure and subjects. They can be carried out online, in

    person, individually or in groups. You can also sell your courses as

    downloadable electronic products, or paper books.


    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    5. Workshops

    Workshops are one o"events where you can cover a subject, do exercises and

    group sessions.


    6. Fairs

    Fairs come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. From healing fairs, to psychic fairs,

    self help fairs and more. These involve having a booth, and using a simple and

    fast modality to be able to see and help as many people as possible. You can

    charge for these sessions, or do them for free and have books and other

    products the person can buy from you.


    7. Books

    These come in electronic format and also paper format. With online self

    publishing, there really are no limits to what you can produce. I use lulu.comand highly recommend them as a no upfront cost pay per demand publishing



    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    8. Art

    For art, you will need a point of sale. Whether you sell it online, in fairs, or have

    a gallery take your pieces, there must be a way for the client to find it.


    9. Music

    If you are a musician, this is a great way to share the higher vibrations. You can

    sell your music online via mp3 downloads, or by publishing it on CDs either at

    home or somewhere like



    CDs can have meditations, courses, music, in short, anything that uses sound toexpress.


    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz



    If you are using youtube or your own video recordings for courses, meditations,

    or sessions, then this is a great way to sell your work. Again, you can make

    them yourself or have them published per demand online, or buy in bulk and

    sell them in a store.


    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz



    If you are in any way into crafts, or visuals, you can make items for people to

    take away which will keep them focused on their work. Trinkets are things like

    jewelry, cards, gift items, even t-shirts.NOTES:

    13.Place of workDo you have a work o#ce? Are you working from home? Where can you meet

    clients at that is safe and comfortable?



    Discerning when to take on a client and when to refuse them is something you

    need to decide. It is important to have strong boundaries and also know when

    you can assist someone in their ascension and when you cannot. Not everyone

    who comes to you is ready for ascension or is after ascension and you are not

    obliged to take everyone on. It is also important to discern people with serious

    health or mental conditions from those who will genuinely be helped by you.

    The time you spend trying to help someone who is not really ready to ascend,

    versus the time you can spend in your ascension work or helping others, is



    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Five: Ongoing TrainingOnce you connect to source, it is very unlikely that you will meet someone who can

    teach you what you dont already know. However, each client that you meet will

    speak a di"erent language. Training in di"erent modalities, doing workshops with

    your favorite authors and partaking in workshops in your locality are great ways in

    which you can expand your vocabulary and modalities.

    Always take what resonates with you and discard the rest. Most teachings will say

    that they are the best and you must discard everything else in order to practice it. Not

    so. Every person and every school has gems that you can use in your practice.

    These are some of the modalities, courses, tools and authors I have found to have very

    useful tools and language that people can relate to during ascension work, pick one for

    this weeks study, research it online or get a book. If you find you dont like it, simply

    leave it and pick another.

    Material at

    1. Ascension101 Course

    2. Rules of Engagement

    3. Sex, Love and Soulmates in the New Paradigm

    4. Healing in the New Paradigm

    5.Journey into Manifestation

    6. Limitations: Why do we create them?

    Modalities: Previous Life Regression Therapy

    Shamanic Journeys


    Dream Therapy

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    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz



    Neuro-feedback Technology

    Use of Altars

    Magic and Intention

    The Lotus Sutra

    Energy Reading and Attunement



    Sacred Geometry

    Authors: Jack Canfield

    Doreen Virtue


    Deepak Chopra

    Esther and Jerry Hicks

    Clarissa Pinkola Estes

    Denise Linn

    Deborah King

    Markus and Sheila Gillette

    (personal plug) Inelia Benz (Interview with an Alien and The 13thMage)

    Michael Beckwith

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Six: AscensionNow that you have established modalities that you can use in your practice, products

    and services you can sell and a place to work from, lets get into the technical aspectsof Ascension.

    Ascension is not mysterious

    One of the first things you will be required to do with a new client is to demystify the

    concept of Ascension. Firstly, to allow the person to realize that Ascension is not

    something that is done for them. Yes, they can have initiations, but that's all they are,

    they initiate something through direct experience. For the person to run with it, it

    takes their own processing and work. Secondly, let them know that everyone can do it;

    the person doesn't need to be part of an elite few, or enter a secret society. Thirdly,

    explain the technical aspects of Ascension, how it is simply a matter of raising our

    vibrational level through shedding negativity and replacing it with light and love.

    Fourthly, by letting them know that they have DIRECT access to that universal light and

    love, which is actually themselves, and they do not need a third party to do it for them.

    The rest is a process of teaching the employer to stay focused.

    Write other ways in which you can demystify Ascension and Oneness:

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    The Ascension steps and Levels of Ascension

    Ascension steps and levels of Ascension are two di"erent things.

    Ascension Stepsis what you will design to raise the level of vibration of the person.

    The person has di"erent bodies here on Earth, and these bodies need to be raised one

    by one, by processing low vibrations and replacing them with high ones, and then

    integrating all the bodies into the self. One good way to find out what bodies the

    person has the most problems with is during your initial interview and the first few

    minutes of each session. The most problematic bodies will yield the fastest and

    strongest results.

    Write down the bodies a person has in order to exist as a human being:

    From personal experience, previous work or discernment, write down what body the

    person is having challenges with, if any, and how you can raise their vibration, in the

    following examples:

    1. I feel I cannot do my work until I lose all this extra weight.

    2. My guide doesnt agree with you, he told me to let you know that you are

    wrong about this.

    3. My life is empty without a soulmate, I need to find him/her.

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

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  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    4. I am in love with you, I feel that we are One and we are meant to be together.

    5. There are people in my life that are causing me so much su"ering.

    6. A psychic told me that I have been cursed and this is why I have so many

    problems in life.

    7. There are negative ghosts in my house.

    8. I have not been able to sleep for months.

    9. I tried to meditate every day, but he/she didnt let me

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    10.I cant stop thinking about this, it is stressing me out.

    11.You are so bright and powerful, can you fix this for me?

    Levels of Ascensionare infinite, we never stop advancing. Whenever a person

    reaches a new level of awareness, empowerment and joy, he or she has reached a new

    level of Ascension. The top levels we can achieve on Earth are limited by our own

    definitions. Normally, you will be able to guide a person to the highest level you

    yourself have achieved. But dont deny yourself the opportunity to see the person go

    further than you have gone.

    Write down in your own words, what level you believe to be the maximum levels

    achievable on Earth:

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    The light body

    Sometimes, and more often these days, a person will originate the awareness of their

    light body. They will see it in their minds eye; they will feel it or sense it.

    When this happens, it is important to teach them to integrate their light body just like

    the rest of the bodies.

    More often, their light body will start to make an appearance in more subtle ways,

    where the energy centers connecting it to the rest of the bodies become active. These

    energy centers are behind the head toward the bridge of the nose, on the back

    between and just above the shoulder blades which goes towards the breast bone

    encompassing the heart and throat chakra, the spot between the sacral and solar

    plexus chakras, knees, elbows, and about ten inches on top of the head, below the feet

    and past the hands.

    Describe ways in which the person will experience awareness in their light body or in

    these new energy centers:

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

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  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Keeping your problems out of the session

    You live on Earth, and therefore, you will continue to have problems and issues for as

    long as you live. However, by not indulging in them, these will not overwhelm you.

    However, you need to know, and have the discernment, of when to take someone intosession and when to postpone the meeting. These boundaries are set by you. Write

    down what situations are not optimum for taking someone into session:

    There is also the possibility that during a session, an event or recollection, situation or

    state, will stimulate your personal emotional charge as it were. These can sneak up

    on you and it is important to not bring them into the session. Write down ways in

    which you can identify situations when your own charges are butting into the session:

    What do you do if you become sexually and emotionally attracted to your employer?

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Ascension vs. Oneness

    Ascension and Oneness are not the same thing. Moving to higher vibrational levels is

    what Ascension is all about. Oneness is a state of awareness of being the Universe.

    Write down how these states manifest in our daily lives:

    Again, it is important to remember that you are not giving psychological, medical or

    nutritional expert advice. Part of Spiritual Guidance includes things of the spirit,

    energy and the persons advancement in life into a better place, and sometimes the

    lines become fuzzy. To simplify things, whenever someone comes to you with a

    problem, whether with a relationship, health, career, or existential, bring them back to

    basics, are they using the tools you taught them? Are they working toward their

    ascension? Is it the ego taking over? Or is it an issue they need to see an expert about?If they are sick, always send them to their doctor, for example.

    Often a person will be sidetracked into another goal, such as losing weight or finding

    their soul-mate. Although these are great ascension subjects in and of themselves,

    make sure to bring the person back to their core center and back to their ascension

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    goal before the end of the session. You are not here to solve their problems; you are

    here to show them how they can use their problems as Ascension tools.

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Seven: Ascension Schedule versus Employer ProblemsIt is important to have a schedule of work, so that you dont lose track of where the

    employer is going and what he or she has already achieved.

    However, the employers higher self, guides and universal spirit, will know best about

    what to deal with and when.

    There is a very fine line between the ego sabotaging the ascension process and

    problems coming up to be dealt with.

    A good rule of thumb is to keep in mind that this is SPIRITUAL work. Not a Dear Aunt/

    Uncle page. All the problems that the employer brings to the sessions are by default

    SPIRITUAL. Therefore it is up to you to make sure neither you nor the employer

    engages with the problem, and moves quickly from expression to release and

    replacement with light. This is one of the main di"erences between psychic readings,

    or guidance, for example, and an ascension process.

    What the employer asks will be answered. Therefore, if the employer asks, why is this

    person hurting me (a victim attitude), the answer will arrive as to all the reasons why

    that person is hurting the employer. It is your job to look at the bigger picture, and

    move their question to how to process the victim/aggressor paradigm.

    Write down ways and tools you can use to bring the focus to ascension:

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    99% of your employers will come in with Karmic patterns so ingrained that they are

    completely unable to function outside of them. Saying things like, you attracted this

    into your life, or you are responsible to all that happens to you, and all its flavors

    such as, God knows best, You made your bed, It is Gods will, these aredisempowering sentences. The fact is that when a person is stuck in a pattern, they

    cannot see past it, nor can they act outside of it. It is your job to show them the

    pattern, and give them tools to move past it.

    Write down the patterns you have moved past and what tools you used to do so:

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Eight: The Darkworker vs. Employer EgoOccasionally you will get a client who is a darkworker. It is important to know the

    di"erence between someone who is simply ego challenged to someone who is a


    Write down how you can identify a darkworker:

    Write down how you can identify an ego challenged person:

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Nine: The Physical BodyThe physical body is our greatest ally in Ascension Work. This is because it is near

    impossible to ignore a physical signal or problem.

    It takes years to suppress the body, and this will respond by physical manifestations

    and ways of communicating with the person that are at times extreme. Teaching the

    person to reconnect to the physical body, hear it and how they use the information

    they receive is critical. It is very important to discern, for example, what is a message

    that has been suppressed years before and is now no longer relevant, to a message

    that is very important in present time.

    Write down ways in which the physical body communicates with the client:

    Write down how the person then uses the information they receive.

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Ten: The Ego BodyThis can be the most challenging body to work with. This is because the ego, by

    default, exists in fear and will try to sabotage the ascension process at all times.

    Write down ways in which you can identify when a clients ego has taken over:

    Describe tools the client can use to integrate and heal the ego issue:

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Eleven: The Mental BodyIn todays society, the mind is highly prized and stimulated. This brings a huge amount

    of di#culty in meditation practices. Describe the Mental Body:

    Another challenge is that the ego will often take charge of the mind. Describe how you

    can identify when the ego has taken over the mind and tools the client can use to move

    past it:

    Describe tools the client can use to silence the mind:

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Twelve: The Emotional BodyThe emotional body is the employers gate to manifestation. Therefore it is imperative

    to review it and make sure it is on track at every session.

    Describe the emotional body:

    Describe an emotionally challenged person:

    Describe tools you can give your employer to use with their emotional body:

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Thirteen: The Energy/Spiritual BodyThis body often gets disconnected through issues, problems and karmic patterns.

    There are endless tools you can use to reconnect the person to their spiritual/energybody.

    Describe the Energy/Spiritual Body:

    Describe what issues, and their symptoms, show a blockage in the person/energy body


    Write down tools you can use to reconnect the person to their energy body:

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Fourteen: MeditationsHere you will choose at least three tools that you will design and record, which you will

    be using with your clients, either directly or by giving them a copy of the recording.

    You can choose from the list below or create an original one. These can be

    meditations, shamanic journeys, visualizations, daydreams, mental exercises, trance,

    music, sounds, storytelling, art or other modalities:

    1. Silencing the mind

    2. Reconnecting to the energy body

    3. Oneness

    4. Ascension

    5. Awareness

    6. Healing the emotional body

    7. Healing the ego

    8. Healing the physical body

    9. Regression

    10.Contacting guides


    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page

  • 5/28/2018 Ascension Worker Workbook by Inelia Benz


    Unit Fifteen: Understanding Energy Exchange:

    Understanding Paying for Your Courses, Books and Tools.

    All the information and tools that raise the vibrational level of the planet are provided for

    free at as well as in all interviews of Inelia across the Internet.

    The Ascension 101 Course, books, and Talks, as well as future for sale items on thesite, are designed to expand and raise the individual's awareness and make theindividual more able and empowered.

    These have been provided by Source to give a channel of support and energyexchange toward keeping Inelia Benz, and the ascension101 staff, Inelia's activitiesand voice focused on raising the vibrational level of the planet and, at the same time,giving an opportunity for you to personally benefit from Inelia's work. This mutualsupport and benefit, is called energy exchange.

    If you are not familiar with the concept of energy exchange, we suggest you read "Debt- A Link in the Chain of Enslavement" and "Call to Action - Financial Construct"You are re not required to buy or use the for sale items to raise the vibrational level ofthe planet if you don't want to, as all tools and information that raise a person and theplanetary vibration can be found for free at In the meantime, otherindividuals will be called by their Higher Selves to pay for and use the tools for their ownbenefit, so that Earth and her people (including you), will continue to have access to thefree information, energy and inspiration that is being channeled through Inelia, whichhas already raised the vibration of millions of individuals, causing a ripple effect acrossthe planet.

    The reason this information page is being provided is because Inelia has beenrequested to not only aim her work at those who are well advanced in their spiritualdevelopment and illumination, but to those who are just awakening too. Manyindividuals who are just awakening, have been programmed with religious and culturalbeliefs which teaches them that no debt is acquired when receiving spiritual benefit,instruction, energy or time from another individual. This page is an attempt to show byexample what does and what does not acquire karmic debt, so that the awakeningindividuals don't fall into energetic traps, and provides an opportunity for those who aretruly open to knowing what this is all about to get a full resonance in understanding,remembering and knowing by reading these words.

    Inelia has been requested, and agreed, to work on raising the vibrational level of theplanet, very publicly, until 2017. After that, she is free to go back to anonymity, followher passions, or leave the planet.

    This Workbook is provided for free by Inelia Benz at, where you can also a huge library

    of information, tools, talks, courses and insights. Page
