ashtakavarga par 13

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Post on 05-Aug-2016




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    PART 13



    We have seen the Ashtakavarga features of Jupiter in our last two issues. Here we continue

    with the same subject and proceed to discuss the intricacies involved in the Ashtakavarga

    of Jupiter.

    One popular misconception I wish to clear here. We always say that Jupiter is the foremost

    benefic for any chart. On the contrary Saturn is the greatest malefic. Prima facie, these

    views appear to be correct. Or, do they merely appear true? Really speaking, the above

    view is false. Let me place my arguments before you.

    Only natural benefics are prone to Kendradipatyadosha. Natural malefics are exempt from

    this rule. Saturn as lord of 4 in 4 is good, while Jupiter as lord of 4 in 4 is bad.This is as far as

    natal charts are concerned. Jupiter in Gochara in Janmarasi is as bad as Saturn in Janmarasi

    in Gochara. The nomenclature is slightly different. For Jupiter we say Janma Guru and

    for Saturn it is JanmaSani which is part of sade sati.

    Really speaking, a person born in Taurus, Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius as rising sign would

    find Saturn an admirable ally. On the other hand, there is no rising sign for which Jupiter is

    an unmixed blessing.

    The final argument, I wish to place before you is the dictum, Karaka in bhava is bad for the

    bhava(karakoBhavanasaya). Jupiter in 5 comes under this rule. Jupiter is 5 is bad for the

  • House of children. Saturn is an exception to this rule hence Saturn in 8 is actually a

    welcome placement. If you see a chart with Saturn in 8 predict long life.

    Having heard all my arguments, I put you in the position of a judge to pronounce verdict on

    this question Jupiter Vs Saturn which is more beneficial to a person?

    With this prelude, we move on to discuss the intricacies of Jupiters Ashtakavarga in the

    greater detail.

    Two points I wish to stress here

    It is always good to have Jupiter with more than 5 bindus in a chart.

    Even if Jupiter is in 6, 8 or 12 the mere fact it has obtained 5 or more bindus will

    bestow, wealth, long life and victory over enemies.

    Matters relating to children are to be found out from Jupiters Ashtakavarga. In olden

    days people used to have unlimited children. Two reasons can be attributed to that.

    In olden days, fecundity of people was more as the level of stress was much less

    compared to what it is today.

    Cost of maintaining a family was less compared to what it is today.

    Today life has become far more complicated than at any other point of time in history.

    Even India is now getting into the same type of civilization prevalent in western countries.

    All these factors have resulted in families with fewer children. Even the simple pleasures of

    childhood seem to be strangely absent in todays world.

    A personwill be bestowed with as many children as there are bindus in the house occupied

    by the sign dispositor of the 5th

    house from Jupiter. The characteristic of children will

    correspond to the donors of the bindus.

  • The appearance of the children will have to predicted from the planetary indications

    provided by Varahamihira in BrihatJataka [chapter , verse 8] Table 1 gives us a clear picture

    of these indicators.

    TABLE 1

    SUN Well proportioned body, bilious, short hairs, coloured eyes.

    MOON - Proportionate body, good eyes, sweet speech.

    MERCURY Fond of humour ;mix of air,wind and bile

    MARS - Bilious, fickle minded, thin waist

    JUPITER Corpulent body, phlegmatic

    VENUS Beautiful eyes, body with more of wind and phlegm

    SATURN Lean, tall, rough hairs

    Table 2 gives the areas of the body, over which the planets exercise control

    TABLE 2








  • The character and nature of children born will have to be interred from the planetary

    indications provided by Varahamihira in BrihatJataka [chapter , verse 7] [see Table 3 as


    TABLE 3


    Sun, Moon, Jupiter SATTWA

    Mars, Saturn TAMAS

    Mercury, Venus RAJAS

    A little bit of explanation is needed here, as many people fail to understand what

    exactly are Sattwa, Tamas, and Rajas.

    I wish to explain this in the light of a parable narrated by Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.

    Once a traveller was walking through a dense forest. He was waylaid by three

    dacoits. The first dacoit said that the hostage be killed on the spot. The second one said

    that instead of killing, we will loot his money and personal belongings and tie him to a tree.

    The third dacoit said that hebe allowed going scot free. Concluding his story Ramakrishna

    Paramahamsa said that in this parable, the first dacoit is Tamas which deadens you. The

    second one dacoit is Rajas which binds you. The third dacoit is Sattwa which liberates you.

    The most significant message of this story is that, at the end of the day, all the three -

    Sattwa, Tamas and Rajas are only dacoits. In other words they are enemies not friends.

    They are fictitious super impositions on the soul and therefore fit to be discarded. The real

    aim of life is to transcend these three qualities.

    The following characteristics are to be understood from Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas.

    [Refer Table 4]

    Table 4

    SATTWA - Kindness, fixed purpose, truthfulness, straightforward ,reverence for Gods and


    RAJAS - One who is fond of women, poetry, literature, one who is courageous.

  • TAMAS - Deceitful, stubborn, lazy, revengeful, sleepy.

    Sattwa gives happiness, makes a person wise. Rajas denotes desire for objects, binds

    the atman by the ropes of karmic results. Tamas denotes ignorance, makes a person

    negligent in his duties and also gives rise to passion and avarice.

    Rishis of ancient times were adepts in telling stories, pregnant with meaning and

    which are easy to understand.The Ramayana, for instance is just a story but for a person

    endowed with the faculty of discrimination, it is a mine of wisdom.

    For example, by reading the qualities of the three demon brothers, Ravana, Vibhishana and

    Kumbakarna, what do you understand? For a moment, recount their respective qualities

    and see which of the three, Sattwa, Rajas, Tamas, they represent. Vibhishana was fond of

    Lord Rama; he was truthful so he represents Sattwa. Ravana had lust of Sita, he was also

    courageous so he represents Rajas. Kumbakarna was a demon who used to sleep for six

    months at a stretch. He prayed for Nirdevatvam or one who is on a par with Devas.

    When the Almighty appeared before him and blessed him with wish fulfillment, he by way

    of a slip of the tongue asked for Nidrevatvam or one who is always asleep and his wish

    was instantaneously fulfilled. So, Kumbakarna stands for the quality of Tamas.

    Another vexed question which often crops up is; when a person will be blessed with

    a child? If either of the following rules is satisfied, one will have an issue in the early part of his married life.

    a) The 5th

    lord is situated very near the 5th


    b) The lord of the 5th

    house is very close to the bhava occupied by the lagna lord.

    There is another way to reckon, when a person will be blessed with a child. For this

    we need to know the meaning of the terms Kendra, Panapara and Apoklima. The cardinal

    houses are known as Kendras, meaning lagna, 4th

    house, 7th

    house and 10th

    house. From

    the lagna, the 4th

    house denotes Sukrasthana or Matrusthana. If you treat the 4th


    as lagna, then 4th

    from that house is the 7th

    house. Again 4th

    from the 7th

    house is the 10th

    house and similarly 4th

    from 10th

    is the lagna.

    We say that exactly at noon time if we perform an activity the deed will fructify soon.

    That is because it comes under an auspicious Muhurtha called AbhijitMuhurtha . What is

  • the specialityof AbhijitMuhurtha? The Sun is in the 10th house exactly over your head. If

    we stand under the Sun, at that moment, your shadow wont fall on the ground. Sun in

    lagna, means the exact time of sun rise. Sun in the 7th

    means, time of sun set. Sun in the 4th

    means, midnight. So all these points are crucial and they are areas of special importance in


    Kendras, Panaparas and Apoklimas are clearly explained in Table 5 below

    Table 5

    Kendras 1, 4, 7, 10

    Panaparas 2, 5, 8, 11

    Apoklimas 3, 6, 9, 12

    The house which is immediately next to a Kendra is a Panapara house and the house

    which is immediately next to a Panapara house is an Apoklima house.

    From general rules of Astrology, we understand that a planet in Kendra gives results

    in the initial stages of a mans life. When the above principle is adopted in Jupiters

    Ashtakavarga, we derive the following thumb rules.

    a) When the lord of the 5th

    house occupies a Kendra, a person will be blessed

    with a child soon after marriage.

    b) If the aforesaid planet occupies a Panapara, one will get a child in the

    middle part of married life.

    c) If the aforesaid planet occupies an Apoklima house, delay is likely and one

    will be blessed with a child, late in life.

    - THE END