asic cad seminar

VLSI/FPGA VLSI/FPGA Design and Test Flow with Design and Test Flow with Mentor Graphics CAD Tools Mentor Graphics CAD Tools Victor P. Nelson Victor P. Nelson

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Post on 25-Nov-2015




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  • VLSI/FPGAVLSI/FPGADesign and Test Flow with Design and Test Flow with Mentor Graphics CAD ToolsMentor Graphics CAD Tools

    Victor P. NelsonVictor P. Nelson

  • Mentor Graphics CAD Tool SuitesMentor Graphics CAD Tool Suites

    IC/IC/SoCSoC design flowdesign flow11 DFT/BIST/ATPG design flowDFT/BIST/ATPG design flow11 FPGA design flowFPGA design flow2,32,3 PCB design flowPCB design flow22 Digital/analog/mixedDigital/analog/mixed--signal modeling & simulationsignal modeling & simulation1,21,2 ASIC/FPGA synthesisASIC/FPGA synthesis1,21,2 VendorVendor--provided (provided (Xilinx,Altera,etcXilinx,Altera,etc.) back end tools.) back end tools22

    1.1. UserUser--setup selection: setup selection: eda/mentor/ICFlow2006.1eda/mentor/ICFlow2006.12.2. UserUser--setup selection: setup selection: eda/mentor/EN2002.3eda/mentor/EN2002.33.3. UserUser--setup selection:setup selection: edaeda/mentor/FPGA/mentor/FPGA

  • Mentor Graphics CAD Tools Mentor Graphics CAD Tools (select (select edaeda/mentor/mentor in userin user--setup on the Sun network*)setup on the Sun network*)

    ICFlow2006.1ICFlow2006.1 For custom & standard cell IC designsFor custom & standard cell IC designs IC flow toolsIC flow tools (Design Architect(Design Architect--IC, IC Station, IC, IC Station, CalibreCalibre)) Digital/analog/mixed simulation Digital/analog/mixed simulation ((Modelsim,ADVanceModelsim,ADVance MS,Eldo,MachTAMS,Eldo,MachTA)) HDL SynthesisHDL Synthesis (Leonardo)(Leonardo) ATPG/DFT/BIST toolsATPG/DFT/BIST tools (DFT Advisor, (DFT Advisor, FlextestFlextest, , FastscanFastscan)) Limited access to Limited access to QuicksimQuicksim II II (some technologies)(some technologies)

    EN2002u3 EN2002u3 For FPGA For FPGA front endfront end design & printed circuit boardsdesign & printed circuit boards Design Architect, Design Architect, QuicksimQuicksim II, II, QuicksimQuicksim Pro Pro (Schematic/Simulation)(Schematic/Simulation) ModelSimModelSim & Leonardo & Leonardo (HDL Simulation/Synthesis)(HDL Simulation/Synthesis) Xilinx ISE & Xilinx ISE & AlteraAltera QuartusQuartus tools tools (Back end design)(Back end design)

    FPGAFPGA (FPGA Advantage, (FPGA Advantage, ModelsimModelsim, Leonardo), Leonardo)

    *Only one of the above three groups may be selected at a time*Only one of the above three groups may be selected at a time

  • Mentor Graphics ASIC Design Kit (ADK)Mentor Graphics ASIC Design Kit (ADK) Technology files & standard cell librariesTechnology files & standard cell libraries

    AMI: ami12, ami05 AMI: ami12, ami05 (1.2, 0.5 (1.2, 0.5 m)m) TSMC: tsmc035, tsmc025, tsmc018 TSMC: tsmc035, tsmc025, tsmc018 (0.35, 0.25, 0.18 (0.35, 0.25, 0.18 m)m)

    IC flow & DFT tool support files:IC flow & DFT tool support files: Simulation Simulation VHDL/VHDL/VerilogVerilog/Mixed/Mixed--Signal modelsSignal models ((Modelsim/ADVanceModelsim/ADVance MS)MS) Analog (SPICE) modelsAnalog (SPICE) models ((Eldo/AccusimEldo/Accusim)) PostPost--layout timing layout timing (Mach TA)(Mach TA) Digital schematic Digital schematic ((QuicksimQuicksim II, II, QuicksimQuicksim Pro)Pro) (exc. tsmc025,tsmc018)(exc. tsmc025,tsmc018)

    Synthesis to std. cells Synthesis to std. cells ((LeonardoSpectrumLeonardoSpectrum)) Design for test & ATPG Design for test & ATPG (DFT Advisor, (DFT Advisor, Flextest/FastscanFlextest/Fastscan)) Schematic capture Schematic capture (Design Architect(Design Architect--IC)IC) IC physical design (standard cell & custom) IC physical design (standard cell & custom) FloorplanFloorplan, place & route , place & route (IC Station)(IC Station) Design rule check, layout Design rule check, layout vsvs schematic, parameter extraction schematic, parameter extraction ((CalibreCalibre))

  • Xilinx/Xilinx/AlteraAltera FPGA/CPLD DesignFPGA/CPLD Design Technology files & libraries for frontTechnology files & libraries for front--end design with end design with

    Mentor Graphics toolsMentor Graphics tools Schematic symbols for Schematic symbols for Design ArchitectDesign Architect Simulation models forSimulation models for QuicksimQuicksim II, II, QuicksimQuicksim ProPro Synthesis library for Synthesis library for LeonardoLeonardo

    Vendor tools for backVendor tools for back--end design end design (map, place, route, configure, timing)(map, place, route, configure, timing)

    Xilinx Xilinx Integrated Software EnvironmentIntegrated Software Environment (ISE)(ISE) Xilinx XST can synthesize the design from VHDL or Xilinx XST can synthesize the design from VHDL or VerilogVerilog (instead (instead

    of Leonardo)of Leonardo)

    AlteraAltera QuartusQuartus II & Max+Plus2II & Max+Plus2

  • ASIC Design FlowASIC Design FlowBehavioral









    Verify Function& Timing

    Verify Timing

    DRC & LVSVerification

    IC Mask Data/FPGA Configuration File

    Standard Cell IC & FPGA/CPLD


    Test vectors Full-custom IC

  • Behavioral Design & VerificationBehavioral Design & Verification(mostly technology(mostly technology--independent)independent)

    Create Behavioral/RTL HDL Model(s)

    Simulate to VerifyFunctionality

    Synthesize Gate-LevelCircuit




    ADVance MS (analog/mixed signal)



    Technology LibrariesPost-Layout Simulation,

    Technology-Specific Netlistto Back-End Tools

  • ADVanceADVance MS Simulation SystemMS Simulation System

    ADVanceADVance MS MS kernelkernel supports:supports: VHDL & VHDL & VerilogVerilog: digital : digital (via (via ModelSimModelSim)) VHDLVHDL--AMS & AMS & VerilogVerilog--A: analog/mixed signalA: analog/mixed signal EldoEldo/SPICE: analog /SPICE: analog (via (via EldoEldo)) EldoEldo RF/SPICE: analog RF RF/SPICE: analog RF (via (via EldoEldo RF)RF) Mach TA/SPICE: highMach TA/SPICE: high--speed analog/timingspeed analog/timing

    Invoke standInvoke stand--alone or from Design Architectalone or from Design Architect--ICIC

    Mentor Graphics Mentor Graphics LegacyLegacy Simulators Simulators (PCB design)(PCB design) QuicksimQuicksim II, II, QuicksimQuicksim Pro (digital)Pro (digital) ASIC: ASIC: adk_quicksimadk_quicksim FPGA/PLD: Xilinx: FPGA/PLD: Xilinx: pld_quicksimpld_quicksim, , AlteraAltera: : max2_quicksimmax2_quicksim AccusimAccusim (analog): (analog): adk_accusimadk_accusim

  • ADVanceADVance MSMSDigital, Analog, MixedDigital, Analog, Mixed--Signal SimulationSignal Simulation

    ADVance MS




    IEEE 1164 ResourceLibraries


    EZwaveor Xelga


    VHDL,Verilog,VHDL-AMS, Verilog-A,

    SPICE Netlists

    Eldo,Eldo RF ModelSim

    View ResultsMach TAMach PA

    Analog(SPICE) Digital


    Mixed Signal(VHDL-AMS,



  • Example: 4Example: 4--bit binary counterbit binary counter

    VHDL modelVHDL model (count4.vhd)(count4.vhd) Create working library: Create working library: vlibvlib workwork

    vmapvmap work work workwork Compile: Compile: vcomvcom count4.vhdcount4.vhd Simulate: Simulate: vsimvsim count4(rtl)count4(rtl)

    ModelSimModelSim simulationsimulation--control inputscontrol inputs ModelSimModelSim MacroMacro ( OR, VHDL OR, VHDL testbenchtestbench

    ModelSimModelSim resultsresults listinglisting or or waveformwaveform

  • ---- count4.vhd 4count4.vhd 4--bit parallelbit parallel--load synchronous counterload synchronous counterLIBRARY LIBRARY ieeeieee;;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.allieee.numeric_std.all;;

    ENTITY count4 ISENTITY count4 ISPORT (PORT (clock,clear,enable,load_countclock,clear,enable,load_count : IN STD_LOGIC;: IN STD_LOGIC;

    D: IN unsigned(3 D: IN unsigned(3 downtodownto 0);0);Q: OUT unsigned(3 Q: OUT unsigned(3 downtodownto 0));0));

    END count4;END count4;

    ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURE rtlrtl OF count4 ISOF count4 ISSIGNAL SIGNAL intint : unsigned(3 : unsigned(3 downtodownto 0);0);BEGINBEGIN

    PROCESS(clearPROCESS(clear, clock, enable), clock, enable)BEGIN BEGIN

    IF (clear = '1') THEN IF (clear = '1') THEN intint

  • Test stimulus:Test stimulus:ModelsimModelsim dodo file: count4_rtl.dofile:

    add wave /clock /clear /enable /add wave /clock /clear /enable /load_countload_count /D /Q/D /Qadd list /clock /clear /enable /add list /clock /clear /enable /load_countload_count /D /Q/D /Qforce /clock 0 0, 1 10 force /clock 0 0, 1 10 --repeat 20repeat 20force /clear 0 0, 1 5, 0 10force /clear 0 0, 1 5, 0 10force /enable 0 0, 1 25force /enable 0 0, 1 25force /force /load_countload_count 0 0, 1 20, 0 35, 1 330, 0 3500 0, 1 20, 0 35, 1 330, 0 350force /D 10#5 0, 10#9 300force /D 10#5 0, 10#9 300run 400run 400

  • TestbenchTestbench: count4_bench.vhd: count4_bench.vhdLIBRARY LIBRARY ieeeieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.allieee.numeric_std.all;;

    ENTITY count4_bench is end count4_bench;ENTITY count4_bench is end count4_bench;ARCHITECTURE test of count4_bench isARCHITECTURE test of count4_bench is

    component count4component count4PORT (PORT (clock,clear,enable,load_countclock,clear,enable,load_count : IN STD_LOGIC;: IN STD_LOGIC;

    D: IN unsigned(3 D: IN unsigned(3 downtodownto 0);0);Q: OUT unsigned(3 Q: OUT unsigned(3 downtodownto 0));0));

    end component;end component;for all: count4 use entity work.count4(behavior);for all: count4 use entity work.count4(behavior);signal signal clkclk : STD_LOGIC := '0';: STD_LOGIC := '0';signal signal clrclr, en, ld: STD_LOGIC;, en, ld: STD_LOGIC;signal din, signal din, qoutqout: unsigned(3 : unsigned(3 downtodownto 0);0);

    beginbeginUUT: count4 port UUT: count4 port map(clk,clr,en,ld,din,qoutmap(clk,clr,en,ld,din,qout););clkclk

  • Count4 Count4 Simulation waveformSimulation waveform



  • ADVanceADVance MS : mixedMS : mixed--signal simulationsignal simulation

    A/D converter



  • ADVanceADVance MS: mixed MS: mixed VerilogVerilog--SPICESPICE


    Verilog top(test bench)

  • Automated Synthesis with Automated Synthesis with Leonardo SpectrumLeonardo Spectrum

    Leonardo Spectrum(Level 3)

    VHDL/VerilogBehavioral/RTL Models



    TechnologySynthesis Libraries



    VHDL, Verilog, SDF,EDIF, XNF

    Level 1 FPGALevel 2 FPGA + Timing

    ADKAMI 0.5, 1.2TSMC 0.35, 0.25

  • Leonardo Leonardo ASIC Synthesis FlowASIC Synthesis Flow

  • Leonardo synthesis procedureLeonardo synthesis procedure

    1.1. Invoke Invoke leonardoleonardo2.2. Select & load a technology library Select & load a technology library (ASIC or FPGA)(ASIC or FPGA)

    ASIC > ADK > TSMC 0.35 micronASIC > ADK > TSMC 0.35 micron3.3. Read input VHDL/Read input VHDL/VerilogVerilog file(sfile(s): ): count4.vhdcount4.vhd4.4. Enter any constraints (clock freq, delays, etc.)Enter any constraints (clock freq, delays, etc.)5.5. Optimize for area/delay/effort levelOptimize for area/delay/effort level6.6. Write output Write output file(sfile(s))

    count4_0.vhdcount4_0.vhd -- VHDL VHDL netlistnetlist count4.vcount4.v -- VerilogVerilog netlistnetlist (for IC layout)(for IC layout) count4.sdf count4.sdf -- Standard delay format file Standard delay format file (for timing)(for timing) count4.edf count4.edf -- EDIF EDIF netlistnetlist (for Xilinx/(for Xilinx/AlteraAltera FPGA)FPGA)

  • LeonardoLeonardo--synthesized synthesized netlistnetlist count4_0.vhdcount4_0.vhdlibrary IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;library library adkadk; use ; use adk.adk_components.alladk.adk_components.all; ; ---- ADDED BY VPNADDED BY VPNentity count4 isentity count4 is

    port (port (clock : IN clock : IN std_logicstd_logic ; clear : IN ; clear : IN std_logicstd_logic ; enable : IN ; enable : IN std_logicstd_logic ; ; load_countload_count : IN : IN std_logicstd_logic ;;D : IN D : IN std_logic_vectorstd_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0) ; Q : OUT (3 DOWNTO 0) ; Q : OUT std_logic_vectorstd_logic_vector (3 DOWNTO 0)) ;(3 DOWNTO 0)) ;

    end count4 ;end count4 ;

    architecturearchitecture netlistnetlist of count4 isof count4 is ---- rtlrtl changed to changed to netlistnetlist by VPNby VPNsignal Q_3_EXMPLR, Q_2_EXMPLR, Q_1_EXMPLR, Q_0_EXMPLR, nx8, nsignal Q_3_EXMPLR, Q_2_EXMPLR, Q_1_EXMPLR, Q_0_EXMPLR, nx8, nx14, nx22, x14, nx22,

    nx28, nx48, nx54, nx62, nx126, nx136, nx146, nx156, nx28, nx48, nx54, nx62, nx126, nx136, nx146, nx156, nx169, nx181, nx169, nx181, nx183, nx185, nx187, nx189: nx183, nx185, nx187, nx189: std_logicstd_logic ;;

    beginbeginQ(3) nx126, CLK=>clock, R=>clear);lear);ix127 : mux21_ni port map ( Y=>nx126, A0=>Q_0_EXMPLR, A1=>nx8ix127 : mux21_ni port map ( Y=>nx126, A0=>Q_0_EXMPLR, A1=>nx8, S0=>enable );, S0=>enable );ix9 : oai21 port map ( Y=>nx8, A0=>ix9 : oai21 port map ( Y=>nx8, A0=>load_countload_count, A1=>Q_0_EXMPLR, B0=>nx169 );, A1=>Q_0_EXMPLR, B0=>nx169 );ix170 : nand02 port map ( Y=>nx169, A0=>D(0), A1=>ix170 : nand02 port map ( Y=>nx169, A0=>D(0), A1=>load_countload_count););Q_1_EXMPLR_EXMPLR : Q_1_EXMPLR_EXMPLR : dffrdffr port map ( Q=>Q_1_EXMPLR, QB=>OPEN, D=>nx136, CLK=>clock,port map ( Q=>Q_1_EXMPLR, QB=>OPEN, D=>nx136, CLK=>clock, R=>clear);R=>clear);ix137 : mux21_ni port map ( Y=>nx136, A0=>Q_1_EXMPLR, A1=>nx2ix137 : mux21_ni port map ( Y=>nx136, A0=>Q_1_EXMPLR, A1=>nx28, S0=> enable);8, S0=> enable);ix29 : ao22 port map ( Y=>nx28, A0=>D(1), A1=>ix29 : ao22 port map ( Y=>nx28, A0=>D(1), A1=>load_countload_count, B0=>nx14, B1=> nx22);, B0=>nx14, B1=> nx22);ix15 : or02 port map ( Y=>nx14, A0=>Q_0_EXMPLR, A1=>Q_1_EXMix15 : or02 port map ( Y=>nx14, A0=>Q_0_EXMPLR, A1=>Q_1_EXMPLR);PLR);ix23 : aoi21 port map ( Y=>nx22, A0=>Q_1_EXMPLR, A1=>Q_0_EXix23 : aoi21 port map ( Y=>nx22, A0=>Q_1_EXMPLR, A1=>Q_0_EXMPLR, B0=> MPLR, B0=> load_countload_count););Q_2_EXMPLR_EXMPLR : Q_2_EXMPLR_EXMPLR : dffrdffr port map ( Q=>Q_2_EXMPLR, QB=>OPEN, D=>nx146, CLK=>clock, R=>port map ( Q=>Q_2_EXMPLR, QB=>OPEN, D=>nx146, CLK=>clock, R=>clear);clear);ix147 : mux21_ni port map ( Y=>nx146, A0=>Q_2_EXMPLR, A1=>nx4ix147 : mux21_ni port map ( Y=>nx146, A0=>Q_2_EXMPLR, A1=>nx48, S0=> enable);8, S0=> enable);ix49 : oai21 port map ( Y=>nx48, A0=>nx181, A1=>nx183, B0=>ix49 : oai21 port map ( Y=>nx48, A0=>nx181, A1=>nx183, B0=>nx189);nx189);ix182 : aoi21 port map ( Y=>nx181, A0=>Q_1_EXMPLR, A1=>Q_0_EXix182 : aoi21 port map ( Y=>nx181, A0=>Q_1_EXMPLR, A1=>Q_0_EXMPLR, B0=> Q_2_EXMPLR);MPLR, B0=> Q_2_EXMPLR);ix184 : nand02 port map ( Y=>nx183, A0=>nx185, A1=>nx187);ix184 : nand02 port map ( Y=>nx183, A0=>nx185, A1=>nx187);ix186 : inv01 port map ( Y=>nx185, A=>ix186 : inv01 port map ( Y=>nx185, A=>load_countload_count););ix188 : nand03 port map ( Y=>nx187, A0=>Q_2_EXMPLR, A1=>Q_1_Eix188 : nand03 port map ( Y=>nx187, A0=>Q_2_EXMPLR, A1=>Q_1_EXMPLR, A2=> Q_0_EXMPLR);XMPLR, A2=> Q_0_EXMPLR);ix190 : nand02 port map ( Y=>nx189, A0=>D(2), A1=>ix190 : nand02 port map ( Y=>nx189, A0=>D(2), A1=>load_countload_count););Q_3_EXMPLR_EXMPLR : Q_3_EXMPLR_EXMPLR : dffrdffr port map ( Q=>Q_3_EXMPLR, QB=>OPEN, D=>nx156, CLK=>clock, R=>clport map ( Q=>Q_3_EXMPLR, QB=>OPEN, D=>nx156, CLK=>clock, R=>clear);ear);ix157 : mux21_ni port map ( Y=>nx156, A0=>Q_3_EXMPLR, A1=>nx6ix157 : mux21_ni port map ( Y=>nx156, A0=>Q_3_EXMPLR, A1=>nx62, S0=> enable);2, S0=> enable);ix63 : mux21_ni port map ( Y=>nx62, A0=>nx54, A1=>D(3), S0=ix63 : mux21_ni port map ( Y=>nx62, A0=>nx54, A1=>D(3), S0=>>load_countload_count););ix55 : xnor2 port map ( Y=>nx54, A0=>Q_3_EXMPLR, A1=>nx187)ix55 : xnor2 port map ( Y=>nx54, A0=>Q_3_EXMPLR, A1=>nx187);;

    end end netlistnetlist ;;

  • // // VerilogVerilog description for cell count4, description for cell count4, LeonardoSpectrumLeonardoSpectrum Level 3, 2005a.82 Level 3, 2005a.82 module count4 ( clock, clear, enable, module count4 ( clock, clear, enable, load_countload_count, D, Q ) ;, D, Q ) ;

    input clock ;input clock ;input clear ;input clear ;input enable ;input enable ;input input load_countload_count ;;input [3:0]D ;input [3:0]D ;output [3:0]Q ;output [3:0]Q ;

    wire nx8, nx14, nx22, nx28, nx48, nx54, nx62, nx126, nx136, wire nx8, nx14, nx22, nx28, nx48, nx54, nx62, nx126, nx136, nx146, nx156, nx169, nx181, nx183, nx185, nx187, nx146, nx156, nx169, nx181, nx183, nx185, nx187, nx189;nx189;

    wire [3:0] wire [3:0] \\$dummy ;$dummy ;

    dffrdffr Q_0__rename_rename (.Q (Q[0]), .QB (Q_0__rename_rename (.Q (Q[0]), .QB (\\$dummy [0]), .D (nx126), .CLK (clock), .R (clear)) ;$dummy [0]), .D (nx126), .CLK (clock), .R (clear)) ;mux21_ni ix127 (.Y (nx126), .A0 (Q[0]), .A1 (nx8), .S0 (enabmux21_ni ix127 (.Y (nx126), .A0 (Q[0]), .A1 (nx8), .S0 (enable)) ;le)) ;oai21 ix9 (.Y (nx8), .A0 (oai21 ix9 (.Y (nx8), .A0 (load_countload_count), .A1 (Q[0]), .B0 (nx169)) ;), .A1 (Q[0]), .B0 (nx169)) ;nand02 ix170 (.Y (nx169), .A0 (D[0]), .A1 (nand02 ix170 (.Y (nx169), .A0 (D[0]), .A1 (load_countload_count)) ;)) ;dffrdffr Q_1__rename_rename (.Q (Q[1]), .QB (Q_1__rename_rename (.Q (Q[1]), .QB (\\$dummy [1]), .D (nx136), .CLK (clock), .R (clear)) ;$dummy [1]), .D (nx136), .CLK (clock), .R (clear)) ;mux21_ni ix137 (.Y (nx136), .A0 (Q[1]), .A1 (nx28), .S0 (enamux21_ni ix137 (.Y (nx136), .A0 (Q[1]), .A1 (nx28), .S0 (enable)) ;ble)) ;ao22 ix29 (.Y (nx28), .A0 (D[1]), .A1 (ao22 ix29 (.Y (nx28), .A0 (D[1]), .A1 (load_countload_count), .B0 (nx14), .B1 (nx22) ) ;), .B0 (nx14), .B1 (nx22) ) ;or02 ix15 (.Y (nx14), .A0 (Q[0]), .A1 (Q[1])) ;or02 ix15 (.Y (nx14), .A0 (Q[0]), .A1 (Q[1])) ;aoi21 ix23 (.Y (nx22), .A0 (Q[1]), .A1 (Q[0]), .B0 (aoi21 ix23 (.Y (nx22), .A0 (Q[1]), .A1 (Q[0]), .B0 (load_countload_count)) ;)) ;dffrdffr Q_2__rename_rename (.Q (Q[2]), .QB (Q_2__rename_rename (.Q (Q[2]), .QB (\\$dummy [2]), .D (nx146), .CLK (clock), .R (clear)) ;$dummy [2]), .D (nx146), .CLK (clock), .R (clear)) ;mux21_ni ix147 (.Y (nx146), .A0 (Q[2]), .A1 (nx48), .S0 (enamux21_ni ix147 (.Y (nx146), .A0 (Q[2]), .A1 (nx48), .S0 (enable)) ;ble)) ;oai21 ix49 (.Y (nx48), .A0 (nx181), .A1 (nx183), .B0 (nx189)oai21 ix49 (.Y (nx48), .A0 (nx181), .A1 (nx183), .B0 (nx189)) ;) ;aoi21 ix182 (.Y (nx181), .A0 (Q[1]), .A1 (Q[0]), .B0 (Q[2]))aoi21 ix182 (.Y (nx181), .A0 (Q[1]), .A1 (Q[0]), .B0 (Q[2])) ;;nand02 ix184 (.Y (nx183), .A0 (nx185), .A1 (nx187)) ;nand02 ix184 (.Y (nx183), .A0 (nx185), .A1 (nx187)) ;inv01 ix186 (.Y (nx185), .A (inv01 ix186 (.Y (nx185), .A (load_countload_count)) ;)) ;nand03 ix188 (.Y (nx187), .A0 (Q[2]), .A1 (Q[1]), .A2 (Q[0])nand03 ix188 (.Y (nx187), .A0 (Q[2]), .A1 (Q[1]), .A2 (Q[0])) ;) ;nand02 ix190 (.Y (nx189), .A0 (D[2]), .A1 (nand02 ix190 (.Y (nx189), .A0 (D[2]), .A1 (load_countload_count)) ;)) ;dffrdffr Q_3__rename_rename (.Q (Q[3]), .QB (Q_3__rename_rename (.Q (Q[3]), .QB (\\$dummy [3]), .D (nx156), .CLK (clock), .R (clear)) ;$dummy [3]), .D (nx156), .CLK (clock), .R (clear)) ;mux21_ni ix157 (.Y (nx156), .A0 (Q[3]), .A1 (nx62), .S0 (enamux21_ni ix157 (.Y (nx156), .A0 (Q[3]), .A1 (nx62), .S0 (enable)) ;ble)) ;mux21_ni ix63 (.Y (nx62), .A0 (nx54), .A1 (D[3]), .S0 (mux21_ni ix63 (.Y (nx62), .A0 (nx54), .A1 (D[3]), .S0 (load_countload_count)) ;)) ;xnor2 ix55 (.Y (nx54), .A0 (Q[3]), .A1 (nx187)) ;xnor2 ix55 (.Y (nx54), .A0 (Q[3]), .A1 (nx187)) ;


  • PostPost--synthesis simulationsynthesis simulation((LeonardoLeonardo--generated generated netlistnetlist))

    Verify synthesized Verify synthesized netlistnetlist matches behavioral matches behavioral modelmodel

    Create simulation primitives library for std cells:Create simulation primitives library for std cells:>>vlibvlib adkadk>>vcomvcom $ADK/technology/$ADK/technology/adk.vhdadk.vhd>>vcomvcom $ADK/technology/$ADK/technology/adk_comp.vhdadk_comp.vhd

    Insert library/package declaration into Insert library/package declaration into netlistnetlistlibrary library adkadk;;use use adk.adk_components.alladk.adk_components.all;;

    Simulate in Simulate in ModelsimModelsim, using , using do filedo file or test bench from or test bench from original behavioral simulation original behavioral simulation results should matchresults should match

    VITALmodels of all ADK std cells

  • PostPost--synthesis timing analysissynthesis timing analysis Leonardo can generate SDF (std. delay format) file with Leonardo can generate SDF (std. delay format) file with

    technologytechnology--specific, VITALspecific, VITAL--compliant timing parameters.compliant timing parameters.


    (ABSOLUTE(ABSOLUTE(PORT D (::0.00) (::0.00))(PORT D (::0.00) (::0.00))(PORT CLK (::0.00) (::0.00))(PORT CLK (::0.00) (::0.00))(PORT R (::0.00) (::0.00))(PORT R (::0.00) (::0.00))(IOPATH CLK Q (::0.40) (::0.47))(IOPATH CLK Q (::0.40) (::0.47))(IOPATH R Q (::0.00) (::0.55))(IOPATH R Q (::0.00) (::0.55))(IOPATH CLK QB (::0.45) (::0.36))(IOPATH CLK QB (::0.45) (::0.36))(IOPATH R QB (::0.53) (::0.00))))(IOPATH R QB (::0.53) (::0.00))))

    (TIMINGCHECK(TIMINGCHECK(SETUP D ((SETUP D (posedgeposedge CLK) (0.47))CLK) (0.47))(HOLD D ((HOLD D (posedgeposedge CLK) (CLK) (--0.06))))0.06))))

  • Design for test & test generationDesign for test & test generation

    Consider test during the Consider test during the designdesign phasephase Test design more difficult after design frozenTest design more difficult after design frozen

    Basic steps:Basic steps: Design for test (DFT) Design for test (DFT) insert test points, scan insert test points, scan

    chains, etc. to improve testabilitychains, etc. to improve testability Insert builtInsert built--in selfin self--test (BIST) circuitstest (BIST) circuits Generate test patterns (ATPG)Generate test patterns (ATPG) Determine fault coverage (Fault Simulation)Determine fault coverage (Fault Simulation)

  • DFT & test design flowDFT & test design flow

    Memory& LogicBIST Boundary


    InternalScan Design


  • DFTadvisor/FastScanDFTadvisor/FastScan Design FlowDesign Flow

    Source: FlexTest Manual






    Insert Internal Scan Circuitry

    Generate/VerifyTest Vectors

    Synthesized VHDL/Verilog Netlist


    ATPG Library

    DFT Advisor


    VHDL/VerilogNetlist With

    Scan Elements

    Test Pattern File

  • Example Example DFTadvisorDFTadvisor sessionsession Invoke: Invoke:

    dftadvisordftadvisor verilogverilog count4.v count4.v lib $ADK/technology/lib $ADK/technology/adk.atpgadk.atpg

    Implement scan with defaults:Implement scan with defaults:(full scan, (full scan, muxmux--DFF scan elements)DFF scan elements)

    set system mode setupset system mode setup analyze control signals analyze control signals autoauto set system mode set system mode dftdft runrun insert test logicinsert test logic write write netlistnetlist count4_scan.v count4_scan.v verilogverilog write write atpgatpg setup count4_scan setup count4_scan

    (creates count4_scan.dofile for ATPG in (creates count4_scan.dofile for ATPG in FastscanFastscan))

  • count4 count4 without scan designwithout scan design

  • count4 count4 scan inserted by scan inserted by DFTadvisorDFTadvisor

  • ATPG with ATPG with FastScanFastScan(full(full--scan circuit)scan circuit)

    Invoke: Invoke: fastscanfastscan verilogverilog count4.v count4.v lib $ADK/technology/lib $ADK/technology/adk.atpgadk.atpg

    Generate test pattern file:Generate test pattern file: dofiledofile count4_scan.dofile count4_scan.dofile (defines scan path & procedure)(defines scan path & procedure) set system mode set system mode atpgatpg create patterns create patterns auto auto (generate test patterns)(generate test patterns) save patternssave patterns

    Note: count4_scan.dofile created by DFTadvisor

  • Test file: scan chain definition and Test file: scan chain definition and load/unload proceduresload/unload procedures

    scan_groupscan_group "grp1" ="grp1" =scan_chainscan_chain "chain1" ="chain1" =

    scan_inscan_in = "/scan_in1";= "/scan_in1";scan_outscan_out = "/output[3]";= "/output[3]";length = 4;length = 4;

    end;end;procedure shift "grp1_load_shift" =procedure shift "grp1_load_shift" =

    force_sciforce_sci "chain1" 0;"chain1" 0;force "/clock" 1 20;force "/clock" 1 20;force "/clock" 0 30;force "/clock" 0 30;period 40;period 40;

    end;end;procedure shift "grp1_unload_shift" =procedure shift "grp1_unload_shift" =

    measure_scomeasure_sco "chain1" 10;"chain1" 10;force "/clock" 1 20;force "/clock" 1 20;force "/clock" 0 30;force "/clock" 0 30;period 40;period 40;


    procedure load "grp1_load" =procedure load "grp1_load" =force "/clear" 0 0;force "/clear" 0 0;force "/clock" 0 0;force "/clock" 0 0;force "/force "/scan_enscan_en" 1 0;" 1 0;apply "grp1_load_shift" 4 40;apply "grp1_load_shift" 4 40;

    end;end;procedure unload "grp1_unload" =procedure unload "grp1_unload" =

    force "/clear" 0 0;force "/clear" 0 0;force "/clock" 0 0;force "/clock" 0 0;force "/force "/scan_enscan_en" 1 0;" 1 0;apply "grp1_unload_shift" 4 40;apply "grp1_unload_shift" 4 40;


  • Generated scanGenerated scan--based testbased test// send a pattern through the scan chain// send a pattern through the scan chainCHAIN_TEST =CHAIN_TEST =

    pattern = 0;pattern = 0;apply "grp1_load" 0 = apply "grp1_load" 0 = (use grp1_load procedure)(use grp1_load procedure)

    chain "chain1" = "0011"; chain "chain1" = "0011"; (pattern to scan in)(pattern to scan in)end;end;apply "grp1_unload" 1 = apply "grp1_unload" 1 = (use grp1_unload procedure)(use grp1_unload procedure)

    chain "chain1" = "1100"; chain "chain1" = "1100"; (pattern scanned out)(pattern scanned out)end;end;

    end;end;// one of 14 patterns for the counter circuit// one of 14 patterns for the counter circuitpattern = 0; pattern = 0; (pattern #)(pattern #)

    apply "grp1_load" 0 = apply "grp1_load" 0 = (load scan chain)(load scan chain)chain "chain1" = "1000"; chain "chain1" = "1000"; (scan(scan--in pattern)in pattern)

    end;end;force "PI" "00110" 1; force "PI" "00110" 1; (PI pattern)(PI pattern)measure "PO" "0010" 2; measure "PO" "0010" 2; (expected POs)(expected POs)pulse "/clock" 3; pulse "/clock" 3; (normal op. cycle)(normal op. cycle)apply "grp1_unload" 4 = apply "grp1_unload" 4 = (read scan chain)(read scan chain)

    chain "chain1" = "0110"; chain "chain1" = "0110"; (expected pattern)(expected pattern)end;end;

  • ASIC Physical Design (Standard Cell)ASIC Physical Design (Standard Cell)(can also do full custom layout)(can also do full custom layout)


    Place & RouteStd. Cells

    Component-Level Netlist (EDDM format)

    IC Mask Data

    Design RuleCheck

    Std. CellLayouts

    Mentor GraphicsIC Station


    Mach TA/Eldo Simulation Model


    GenerateMask Data

    Layout vs.Schematic


    Design Rules

    Process Data


    Calibre Calibre Calibre


  • CellCell--Based ICBased IC

  • CellCell--Based BlockBased Block

  • Source: Weste CMOS VLSI Design

    Basic standardCell layout

  • Preparation for LayoutPreparation for Layout1.1. Use Design ArchitectUse Design Architect--IC to convert IC to convert VerilogVerilog netlistnetlist to to

    Mentor Graphics EDDM Mentor Graphics EDDM netlistnetlist formatformat Invoke Design ArchitectInvoke Design Architect--IC IC ((adk_daicadk_daic)) On menu bar, select On menu bar, select File > Import File > Import VerilogVerilog NetlistNetlist file: file: count4.v count4.v (the (the VerilogVerilog netlistnetlist)) Output directory: Output directory: count4count4 (for the EDDM (for the EDDM netlistnetlist)) Mapping file Mapping file $ADK/technology/$ADK/technology/adk_map.vmpadk_map.vmp

    2.2. Open the generated schematic for viewingOpen the generated schematic for viewing Click Click SchematicSchematic in DAin DA--IC palette IC palette Select schematic in directory named above Select schematic in directory named above (see next slide)(see next slide) Click Click Update LVS Update LVS in the schematic palette to create a in the schematic palette to create a netlistnetlist to to

    be used later by be used later by CalibreCalibre3.3. Create design viewpoints for Create design viewpoints for ICstationICstation toolstools

    adk_dveadk_dve count4 count4 t tsmc035 t tsmc035 ((V.PV.Pss: layout, : layout, lvslvs, , sdlsdl, tsmc035), tsmc035) Can also create gate/transistor schematics directly in Can also create gate/transistor schematics directly in

    DADA--IC using components from the ADK libraryIC using components from the ADK library

  • DADA--IC generated schematicIC generated schematic

  • EldoEldo simulation from DAsimulation from DA--ICIC

    Run simulations from within DARun simulations from within DA--ICIC EldoEldo, , ADVanceADVance MSMS, , Mach TAMach TA

    DADA--IC invokes a IC invokes a netlisternetlister to create a to create a circuit model from the schematiccircuit model from the schematic SPICE model for SPICE model for EldoEldo & & Mach TAMach TA

    EldoEldo analyses, forces, probes, etc. same analyses, forces, probes, etc. same as SPICEas SPICE

    View results in View results in EZwaveEZwave or or XelgaXelga

  • EldoEldo input and output filesinput and output files

    -Netlist-Simulation cmds-Stimulus

  • SPICE netlist for modulo7 counterSPICE circuit file generated by DA-IC

    Force values (created interactively)

    From ADKlibrary

  • EldoEldo simulation of modulo7 countersimulation of modulo7 counter(transient analysis)(transient analysis)

  • Create a stdCreate a std--cell based logic block cell based logic block in IC Stationin IC Station

    Invoke: Invoke: adk_icadk_ic In IC Station palette, select:In IC Station palette, select: Create CellCreate Cell

    Cell name: Cell name: count4count4 Attach library: Attach library: $ADK/technology/ic/process/tsmc035$ADK/technology/ic/process/tsmc035 Process: Process: $ADK/technology/ic/process/tsmc035$ADK/technology/ic/process/tsmc035 Rules file: Rules file: $ADK/technology/ic/process/tsmc035.rules$ADK/technology/ic/process/tsmc035.rules Angle mode: Angle mode: 4545 Cell type: Cell type: blockblock Select Select With connectivityWith connectivity EDDM schematic viewpoint:EDDM schematic viewpoint: count4/layoutcount4/layout Logic loading options:Logic loading options: flatflat

  • Create Cell dialog boxCreate Cell dialog box

  • AutoAuto--floorplanfloorplan the blockthe blockplace & route > place & route > autofpautofp

  • AutoAuto--place the std cellsplace the std cellsAutoplcAutoplc > > StdCelStdCel

  • AutoAuto--place place portsports ((AutoplcAutoplc > Ports)> Ports)Signal connections on cell boundariesSignal connections on cell boundaries

  • AutoRoute all netsAutoRoute all nets(hand(hand--route any route any unroutedunrouted overflowsoverflows))

    Then: Add > Port Text to copy port names from schematic for Calibre

  • Layout design rule check (DRC)Layout design rule check (DRC)

    TechnologyTechnology--specific design rules specify specific design rules specify minimum sizes, spacing, etc. of features minimum sizes, spacing, etc. of features to ensure reliable fabricationto ensure reliable fabrication Design rules file specified at startupDesign rules file specified at startup

    Ex. Ex. tsmc035.rulestsmc035.rules From main palette, select From main palette, select ICrulesICrules

    Click Click Check Check and thenand then OK OK in prompt boxin prompt box(can optionally select a specific area to check)(can optionally select a specific area to check)

    Rules checked in numeric orderRules checked in numeric order

  • Common errors detected by DRCCommon errors detected by DRC

    To fix, click on To fix, click on FirstFirst in palette to highlight first in palette to highlight first error error Error is highlighted in the layoutError is highlighted in the layout Click Click ViewView to zoom in to the error (see next)to zoom in to the error (see next) Example: DRC9_2: Metal2 spacing = 3LExample: DRC9_2: Metal2 spacing = 3L Fix by drawing a rectangle of metal2 to fill in the gap Fix by drawing a rectangle of metal2 to fill in the gap

    between contacts that should be connectedbetween contacts that should be connected Click Click NextNext to go to next error, until all are fixedto go to next error, until all are fixed

    NOTE: There can be no DRC errors if MOSIS is to NOTE: There can be no DRC errors if MOSIS is to fabricate the chip fabricate the chip they will run their own DRC.they will run their own DRC.

  • Error: DRC9_2 metal2 spacing = 3LError: DRC9_2 metal2 spacing = 3L

    Draw rectangleof metal2to fill gap

    It also called contact-to-contact metal 2 spacing DRC9 2 error

  • Layout Layout vsvs schematic checkschematic checkCalibreCalibre Interactive LVSInteractive LVS

    From From ICstationICstation menu: menu: CalibreCalibre > Run LVS> Run LVS In popup, In popup, CalibreCalibre location: location: $MGC_HOME/../$MGC_HOME/../CalibreCalibre Rules: Rules: $ADK/technology/ic/process/tsmc035.calibre.rules$ADK/technology/ic/process/tsmc035.calibre.rules Input: Input: (previously created in DA(previously created in DA--IC)IC) HH--cells: cells: $ADK/technology/$ADK/technology/adk.hcelladk.hcell (hierarchical cells)(hierarchical cells) Extracted file: Extracted file:

    Compares extracted transistorCompares extracted transistor--level level netlistnetlist vs. vs. netlistnetlist saved in DAsaved in DA--ICIC

  • PostPost--layout parameter extractionlayout parameter extractionCalibreCalibre Interactive PEXInteractive PEX

    Extract Spice Extract Spice netlistnetlist, including parasitic RC, including parasitic RC Simulate in Simulate in EldoEldo or or MachTAMachTA

    ICstationICstation menu: menu: CalibreCalibre>Run PEX>Run PEX Options similar to Options similar to CalibreCalibre LVSLVS Extraction options:Extraction options: lumped C + coupling caplumped C + coupling capss distributed RCdistributed RC distributed RC + coupling capdistributed RC + coupling capss

    Output file: count4.pex.netlistOutput file: count4.pex.netlist

  • PostPost--layout simulation with layout simulation with MachTAMachTA

    MachTAMachTA is an accelerated Spice simulatoris an accelerated Spice simulator Digital & mixedDigital & mixed--signal circuitssignal circuits Analyze timing effects preAnalyze timing effects pre-- and postand post--layoutlayout SPICE SPICE netlistsnetlists with parasitic R/Cwith parasitic R/C

    Execute test vector file to verify functionalityExecute test vector file to verify functionality

    Algorithms support large designs Algorithms support large designs Partition design, simulate only partitions with changesPartition design, simulate only partitions with changes Combine timeCombine time--driven & eventdriven & event--driven operationdriven operation Solves linearized models using a proprietary high-

    performance, graph-theory based, matrix solution algorithm

  • Mach TA flow diagramMach TA flow diagram



  • PostPost--layout simulation with Mach TAlayout simulation with Mach TA((netlistnetlist extracted by extracted by CalibreCalibre PEX)PEX)

    Prepare Prepare netlistnetlist (remove (remove subcircuitssubcircuits for Mach TA)for Mach TA) Extracted Extracted netlistnetlist = = count4.pex.netlistcount4.pex.netlist Command: Command: $ADK/bin/$ADK/bin/mta_prepmta_prep count4count4 Creates SPICE file: Creates SPICE file: count4.spcount4.sp

    Invoke Mach TA:Invoke Mach TA:anaana -- command file to initialize command file to initialize AnacadAnacad SWSWmtamta ezwezw t $ADK/technology/mta/tsmc035 count4.spt $ADK/technology/mta/tsmc035 count4.sp

    Mach PA (mpa) does current & power analysis

  • Sample Mach TA Sample Mach TA dofiledofile(transient analysis)(transient analysis)

    plot plot v(clkv(clk) v(q[2]) v(q[1]) v(q[0])) v(q[2]) v(q[1]) v(q[0])measure rising TRIG measure rising TRIG v(clkv(clk) VAL=2.5v RISE=1 TARG v(q[0]) VAL=2.5v) VAL=2.5v RISE=1 TARG v(q[0]) VAL=2.5vl loadl loadl resetl reseth counth countl l clkclkrun 5 nsrun 5 nsh reseth reseth h clkclkrun 5 nsrun 5 nsl l clkclkrun 5 nsrun 5 nsh h clkclkrun 5 nsrun 5 ns

    Signals to observe in EZwave

    Measure time from rising edge of clk (TRIGger)to 1st rising edge of q[0] (TARGet) - voltages

    Drive signals low/high (Lsim format)

    Simulate for 5 ns

    Command to execute: dofile

  • EZwaveEZwave waveform viewerwaveform viewer(results for previous (results for previous dofiledofile))

    Double-clicksignal nameto display.

  • Alternative Mach TA Alternative Mach TA dofiledofile(same result as previous example)(same result as previous example)

    plot plot v(clkv(clk) v(q[2]) v(q[1]) v(q[0])) v(q[2]) v(q[1]) v(q[0])measure rising TRIG measure rising TRIG v(clkv(clk) VAL=2.5v RISE=1 TARG v(q[0]) ) VAL=2.5v RISE=1 TARG v(q[0])

    VAL=2.5vVAL=2.5vvpulsevpulse VclkVclk clkclk 0 pulse(0 3.3 10n .05n 0 pulse(0 3.3 10n .05n .05n.05n 10n 20n)10n 20n)l loadl loadl resetl reseth counth countrun 5 nsrun 5 nsh reseth resetrun 200 nsrun 200 ns

    Voltage source name

    Nodes to whichsource connected

    v-levels delay rise fall width period

    Periodic pulses

  • Mach TA Mach TA test vector filetest vector file

    Verify design functionality/behaviorVerify design functionality/behavior apply test vectorsapply test vectors capture outputscapture outputs compare outputs to expected resultcompare outputs to expected result vectors/outputs from behavioral simulationvectors/outputs from behavioral simulation

    Command to execute a test vector file:Command to execute a test vector file:run run tvendtvend

    test vector file (next slide)

  • Test vector file formatTest vector file format# Test vector file for modulo7 counter# Test vector file for modulo7 counterCODEFILECODEFILEUNITS UNITS pspsRISE_TIME 50RISE_TIME 50FALL_TIME 50FALL_TIME 50INPUTS clk,reset,load,count,i[2],i[1],i[0];INPUTS clk,reset,load,count,i[2],i[1],i[0];OUTPUTS q[2] (to=max),q[1] (to=max),q[0] (to=max);OUTPUTS q[2] (to=max),q[1] (to=max),q[0] (to=max);CODING(ROM)CODING(ROM)RADIX 3;RADIX 3;@0 X;@0 X;@2000 0;@2000 0;@7000 0;@7000 0;@10000 5;@10000 5;@20000 5;@20000 5;@30000 6;@30000 6;@40000 6;@40000 6;@50000 0;@50000 0;@60000 0;@60000 0;....ENDEND


    Vectors: @time expected_output

    Sample 5 fs before next vector

    signal order within vectors

    Test vectors derived from behavioral simulation results

    Vector format

  • Behavioral simulation listing Corresponding Mach TA test vector file

  • Alternate test vector fileAlternate test vector file(clock generated separately by voltage source)(clock generated separately by voltage source)

    vpulse vclk clk 0 pulse(0 3.3 10n .5n .5n 10n 20n)

    Can mix other simulationcommands with test vectorapplication.

  • Physical Design Physical Design -- FPGAFPGA

    Map to FPGA LUTs, FFs, IOBs

    Place & Route

    Component-Level Netlist

    Configuration File

    Generate Programming


    Xilinx ISEAltera Max Plus 2

    FPGA/PLD Technology


    Simulation Model

    Generate Timing Model

  • Xilinx/Xilinx/AlteraAltera FPGA/CPLD DesignFPGA/CPLD Design Technology files & libraries for frontTechnology files & libraries for front--end design with end design with

    Mentor Graphics toolsMentor Graphics tools Schematic symbols for Schematic symbols for Design ArchitectDesign Architect Simulation models forSimulation models for QuicksimQuicksim II, II, QuicksimQuicksim ProPro Synthesis library for Synthesis library for LeonardoLeonardo

    Vendor tools for backVendor tools for back--end design end design (map, place, route, configure, timing)(map, place, route, configure, timing)

    Xilinx Xilinx Integrated Software EnvironmentIntegrated Software Environment (ISE)(ISE) AlteraAltera QuartusQuartus II & Max+Plus2II & Max+Plus2

    VLSI/FPGADesign and Test Flow with Mentor Graphics CAD ToolsMentor Graphics CAD Tool SuitesMentor Graphics CAD Tools (select eda/mentor in user-setup on the Sun network*)Mentor Graphics ASIC Design Kit (ADK)Xilinx/Altera FPGA/CPLD Design ASIC Design FlowBehavioral Design & Verification(mostly technology-independent)ADVance MS Simulation SystemADVance MSDigital, Analog, Mixed-Signal SimulationExample: 4-bit binary counterTest stimulus:Modelsim do file: count4_rtl.doTestbench: count4_bench.vhdCount4 Simulation waveformADVance MS : mixed-signal simulationADVance MS: mixed Verilog-SPICEAutomated Synthesis with Leonardo SpectrumLeonardo ASIC Synthesis FlowLeonardo synthesis procedurePost-synthesis simulation(Leonardo-generated netlist)Post-synthesis timing analysisDesign for test & test generationDFT & test design flowDFTadvisor/FastScan Design FlowASIC DFT FlowExample DFTadvisor sessioncount4 without scan designcount4 scan inserted by DFTadvisorATPG with FastScan (full-scan circuit)Test file: scan chain definition and load/unload proceduresGenerated scan-based test ASIC Physical Design (Standard Cell)(can also do full custom layout)Cell-Based ICCell-Based BlockPreparation for LayoutDA-IC generated schematicEldo simulation from DA-ICEldo input and output filesEldo simulation of modulo7 counter(transient analysis)Create a std-cell based logic block in IC StationCreate Cell dialog boxAuto-floorplan the blockplace & route > autofpAuto-place the std cellsAutoplc > StdCelAuto-place ports (Autoplc > Ports) Signal connections on cell boundariesAutoRoute all nets(hand-route any unrouted overflows)Layout design rule check (DRC)Common errors detected by DRCError: DRC9_2 metal2 spacing = 3LLayout vs schematic checkCalibre Interactive LVSPost-layout parameter extractionCalibre Interactive PEXPost-layout simulation with MachTAMach TA flow diagramPost-layout simulation with Mach TA(netlist extracted by Calibre PEX)Sample Mach TA dofile(transient analysis)EZwave waveform viewer(results for previous dofile)Alternative Mach TA dofile(same result as previous example)Mach TA test vector fileTest vector file formatAlternate test vector file(clock generated separately by voltage source)Physical Design - FPGAXilinx/Altera FPGA/CPLD Design