aspects to the nadir

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  • 7/29/2019 Aspects to the Nadir



    The nadir or Fourth House Cusp is closely related to the Moon and her major influences upon

    our lives. Here is a list of several vital factors that reveal the essential meanings of this important

    point of the natal chart:

    1. It reveals the most subjective facet of our livesour psychological foundations.

    2. It concerns our relationship to our mother and father and by extension to our entire

    genetic pool. It is thus along with the position of the Moon and natal ruler of the Fourth,

    a main expression of our biological karma.

    3. It represents our domestic life and our psychological relationship to the concept of


    4. It is closely associated with what we could call the karmic roots of the personality and

    is thus the soil in which the lower self must be anchored in order that the nature of the

    soul may flourish.

    5. All of the above are modified and seen through the lens of the sign on this house cusp.

    Lets explore and expand our understanding of the nadir even further through a discussion of the

    effects that the planets have on this vital factor of the horoscope when in major aspect to it. Please

    note: You can take much of what is written about the conjunction of a given planet to the nadir as

    also indicating the meaning of that planet when in the Fourth House. Just keep in mind that the

    closer that planet is to an actual conjunction the more intensely will that planet affect Fourth House

    applications. Use an orb of 3 from the Third House and 5 from within the Fourth to indicate such a


  • 7/29/2019 Aspects to the Nadir



    The Sun: When the Sun is in conjunction to the nadir, our sense of personal identity is firmly

    entrenched in our biological or family roots. We tend to view our domicile as the foundation point

    for all of our endeavors and constantly work to increase our power base. The affairs of the

    astrological house upon which the sign Leo sits will be brought immediately into the home. For

    example, if the 10th house has the Lion on its cusp and the Sun is conjoined the nadir, the individual

    is highly likely to work out of his or her house. But more than this, ones profession is at the central

    core of ones life, the very cornerstone of self-identity. Look for the father to play the more

    important role in the early home environment. A trine or sextile from the Sun to the nadir enhances

    the ability to find vitality and strength in ones roots. It adds to self-confidence and strengthens

    ones urge and abilities to make it in the world. The square of the Sun to the fourth house cusp

    weakens ones ability to feel secure in ones psychological background. Unless otherwise seen or

    modified in the chart, the father was unsupportive or even abusive in terms of the use of paternal

    influence and power. The individual may be extremely driven to establish him or herself in the

    world despite the lack of support from ones family background. Worldly achievement may come

    but the price one has to pay to stand on ones own, as an individual is usually quite high. The

    opposition of the Sun to the fourth house cusp should be viewed more as a conjunction to the

    Midheaven and should not be viewed as an affliction in terms of fourth house matters. This aspect

    indicates that the individual strives very strongly for worldly success. The degree of achievemen

    and the public recognition that comes with it must be viewed through an examination of tenth house


    The Moon: When the Moon is conjunct the nadir, its effects on ones life are incredibly strong.

    The influence of ones mother was paramount in ones upbringing and the relationship to this parent

    is at the center of ones life. The objective, external interplay between the native and the mother is

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    only half the storyand the lesser half at that. The subjective, internal relationship is far more

    important. No matter where the individual may live and no matter how hold he or she may become

    one remains at the core of ones being a mommas boy or girl. Ones home and the activities that

    take place within it are the physical representations and symbols of this primordial mother/child

    relationship. From the level of the soul, the individual is a born nurturer, brining substance and

    security into the lives of others. The sextile or trine of the Moon to the nadir strengthens reinforces

    the ability for the individual to be emotionally self-supportive. It also allows one an easy

    psychological passage from child to adult. The same cannot be said for the square, which may

    easily contribute to the retardation of emotional maturity and add it a deep sense of insecurity. A

    fundamental difference can be noted between how one understands ones own need for nurturing and

    the kind that was offered through ones mother and early conditioning. The opposition should be

    seen as a conjunction to the Midheaven. It indicates the need for consistent public approval. In most

    cases, one relies too heavily upon such objective psychological applause and too little on ones own

    inner ability to be self-nurturing.

    Mercury: The conjunction of Mercury to the nadir has a number of implications. If in the mutable

    signs, there is the likelihood that there was a great many changes of residence in childhood, a

    tendency that would continue to exhibit itself in adult years either through frequent domestic moves

    or at the very least, as a consistent, inner restlessness. This would be especially the case if the Moon

    were also in the mutable signs and/or if there were a strong aspect between the Moon and Mercury.

    The individual is likely to be of a highly questioning nature, curious and analytical. He or she may

    have come from an intellectual background or at the very least, where parental views and opinions

    strongly imprinted themselves on the persons nature. The trine or sextile from Mercury help to add

    flexibility and adaptability to ones general character. Frequent travel is likely and there is a strong

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    urge to express ones ideas and views. Depending on other factors, especially an abundance of air in

    the chart, the individual may find him or herself drawn to the media, journalism, teaching or other

    forms of communication as the primary focus of creative self-expression. The square adds to

    restlessness and when added to other factors, such as an abundance of air in the chart, brings about

    diffusiveness and a hyper disposition. The opposition is best viewed as a conjunction to the

    Midheaven and if well placed in the horoscope by sign and other aspects, can contribute very

    beautifully to success in life.

    Venus: The conjunction of Venus with the fourth house cusp contributes to a persons profound

    need for harmony. The most obvious place for this to occur is in the home. In this respect, a person

    with this aspect in the natal chart will endeavor to create a home environment in which beauty, art,

    and comfort predominate. In addition, this is an individual who feel very uncomfortable when he or

    she is the source of discomfort to anyone else. Love, whether personal or impersonal, is at the core

    of ones being and it will be important for this man or woman to be harmonious in all of his or her

    relationships. When afflicted, the conjunction of Venus can express some of the characteristics of

    the square. In this case, there can be a definite tendency for laziness and self-indulgence. There is

    also the propensity for becoming involved in relationships with people who is either from very

    different and incompatible social backgrounds and/or who share totally different values. Problems

    surrounding money may also be the source of difficulties in ones interpersonal dynamics. The

    trine or sextile here leads to personal magnetism and attractiveness. Like he conjunction of Venus

    it may also contribute to the expression of a deeply rooted artistic nature. The sextile or trine

    however, help one to express ones interest in the arts is a more dynamic, external way than does the

    conjunction. The opposition should be viewed more as a conjunction of Venus to the Midheaven. In

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    this case, look for the individual to seek out a profession in which beauty and the arts dominate. In

    the great majority of cases, this is a highly beneficial placement.

    Mars: The placement of the Red Planet in conjunction with the nadir is often a very challenging

    one. There is the tendency for disharmony in the early life as well as a propensity towards inner

    psychological battles. The individual has a hard time making peace with him or herself and there is

    usually a great deal of inner discord. Often, the early home life was the scene of many arguments

    and battles. When acting in a more positive way, this position gives the ability to survive in spite of

    any and all odds. It adds courage and determination to ones nature, but it is hardly a peacefu

    influence. The square of Mars to the nadir emphasizes all that was said about the conjunction but is

    more active in its effects. Thus the person tends to be more outwardly aggressive, trying to work his

    or her inner battles through the circumstances in the environment. It adds to ambition and persona

    direction but usually with the accompaniment of egocentricity and hostility. The sextile or trine

    between this planet and the nadir contributes to ones ability to be successfully self-assertive. It adds

    courage and a sense of fair play into the life and helps one to be encouraging to others. The

    opposition is best viewed as a conjunction of Mars to the Midheaven. When well aspected by other

    planets and/or placed in a compatible sign (such a Sagittarius or Capricorn), Mars in this position

    adds dynamic drive to career objectives and can be quite helpful to success in life. On the other

    hand, one always has to take care when this god of war becomes too assertive for his or anyone

    elses own good.

    Jupiter: It is often quite fortunate to have Jupiter in conjunction with the nadir as this is an

    indication of an inheritance rich in both philosophical and material abundance. This position may

    also be an indication that the native may make his or her home in a foreign country or that the

    religion or set of life principles one adapts at the end of life are quite different than those into which

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    one was born. As a rule, the nature is quite jovial, optimistic and open, although Jupiter poorly

    placed, especially in a fixed sign in this position can indicate a rigid adherence to family or tribal

    beliefs that inhibit freedom of thought. The trine or sextile between Jupiter and the nadir adds a

    friendly disposition to the character. It indicates an open, philosophical attitude and a genuine

    curiosity about life. There is success in travels and should Jupiter also be in a fire sign and/or in

    aspect with Mars, an especially adventurous nature. The square gives a tendency to exaggerate

    personal self-importance. It also tends to foster the belief that what one knows and believes is

    absolute truth. This is especially the case should Jupiter be in a fixed sign. Recklessness and a

    tendency to gambol may also be part of a persons general make-up with Jupiter in square to this

    point. The opposition is better considered as a conjunction to the Midheaven. As such, it is often a

    significator of success in ones career. It promotes an interest in history, law, travel, teaching, and

    religion. When afflicted in this position, it points to the tendency for too much personal ambition

    and the desire for greatness without necessarily possessing true merit or ability.

    Saturn: When the ringed planet is in conjunction with the nadir, one usually comes from either a

    highly traditional background and/or one that is quite restrictive in nature. In any event, the

    individual is likely to feel somewhat inhibited in his or her mode of self-expression. There can be a

    sense of inner restriction or restraint that adds a dower note to the personality. The parents

    especially the father, may either be absent or cold and unfeeling. On the other hand, a well-placed

    Saturn in this position can give the native a sense of deep rootedness to the past, one that provides

    safety and security, as well as power and influence through family connections. The square is not

    the best aspect to have as it often brings about a sense of deep restraint and inhibition. Like in many

    cases with the conjunction, the square places too much responsibility on ones shoulders too early in

    life, leading to a feeling of perpetual burden. The parents are likely to be quite distant in the sense

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    that they are not sources of warmth and nourishmentat least not in the early stages of ones life.

    The trine or sextile of Saturn to the nadir can be an excellent source of personal strength. They

    allow for a distinct sense of correct ordering of lifes priorities and give a genuine and not an overly

    exaggerated sense of personal responsibility. Often, the family is dependable and ones parents have

    set good examples for healthy and supportive family relationships. The opposition of Saturn to the

    nadir should be considered as a conjunction to the Midheaven. It denies an early rise and pinnacle

    no matter how well aspected in the horoscope but it does contribute to ones eventual success as a

    result of hard and consistent work. In many cases, this position points to a person who strives to

    occupy a place of power in life and requires that one become a expert in ones field. How to create

    and structure correct social responsibilities is another lesson taught by this position.

    Uranus: When in conjunction to the nadir, the individual comes from a unique background. This

    can mean that the familys way of life was far from traditional or, that the individual herself was an

    odd ball out in terms of the other members of the family. The urge to individualize, to be oneself in

    no uncertain terms, is certainly a major indication of this placement. The individual will not tow the

    family line. One could easily be a normal person in a family of eccentrics or the other way

    around. In any event, one is highly likely to ask the question: How did I ever get into this family?

    In mostly all cases, ones relationship with one or both of the parents was highly unusually or the

    parents themselves were different or unusual in some way. The square to the nadir points to a

    number of similar circumstances as found with the conjunction but the individual tends to act out the

    unusual qualities inherent in this position rather than keeping them inside. The place where such

    acting out will occur is in the natal house position of Uranus. Thus Uranus in the seventh house

    square the nadir is likely to invite those kinds of relationships that will repeat or demonstrate the

    early erratic patterns found in ones original domestic conditions. The trine or sextile of Uranus

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    indicates that it will be relatively easy for the native to express him or herself in some unique

    fashion. There is an urge to go ones own way and do ones own thing. There is an ease about both

    falling into social groups and making friends who support ones own individualistic yearnings. The

    opposition of Uranus to the nadir is actually the conjunction of Uranus to the Midheaven. This

    position points to a career in some highly unusual position in life and/or in a situation in which

    computers, advertising, broadcasting, and other forms of highly communicative or innovative

    activities are featured. It is highly likely that the choice of profession and lifestyle will be very

    different than that preferred, expected, or selected by ones parents.

    Neptune: When Neptune is in conjunction with the nadir, there is often a strong spiritual calling in

    ones life. Depending on the nature of ones orientation and the level of personal maturity, this

    calling could be totally illusionary or centered in a profound contact to the more subtle forces of

    being. Another common indication of this position is that there is some mystery surrounding one or

    both of ones parents and ones family background in general. When afflicted, such a situation can

    result in alcoholism or other forms of addition. If the sign Scorpio or the planet Mars is also

    involved, look for some form of sexual misconduct. Many people suffer greatly from applications of

    Neptune in this position while others find that Neptune in this position brings an incredible sense of

    faith and a very profound compassion about human nature. The square is almost always

    troublesome, promoting some form of self-destructive behavior. Yet it can often lead to a

    tremendous sense of release from the past. There is a need to melt down some of the more

    difficult earlier influences in life. The ability to transform personally painful situations and feelings

    into the potency for helping others is often the direction one takes in learning how to heal oneself.

    The trine or sextile add grace, beauty, and fluidity to ones character. Music and the arts are apt to

    play out a significant role in life. In addition, there is a need to be of genuine service to others, the

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    direction of which is easier to find and far less troublesome to maintain than it is when Neptune is in

    any of the other major aspects to the nadir. The opposition is to be dealt with more as a conjunction

    to the Midheaven. When in the horoscope of the more immature, it can give a propensity for

    criminal activity, especially in terms of smuggling and drugs. When afflicted, there is the propensity

    towards self-sabotage. In the chart of the more evolved, it promotes healing, mysticism, and

    metaphysics as professions as well as profound interests in the arts.

    Pluto: When in a conjunction with the nadir, this position brings about the need to become totally

    uprooted from the past. There is a distinct urge to break free from ones family background and

    regenerate ones psychological and biological roots in different soil. On the other hand, an afflicted

    Pluto in this position, especially if to the Moon and/or the ruler of the fourth house, will often give

    rise to tremendous frustration. The urge to reorient the psychological conditioning of the early life

    will certainly be present, but the strength to do so may be quite challenging to express. The

    connection to ones family, and especially the mother, may make it very difficult to create such

    transformations and many deep struggles for evolutionary and psychological growth take place in

    ones life. The square requires a certain degree of acting out the need for deep psychological change

    and transformation. There is a constant pressure from life to make significant psychological

    changes. Yet one either refuses to do this or does so only to return at a latter date to the earlier

    patterns. Eventually one realizes that it is absolutely vital to objectify ones subjective life and bring

    out into the open what one is subconsciously carting about. The trine or sextle allow for the

    consistent use of ones roots and background to enhance ones career and other creative objectives.

    There is a sense of inner potency and regenerative potentiality that add vigor and strength to ones

    life. As in all otheroppositions between the planets and the nadir, this one too should be considered

    as a conjunction to the Midheaven. Here Pluto serves to bring power and potency to ones career

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    objectives. In the chart of the more evolved, this aspect allows the individual to be in a position to

    bring regenerative strength and power to all that he or she touches. To those still possessed by the

    glamour of the personality, the urge is to control and dominate the circumstances surrounding all of

    ones creative endeavors.

    Alan Oken, All Rights Reserved