
Introduction to ASP.NET Week 11, day1



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Page 1: ASP.NET Basics

Introduction to ASP.NETWeek 11, day1

Page 2: ASP.NET Basics

ASPActive Server Pages

‚ASP.NET is a server side scripting language‛

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.NET overview•.NET is a framework for developing web-based andwindows-based applications within the Microsoftenvironment.• Components of .NETMICROSOFT Intermediate language - all code iscomplied into a more abstract, trimmed version beforeexecution. All .NET languages are compiled to MSIL –the common language of .NET

The CLR- common language runtime; responsible forexecuting MSIL code; interfaces to Windows and IIS

A rich set of libraries (Framework Class Libraries) available to all .NET languages

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Components of .NET (Continuation)The .NET languages such as C#, VB.NET etc that conform to CLR

ASP.NET is how the Framework is exposed to the web, using IIS (internet information system) to manage simple pages of code so that they can be complied into full .NET programs. These generate HTML for the browser (when the page is requested by a client browser).

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Generate HTML

Get index.aspx13


pass index.aspx to .netframework



Index.aspx in interpreted HTMl form


2Get index.aspx from hard disk

How IIS takes requests and processes it


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Scripting Languages

• A ‚script‛ is a collection of program or sequence of instructions that is

interpreted or carried out by another program rather than by the computer

processor. Two types of scripting languages are

– Client-side Scripting Language

– Server-side Scripting Language

• In server-side scripting, (such as PHP, ASP) the script is processed by the

server Like: Apache, ColdFusion, ISAPI and Microsoft's IIS on Windows.

• Client-side scripting such as JavaScript runs on the web browser.

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Generate HTML

Get index.aspx13


pass index.aspx to .netframework



Index.aspx in interpreted HTMl form


2Get index.aspx from hard disk

How IIS takes requests and processes it


ASP.NET is a server side scripting language because the

code runs on the server and returns the result in html form

to the client browser

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Generate HTML

Get index.aspx13


pass index.aspx to .netframework



Index.aspx in interpreted HTMl form


2Get index.aspx from hard disk

How IIS takes requests and processes it


Client side scripting is something where code runs on client

side(browser). For eg checking whether a HTML text field contains data or not can be done by running

a script from browser itself

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Microsoft Visual Studio•Microsoft Visual Studio is an IDE (Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment) on which .net applications can be createdeasily.

•It is a powerful tool that can expose the features of framework to make the developers work easier

•Applications can be run from within the IDE and hasinbuilt compiler and debugger (no need to install thirdparty servers like WAMP, XAMPP etc. to run the applicationas in case of PHP)

•It exposes a rich design based interface to manage anyaspect of a .net project from design to deployment

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Creating an page

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Create a new website projectGo to start > all programs > microsoft visual studio 2008 (or whatever version

you have installed)

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Create a new website project

Click on file > new web site

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Create a new website project(for C# select the language as Visual C#)

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Create a new website project

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Create a new website project

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Create a new website project

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Create a new website project

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Create a new website project• Double click on the button control you just created

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Create a new website project• You can also add handlers for other events of the button

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Adding connection string to the web.config file

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Adding a new item to the project

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Adding a new item to the project

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Running the project

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Getting started with ASP.NET programming

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.Net Controls, Events and Event handlers

• .net Controls – There are no. of controls those are available in the toolbox inside visual

studio. Eg. Button, textbox, dropdownlist etc.

Each control represents a class extended fromthe System.Web.UI.WebControls class

Each control has events, properties and methods associated with it

Each control in an aspx page is identified by a unique id, no two controlson the same page can share an id

• Events Events happen when the user does some sort of action on a control eg.

Click for a button, changing the text for a textbox etc.

• Event Handlers Event handlers are code blocks that will be executed when events are


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.Net Controls, Events and Event handlers (continuation)

In plain words an event handler for the click of a button that has an id“btn_a” will tell the server like

“Do this on the click of btn_a”

There are no. of event handlers associated with each type of .net control

Custom event handlers can also be registered for certain controls.

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// comment single line

/* comment

multiple lines */


//comment single line

/* Comment

multiple Lines*/


‘comment single line

/* Comment

multiple Lines*/


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Data Types

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Data types

• ASP.NET supports many different data types such as

o Integer

o String

o Double

o Boolean

o Datetime

o Arrays

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Type Casting

Response.write ((0.1 + 0.7) * 10); //Outputs 8

Response.write ([cint] ((0.1 + 0.7) * 10)); //Outputs 7

• This happens because the result of this simple arithmetic

expression is stored internally as 7.999999 instead of 8; when the

value is converted to integer, ASP.NET simply truncates away the

fractional part, resulting in a rather significant error (12.5%, to be


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Declaring a variable

//Declaring a variable

Int a=10;

Char c=‘a’;

Float f=1.12;


String a; //variable without initialisation

String a = ‚Hello‛; //variable with



Dim a as string //variable without


dim a as string = ‚Hello‛ //variable with



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• Variables are temporary storage containers.

• In ASP.NET, a variable can contain any type of data, such as, for example,

strings, integers, floating numbers, objects and arrays provided the variable

must be declared in that datatype.

• As in case of PHP which is loosely typed, ASP.NET will not implicitly

change the type of a variable as needed. ASP.NET languages are strongly

typed, like C and Java, where variables can only contain one type of data

throughout their existence.

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Declaring a constant

//Declaring a constant using ‘const’

const int a=10;

int const a=10;

//Declaring a constant using ‘#define’

#define TRUE 1

#define FALSE 0

#define NAME_SIZE 20


Const String a = ‚Hello‛;


const a as string = ‚Hello‛


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• Conversely to variables, constants are meant for defining immutable values.

• Compile-time and Run-time ConstantsA compile-time constant is computed at the time the code is compiled, while a run-time constant can only be computed while the application is running. A compile-time constant will have the same value each time an application runs, while a run-time constant may change each time.

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Control structures

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Control Structures

Conditional Control Structures

• If

• If else

• Switch




Do while


• Break

• Continue

‚Exactly the same as on left side‛


• return

• go to


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Int findSum(int a,int b)


Int c;


Return c



function findSum(byVal a as

integer,byVal b as integer)

Dim c as integer


Return c

End function

Dim d as integer = findSum(10,15)

Response.write(d) ‘output : 25

C ASP.NET ( example)

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public int findSum(int a, int b) {

int c;

c = (a + b);

return c;


private int d = findSum(10, 15);

Response.write(d); //output : 25

ASP.NET (C# example)

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Function arguments

• You can define any number of arguments to an ASP.NET function.

• Arguments can be passed by reference(byRef) or by value (byValue)

o byRef - When an argument is passed by reference, the called procedure can change the value of the variable. The change persists after the procedure is called

o byValue - When an argument is passed by value, any changes that the called procedure makes to the value of the variable do not persist after the procedure is called.

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Function return type• The function return type can also be defined in the function

declaration –

Function findSum(byval a as integer, byval b as integer) as integer

Dim c as integer


Return c

End function

– C#

public int findSum(int a, int b) {int c;c = (a + b);return c;


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Function return type• A function without a return value is called as a sub routine

and is defined as follows in ASP.NET–

private sub findSum(byval a as integer, byval b as integer)

Dim c as integer


End sub

– C#

Protected void findSum(int a, int b)


int c;



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Char a*+=‚Baabtra‛;

Printf(‚Hello %s‛,a);

Dim a as string =‚Baabtra‛

Response.write( ‚Hello ‛ + a) //Output:

Hello baabtra

Response.write( ‚Hello + a‛) //Output:

Hello + a

‚Strings will be continued in coming



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Indexed Array

int a[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};



‚Array will be continued in coming


Declaring an array of strings

Dim arrStr as string() //without


Dim arrStr as string() = (‚a‛, ‚b‛)

//with initialisation


string[] arrStr ;//without


string[] arrStr = new string[] {

"one", "two", "three" } //with



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Arithmetic Operators

+, ++, -, --, *, /, %

Comparison Operators

==, !=, ===, !==, >, >=, < , <=

Logical Operators

&&, ||, !

Assignment Operators

=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=


Arithmetic Operators


description Example Result

+ Addition myNum = 3 + 4 7

- Subtraction myNum = 4 - 3 1

* Multiplication myNum = 3 * 4 12

/ Division myNum = 12 /4 3

^ Exponential myNum = 2 ^ 4 16

Mod Modulus myNum = 23 Mod 10


- Negation myNum = -10 -10

\ Integer Division

myNum = 9 \ 3 3

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Comparison operators

Operator description Example Result

= Equal to 3 = 4 false

< Less than 4 < 3 false

> Greater than 4 > 3 true

<= Less than or equal to 4 <= 4 true

>= Greater than or equal to 4 >= 5 false

<> / != Not equal to 4 <> 3 / 4 != 3 true

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Logical operators

Operator description Example Result

And / && Both Must be TRUE True And False false

Or / || One Must be TRUE True Or False true

Not / ! Flips Truth Value Not true false

String operators

Operator description Example Result

& / +String Concatenation string4 = “Hello" & " world"

string4 = “Hello world"

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• Bitwise operators allow you to manipulate bits of data. All these operators are designed to work only on integer numbers—therefore, the interpreter will attempt to convert their operands to integers before executing them.

Bitwise Operators

AND Bitwise AND. The result of the operation will be a value whose bits are set if they are set in both operands, and unset otherwise.

OR Bitwise OR. The result of the operation will be a value whose bits are set if they are set in either operand (or both), and unset otherwise.

XOR Bitwise XOR (exclusive OR). The result of the operation will be a value whose bits are set if they are set in either operand, and unset otherwise.

NOT Bitwise NOT. inverts each bit in a sequence of bits. A 0 becomes a 1, and a 1 becomes a 0.

<< Bitwise left shift. This operation shifts the left-hand operand’s bits to the left by a number of positions equal to the right operand, inserting unset bits in the shifted positions

>> Bitwise right shift. This operation shifts the left-hand operand’s bits to the right by a number of positions equal to the right operand, inserting unset bits in the shifted positions.

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End of day 1

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