core: the best of the new bits

ASP.NET Core: The best of the new bits Ken Cenerelli Microsoft MVP [email protected] @KenCenerelli

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ASP.NET Core: The best of the

new bitsKen Cenerelli

Microsoft MVP

[email protected]@KenCenerelli

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About Me

Twitter: @KenCenerelliEmail: [email protected]: kencenerelli.wordpress.comLinkedIn:

Bio: Programmer Writer / Content Developer Microsoft MVP - Visual Studio and

Development Technologies Microsoft TechNet Wiki Guru Co-Organizer of CTTDNUG Technical reviewer of multiple books


Ken Cenerelli

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.NET CoreFirst things first…

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.NET 2016 – 10K foot view

Next gen JIT (RyuJIT)SIMD

Runtime Components

Compilers.NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn)Languages innovation

.NET Core 1.0 Libraries

.NET Framework 4.6 Libraries

NuGet packagesCommon

.NET Framework 4.6 .NET Core 1.0 Full .NET Framework for any scenario and

library support on WindowsModular libraries & runtime optimized

for server and cloud workloads

WPF ASP.NET (4 and Core 1.0)

Windows Forms

ASP.NET Core 1.0

Universal Windows Apps

Core CLR .Net Native

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About .NET Core• .NET Core is a subset of the .NET Framework• Many .NET Framework components are not in .NET Core• .NET Core is completely modularized. Each component is

distributed via NuGet• Apps can be updated independently and do not rely on

major framework releases• Deployment package includes everything needed to run• .NET Core will run on Linux, Windows, and OSX

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Two parts of .NET Core•Runtime/Libraries:• CLR, libraries, compilers, etc.•Won’t change before RTM

•Tooling:• Supports .NET Core and ASP.NET Core, including the new command line tools and bits that plug into Visual Studio & Visual Studio Code•Will change before RTM

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DifferencesFeature .NET Framework .NET CoreLibrary Installation Centralised Distributed with each app

Updates One big update. You better get your app ready

Updates to framework are independent of app.

Update NuGet packages when you are ready

Platforms Windows is the only one for me

I love everyone! Windows, OSX, Linux

Base Class Library All the things! You get the entire BCL

All the things!You get the entire BCL


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Strange Times…

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Visual Studio 2015 and ASP.NET Core: Support for npm, bower, gulp, grunt, etc.

npm bower grunt gulp

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Responsive and plug-in free

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Responsive and plug-in free

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Responsive and plug-in free

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What about ASP.NET 5?

• ASP.NET Core 1.0 was previously called ASP.NET 5• It was renamed in January 2016• You may still see it referred to as ASP.NET 5 in

Visual Studio and in some docs• Was updated in latest ASP.NET Core Release

Candidate 2

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ASP.NET 4.6 and ASP.NET Core 1.0

ASP.NET Core 1.0

.NET Framework 4.6

.NET framework libraries

Compilers and runtime components (.NET Compiler Platform: Roslyn, C#, VB, F# Languages, RyuJIT, SIMD)

.NET Core 1.0

.NET core libraries

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ASP.NET Core 1.0 Roadmap

Milestone Release weekBeta6 27 Jul 2015Beta7 2 Sep 2015Beta8 15 Oct 2015RC1 Nov 2015RC2 mid-May 20161.0.0 late-June 2016

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.NET 2016 – 10K foot view

Next gen JIT (RyuJIT)SIMD

Runtime Components

Compilers.NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn)Languages innovation

.NET Core 1.0 Libraries

.NET Framework 4.6 Libraries

NuGet packagesCommon

.NET Framework 4.6 .NET Core 1.0 Full .NET Framework for any scenario and

library support on WindowsModular libraries & runtime optimized

for server and cloud workloads

WPF ASP.NET (4 and Core 1.0)

Windows Forms

ASP.NET Core 1.0

Universal Windows Apps

Core CLR .Net Native

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ASP.NET 2016 in a Nutshell

.NET Framework 4.6 .NET Core 1.0 Full .NET Framework for any scenario and

library support on WindowsModular libraries & runtime optimized

for server and cloud workloads

ASP.NET 4.6 / System.Web

MVC 5.x

ASP.NET Core 1.0 features:MVC + Web API

Core CLR .Net NativeASP.NET Core 1.0

Web API 2.2


Visual Studio (C# in both, VB.NET coming soon to ASP.NET Core)

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ASP.NET Core 1.0 – Key Values

Choose your Editors and Tools

Open Source with Contributions Cross-PlatformOSS

Seamless transition from on-premises to cloud

Faster Development CycleTotally Modular


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ASP.NET Core ~ What is it?• ASP.NET Core 1.0 is a console app• In RC1, an ASP.NET application was a class library that contained a

Startup.cs class• As of RC2, an ASP.NET Core application is a .NET Core Console

application that calls into ASP.NET specific libraries• So code that used to live in the ASP.NET Hosting libraries

and automatically runs your Startup.cs now lives inside a Program.cs

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ASP.NET Core ~ The features•Hosting• Kestrel, Startup

•Middleware• Routing, authentication, static files, diagnostics, error handling, session, CORS, localization, custom

•Dependency Injection•Configuration• Logging• Identity

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ASP.NET Core ~ Which editors & IDEs?•Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 including Community•Visual Studio Code with C# extension•An OmniSharp-enabled editor:• Atom • Emacs

• Brackets • Sublime Text• Yeoman • Vim

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ASP.NET Core ~ What can you do?•ASP.NET•MVC Web Apps in C#•Web API apps• Console apps• .NET Core compatible class library

•Signal R and Web Pages are coming after RTM

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MVC + Web API + Web Pages =


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ASP.NET Core MVC•One set of concepts – remove duplication•Web UI and Web APIs•Built on ASP.NET Core•Supports .NET Core•Runs on IIS or self-hosted•Deep integration with DI

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OWIN (Open Web Interface for .NET)• OWIN in an open, community owned specification• OWIN defines pluggable middleware and hosting• ASP.NET 4.5 and ASP.NET Core 1.0 both support OWIN

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Deployment portability•Two main models:• Portable Apps• Self-contained Apps

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Portable Apps•Default application type in .NET Core•Require .NET Core to be installed on the target machine•Your application is portable between installations of .NET Core•No need to decide upfront which OSes your app will run on

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Self-contained Apps•All app dependencies, including the .NET Core runtime, is part of the application•The app is larger, but also capable of running on any .NET Core supported platforms with the correct native dependencies•Need to make an explicit choice which platforms your application needs to run on during dev

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Setting Portability• Portable: • Self Contained:• Target .NET Core

libraries in project.json

• Remove any "type": "platform" properties

• Add a runtimes node in your project.json

• •

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Tooling Changes

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What’s new in ASP.NET Core RC2?• .NET CLI (SDK) and IDE updates•Tag Helpers• IIS support baked in•Host RC2 apps in Azure App Service•Docker support with a new version of Docker Tools for Visual Studio 2015

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ASP.NET Core SDK•The .NET Core SDK includes enough software to build an app•The SDK gives you both the .NET Core Tools and a copy of .NET Core•

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DemoASP.NET Core 1.0 from the SDK

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ASP.NET Core IDE•The best way to develop with .NET Core on Windows is to download the Visual Studio official MSI Installer and the latest NuGet Manager extension for Visual Studio•

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DemoASP.NET Core 1.0 from the IDE

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TagHelpers: Evolution of HTML Forms

•HTML helpers expressed as tagsEx. Instead of: @Html.LabelFor(m => m.UserName, new { @class = "col-md-2 control-label" })Write this: <label asp-for="UserName" class="col-md-2 control-label"></label>

• Easier to customize with more attributes•Work seamlessly with the HTML editor•Markup now looks like HTML and it comes with full IntelliSense

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What about Entity Framework?•EF6.x most current and runs on .NET Framework 4.6•Entity Framework 7 renamed to Entity Framework Core 1.0•EF Core is a new code base that does not inherit all the features and API surface of EF6.x•EF6.x will continue to be a supported for some time

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When to use EF Core?•EF6.x will still be the most suitable choice for most applications•EF Core recommended for:•New applications that do not need features that are not yet implemented in EF Core• Applications that target .NET Core, such as Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and ASP.NET Core apps

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Web APIs

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In ASP.NET 4.6 – Separate Stack




Web Forms


MVCWeb Pages

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In ASP.NET Core:API services are an ASP.NET Core feature

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Microsoft /web


Sample Read-only Model and Controllerpublic class Person{ public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; }}

Step 1:Create a Model

[Route("api/[controller]")]public class PersonController : Controller{ List<Person> people; public PersonController() { this.people = new List<Person>(); this.people.AddRange(new Person[] { new Person { Id = 1, Name = "Chuck Norris" }, new Person { Id = 2, Name = "David Carradine" }, new Person { Id = 3, Name = "Bruce Lee" } }); }}

Step 2:Make an API Controller

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Microsoft /web


Read-only Controller Actions to return data// GET /api/person[HttpGet]public IEnumerable<Person> Get(){ return this.people;}

Step 3:Return everything

// GET /api/person/5[HttpGet("{id}")]public Person Get(int id){ return this.people.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);}

Step 4:Return one item

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Routing a Web APIapp.UseMvc(routes =>{ routes.MapRoute( name: "default", template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");});

Routing:Familiar syntax, conventional approach

[Route("api/[controller]")]public class PersonController : Controller {

[HttpGet("{id}")] public Person Get(int id) { /* ... */ }}

Attribute routing:Easy to configure

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ResourcesFeedback and questions http://asp.nethttp://get.asp.nethttp://docs.asp.net

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