assalamuailaikum wr.docx

Assalamuailaikum Wr . wb Public health at this time there maybe still less attention with a variety of diseases and health services in community environment. PW : “how condition of public health today , do you think ? " NR : “The condition of society now seems less attention to health him self .” PW : “Why do people pay less attention to the health of himself ?” NR : “maybe because to economic factors that become obstacles to treatment.” PW : “oh so , what kind of disease that is often experienced by people here?.” NR : “Many , such as Fever , diarrhea , lung disease , HIV disease , cyst and Much More .” PW : “ What is the cause of one of the disease, do you think ?” NR : “ yaaa cause a dirty environment and a lot of garbage , and there are many puddles of water that becomes a nest of mosquito larva.” PW : “do you know what are the symptoms of fever ?”

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Assalamuailaikum Wr . wbPublic health at this time there maybe still less attention with a variety of diseases and health services in community environment.

PW : how condition of public health today , do you think ? "NR : The condition of society now seems less attention to health him self.PW : Why do people pay less attention to the health of himself?NR : maybe because to economic factors that become obstacles to treatment.PW : oh so , what kind of disease that is often experienced by people here?.NR : Many , such as Fever , diarrhea , lung disease , HIV disease , cyst and Much More.PW : What is the cause of one of the disease, do you think ?NR : yaaa cause a dirty environment and a lot of garbage , and there are many puddles of water that becomes a nest of mosquito larva.PW : do you know what are the symptoms of fever ?NR : mmm usually the whole body chills , vomiting and nausea .PW : Whether the disease can be prevented ?NR : Can .. if the environment clean , no garbage strewn , and puddles on the lid.PW : usually part of what is attacked disease fever ?NR : The whole body, if the condition of our body is weak eventually infected fever..PW : whether people aware of the importance of health?NR : Now people understand the importance of healthPW : In what ways do people understand the importance of health ?NR : Government provides counseling , in posyandu etc.PW : oh well , i think is enough for the information , thank you so much as possible. NR : Yes equally ,we as a community here feel happy to share information with you all.