assembly script

Assalamulaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh and a very good morning to the headmaster of SK. Ledang , Puan Hajah Noraini Hayati binti Ahmad, Senior Assistant of Curriculum, En. Hamdan bin Asmat, Senior Assistant of Pupils’ Affair, Encik Ramdan bin Ibrahim, Senior Assistant of Co-Curriculum, Tn. Hj.Alias bin Omar , the weekly duty teachers, teachers of SK. Ledang and my fellow friends. We would like to begin our weekly assembly with the daily prayer. I would like to call upon_______ to recite the prayer. Thank you. We will continue our assembly by singing the State Anthem and our school song . I would like to invite _______________ to conduct the pupils. Thank you . Next, I would like to call the prefect on duty to lead the pupils reciting the National Principles. WE, the people of Malaysia, pledge our united efforts to achieve these ambitions based on the following principles: Belief in God Loyalty to King and Country Supremacy of the Constitution Rules of Law Good Behavior and Morality

Upload: juliana-sarju

Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Assalamulaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh and a very good morning to the headmaster of SK. Ledang , Puan Hajah Noraini Hayati binti Ahmad, Senior Assistant of Curriculum, En. Hamdan bin Asmat, Senior Assistant of Pupils Affair, Encik Ramdan bin Ibrahim, Senior Assistant of Co-Curriculum, Tn. Hj.Alias bin Omar , the weekly duty teachers, teachers of SK. Ledang and my fellow friends. We would like to begin our weekly assembly with the daily prayer. I would like to call upon_______ to recite the prayer. Thank you. We will continue our assembly by singing the State Anthem and our school song . I would like to invite _______________ to conduct the pupils. Thank you .Next, I would like to call the prefect on duty to lead the pupils reciting the National Principles. WE, the people of Malaysia, pledge our united efforts to achieve these ambitions based on the following principles: Belief in God Loyalty to King and Country Supremacy of the Constitution Rules of Law Good Behavior and MoralityThank you. Dear teachers and pupils,...For your acknowledgement, the teachers on duty for this week are : ____________________________________Now,I would like to invite the Headmaster/ Senior Assistant of Curriculum/Senior Assistant of Pupils Affair/ Senior Assistant of Co-Curriculum to deliver his / her speech. Please welcome.Thank you Sir/Madam.Now, we have come to the end of our assembly. Prefects may take your place now and pupils can leave the assembly hall quietly. Thank you