assessment retrofit flexible diaphragms

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  • 8/12/2019 Assessment Retrofit Flexible Diaphragms


    SESOC Journal

    Volume 23 No. 1 April 2010 19

    PAPER CLASS & TYPE: GENERAL NON-REFEREED1ME (Dist.), CPEng, MIPENZ,Technical Director, Holmes Consulting Group, Auckland


    Unreinforced masonry buildings (URM) have historically performed poorly in large earthquakes.

    Many URM building failures have been attributed to poor diaphragm performance and

    inadequate wall diaphragm connectivity. This paper provides a brief introduction into

    URM buildings and their seismic behaviour. It then outlines a design methodology for the

    assessment and retrofit of flexible diaphragms in URM buildings with an accompanying design

    example. Recommendations for future research are also provided.

    Figure 1. Earthquake Damage to Build ings in

    Central Napier after the 1931 Earthquake

    (Courtesy of Hastings Distric t Council)


    Unreinforced masonry construction was commonly used

    in New Zealand between 1880 and the early 1930s.

    The poor performance of these buildings in the 1931

    Hawkes Bay earthquake resulted in a rapid decline in

    popularity and subsequent prohibition of their use in

    1965 (Ingham 2008). It is estimated that approximately

    3500 unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings still existin New Zealand today (Russell 2008) with a significant

    number of those structures still to be strengthened.

    This paper provides a brief introduction into URM

    buildings and details a design methodology used by the

    author to assess and strengthen flexible diaphragms in

    existing URM buildings. The design methodology has

    been largely adapted from the New Zealand Society for

    Earthquake Engineering document Assessment and

    Improvement of the Structural Performance of Buildings

    in Earthquakes (NZSEE 2006), and ASCE/SEI 41-06

    Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings (ASCE2006).

    It has been observed that some people have found

    these documents difficult to use and it is hoped that

    this paper may assist other Structural Engineers when

    they are assessing and retrofitting flexible diaphragms

    in URM buildings. The author is interested in receiving

    feedback that readers may have with what is proposed




    Unreinforced masonry buildings constructed in

    New Zealand in the early 1900s typically consist of

    unreinforced masonry perimeter and inter-tenancy walls

    with timber framed floors and roofs. URM buildings

    typically range in height from between 1 to 6 storeys

    with 1 or 2 storey structures being the most common.

    Unreinforced masonry was primarily used for the

    construction of the perimeter and inter-tenancy walls

    because of its non combustibility and, for the case of the

    exterior walls, its durability when compared with timber.




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    Figure 2 illustrates a cross-section of a typical 5 story

    high URM building.

    Flooring often consists of straight or diagonal timber

    sheathing supported on timber joists that typically

    span up to approximately 6 meters. Timber joists are

    typically supported on either URM walls, or beams thatoften consist of either heavy timber or structural steel

    sections. Where supported on masonry walls the joist

    and beam ends were often cut diagonally and supported

    in pockets in the walls.

    Roofing typically consists of corrugated light gauge steel

    sheathing supported on timber purlins. Timber trusses

    spanning onto either URM walls or beams are typically

    provided to support the roof framing. Where supported

    on the URM walls the ends of the purlins and trusses

    are typically seated into pockets in the walls.


    The lateral load resisting system for URM buildings

    consists of both horizontal and vertical lateral load

    resisting elements. Floor and roof diaphragms are

    the primary horizontal lateral load resisting elements

    in typical, unretrofitted, URM buildings. Collectors, ifprovided in retrofitted structures, are also considered to

    be horizontal lateral load resisting elements. Vertical

    elements typically consist of the URM walls and their

    foundations, and new shearwall or braced frames if the

    latter are provided as part of a retrofit design.

    During a seismic event the tributary horizontal inertia

    forces associated with the face loaded walls are

    required to be transferred back into the main body

    diaphragm via a system of wall anchors and diaphragm

    ties. The diaphragm is then required to transfer the

    Figure 2. Section Through a Typical 5 Story URM Building

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    SESOC Journal

    Volume 23 No. 1 April 2010 21

    inertia forces associated with the face loaded walls and

    its own seismic mass to the resisting in plane end walls

    again via a series of wall anchors.

    Unreinforced masonry buildings have historically

    performed poorly in large earthquakes. A recent report

    by Bruneau (1994) indentified that many of the failuresdue to earthquakes found in URM buildings during the

    last 20 years were related to diaphragms and their

    connections to the walls. These walls typically account

    for approximately 70% 80% of the total seismic mass

    of the structure. Failures of this nature that have been

    commonly observed include:

    Figure 3. Parapet Failure

    (reproduced from FEMA, 1998)

    Parapet failure. Referring to Figures 3 & 4 this

    failure mechanism occurs when face loaded

    parapets are not adequately braced back to the

    supporting structure.

    Wall diaphragm tension tie failure. This failure

    mechanism occurs when insufficient connectionis provided between face loaded walls and the

    supporting diaphragm (refer Figures 5 & 6).

    Wall diaphragm shear failure. As is illustrated

    in Figures 7 & 8 this failure mechanism occurs

    when insufficient connection is provided between

    diaphragm and the stiff in-plane acting end walls.

    Figure 4. Parapet Failure Observed at

    the 2007 Gisborne Earthquake

    Figure 5. Wall diaphragm tension tie failure(from FEMA 1998)

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    Figure 6. Wall Diaphragm Tension

    Tie Failure Observed at the

    2007 Gisborne Earthquake

    Figure 7. Wall Diaphragm Shear

    Failure (reproduced from FEMA, 1998)

    Figure 8. Wall diaphragm

    shear failure (reproduced

    from FEMA, 1998)

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    Volume 23 No. 1 April 2010 23

    When assessing and retrofitting URM buildings it is

    essential that each of the above failure mechanisms

    are considered when assessing the performance of the

    existing timber diaphragms.


    4.1 Analysis Methodology

    In the past some engineers have attempted to analyse

    URM structures with timber diaphragms assuming rigid

    diaphragm behaviour. While most in-plane loaded URM

    walls are relatively rigid, timber framed floor diaphragms

    are generally not. Referring to Figure 9 diaphragms

    are defined as being flexible when the maximum lateral

    deflection of the diaphragm along its length (D) is

    greater than twice the average interstory drift (W) of

    the vertical lateral load resisting elements of the story

    immediately below the diaphragm (ASCE 2006).

    Figure 9. Diaphragm and Wall Displacement

    Terminology (reproduced f rom ASCE, 2006 )

    An assumption of rigid diaphragm behaviour may

    lead to unconservative assessments of diaphragm

    accelerations and inaccurate estimates of load

    distribution between lateral load resisting elements. For

    URM buildings with single span flexible diaphragms, six

    stories or less in height the NZSEE guidelines (NZSEE,

    2006) permit a simplified analysis to be undertaken.

    This section of the NZSEE guidelines is based on FEMA

    356 (FEMA, 2000) the precursor document to ASCE/SEI

    41-06 (ASCE, 2006). The simplified analysis assumes

    that each diaphragm spans as a simply supported

    element between the masonry end walls and permits

    the effects of horizontal torsion to be ignored.

    Diaphragm deflections are not to exceed 150 mm under

    prescribed code seismic loads for this simplified method

    of analysis to be applicable.

    The simplified analysis assumes that the in-planeloaded masonry end walls are relatively rigid elements

    which, as a consequence of their high stiffness, do not

    significantly amplify earthquake ground motions. The

    dominant mode of response is assumed to be the in-

    plane fundamental mode of the diaphragms excited

    by the inertia forces associated with the out-of-plane

    loaded walls. It is also assumed that the response of

    each story is uncoupled from adjacent stories.

    For more complicated URM structures where the

    simplified analysis method is not applicable a more

    detailed modal response spectrum analysis could be

    undertaken using general purpose structural analysis

    software. The flexible diaphragms could be modelled

    using plane stress elements in this instance. In

    some cases, as part of a preliminary design, multi-

    span flexible diaphragm structures might be analysed

    using the simplified analysis method. In this case the

    diaphragm could be treated as a series of independent

    simply supported spans. The results of this preliminary

    analysis would need to be confirmed by a more rigorous

    method in later design phases.

    The steps of the simplified analysis procedure

    considered when performing a diaphragm assessment

    are as follows:

    Step 1: For each axis of the building and at each

    level calculate the fundamental period of the


    Step 2: Calculate the seismic loads for diaphragms

    using the periods determined in Step 1 and theappropriate spectral accelerations calculated

    using the New Zealand Loadings Standard,

    AS/NZS 1170.5 (SNZ, 2004) as modified by

    the NZSEE guidelines.

    Step 3: Verify that the existing diaphragms have

    adequate strength and stiffness to resist the

    required seismic loads and strengthen the

    diaphragms if necessary.

    Step 4: Calculate the seismic loads generated at the

    wall to diaphragm connections.

    Step 5: Assess the capacity of the existing wall

    diaphragm ties and provide supplementary

    wall anchors and sub-diaphragm ties as


    Note that the above methodology only considers the

    steps of a seismic assessment related to the performance

    of diaphragms. A complete building assessment would

    also typically include a review of the foundations

    and any geological site hazards, vertical lateral load

    resisting elements and non-structural components (i.e.

    architectural, mechanical and electrical). Details ofsuch a review are outside the scope of this paper and

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    SESOC Journal

    24 Journal of the Structural Engineering Society New Zealand Inc.

    readers are referred to the NZSEE guidelines for further

    information (NZSEE, 2006).

    A detailed description of Steps 1-5 is included in the

    following sections.

    4.2 Diaphragm Period Determination

    Using the NZSEE guidelines the fundamental period,

    T1, of the flexible diaphragms can be estimated using

    Equation 1.0:

    Where: D= maximum in-plane diaphragm deflection

    due to a lateral load of 1.0 g, in metres.

    For the purposes of this equation thediaphragm shall be considered to remain

    elastic under the prescribed elastic load.

    ASCE/SEI 41-06 (ASCE, 2006) provides default

    expected shear stiffness values, Gd, that can be used to

    calculate deflections in existing diaphragms. These are

    summarised in Table 1 below. Of the diaphragm types

    shown it has been the authors experience that single

    straight sheathed diaphragms are the most common.

    These diaphragms consist of timber sheathing (typically

    150 x 25 boards) laid perpendicular and nailed to the

    floor joists with two or more nails at each joist. Shear

    D1 3.07T

    Eqn. 1

    Table 1. Default Strength Values For Exis ting

    Timber Diaphragms (ASCE, 2006)

    Diaphragm Type Shear Stiffness,


    Yield Strength,

    Rn (N/m)

    Single Straight Sheathing 350 1750

    Double Straight Sheathing Chorded 2600 8750

    Unchorded 1200 5850

    Single Diagonal Sheathing Chorded 1400 8750

    Unchorded 700 6130

    Double Sheathing with Chorded 3200 13100

    Straight Sheathing or

    Flooring Above

    Unchorded 1600 9130

    Double Diagonal


    Chorded 3100 13100

    Unchorded 1600 9130

    forces perpendicular to the sheathing are resisted by

    a nail couple generated at each joist. Shear forces

    parallel to the direction of the sheathing are transferred

    through the nails in the supporting joists or framing

    members below the sheathing joists.

    Detailed descriptions of the other diaphragm types listedin Table 1 are given in ASCE/SEI 41-06 (ASCE 2006).

    Using the shear stiffness values, Gd, provided in Table 1

    the diaphragm stiffness, KD, can be calculated for each

    diaphragm in each direction as:

    Eqn. 2

    Where: b = Diaphragm width.

    Gd = Diaphragm shear stiffness from Table 1.

    L = Diaphragm span.

    The maximum in-plane diaphragm deflection for each of

    the existing diaphragms, D, in each direction can then

    be calculated using Equations 3:

    Eqn. 3

    Where: Vu = Diaphragm lateral load.

    KD = Diaphragm stiffness.


    bGK dD






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    When determining the diaphragm lateral load only

    the tributary seismic mass of the out-of-plane loaded

    walls and the diaphragm itself should be included. The

    seismic mass associated with the in-plane loaded, end

    walls should not be included.

    If it is found that the existing diaphragms requirestrengthening, and that new plywood sheathing

    and/or chord elements are required, the stiffness of

    the strengthened diaphragm can be calculated in

    accordance with the New Zealand Timber Structures

    Standard, NZS 3603 (SNZ, 1993).

    4.3 Diaphragm Seismic Load Calculations

    For each of the diaphragms being assessed the

    diaphragm seismic load, VD, can be calculated as:

    VD= C1C3Cd(T1)WD Eqn. 4

    Where: C1 = Modification factor to relate

    expected inelastic displacements

    to those calculated for linear elastic

    response. Values recommended in

    ASCE/SEI 41-06 (ASCE, 2006) are:

    C1 = 1.5 for T1< 0.10 seconds

    C1 = 1.0 for T1> Ts Linear interpolation may be used to

    calculate intermediate values of C1.

    T1 = Fundamental period of the

    diaphragm in the direction being


    Ts = Characteristic period of the response

    spectrum, defined as the period

    associated with the transition from

    the constant acceleration segment

    to the constant velocity segment of

    the response spectrum. In terms of

    the AS/NZS 1170 response spectra:

    Ts = 0.40 s for Soil Types A, B & C

    Ts = 0.5 s for Soil Type D

    Ts = 1.0 s for Soil Type E

    C3 = Modification factor to account for

    P-effects and is a function of the

    stability coefficient, i, calculated in

    accordance with Section 6.5.2 of

    AS/NZS 1170.5 (SNZ, 2004).

    C3 = 1.0 when i < 0.1 in all stories,


    C3 = 1+5( 0.1)/T1 where is themaximum value of ifor all stories.


    1) = Horizontal design coefficient

    calculated in accordance with

    Section 5.2.1 of AS/NZS 1170.

    WD = Effective seismic mass associated

    with the fundamental mode of the

    diaphragm i.e. tributary seismic

    mass of the face loaded walls and

    the diaphragm itself.

    Equation 4 is a modified version of the NZSEE Equation

    4E-8 recommended by the Author. The original

    formulation has been simplified by removing modification

    factors of C2and Cmwhich are both equal to 1.0 for this


    A second departure from the original NZSEE formulation

    was to incorporate ductility directly into the equation by

    using the AS/NZS 1170 horizontal design coefficient,

    Cd(T1), rather than the AS/NZS 1170 elastic site spectral

    value, C (T1). It is believed this removes an extra step

    in the analysis procedure and is more closely aligned to

    conventional New Zealand design office practice.

    Care is required when determining an appropriate

    structural ductility factor, , for the assessment. Whendetailing is such that the failure mechanism is expected

    to be ductile (i.e. nail pull-out) relatively high levels of

    ductility can be expected. The New Zealand Timber

    Structures Standard (SNZ, 1993) recommends that a

    structural ductility factor, , of up to 4.0 can be assumedfor these applications. When other less ductile failure

    modes govern the structural ductility factor, , of 1.25may be more appropriate.

    ASCE/SEI 41-06 provides some guidance on the

    expected structural ductility capacity of existing timber

    diaphragms. In this standard component modification

    factors (m-factors) to account for the level of expected

    ductility at various structural performances limit states

    are specified. Table 2 below details the ASCE/SEI

    41-06 m-factor applicable to existing timber diaphragms

    at the life safety limit state. These are analogous to the

    structural ductility factor, , used in AS/NZS 1170.

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    26 Journal of the Structural Engineering Society New Zealand Inc.

    Table 2. ASCE/SEI 41-06 m-Factors for the Life Safety

    Limit State (ASCE, 2006)

    Diaphragm Type Diaphragm


    Ratio (L/b)


    Single Straight Sheathing Chorded L/b 3.0 2.0

    Unchorded L/b 3.0 1.5

    Double Straight Sheathing Chorded L/b 3.0 2.0

    Unchorded L/b 3.0 1.5

    Single Diagonal Sheathing Chorded L/b 3.0 2.0

    Unchorded L/b 3.0 1.5

    Double Diagonal Chorded L/b 3.5 2.5

    Sheathing Unchorded L/b 3.5 2.0

    It is noted that the m-factors detailed in Table 2 are

    relatively low when compared with the structural ductility

    factor, , used for the design of new ductile timberstructures. It is understood that additional research is

    currently being undertaken at the University of Auckland

    to determine appropriate structural ductility factors that

    could be used for the assessment of existing timber

    diaphragms in New Zealand.

    4.4 Diaphragm Capacity Assessment

    When assessing the capacity of diaphragms both

    deformation and strength need to be considered.

    4.4.1 Deformation Assessment

    Equation 3 can be used to determine the expected

    diaphragm deflections using the diaphragm seismic

    loads calculated in the previous section. Details on how

    to determine the diaphragm stiffness were provided

    previously in Section 4.2. Diaphragm deflections should

    be scaled in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.5 Section

    7.2.1 to account for inelastic deformation. P-effects

    are already included in the modification factor C3 and

    as such AS/NZS 1170.5 Section does not apply.

    NZSEE guidelines limit the maximum diaphragm

    deflections to 150 mm for this assessment methodology

    to be applicable. The Author also recommends a rule

    of thumb approach where diaphragm deflections are

    limited to less than half the thickness of the supported

    out-of-plane URM walls to ensure the diaphragm

    deformations do not adversely affect the stability of

    these elements. It is hoped that in time research will

    provide greater guidance on appropriate diaphragm

    deformation limits.

    If the existing diaphragms are found to have inadequate

    stiffness the diaphragms should be strengthened.

    4.4.2 Strength Assessment

    NZSEE guidelines recommend that the parabolic

    load distribution illustrated in Figure 10 be used when

    assessing the capacity of flexible diaphragms. The

    parabolic load distribution is intended to emulate

    the expected distribution of horizontal inertia forces

    developed in the diaphragm.

    The parabolic load distribution illustrated in Figure 10

    can be expressed as (ASCE, 2006):








    Eqn. 5

    Where: wE = Diaphragm inertia load (kN/m).

    VD = Total diaphragm inertia load (kN).

    Ld = Diaphragm span (m).

    x = Distance from centre line of the

    diaphragm (m).

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    SESOC Journal

    Volume 23 No. 1 April 2010 27

    Figure 10. Recommended Load Distribution

    for Flexible Diaphragm Analysis

    (reproduced from ASCE 2006)

    Similarly the diaphragm shear force and bending

    moment distributions can be expressed as:












    5 dD3d










    Eqn. 6

    Eqn. 7

    Maximum design actions can then be calculated as:

    Eqn. 8

    Eqn. 9

    Default strength values detailed in Table 1 from ASCE/

    SEI 41-06 (ASCE, 2006) can be used to assess the shear

    capacity of existing diaphragms. Similar values can be

    calculated from first principals using the methodology

    detailed in Appendix 11B of the NZSEE guidelines or

    found from similar references (ICC, 2007). It has been

    noted that these values are significantly less than those

    recommended in Table 11.1 of the NZSEE guidelines.However it is unknown why such a large discrepancy


    NZS 3603 (SNZ, 1993), the New Zealand Timber

    Structures Standard can be used to design diaphragms

    strengthened with new plywood sheathing when this is

    required. Good references for the design of new plywood

    diaphragms include Timber Design Guide (Buchanan,

    2007) and Horizontal Timber Diaphragms for Wind and

    Earthquake Resistance(Smith et. al., 1986).

    Plywood overlays with stapled sheet metal blocking can

    also be used to strengthen existing diaphragms whenit is desired to keep the existing timber sheathing for

    heritage or other reasons. As illustrated in Figure 11

    in this instance light gauge sheet metal strapping is



    V D



    L5VM dDmaxE,

    Figure 11. Stapled Sheet Metal Blocking Used as Part of the

    Auckland Ar t Gallery Diaphragm Strengthening Works

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    SESOC Journal

    28 Journal of the Structural Engineering Society New Zealand Inc.

    provided at plywood sheet edges and staples are used

    to fasten the plywood to the blocking. This mitigates

    the need for timber blocking at the plywood sheet edges

    which can be problematic when the existing timber

    sheathing is to remain.

    Diaphragm strengthening using this technique iscommon in North America and has recently been used

    at the Auckland Art Gallery and Christchurch Arts Centre

    Old Arts School as part of seismic refurbishment works.

    Formal diaphragm chord elements are often absent

    in existing diaphragms. Table 1 provides strength

    and stiffness values for both chorded and unchorded

    diaphragms. Values given for unchorded diaphragms

    have been downgraded acknowledging the reduced

    structural performance expected of these elements.

    Diaphragm chord elements can be retrofitted into

    existing diaphragms relatively easily. Multiple bays of

    existing timber joists can be utilised by making them

    continuous using nail plates and/or bolts. When new

    chord elements are required perpendicular to existing

    joists new light gauge metal straps nailed to timber

    blocking can be used.

    Diaphragm chord elements are typically detailed as

    elastically responding elements by following capacity

    design procedures or using nominally ductile (i.e. =1.25) design loads.

    4.5 Calculation of Wall Diaphragm ConnectionLoads

    Both in-plane and out-of-plane connection loads need

    to be considered when assessing existing, or retrofitting

    new wall-diaphragm ties. Wall-diaphragm ties sustain

    predominantly in-plane loading at the diaphragm

    connections to the lateral load resisting end walls.

    Out-of-plane (i.e. tension and compression) loading of

    the ties occurs where they are restraining face loaded


    Concurrency of in-plane and out-of-plane seismic

    loading is typically not considered when assessing

    existing or designing new wall-diaphragm ties.

    4.5.1 Out-Of-Plane Seismic Response

    Out-of-plane seismic response of masonry walls in

    flexible diaphragm structures is complex and still not

    fully understood. Out-of-plane wall-diaphragm tie forces

    could be determined by one of the following methods:

    i. The connections could be designed using a

    capacity design approach such that they have

    adequate capacity to resist the maximum

    reactions that could be generated by the out-of-

    plane response of the wall. Research undertaken

    by Blaikie (Blaikie, 2001) has shown that peak

    out-of-plane wall inertia force generated in a wall,

    Fph,Wall,can be calculated as:

    Eqn. 10

    Where: 1 = Dynamic magnification factorto account for wall-diaphragm


    t = Wall thickness (m).

    H = Height of wall between floors (m).

    WP = Tributary weight of the wall (kN/m).

    Pu = Overburden load due to the weight

    of the building above (kN/m).

    The dynamic magnification factor, 1is a functionof the stiffness of the diaphragm. For single

    story buildings with diaphragm periods of greater

    than 1.0 seconds 11.3. For similar buildingswith diaphragm periods of less than 0.5 seconds


    Studies of three storey buildings have shownthat for buildings with a diaphragm period of

    0.5 seconds 1 2.0. For similar buildings with

    diaphragm periods of 1.0 seconds, 1 was also

    found to be a function of the stiffness of the

    lateral load resisting end walls. For stiff end

    walls (i.e. period of 0.5 seconds) 11.6. When

    more flexible end walls are present (i.e. period of

    1.0 seconds) 11.2.

    ii. The methodology recommended in NZSEE

    guidelines (NZSEE, 2006) uses the Parts

    Provisions detailed in Section 8 of AS/NZS 1170.It is worth noting that the NZSEE guidelines

    recommend assuming a part ductility factor, p,of 1.0 when calculating connection loads. This

    appears to contradict AS/NZS 1170 which states

    that when considering non-ductile connections a

    part ductility factor, p, of 1.25 should be used.

    iii. Using the out-of-plane wall anchorage provisions

    detailed in ASCE/SEI 41-06 (ASCE, 2006) i.e.:

    Eqn. 11

    up1 PWH


    pSTie WTP dC

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    Where: PTie = Wall diaphragm connection

    load (kN/m)

    = Out-of-plane wall responsecoefficient taken to be 1.2 for

    flexible diaphragm structures at

    the life safety limit state.

    Cd(Ts) = Horizontal design coefficient

    calculated in accordance with

    Section 5.2.1 of AS/NZS 1170 for

    a short period structure.

    WP = The tributary weight of the wall


    iv. Use capacity design to detail the wall-diaphragm

    connections such that they have adequate

    capacity to resist the peak inertia forces that can

    be resisted by the diaphragm i.e.:

    Eqn. 12

    Where: PTie,os= Overstrength wall diaphragm

    connection load (kN/m)

    2 = Dynamic magnification factorto account for wall-diaphragm

    resonance and inelastic modes

    of diaphragm response.

    VD,os = Diaphragm overstrength shear

    capacity (kN).

    WD = Effective seismic mass associated

    with the fundamental mode of the

    diaphragm (kN) (refer Section


    WP = The tributary weight of the wall


    Research of rigid diaphragm structures with

    concrete walls suggests that a dynamic

    magnification factor, 2of 2.5 would be appropriatefor such structures (Paulay & Priestley, 1992).

    Unfortunately the Author is unaware of any similar

    research that has been undertaken to confirm

    appropriate values of 2 for flexible diaphragmstructures.

    Table 3 below compares the out-of-plane wall forces

    calculated using the four design methods detailed above.

    The design loads were calculated assuming the building

    was founded on a Class C subsoil in Wellington. It was

    assumed that the building diaphragm periods were

    0.5 seconds, of 4.0 and a diaphragm overstrength,VD,os/WDof 0.23g. Supported out-of-plane loaded walls

    were assumed to have H = 3.70 m, t = 350 mm, P u/Wp

    = 2.0 and 1= 2.0.

    Table 3. Comparison of Out-of-plane Wall

    Design Load Calculated Methods


    osD,osTie, W


    VP 2

    nalysis Methodology Out-Of-Plane Wall

    Design Load

    Blaikie 2.27 WpAS/NZS 1170 1.81 WpASCE/SEI 41 -06 0.61 WpDiaphragm Overstrength


    0.58 Wp

    A parts structural ductility factor, p, of 1.25 was usedand 2was assumed to be 2.5 for the purpose of thisexample. For AS/NZS 1170 and ASCE/SEI 41-06

    methods the calculated loads were reduced to 67% of

    that which would be used to design a new building as is

    often done when evaluating existing structures.

    Referring to Table 3 it can be seen that the out-of-

    plane wall loads calculated using the AS/NZS 1170

    parts provisions are approximately three times that

    recommended in ASCE/SEI 41-06. This is a significant

    difference. It is also evident from Table 3 that the use

    of the Blaikie method can result in large out-of-plane

    design loads when compared with the other three

    methods, particularly in the lower levels of buildings

    where overburden stresses (Pu/Wp) are higher.

    Table 3 also illustrates that, when assuming a

    dynamic magnification factor, 2 of 2.5, the diaphragmoverstrength method results in out of plane design loads

    that are similar to those determined using ASCE/SEI

    41-06. Some Structural Engineers are concerned

    that using the AS/NZS 1170 parts provisions may be

    potentially overly conservative. This is of particular

    importance for existing buildings located in regionsof high seismicity as adopting the AS/NZS 1170 parts

    provisions can result in unwieldy and costly retrofit

    solutions (refer also Section A11.2 of the design example

    included in Appendix A).

    The validly of the dynamic magnification factor, 2usedin the previous design example needs to be confirmed

    by future research before the diaphragm overstrength

    method can be adopted. Until this research is completed

    it is recommended that the AS/NZS 1170 parts provisions

    are used to determine out-of-plane wall forces.

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    4.5.2 In-Plane Seismic Response

    Capacity design can be used to determine the maximum

    in-plane connection load i.e.:

    VD,os= osRn Eqn. 13

    Where: VD,os= Diaphragm overstrength shear

    capacity (kN/m).

    os = Diaphragm overstrength factor.

    Rn = Diaphragm shear capacity (kN/m).

    For those situations when diaphragm overstrengths

    cannot be reliably estimated (i.e. plywood diaphragms

    when the sheathing has been glued or when significant

    non-structural floor finishes are known to exist)

    Equation 4 can be used to determine the connection

    loads. When using Equation 4 it is recommended that a

    nominally ductile (i.e. of 1.25) structural response beassumed.

    4.6 Design and Assessment of Wall DiaphragmConnections

    4.6.1 Out-Of-Plane Seismic Response

    Figures 12 & 13 illustrate typical wall diaphragm ties

    for the situation when the floor joists are parallel and

    perpendicular to the support masonry wall respectively.

    In terms of out-of-plane loading the function of the

    diaphragm tie elements are to transfer the horizontal

    inertia forces associated with face loaded walls into the

    main body of the diaphragm.

    Figure 12. Typical Wall Diaphragm Connect ion

    with Joists Parallel to the Wall

    Figure 13. Typical Wall Diaphragm Connection

    with Joists Perpendicular to the Wall

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    Poor performance of URM and precast concrete tilt-

    up buildings with plywood roof diaphragms in previous

    earthquakes (i.e. 1971 San Fernando and 1994

    Northridge earthquakes) has resulted in the following

    design recommendations (ICBO, 2000):

    i. Cross grain bending of boundary joists should beavoided. As is illustrated in Figure 14 cross grain

    bending can occur when out-of-plane loaded walls

    pull away from the floor diaphragm, when out-of-

    plane wall anchor brackets are not provided. In

    this case, tension forces that are transferred by

    the anchor bolt and resisted by the diaphragm

    place the boundary joist in cross grain bending.

    Timber typically has low cross grain bending

    capacity and in many instances has been found

    to be inadequate to resist the necessary seismic

    loads in past earthquakes.

    ii. Nailing provided at the edges of plywood sheets

    should not be considered to be effective in

    transferring tensile diaphragm forces between

    plywood sheets. This is not recommended as

    these nails are in many instances already highly

    stressed resisting in-plane diaphragm shear

    forces and may have little reserve capacity to

    resist tensile diaphragm loading also. In addition

    these nails would typically be provided with small

    edge distances leaving them prone to pull-through

    should they be subject to tensile diaphragm

    loading perpendicular to the plywood sheet edge.

    iii. Diaphragms shall be provided with continuous

    ties or struts between diaphragm chords to

    distribute wall out-of-plane anchorage forces into

    the diaphragms. This is to ensure that the large

    out-of-plane forces generated at diaphragm edges

    have a reliable load path back into, and engage,

    the main body of the diaphragm. This is analogous

    to hanger reinforcing provided in reinforced

    concrete beam design. Added chord elements

    are permitted to be used to form subdiaphragms

    to transmit the anchorage forces to continuous

    diaphragm cross-ties. North American Building

    Codes (i.e. ACSE 7-05, 2005) limit the maximum

    length-to-width ratio of subdiaphragms to 2.5 to 1.

    While current URM retrofit practice in New Zealand

    typically avoids cross grain bending, there appears

    to be less of an awareness regarding the use of nails

    to transfer tensile diaphragm forces or the need for

    continuous diaphragm cross ties and struts. This is

    despite the requirement in AS/NZS 1170.0 (SNZ, 2004)

    that floor and roof diaphragms shall be designed to

    have ties or struts (where used) able to distribute the

    required wall anchorage forces. Subdiaphragms are a

    very effective way of providing the necessary continuous

    diaphragm cross ties and struts.

    The subdiaphragm methodology is a design method

    whereby the main diaphragm is broken up into a

    number of smaller (sub) diaphragms at the diaphragm

    perimeter. The smaller subdiaphragms are designed to

    resist the amplified out-of-plane wall anchorage forces

    previously described in Section 4.5.1 and span between

    diaphragm cross-ties which are typically provided at

    approximately 45 m centres.

    This aspect of timber diaphragm design is often not well

    understood in New Zealand and is equally applicable

    to the design of new structures with timber diaphragmsand heavy faade elements i.e. concrete masonry

    walls, precast concrete and GRC faade panels etc. It

    is important that Structural Engineers are familiar with

    the subdiaphragm concept and know when it should

    be applied. Subdiaphragms will be considered in more

    detail in Section 4.6.2 below.

    Figure 14. Out-Of-Plane Loading Cross

    Grain Bending Failure Mechanism

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    Referring to Figures 12 and 13, the tributary out-of-plane

    inertia force generated within the walls are transferred

    by the tension anchors into the steel brackets; and

    then from the steel brackets into the timber joists/

    blocking. When joists are orientated perpendicular

    to the wall (Figure 13), the joists are able to act as

    subdiaphragm ties transferring the out-of-plane forcesinto the subdiaphragm. As is illustrated in Figure 12,

    when joists are orientated parallel to the wall, timber

    blocking and sheet metal straps can be used to transfer

    the out-of-plane forces into the subdiaphragm.

    Eccentric loading of the timber joists/blocking by the

    steel bracket should be addressed when checking the

    adequacy of the existing floor framing. Additional timber

    blocking can be used to resist the expected minor axis


    The NZSEE guidelines provide default connectorstrengths that can be used to determine the size and

    spacing of tension bolts (NZSEE, 2006). In most

    instances insitu testing can be used to justify higher

    design values, although consideration of wall cracking

    due to out of plane response wall might be considered.

    4.6.2 Subdiaphragm Design

    Figure 15 illustrates the subdiaphragm concept. Consider

    the building subject to an east-west earthquake. In this

    instance it is recommended that continuous diaphragm

    cross ties are provided between grid lines A and D.

    One design solution would be to provide closely spaced(i.e. 500 mm crs), light-gauge sheet metal straps with

    timber blocking to act as the diaphragm cross ties/struts

    across the width of the diaphragm. However such a

    design solution would likely be costly and intrusive to

    implement as part of a retrofit.

    An alternative design solution using the subdiaphragm

    concept would be to utilise the existing beams to act as

    the diaphragm cross tie/strut forces and then provide

    smaller subdiaphragms that span horizontally between

    the diaphragm cross ties/struts.

    Consider the length of wall between grid lines D5 and

    D6. As shown in Figure 15, a smaller subdiaphragm

    could be designed to span between grid lines 5 and 6.

    In this instance, when the timber joists are orientated

    parallel to the wall, the existing joists are often found

    to be adequate to act as the subdiaphragm chords.

    The depth of the subdiaphragm is typically increased

    until the chord forces are sufficiently reduced that the

    existing joists are adequate. Alternatively the existing

    joists can be doubled up to increase their capacity. The

    sheet metal straps described in the previous section

    are used as subdiaphragm cross ties to transfer the

    amplified out-of-plane wall anchorage forces (refer

    Figure 12) to the rear of the subdiaphragm.

    Once the subdiaphragm design is complete, checks

    should be made to ensure that the existing beams that

    are utilised to act as diaphragm cross diaphragm ties/

    struts have adequate axial load capacity, and that their

    end connections are sufficient to transfer the necessary

    diaphragm cross tie forces.

    Referring to Figure 15 a similar strategy can be used for

    the north-south earthquake. In this direction the existing

    timber joists can be used as subdiaphragm cross-ties

    (refer Figure 13). Note that in this direction no beams

    are available to act as diaphragm cross ties/struts. As

    an alternative, existing floor joists can be doubled up

    and made continuous to act as subdiaphragm cross

    ties/struts. Existing beams can often be utilised to act

    as the subdiaphragm chords.

    When designing subdiaphragm elements and cross

    diaphragm ties the out-of-plane wall loads calculatedin Section 4.5.1 should be used. Current design office

    practice is that these amplified out-of-plane wall forces

    are not considered to act concurrently with those

    calculated in Section 4.3 for main diaphragm design.

    4.6.3 In-Plane Seismic Response

    In terms of in-plane loading response the wall

    diaphragm ties transfer the tributary horizontal inertia

    forces associated with face loaded walls, and the

    diaphragms own seismic mass, into the lateral load

    resisting in-plane end walls.

    Referring to Figures 12 and 13 the inertia forces are

    transferred out of the diaphragm via the boundary

    joist into the resisting in-plane end walls using grouted

    wall anchors. The NZSEE guidelines provide default

    connector strengths that can be used to determine the

    size and spacing of tension bolts (NZSEE, 2006). In

    most instances insitu testing can be also used to justify

    higher design values, although consideration of wall

    cracking due to out of plane response wall might be


    4.7 Diaphragm Penetrations

    Penetrations in diaphragms due to stair openings,

    elevators shafts and service risers require special

    consideration to ensure that diaphragm performance

    is not compromised. Diaphragm penetrations cause

    stress concentrations which can lead to poor diaphragm

    behaviour if the openings are not addressed in the

    diaphragm design.

    The shear transfer method (Smith et. al. 1986) is a

    simple design method which can be used by Structural

    Engineers to determine increased nailing and chord

    requirements adjacent to diaphragm openings.

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    Figure 15. Subdiaphragm Example

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    When diaphragm penetrations occur immediately

    adjacent to URM walls structural steel beams can be

    used to provide the necessary out-of-plane restraint to

    the walls (refer Figure 16). The beams should be tied

    back into the diaphragm using subdiaphragm cross ties.


    URM buildings have historically performed poorly in

    large earthquakes. It has been found that many failures

    of URM buildings are related to poor performance of the

    diaphragms and the wall to diaphragm connections.

    Analysis of URM structures with timber floors assuming

    rigid diaphragm behaviour may lead to unconservative

    assessments of diaphragm accelerations and

    inaccurate estimates of load distribution between lateral

    load resisting elements.

    Many URM structures can be assessed and strengthened

    when necessary using a simplified analysis method

    contained within the NZSEE guide lines and ASCE/SEI

    41-06 as illustrated in this paper.

    Figure 16. Typical Out-Of-Plane Wall Support

    Detail at Diaphragm Openings

    Care is required when detailing the wall to diaphragm

    connections to ensure that:

    Cross grain bending of boundary joists is avoided.

    Eccentric loading of floor framing elements by

    out-of-plane wall brackets is considered in thediaphragm design.

    Plywood sheet edge nailing is not required to

    transfer tensile diaphragm forces.

    Diaphragm cross-ties are provided to transfer the

    large out-of-plane forces generated at diaphragm

    edges back into the main body of the diaphragm.

    Stress concentrations due to diaphragm openings

    are addressed and the need for supplementary

    wall support considered when diaphragm openingsoccur immediately adjacent to URM walls.

    Further research into the seismic response of URM

    buildings with flexible diaphragms is required to confirm

    the following:

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    The structural ductility capacity of existing timber


    Acceptable diaphragm deformation limits and the

    interaction between the in-plane deformation of

    diaphragms and the out-of-plane response of the

    supported face loaded walls.

    Design loads for the out-of-plane response of

    URM walls can be reduced from those currently

    specified in the NZSEE recommendations?

    Specifically can a capacity design approach be

    adopted whereby out-of-plane wall forces are

    limited by yielding of the supporting diaphragm i.e.

    confirmation of which of the four methods detailed

    in Section 4.5.1 is most appropriate for use in New


    Many of the principles of subdiaphragm design detailed inthis paper for existing URM buildings are also applicable

    to new structures with flexible timber diaphragms and

    heavy faade elements. It is important that Structural

    Engineers are familiar with the subdiaphragm concept

    and know when it should be applied.


    1. ASCE, ASCE/SEI 41-06 Seismic Rehabilitation

    of Existing Buildings, ASCE, Restonm Virgina,


    2. Blaikie, E.L., Methodology For The Assessmentof Face Loaded Unreinforced Masonry Walls

    Under Seismic Loading, EQC Funded Research

    by Opus International Consultants, Project 99/422,

    Wellington, New Zealand, 2001.

    3. Bruneau, M.,State-Of-The Art Report On Seismic

    Performance of Unreinforced Masonary Buildings,

    Journal of Structural Engineering, 120(1),1994.

    4. Buchanan, A., Timber Design Guide, University

    of Canterbury, New Zealand, 2007.

    5. ICBO, Guidelines For Seismic Evaluation and

    Rehabilitation of Tilt-Up Buildings and Other Rigid

    Wall/Flexible Diaphragm Structures International

    Conference of Building Officials, 2000.

    6. ICC, 2006 International Existing Building Code,

    International Code Council, County Club Hills, IL,


    7. Ingham, J.M., The Influence of Earthquakes on

    New Zealand Masonry Construction Practice,

    14IBMAC Conference, Bondi, Australia, 2008.

    8. FEMA, FEMA 306 Evaluation of Earthquake

    Damaged Concrete & Masonry Buildings, Applied

    Technology Council, Washington D.C., 1998.

    9. FEMA, FEMA 356 Prestandard And

    Commentary For The Seismic Rehabilitation of

    Buildings , ASCE, Washington D.C., 2000.

    10. NZSEE, Assessment and Improvement of

    the Structural Performance of Buildings in

    Earthquakes, NZSEE, Wellington, New Zealand,2006.

    11. Paulay, T. & Priestley, M.J.N., Seismic Design

    of Reinforced Concrete and Maonry Structures,

    John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York, 1992.

    12. Russell, A.P. and Ingham, J.M., Trends in the

    Architectural Characterisation of Unreinforced

    Masonry in New Zealand, 14IBMAC Conference,

    Bondi, Australia, 2008.

    13. Smith, P.C., Dowrick, D.J. & Dean, J.A., Horizontal

    Timber Diaphragms For Wind And EarthquakeResistance, Bulletin of the New Zealand Society

    For Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1986.

    14. SNZ, NZS 3603:1993 Timber Structures

    Standard, Standards New Zealand, Wellington,

    New Zealand, 1993.

    15. SNZ, ASNZS 1170.5:2004 Structural Design

    Actions Part 5 : Earthquake Actions New

    Zealand, Standards New Zealand, Wellington,

    New Zealand, 2004.

    16. ASCE, ASCE 7-05 Minimum Deesign Loads for

    Buildings and Other Structures, American Society

    of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia, USA, 2006.

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    A.1 Introduction

    This design example will detail the assessment and retrofit of the first floor of the five

    storey high building previously illustrated in Figures 2 & 15. The building is rectangular

    in plan and is approximately 30.4 m long, 18.6 m wide and 22.1 m high.

    Unreinforced masonry has been used to construct the perimeter walls. The floors consist

    of 20 mm thick straight timber sheathing supported on 300 x 60 mm joists spanning in the

    north-south direction. Structural steel beams spanning between cast-iron columns support

    the timber joists.

    The building is located in Wellington and is founded on Class D subsoil. The intention is

    that the building will be seismically strengthened to 67% of that which would be requiredfor a new building at the site.

    It is assumed for this example that the material strengths for the existing timber elements

    are equal to or greater than that for Radiata Pine No. 1 Framing Grade. The influence of

    the floor penetrations on diaphragm behavior has been ignored and the C 3 P-modification factor was assumed to be 1.0 for this design example.

    A.2 Building Information

    Seismic weights for the first floor were calculated as follows:

    Diaphragm self weight = 1098 kN i.e. the self weight of the flooring, joists,

    beams, columns, superimposed dead loads

    and reduced live load.

    Grid Line 1 Wall = 675kN

    Grid Line 7 Wall = 673 kN

    Grid Line A Wall = 1431 kN

    Grid Line D Wall = 1256 kN

    The thickness of the walls between Ground Floor and Level 1, and Level 1 and Level 2 is

    530 mm. The height of the first floor is 7.4 m above the building base.

    A.3 Diaphragm Period Calculation

    North South Direction

    D1 3.07T Eqn. 1

    Need to determine Di.e.





    V Eqn. 3

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    kN2446g16736751098V u i.e. self weight of the diaphragm and theeast west walls.







    Eqn. 2



    KD i.e. Gd= 350 kN/m (refer Table 1)





    s77.102. 13.07T1

    East West Direction

    Similarly it can be shown that:

    kN3785g1125614311098V u







    A.4 Diaphragm Seismic Load Calculation

    North South Direction

    VD= C1C3Cd(T1)WD Eqn. 4



    STC P1d

    CT1 AS/NZS 1170.5 Eqn 5.2(1)


    g51.,T(ZRNCT h1 TC

    7.0pS i.e. assuming = 2.0 capacity


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    Hence 67% design seismic loading for the north south direction is:

    DD W12.0W18. d


    kN295244612.0V d

    East West Direction

    Similarly it can be shown that:

    g28. C






    kN253378510. d

    A.5 Diaphragm Deformation Assessment

    Need to ensure that diaphragm deflections do not exceed 150 mm or half the thickness of

    the walls (i.e. 530/2 = 265 mm).

    North South Direction







    East West Direction







    In this instance the diaphragms did not have adequate stiffness and strengthening of the

    diaphragm is required.

    Consider replacing the straight sheathing with a new F8 Grade 19 mm plywood diaphragm

    with 75x3.3 mm edge nailing at 75 mm crs. It is acknowledged that this is a significant

    amount of nailing however, as will be seen below in Section A12.2, the shear capacity of

    the diaphragm is governed by the subdiaphragm design.

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    A.6 Revised Diaphragm Period Calculation

    North South Direction

    D1 3.07T Eqn. 1

    Need to calculate the secant yield stiffness, KD, of the plywood diaphragm.




    Where: Vy = Diaphragm yield strength (kN)

    D = Diaphragm yield displacement (m)

    Determine the shear capacity, Qn,of the proposed diaphragm nailing. From NZS 3603

    (SNZ, 1993):

    kcmd QkknkQ n NZS 3603 Eqn. 4.2

    Where: n = Number of nails = 13.3 nails / m

    kd = Duration of loading factor = 1.0

    km = Multiple nail factor = 1.3

    kc = Plywood sheathing with flat head nails factor = 1.4

    Qk = Characteristic nail strength from NZS 3603 Table 4.3 = 695 N


    m/N168706954. n


    kN1009168709.292bQ2V n y

    From NZS 3603 (SNZ, 1993) the diaphragm yield displacement can be calculated:

    321 D NZS 3603 Eqn. 5.2.2

    Where: 1 = Flexural deflection of diaphragm (m).2 = Shear deformation of diaphragm (m).3 = Deflection of diaphragm due to nail slip (m).

    In this example the flexural diaphragm deflection (1) will be ignored as it is typicallysmall compared with shear and nail slip deformations. This could be confirmed later

    during the design once the diaphragm design is complete.


    WL2 NZS 3603 Eqn. 5.2.5

    Where: W = 1009 kN

    L = 17.4 m

    G = 455 MPa

    b = 29.9 m

    T = 19.2 mm

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    mea1 n3 NZS 3603 Eqn. 5.2.6

    Where: a = 2.0

    m = 8

    en = 1.4 mm







    mm258.164.80 D





    Hence the elastic deflection of the plywood sheathed diaphragm and a 1g lateral load can

    be calculated as:



    D Eqn. 3


    s43.0 0.0613.07T1

    East West Direction

    Similarly it can be shown that:

    kN604168709.172V y









    mm413.269.140 D




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    3785D Eqn. 3

    s89.0 0.2573.07T1

    A.7 Revised Diaphragm Seismic Load Calculation

    North South Direction

    Using the revised diaphragm period calculated above:

    g20.,T(ZRNCT h1 TC





    Note the above assumes the nailed plywood diaphragm will be designed to have a ductility

    displacement capacity, , of 4.0. Hence the revised 67% design seismic loading for thenorth south direction is:

    kN535246630. d

    East West Direction

    Similarly it can be shown that:

    g84. C




    kN379378515. d

    A.8 Revised Diaphragm Shear Strength Assessment

    North South Direction




    VV DmaxE, Eqn. 8

    m/kN13500168708.0Rn Refer Section A.6

    Hence the proposed diaphragm nailing has adequate shear capacity. Determine the actual

    ductility required, Act. Because T1 is less than 0.7 s consideration of AS/NZS 1170 theproportionality is not linear and consideration of k is required..









    HenceAct can be calculated as 2.4.

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    East West Direction

    Similarly it can be shown that:




    VV DmaxE,

    m/N13500Rn (refer above).

    Again proposed diaphragm nailing is adequate. Because T1 is greater than 0.7s Actcansimply be calculated as:






    A.9 Revised Diaphragm Deformation Assessment

    North South Direction







    East West Direction







    The diaphragm deflections in both directions are less than the maximum permitted of150 mm. Hence the proposed diaphragm has adequate stiffness.

    A.10 Diaphragm Chord Design

    Diaphragm chords will be designed to remain elastic using capacity design.

    North South Direction

    Overstrength shear capacity of the diaphragm nailing, Qos, can be calculated as:

    nosos,D QV Eqn. 13

    Where: os = Nail overstrength factor taken as 1.6Qn = Characteristic shear capacity diaphragm nailing

    = 16.87 kN/m (refer Section A.6)


    m/kN0.2787.166.1V os,D

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    Hence the diaphragm overstrength factor in the north-south direction, os,NS, can becalculated as:









    Hence the maximum bending moment, Mos,max, generated in the diaphragm at overstrength

    can be calculated as:





    Dos,NSmaxos, Eqn. 9

    The maximum overstrength diaphragm chord forces can then be calculated as:


    4390M max,os b

    P chordxos,

    This design load should be used to design the diaphragm chord.

    East West Direction

    Similarly it can be shown that:





    9.2937948.25 maxos,M



    A.11 Calculation of Wall Diaphragm Connection Loads

    A.11.1 In-Plane Seismic Response

    The diaphragm overstrength capacity, VD,os, was calculated previously in Section A.11 as16.87 kN/m.

    A.11.2 Out-Of-Plane Seismic Response

    North South Direction

    The same design will be used for grid line 1 and grid line 7 walls. From Section A.2 the

    tributary self weight of the critical grid line 1 wall was 675 kN i.e. 37.7 kN/m.

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    Using the AS/NZS 1170 part provisions, assuming a part structural ductility factor, p, of1.25, hiof 7.4 m, and a part risk factor, Rp, of 1.0 the out-of-plane wall loads, Fph, can be

    calculated as 0.67 x 1.70 = 1.13 g.

    Hence the out-of-plane wall load for the north-south seismic response, Fph,NS Wall can be

    calculated as:

    m/kN7.427.3713.1WF wall,iph ph,NSF

    East West Direction

    Similarly it can be shown that:


    1431wall,i W

    m/kN1.549.4713.1WF wall,iph EWph,F

    Out of interest compare the AS/NZS 1170 parts loads with the overstrength diaphragm

    acceleration in each direction i.e.



















    Hence the AS/NZS 1170 out-of-plane parts load are 1.7 and 4.5 times greater than the

    overstrength diaphragm acceleration and in the north south and east west directions

    respectively. Note that as will be seen in Section A12.2 the diaphragm nailing was

    governed by the AS/NZS 1170 parts loads. If the diaphragm was designed without

    consideration of the AS/NZS 1170 parts loads it can be shown that the overstrength

    diaphragm accelerations would be approximately 1/3 of that detailed above. This equates

    to the AS/NZS 1170 out-of-plane parts load that would be 5 and 12 times greater than the

    overstrength diaphragm accelerations and in the north south and east west directions

    respectively. It seems improbable that this could occur. This demonstrates that further

    research into this area is warranted.

    A.12 Design of Wall Diaphragm Connections

    For this example it will be assumed that no existing wall-diaphragm anchors exist and that

    new anchors will be provided as part of the proposed retrofit.

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    A.12.1 In-Plane Seismic Response

    North South Direction

    From Section A12.1 above VD, os = 16.87 kN/m. From Table 10.B2 of the NZSEE

    guidelines the default shear capacity, Qn, of an M16 anchor bolt grouted at least 200 mminto a masonry wall can be taken as 9.0 kN.

    Hence the max anchor spacing can be calculated as:








    Note that a strength reduction factor, , of 1.0 was used in the above equation inaccordance with typical capacity design procedures. The existing joists are at 450 mm

    hence the new wall anchors could be provided at each joist location i.e. 450 mm centres.

    East West Direction

    The same in-plane diaphragm load occurs in the east west direction because the nail

    spacing is the same. Hence new wall anchors at 500 mm centres will be adequate in this

    direction also.

    A.12.2 Out-Of-Plane Seismic Response

    North South Direction

    Determine Wall Anchor Spacing:

    From Section A11.1 above Fph, NS = 42.7 kN/m. From Table 10.B2 of the NZSEE

    guidelines the default tension capacity, Pn, of an M16 anchor bolt grouted 50 mm less than

    the thickness of the wall can be taken as 11.0 kN.

    Hence the max anchor spacing can be calculated as:







    This is not a practicable anchor spacing. Consider the required anchor tension capacity if

    an anchor is provided at each joist location.




    Given that the anchor is to be embedded in a 470 mm thick masonry this required capacity

    may be achievable although it will need to be confirmed by insitu anchor testing.

    Referring to Figure 15 consider the design of the subdiaphragm. In this example it will

    provide 1 bay deep subdiaphragms i.e. between gridlines 1 and 2 to support the grid line 1

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    SESOC Journal

    46 Journal of the Structural Engineering Society New Zealand Inc.

    wall, and between 6 and 7 to support the grid line 7 wall. Diaphragm cross-ties will be

    provided on grid lines A, B, C and D.

    Check Subdiaphragm Shear:





    Note that in the above equation the AS/NZS 1170 parts loads used was that calculated

    assuming a part structural ductility factor, p, of 3.0 ( i.e. 0.67 x 0.90 g) because in thisinstance the required diaphragm nailing has been determined. From Section A.8

    Rn= 13.5 kN/m hence the subdiaphragm has adequate shear strength.

    Check Subdiaphragm Chords:











    The capacity of the existing beams along grid lines 2 and 6 will need to be checked to

    ensure that they have adequate capacity to resist this axial load. Also the necessary

    detailing will have to be provided to ensure the beams are adequately connected to the

    subdiaphragm i.e. provide new ribbon plates if necessary.

    Referring to section A.10 the loads used to design the primary diaphragm chords on grid

    lines 1 and 7 were greater than the subdiaphragm loads calculated above and as such will

    be adequate to act as subdiaphragm chords.

    Check Subdiaphragm Cross-Ties:

    In this instance the existing 300x 60 joists will act as the subdiaphragm cross ties. Using

    NZS 3603 it can be shown that the existing timber joists have adequate capacity to resist

    the additional out-of-plane wall axial loads. A steel bracket bolted to the existing joist can

    be detailed to transfer the load from the wall anchor into the existing joist.

    Adequate nailing is required to transfer the subdiaphragm cross-tie loads into the new

    plywood diaphragm. The design load can be calculated as:






    Hence 75 x 3.33 nails at 200 centres would be adequate i.e. Qn= 827 N/nail).

    Design Diaphragm Cross-Ties:

    The diaphragm cross-tie force can be calculated as:

    1i,sdi,sdNS,phmax,E bbF5.0P

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    SESOC Journal

    Volume 23 No. 1 April 2010 47

    Where bds,i and bds,i+1 are the adjacent subdiaphragm spans. Hence on grid line B the

    diaphragm cross-tie force is:

    kN248)9.572.5(7.425.0bbF5.0P 1i,sdi,sdNS,phmax,E

    It can be shown that this load can be resisted by doubling up an existing joist line adjacent

    grid lineB. Nail plates could be detailed to provide a continuous load path between grid

    lines 1 & 7. Similarly the grid line A diaphragm cross-tie force can be calculated as:

    kN122)072.5(7.425.0bbF5.0P 1i,sdi,sdNS,phmax,E

    Note that this load is less than the diaphragm chord force of 252 kN calculated previously

    in Section A.10 for the east-west diaphragm response. Hence the capacity of the

    diaphragm chord is adequate. The design grid line C & D cross ties will be similar to that

    already described above.

    East West Direction

    Determine Wall Anchor Spacing:

    From Section A11.1 above Fph, EW= 54.1 kN/m. Referring to Figure 12 in this direction

    the spacing of the wall anchors is governed by the capacity of the light gauge metal strap

    subdiaphragm cross-ties. Consider a proprietary metal strap with an axial load capacity,

    Rn, of 14.8 kN. Hence the max anchor spacing can be calculated as:







    Hence provide wall anchors and subdiaphragm cross-ties at 275 mm centres. It is

    acknowledged that this is a very close spacing. The anchor spacing could be increased by

    using stronger, custom light gauge metal straps or alternatively using lower out-of-plane

    design loads. The latter may be possible in the future pending improved design


    Note that insitu anchor testing will still be required to confirm the required anchor


    Consider the design of the subdiaphragm. In this example it will provide 1 bay deepsubdiaphragm i.e. between gridlines A and B to support the grid line A wall, and between

    C and D to support the grid line D wall. Diaphragm cross-ties will be provided on grid

    lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

    Check Subdiaphragm Shear:







    From Section A.8 Rn= 13.5 kN/m hence the subdiaphragm has adequate shear strength.

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    SESOC Journal

    48 Journal of the Structural Engineering Society New Zealand Inc.

    Check Subdiaphragm Chords:









    It can be shown that the existing joists have adequate capacity to resist this load.

    Detail Subdiaphragm Cross-Ties:

    Referring to Figure A.1 below care is required to ensure that the 95 mm vertical

    eccentricity between the anchor bracket and the light gauge metal strap subdiaphragm

    cross-ties is addressed in the design. Two rows of joists have been blocked-out in order to

    keep the stabilising vertical shears, V1, to a manageable level.

    Figure A.1 Subdiaphragm Tie Force Distribution

    Knowing that the existing 300 x 60 joists are at 450 mm centres the stabilising vertical

    shear force, V1, to be transferred through the new timber blocking can be calculated as:








    Skew nails could be used to secure the timber blocking to the existing joists. Referring to

    Figure A.1 the capacity of the right most joist to resist this additional seismic load (i.e.

    1.56/0.275 = 5.68 kN/m) would need to be verified.

    First consider force F1, the load to be transferred









  • 8/12/2019 Assessment Retrofit Flexible Diaphragms


    SESOC Journal

    Too much food?

    For those of you who watch what you eat, here's the final word on nutrition and health. It's a reliefto know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies.

    1. The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.

    2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.

    3. The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.

    4. The Italians drink a lot of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.

    5. The Germans drink a lot of beer and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heartattacks than us.


    Eat and drink what you like.Speaking English is apparently what kills you.

    Hence a standard proprietary 6 kN light metal gauge metal brace strap would be

    adequate. Force F2 can then be calculated as:

    kN4.1041.48.14FFF 1ph2

    The proposed proprietary light gauge metal strap is pre-punched with 2 rows of 3.15diameter holes at 32 mm crs. It can be shown that 2 rows of 3.15 x 75 nails at 32 mm crs

    are adequate. Wood screws can be used over the balance of the sub diaphragm tie length

    to transfer the out-of-plane wall loads into the subdiaphragm. The capacity of the wood

    screws, Rn,would need to be greater than:








    Design Diaphragm Cross-Ties:

    Typical the diaphragm cross-tie force is:

    kN265)9.49.4(1.545.0bbF5.0P 1i,sdi,sdNS,phmax,E

    It can be shown that this load can be resisted by the existing steel beams. The capacity of

    steel beam end connections should checked to ensure that a continuous cross-tie has been

    provided across the width of the diaphragm. Similarly the grid line 1 and 7 diaphragm

    cross-tie force can be calculated as:

    kN132)092.4(1.545.0bbF5.0P 1i,sdi,sdNS,phmax,E

    This load is less than the diaphragm chord force of 151 kN calculated previously in

    Section A.10 for the north-south diaphragm response. Hence the diaphragm chord

    designed previously will also be adequate to act as the grid line 1 & 7 diaphragm cross-tie.