assic 9th lecture

Verilog HDL Verilog HDL ASIC DESIGN USING FPGA BEIT VII KICSIT Sept 17 2012 Lecture 9

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Verilog lect 9


Page 1: Assic 9th Lecture


Verilog HDLVerilog HDLVerilog HDLVerilog HDL




Sept 17 2012 Lecture 9

Page 2: Assic 9th Lecture


Timing ControlTiming Control

Sept 17 2012

• If there is no timing control, simulation time does not advance.

• Simulated time can only progress by one of the following:

• Gate or wire delay, if specified.

• A delay control, introduced by the # symbol.

• An event control, introduced by the @ symbol.

• The wait statement.Lecture 9

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Timing ControlTiming Control

Sept 17 2012

• The Verilog language provides three types of Timing Control.

• Delay based timing control

• Event based timing control

• Level sensitive timing control

Lecture 9

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Delay based Timing ControlDelay based Timing Control

Sept 17 2012

• Regular Delay Control (#)

• A non-zero delay with # is specified to the left of a procedural assignment.

• specifies the time duration between initially encountering the statement and when the statement actually executes.

Lecture 9

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Delay based Timing ControlDelay based Timing Control

Sept 17 2012

• For example:

#10 A = A + 1 ;

specifies to delay 10 time units before executing the procedural assignment statement.

• The # may be followed by an expression with variables.• For example:

#y x = x + 1 ;

Lecture 9

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Delay based Timing ControlDelay based Timing Control

Sept 17 2012 Lecture 9

• Regular Delay Control

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Delay based Timing ControlDelay based Timing Control

Sept 17 2012

• Intra-assignment Delay Control

• A non-zero delay with # is specified to the right of a procedural assignment.

y = #10 x + z ;

Lecture 9

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Delay based Timing ControlDelay based Timing Control

Sept 17 2012

• Zero Delay Control• Procedural statements in different always-initial blocks may be evaluated at the same simulation time.

• The order of execution of these statements in different always-initial blocks is nondeterministic.

• Zero Delay Control is a method to ensure that a statement is executed last, after all other statements in that simulation time are executed

Lecture 9

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Delay based Timing ControlDelay based Timing Control

Sept 17 2012

• Zero Delay Control

• Zero Delay Control is used to eliminate race conditions.

Lecture 9

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Event based Timing ControlEvent based Timing Control

Sept 17 2012

• An event is the change in the value on a register or a net.

• can be utilized to trigger execution of a statement or a block of statements.

Lecture 9

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Event based Timing ControlEvent based Timing Control

Sept 17 2012

• Events based timing control- (@)

Lecture 9

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Event based Timing ControlEvent based Timing Control

Sept 17 2012

• Example half adder implementation

Lecture 9

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Event based Timing ControlEvent based Timing Control

Sept 17 2012

• Example Behavioral edge-triggered DFF

Lecture 9

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Level based Timing ControlLevel based Timing Control

Sept 17 2012

• Level sensitive timing control wait (expr)

Lecture 9

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Conditional StatementsConditional Statements

Sept 17 2012

• if and else

if (expr1)

true_stmt1 ;

else if (expr2)

true_stmt2 ;



Lecture 9

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Multi-way BranchingMulti-way Branching

Sept 17 2012

• Procedural Statement (case)

The keywords case, endcase and default are

used in the case statement.

case (expr)

item_1: stmt1;

item_2: stmt2;


default: def_stmt;

endcase Lecture 9

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Multi-way BranchingMulti-way Branching

Sept 17 2012

• Example case

4-to-1 mux:

Lecture 9

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Multi-way BranchingMulti-way Branching

Sept 17 2012

• There are two variations of the case statement.

•casez treats all z values in the case alternatives or the case expression as don’t cares. All bit positions with z can also be represented by ? in that position.

•casex treats all x and z values in the case item or the case expression as don’t cares.

Lecture 9

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Multi-way BranchingMulti-way Branching

Sept 17 2012

• casez Example:

Lecture 9

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Multi-way BranchingMulti-way Branching

Sept 17 2012

• casex Example:

Lecture 9