assignment 1 brief-longitudinal study

 Assignment 1-Longitudinal Study Learner name Assessor name Miss E.Kerr Date issued Completion date Submitted on 26 th September 2011 12 th December 2011 Qualification Unit number and title BTEC National Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development Unit 3: Promoting Children’s Development Assignment title My longitudinal study of a child In this assessment you will have the opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria, indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found. Criteria reference To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: Task no. Evidence P6 Describe own longitu dinal study o f a baby or young child 1 Actual Longitudinal Study M4 Interpret longitudinal study , assessing, recording and planning for the child 2 Actual Longitudinal Study D2 Evaluate the observational techniques used including the longitudinal method. 3 Actual Longitudinal Study Learner declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Learner signature: Date:

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Assignment 1-Longitudinal Study

Learner name Assessor name

Miss E.Kerr

Date issued Completion date Submitted on

26th September 2011 12th December 2011

Qualification Unit number and title

BTEC National Diploma in Children’s Care,Learning and Development

Unit 3: Promoting Children’s Development

Assignment title My longitudinal study of a child

In this assessment you will have the opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria, indicate the page numberswhere the evidence can be found.


To achieve the criteria the evidence must show thatthe student is able to:

Task no. Evidence

P6 Describe own longitudinal study of a baby or young child 1


M4Interpret longitudinal study , assessing, recording and planning forthe child



D2Evaluate the observational techniques used including thelongitudinal method.



Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Learner signature: Date:

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Assignment 1 –Longitudinal Study

Qualification BTEC National Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development

Unit number and title Unit 3: Promoting Children’s Development

Start date 26th September 2011


Assessor name Miss E. Kerr

Assignment title My longitudinal study of a child

The purpose of this assignment is to help students to understand the development of the child holistically and therecording process involved with observing a child over a longer period of time. This will incorporate all of theobservation techniques that they will learn about throughout the duration of the course.


You are employed as a Childcare practitioner at a private day nursery, you have worked there for 3 years

and you are an established member of staff. You are currently based in the baby room (0-2 year olds) andyou’ve worked with this age group for the past year but you have spent a year working in the Toddlerroom (2-3 year olds) and you have spent another year working in the Pre-school room (3-5 year olds). Isaiah/Kayla is a 6 month old little boy/girl (who you also babysit every month) has started at the nurseryupon your recommendation. In order to record and monitor his/her development every week, the Headof Baby room has asked you to start an observational file. This observational file will last for the durationof time that he/she is at the nursery (he/she will be there for approximately 18 months) and it will alsobe shared with the baby’s parents.

Your observations will also include any key developments that you see whilst you babysit Isiah/ Kaylaevery month

Task 1P6Describe your own longitudinal study of a Kayla/Isaiah (Kayla/Isaiah will be the name of the REAL childthat you can choose to base your study on) You are expected to study a child between the ages of 0-3years old over a period of 6-18 months. You will be expected to visit at least once a month, carrying outobservations on each visit.You need to write about:• why you chose this child• aspects of development you intend to observe• initial information about the child• how you will observe them- observational techniques you intend to use

• any ethical considerations• observation comparisons• limitations which may affect your observations and/or recordings• measurements of the child including weight, height at different stages• caring routines• feeding• play• toys• clothing• areas of child development including physical, intellectual, emotional, social,language and communication.You will need to ensure/consider:• confidentiality• rights• objectivity.

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Task 2M4 Interpret your longitudinal study, assessing, recording and planning for the Isaiah/Kayla .You will need to show that you have interpreted your observations during your study,for the purpose of assessment and recording. Include this evidence, along with any

rough notes/interpretations, with your child study.

Task 3D2 Evaluate your longitudinal study, assessing, recording and planning for Isaiah/ Kayla.You will need to show that you have interpreted your observations during your study,for the purpose of assessment and recording. Include this evidence, along with anyrough notes/interpretations, with your child study.

Sources of information

• Observation resource pack (in your folders)

• Observations made by yourself of the child

This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose

Assessor Miss E.Kerr

Signature Date 20th September 2011

Internal verifier Mrs H.Payne

Signature Date

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Internal verification of assignment 1 brief 


Unit number and title

Assessor name

Internal verifier checklist Y/N* Comments

Are accurate programme details shown? Y/N*

Are accurate unit details shown? Y/N*

Are clear deadlines for assessment given? Y/N*

Is this assignment for whole or part of a unit? W/P

Are the grading and assessment criteria to be addressedlisted?


Does each task show which criteria are being addressed? Y/N*

Are these criteria actually addressed by the tasks? Y/N*

Is it clear what evidence the learner needs to generate? Y/N*

Are the activities appropriate? Y/N*

Is there a scenario or vocational context? Y/N*

Are the language and presentation appropriate? Y/N*

Is the timescale for the assignment appropriate? Y/N*

Overall is the assignment fit for purpose? Y/N*

* If “No” is recorded and the internal verifier recommends remedial action before the brief is issued, the assessor and theinternal verifier should confirm that the action has been undertaken.

Internal verifier

Signature Date

Action required:

Action taken:


Signature Date

Internal verifier

Signature Date

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Assignment 1 Assessor's comments

Qualification Assessor name

Unit number and title Learner name

Grading criteria Achieved?

Learner feedback

Assessor feedback

Action plan

Assessor signature Date

Learner signature Date

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Assignment 1 Internal verification of assessment decisions


Unit number and title

Assessor name

Assignment title

Learner name

Which criteria has theassessor awarded?

Pass Merit Distinction

Do the criteria awardedmatch those targeted bythe assignment brief?



Has the work beenassessed accurately?



Is the feedback to thelearner:

• Constructive?

• Linked to relevant

assessment andgrading criteria?

• Identifyingopportunities forimprovedperformance?



Does the grading decisionneed amending?



Remedial action taken

Confirm action completed

Assessor name

Assessor signature Date

Internal verifier name

Internal verifier signature Date

Assignment 1 Observation record

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Learner name


Unit number and title

Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)

Assessment and grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria

Assessor signature Date

Assessor name

Assignment 1 Witness statement

Learner name

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Unit number and title

Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)

Assessment and grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria,including how and where the activity took place

Witness name Job role

Witness signature Date

Assessor name

Assessor signature Date