assignment 1 of 8085

sAssignment1 of 8085 1. What tri-state devices and why are they essential in a bus oriented system? 2. Specify the crystal frequency required for an 8085 system to operate at 1.1MHz. If the clock frequency is 5MHZ, how much time is required to execute an instruction of 18 T-states. 3. Define bit, byte and word. 4. Write a program to add two numbers. If there is generation of carry then store the result in 2020H and 2021H else store the result in 3051H 5. What are the full name of RAM, EPROM, SRAM, EEROM? and write their uses. 6. Load 89H in C register and Mask higher 4 bits and store lower 4 bits in a memory location. 7. Write comments for each line of program and find the result of A MVI A,05H MVI C,03H XRA C ADI 09H 8. What is microprocessor?

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Page 1: Assignment 1 of 8085

sAssignment1 of 8085

1. What tri-state devices and why are they essential in a bus oriented system?2. Specify the crystal frequency required for an 8085 system to operate at

1.1MHz. If the clock frequency is 5MHZ, how much time is required to execute an instruction of 18 T-states.

3. Define bit, byte and word. 4. Write a program to add two numbers. If there is generation of carry then store

the result in 2020H and 2021H else store the result in 3051H

5. What are the full name of RAM, EPROM, SRAM, EEROM? and write their uses.

6. Load 89H in C register and Mask higher 4 bits and store lower 4 bits in a memory location.

7. Write comments for each line of program and find the result of AMVI A,05HMVI C,03HXRA CADI 09H

8. What is microprocessor?

9. Write short note on multiplexing and demultiplexing of AD0 to AD7 lines of microprocessor?

10. Draw machine cycle diagram for LDA 2050H

11. How many address lines are required to access 10 KByte memory?12. Write a program to store the content of HL registers pair to a memory location

using indirect addressing.

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13. How many memory locations can be addressed by a microprocessor with 14 address lines?

14. Write comments for each line of programMVI A,00HMVI B,F9HMOV C,AMOV A,BLXI H,2222HMOV M,A

15. Why is data bus bidirectional?16. Draw machine cycle diagram for STAX 3050H

17. What is function of accumulator and ALU?18. Write a program to do logical functions like AND, OR, NOT and EX-OR for

two numbers 23H and D1H. Store result of each function in separate locations of memory.

19. Write short note on different flags in 808520. Write program to Subtract number 0AH from 03H i.e 03H-0AH

21. What is function of ALE, WR and RD?22. Copy content of 1022H -102FH locations to 1032 – 103FH locations

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23. The memory address of the last location of an 8K byte chip is FFFFH. Find the starting address.

24. Write a program to add two numbers which stored in memory location 2020H and 2021H. Store the result in 2023H locations.

25. Write short on Program Counter and Stack Pointer26. Write a program to store content of B,C register pair using MOV M,A