assignment 30: costumes & props

Assignment 30: Costumes & Props Patrycia Butrym Esere Simei-Akajagbo Shivonne Weekes Courtney Buabeng

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Page 1: Assignment 30: Costumes & Props

Assignment 30: Costumes & Props

Patrycia ButrymEsere Simei-Akajagbo

Shivonne WeekesCourtney Buabeng

Page 2: Assignment 30: Costumes & Props

Group members responsible for costumes & props

Person 1


Person 2


Page 3: Assignment 30: Costumes & Props

Inspirational Costumes & Props

Costume for ‘Kayla’

•Our inspiration was from ‘Fish Tank’

•The features/characteristics for that main character fits the criteria for our opening sequence- edginess

Page 4: Assignment 30: Costumes & Props

Character 1: CostumesTracksuit Bottoms Trainers Jumper Top

Have-Owned By- Shivonne

Have-Owned By- Shivonne

Have-Owned By- Shivonne

Have-Owned By- Shivonne

Page 5: Assignment 30: Costumes & Props

Character 1: PropsBlack Bin Bag Knife Black Cloth

Have-Owned By- Courtney

Have-Owned By- Courtney

Have-Owned By-Esere

Page 6: Assignment 30: Costumes & Props

Any Other PropsBlood Toothbrush Cloth Make Up

Needed for scene- where she’s cleaning the floor of blood

Needed for scene- where there’s blood splatters on her face

Needed for scene- where she’s cleaning the floor of blood

Needed for black eyes

Need- Glucose Liquid, Red food colouringBought By- Group

Have-Owned By- Courtney

Have-Owned By- Esere

Have-Owned By- Shivonne

Page 7: Assignment 30: Costumes & Props

Planning and Construction: Costumes & Props

Esere and Courtney planning how to create blood and the splatters using a toothbrush

Esere and Courtney planning how to create the bags around her eyes using makeup

Our plan for the construction of props

It explains how we’re going to create the blood and the bags around the character’ eyes




Page 8: Assignment 30: Costumes & Props

Planning and Construction: Costumes & Props

Esere pouring the red food colouring into the solution

The process: creating the blood

Our plan for the construction of props


