assignment 5 my two topics2

Assignment 5: Jodie Foster-Pilia Research on potential topics

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Assignment 5:

Jodie Foster-Pilia

Research on potential topics

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My two favourite topicsMy two topics that I have chosen:

Why I have chosen these topics:

Can God’s Existence ever be verified?

• I will be able to make a informative documentary with the knowledge I have gained from the study of philosophy.

• Moreover people have many views and opinions in relation to this topic and I should be able to get a wide range of interviews.

Is the advance of technology an advantage or disadvantage?

• There is quite a strong debate, as there are a lot of positive and negatives regarding the advance of technology.

• The rapid advance in technology is also something that is modern, and happening in the world, so would make a good topic to discuss

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Can God’s Existence be verified?(things I would include in my documentary)

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Can God’s Existence be verified?

William Paley - Philosopher

The watch was made for a purpose : telling

the time

The parts fit together to achieve the purpose

The parts are ordered in a certain way so the watch

functions . So it must have been designed.

So the watch had a maker who must have


Paley stated that if you found an old fashioned watch with cogs and springs you could conclude that:

We as humans function, our heart pumps blood around our body in order so we survive. Someone must have designed us. We must have a make who exists. This is God.

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Christianity Against William Paley

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An interesting point to add in my documentary

Can God create something more powerful than himself?

Overall the idea of a God could be questionable

If so yes, you are saying it is possible for there to be something greater than God, which should be impossible

If you say no then u are saying Gods power is limited, which doesn't fit the idea of God

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Percentage of people who believe in God

Country with the strongest belief

The country with the strongest belief is the Philippines, where 94 percent of those surveyed said they always had believed in God. In the United States, that response came from 81 per cent of people surveyed.


• Belief is highest among older adults. On average, 43 per cent of those aged 68 and older are certain that God exists, compared with 23 per cent of those 27 and younger.

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Is the advance of technology an advantage or disadvantage?(things I would include in my documentary)

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The Advance of technology leads to better health facilities.

If technology didn't advance, health facilities would be limited, making it harder to prolong life and also resulting in the rise of illness, for example there wouldn't be life support machines to help people survive accidents.

The Advance of technology makes it quick and easy to contact someone.

Contacting anyone around the world is now easier than ever before due to instant messaging , email and social networking sites, whereby messages take only seconds to send.

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Technology is great for motivating and engaging students

Brain research has shown that if students are engaged, they learn more.The active white bored is a great form of technology that is used in many schools across the world and allows children to interact with many different methods of learning.


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Humans become more lazy and independent on technology

In the past people were more active, and would more likely take part in sports and other activities. The use of Play stations and video games etc., results in more people lazy people, and extreme cases could lead to health issues.

Can be harmful to nature Although cars are very useful in oureveryday lives every time a car is driven, the fuel releases carbon which is bad for the atmosphere, and can cause global warming.

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My favourite topic

• My favourite topic out of two would be ‘Does God exist’ as this is a massive debate that I am largely fascinated with.

• Although I feel that the topic regarding the advance technology is also quite strong, I am not as intrigued about it, and I feel this would come across in the documentary.