assignment 7 magazine adverts

Assignment 7 magazine adverts

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Post on 20-Mar-2017




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Assignment 7 magazine adverts

Page 2: Assignment 7 magazine adverts

George Ezra – magazine no.1 Blue is supposedly a peaceful colour which works with his type of music which is very calm.His name being the biggest featured artist in the cover as he is a big name act and it promotes him as an artist. Having a picture of him allows audiences to relate on a more personal level especially if they have seen him live.He's dressed very casually once again allowing the audience to relate to him as a normal guy.

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Twenty One Pilots – magazine no.2The cover is very colourful and almost mad, which actually goes well with their style of performance.They are dressed in attire that suits the magazines cover. Twenty one pilots is the biggest name in artist in this magazine and therefore having their name stand out the most is the most appropriate.

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Jay-Z – magazine no.3Picture of the artist so that the audience has a better feel of who the artist is as well as having the name, allowing the audience to link the face with the voice.Release date of the album in order to build hype around the artist, which should boost/generate sales.When Jay-Z was very big and still in his prime and so asking the question ‘is Jay-Z bigger than hip hop’ creates discussion/debate and promotes the artist.Having a list of some of his achievement's promotes the artist especially as it could encourage younger artist or other artist to collaborate with him or even sign to his record dealership.

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Kendrick Lamar – magazine no.4 Once again most popular artist or biggest up coming artist has his name the biggest on the page, wit a big picture to link face to voice. Also artist being big on the page links with the mag title of XXL as the picture is XXL as are the artists in that genre.The Word Exclusive will bring an attraction to read further.Black and white filter authenticates the magazine, also allowing the red text to stand out. Also with the re text at one point saying ‘the chosen one’ people will be able to relate that to a very popular film Harry Potter bringing more attention. Lists of other artists gives variety for audiences which reaches a wider audience.

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Jess Glynne – magazine no.5Big picture of a current big UK artist to entice audience.Quite a girly magazine with stuff like how to get perfect skin which would encourage more people to read even if they don’t know or like Jess Glynne.People like a rhyme so having ‘how to vacay like Beyoncé’ is appealing to an audience.Defining Jess Glynnes genre of music or some of the music she does could draw audience who just vaguely see the mag.Adding to the girly mag has ‘new season buys’ which links with a common stereotype that women like to shop and based that this is mostly true (though everyone likes to buy stuff) having this will draw people, especially women, to read further.

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Skepta – magazine no.6Skepta promoted with a picture of him and his name but also promoting a group has in called BBK (Boy Better Know) which could draw people to listen to other artist of the same genre, therefore promoting the genre, group and artist. Other artists listed so a wider audience can be attracted some of which are in the same genre. Having an exclusive of another massive artist entices people to read through.