assignmet on great caliphs

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Post on 25-Feb-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 Assignmet on Great Caliphs


    Hazrat ABUBAKER:

    He is the biggest personality in Muslims after the Prophet Muhammad (sa!!" and

    Messengers of A##AH He is one of the $ompanions of Prophet Muhammad

    (sa!!"% !ho !as gi&e the re!ard of Hea&en in the !orld by the Prophet

    Muhammad (sa!!" He !as born in Amul'eel% ( an Abyssinian $hristian )eneralnamed Abraha $ame to atta*+ Ma++ah !ith an army of some ,-%--- men and

    se&eral elephants "% ie after .'/01 years in Ma++ah in 234 $E Abu Ba+r 5iddi6 (ra"

    !as named as Abdullah Abu Ba+r !as his Patronymi* name (Kynniya"% (a sir name

    !hi*h is usually deri&ed from the name of the 7rst son or daughter a**ording to

    Muslim traditions" He !as the most respe*tful and attra*ti&e personality in Ma++ah

    before embra*ing 8slam He use to be respe*ted by all due to His humble and pious

    *hara*ter Abu Ba+r 5iddi6 (ra" !as the 7rst person to embra*e 8slam in the (in the

    men" He !as the most trusted *ompanion of the Prophet Muhammad (sa!!" and

    also earned the title of 9As'5iddi69 (the most truthful and sin*ere person in faith"

    from the Prophet Muhammad (sa!!" He alone a**ompanied amongst all the

    *ompanions !ith the Prophet Muhammad (sa!!"% during migration from Ma++ah

    to Madinah He parti*ipated in all the battles of 8slam !ith Prophet Muhammad

    (sa!!" History notes that He donated all the households and the property

    !hene&er Prophet Muhammad (sa!!" desired to do so in the !ay of A##AH Abu

    Ba+r 5iddi6 (ra" !as the only one !ho led /3'/ 5alah prayers in the lifetime of

    Prophet Muhammad (sa!!" due to si*+ness of Prophet Muhammad (sa!!"

    Hadrat Umar (RA" as the 5e*ond $aliph of 8slam:

    As des*ribed in *onne*tion !ith the life of Hadrat Abu'Ba+r% during his illness he

    *onsulted the 95hura9 about the ne;t 9Khalifah9 and then ga&e his de*ision in fa&our

    of Hadrat Umar (RA" !ho too+ the *harge of $aliphate after the death of HadratAbu Ba+r (RA" on ..nd of alaihi !a 5allam" and

    the poli*y of his prede*essor !ith his *hara*teristi* zeal and &igour 8t !as his stri*t

    adheren*e to the 95unnah9 of the Holy Prophet (5allallahu >alaihi !a 5allam" !hi*h

    helped him to subdue the mighty empires of Persia and Byzantine His *aliphate

    mar+ed the 9)olden Age9 of 8slam 8 !ould li+e to dis*uss only main e&ents !hi*h

    too+ pla*e during the $aliphate of Hadrat Umar (RA" in brief

    Hazrat Usman:

    Hazrat Usman (ra" is one of the $ompanions of Prophet Muhammad (sa!!"% !ho!as gi&en the re!ard of Hea&en by Prophet Muhammad (sa!!" in the !orld

    Usman 8bn'e'A?an belonged to Banu Umayyia% *lan of the @uresh His name as by

    the Patronymi* traditions !as Abu Amr He belonged to a ri*h family of Ma++ah He

    borned , years after the in*ident of Amul'eel in =aif% 234 $E 8n the early stage of

    8slam he !as one of the literate men both in Ku?ars and Muslims His family !as

    one of the respe*tful family of Ma++ah hen migrated to Madinah from Ma++ah% he

  • 7/25/2019 Assignmet on Great Caliphs


    o!ned a !ell of fresh !ater from a

  • 7/25/2019 Assignmet on Great Caliphs


    and his *lan Banu Hashim ha&ing been entrusted !ith the high fun*tion of the

    *ustody of the sa*red Kaaba% !as held in high esteem% throughout Arabia Abu =alib%

    !ho had a large family entrusted his son Ali (RA" to the *are of the Prophet (pea*e

    be upon him" Hazrat Ali (RA" !as brought up by the Prophet (pea*e be upon him"

    himself from his &ery *hildhood '' a fa*tor% !hi*h greatly *ontributed to *ulti&ating

    e;traordinary &irtues in him A**ording to reliable histori*al sour*es% Hazrat Khadia(RA" !as the 7rst !oman% Hazrat Abu Ba+r 5iddi6ue (RA"% the 7rst man and Hazrat

    Ali (RA" !as the 7rst *hild to embra*e 8slam Hazrat Ali (RA" played a *onspi*uous

    role at the time of the Prophet>s migration from Ma++ah

    hile Hazrat Abu Ba+r (RA" a**ompanied the Prophet (PBUH"% *onstantly harassed

    and hunted by the @uraish of Ma++ah% on his perilous ourney to Madinah% Hazrat Ali

    (RA" !as +ept behind to return to the o!ners the &aluables they had entrusted to

    the *ustody of the Prophet (PBUH"% 8t spea+s &olumes for the intergrity of the

    Prophet (PBUH" that e&en his s!orn enemies reposed full trust in his honesty and

    deposited their &aluables !ith him Hazrat Ali (RA" slept soundly in the house of the

    Prophet (PBUH" besieged by his enemies =he ne;t morning he *leared the a**ounts

    and departed for Madinah