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Page 1: Assistive Technology Pre-referral Process for … Assistive Technology Team 2014 Assistive Technology Pre-referral Process for Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC) Assistive

OCPS Assistive Technology Team 2014

Assistive Technology Pre-referral Process for

Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC)

Assistive technology use must be tied to the IEP. Only after reviewing the student’s present level of performance

and developing measurable goals should the team consider the need for assistive technology. As part of this

process it is important to start with tools and resources already available at the school. Use of visual supports

(Boardmaker, Symbol Stix, photos) and low tech communication systems (manual communication boards, single

message devices, Communication Builder, TechTalk, TechSpeak) should be tried in the classroom in order to see

how the student responds.

After discussing the student’s present level of educational performance and developing measurable goals, the

team should discuss the following:

Identify the tasks What is it we want the student to be able to do within the educational program (with

regard to communication) that the student is not able to do because of the disability?

Review what is

already in place

Is the student currently able to complete tasks with special strategies or



Is assistive technology (devices, tools, hardware or software) currently being used to

address this task?

If accommodations

and/or tools are

meeting student

needs, document

on IEP

Document on the IEP:

• Document the need for the device/tool and how it will assist the student in accessing

the curriculum in the Present Level of Performance (PLP).

• Under II, Special Considerations, “Does the student need assistive technology

devices or services?” - check Yes

• Under Supplementary Aids and Services, list “Assistive technology device,” the

initiation date, duration (until next IEP date), the frequency the device is used, and

location (classroom setting).

Complete the AT Implementation Plan

However, if the IEP team feels that the current accommodations and/or tools available at the school are not


Explore assistive

technology tools

and strategies

What assistive technology would help the student perform this skill more easily or

efficiently, perform it in the least restrictive environment, or perform it successfully

with less personal assistance?

Equipment may already be available in the classroom, from the Speech Pathologist, or

can be borrowed from the AT Team.

Once the IEP team explores tools and strategies at the school and finds them to be effective they can be

documented on the IEP following the steps listed in the table above. If the team needs additional assistance

they can access the resources listed below or contact an AT Team member.

Page 2: Assistive Technology Pre-referral Process for … Assistive Technology Team 2014 Assistive Technology Pre-referral Process for Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC) Assistive

OCPS Assistive Technology Team 2014

Resources to build capacity at your school:

Professional development

• AT Team -


• Professional Development Alternatives (PDA) -

• AAC vendor online training and support:

o Saltillo -

o TouchChat -

o Assistiveware (Proloquo2Go) -

o AbleNet -

o Dynavox/Mayer Johnson -

Visual Supports/Device Overlays

• Boardmaker software (available at most schools)

• Boardmaker Achieve – file sharing site

• Wiki sites for visual supports, Story Grammar Marker, Pre-K, and Read It Again can be

accessed from our website -

Print Resources – can be requested from AT Team and/or found on the AT Team website

• Device quick starts and Getting Started sheets

• Implementation strategies – aided language, core vocabulary, prompt hierarchy, descriptive


• Musselwhite Resource CD’s (reading, writing, and communication strategies for students

with significant cognitive delays)

• Guide to beginner communication

If school trials are not successful or the IEP team needs additional help:

1. Submit pre-referral activities documentation (on the following form) to the AT Team. Do not obtain consent

until after speaking with a member of the AT Team.

2. If appropriate, the IEP team will be asked to obtain Consent for Re-Evaluation for assistive technology.

Referral forms can be found on the AT Team website and submitted along with the consent.

3. Once consent is obtained notify the AT Team immediately and log into the AT Evaluation Database located on

SharePoint under Indicator 11.

4. Initial re-evaluation for AT must be completed within 60 school days.

Page 3: Assistive Technology Pre-referral Process for … Assistive Technology Team 2014 Assistive Technology Pre-referral Process for Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC) Assistive

OCPS Assistive Technology Team 2014

Pre-referral Process for Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC)

Documentation Form

1. Below are some expectations for classroom best practice regarding communication. Check all that are

being implemented with the student.

2. Choose a current IEP goal (that focuses on communication) to address for a period of 6-8 weeks with the

chosen strategy and collect data. Ideally the strategy should be implemented in the classroom since the

purpose of AT is to provide access to the curriculum. When complete, submit to the AT team.

Classroom Visual Supports Visual supports, for receptive language, used at the appropriate level of representation for student’s level of

understanding (ex. real photos vs. Boardmaker) and are used consistently throughout the day may include:

�Classroom schedules and transition helpers

�Area for student’s belongings labeled,

allowing increased independence

�Classroom rules posted according to student

need for size, language, and location

�Teachers wear and use lanyards with symbols

to support verbal directions given to student

�Symbol supported text

�Task breakdowns (i.e. activity sequence


�Behavior supports to communicate clear

expectations of expected behaviors as well as

consequences for desired behaviors

Instructional Strategies:

�Teachers use adequate wait time between asking questions and eliciting student responses

�Instructional cues are delivered clearly, prompting is provided only as needed, and at

appropriate level

�Student is encouraged to use preferred mode of communication (vocalizations, verbal

approximations, sign language, pictures, voice output device) to show understanding during

instruction and assessment

�Aided language (modeling use of communication system by adults) is consistently provided

for student

�Student is given multiple opportunities to express self through preferred mode of

communication (i.e. manual communication boards, low-mid tech devices)

Expressive Communication Tools/strategies

�Eye pointing board

�Choice boards/manual communication


�BIGmack Communicator

�Step-by-Step Communicator

�Talk 4

�On the Go or Communication Builder

�Tech Talk

�Tech Speak

�iPad with __________communication app

�Other _________________________

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OCPS Assistive Technology Team 2014

Student: _________________ School:__________________

Data Collector(s):__________________ Data collection period:__________________

IEP Goals

According to IDEA, assistive technology must be tied to the IEP. Choose a current IEP goal that focuses on

communication to address in the classroom for approximately a 6-8 week period.

IEP Goal targeted:

Date Activity Tool/


Level of




Date: document data at least once a week

Activity: list activity and communicative intent: requesting, greeting, asking/answering questions, commenting, communication repair

Tool/Strategy: picture symbols, manual communication board, low tech voice output device (BIGmack, Communication Builder, etc.)

Level of Prompting: environmental/natural cue, open question, partial prompt, full model, hand under hand

Student Response: how is the student responding? What changes have you observed?