assistÊncia social funlar rio funlar rio social inclusion for persons with disability

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ASSISTÊNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO History of the Program 2001/2002 Strategic Planning Income making iniciatives/SEBRAE PROGRAM 17 field teams 1 travelling team supervision transport PROGRAM 17 field teams 1 travelling team supervision transport 1998 PROJECT 3 teams 3 communities PROJECT 3 teams 3 communities 1994 COORDINATION 22 field teams THE SECRETARY OF SOCIAL ASSISTANCE RECOGNIZES THIS PROGRAM AS A NATIONAL REFERENCE 2003/2004 Social Change Reaserch FioCruz/Ensp Public Social Workers 2005 Monitoring systems implementation Family Health Program


ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO FUNLAR RIO Social Inclusion for Persons with Disability ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO COMMUNITY BASED REHABILITATION Going toward Inclusion of Persons with Disability ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO History of the Program 2001/2002 Strategic Planning Income making iniciatives/SEBRAE PROGRAM 17 field teams 1 travelling team supervision transport PROGRAM 17 field teams 1 travelling team supervision transport 1998 PROJECT 3 teams 3 communities PROJECT 3 teams 3 communities 1994 COORDINATION 22 field teams THE SECRETARY OF SOCIAL ASSISTANCE RECOGNIZES THIS PROGRAM AS A NATIONAL REFERENCE 2003/2004 Social Change Reaserch FioCruz/Ensp Public Social Workers 2005 Monitoring systems implementation Family Health Program ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO 23 teams 563 communities on file in 2001 Distribution Map ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLAN FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION FOR THE PERSON WITH DISABILITY INDICATORSDEMAND FOLLOW UP YESNOEA SOLUTION YESNO REMARKS EDUCATION HEALTH DOCUMENTATION BENEFITS ACCESSIBILITY SOCIABILITY WORK INCOME ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO CBR AND FHP* Quality Partnership Data Base record of 100% of persons with disabilities; Resourse Optimization; More efficacy in the actions. *FHP Family Health Program ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO DEINSTITUTIONALIZATION PROGRAM FUNLAR RIO ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO This program, in its many different forms, objectives the non-confinement, the break of isolation of persons with disabilities in big institutions, away from their family and the society as a whole. There are still, in Brazil, many practices toward persons with disabilities that are away from social inclusion and make themselves evident by the marginalization and exclusion common to the clinic model. The Deinstitutionalization Program by FUNLAR RIO has four on going different deployment forms and two strategies ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO 1. CASA LAR (Home Care Center) - started in 1999 It is an assisted housing for persons with disabilities with high degree of difficulty and without family references. There are 3 CASAS LARES. In each one there are 11 persons residing. The program has a total of 44 professionals and 2 vans for its 3 rented houses. The team is composes of a social worker, a caretaker, a nurse, a cook, a driver and an assistant for general tasks. The tenants are very vulnerable in terms of heath, which means medicines, escorts and frequent placement in hospitals. Depending on the physical and health conditions of each person, he or she participates in sport, cultural and/or educational activities offered in the city spaces. The cost per person per month is US$ ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO 2. CASA DIA (Day Care Center) started in 2002 In the CASA DIA the professionals take the role of the family. Children and adolescents (7 to 20 year old) arrive in the morning and are taken to school, to physiotherapy, on strolls, excursions and, by the end of the day, are taken back to their houses. Each CASA DIA has one van available. Aside from the daily life activities, cultural, occupational and sport activities are also offered, complementing the schools ones. There are 4 CASAS DIA (two rented, two in public buildings) attending 100 children and adolescents. The monthly cost per person is US$ ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO 3. REPUBLICA (Republic House) started in 2003 REPUBLICAS, 5 of them, are collective housings for adults with disabilities, with some autonomy, removed from the streets and taken initially to a big city shelter. The Fazenda Modelo (Model Farm), where there are 2,000 people residing. They have lived there for several years. 50 of them, all with disabilities, were removed to the REPUBLICAS. In the REPUBLICAS, the daily life activities and the management of the house are the responsibility of the tenants. The houses are rented, each one with 10 persons and they can count with a team of social workers and helpers, totaling 5 professionals for all REPUBLICAS. The monthly cost per person is US$ (The monthly cost per person in the Model Farm was US$605.00) ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO 4. BOLSA CIDAD (Citizen Grant) started in 1999 The BOLSA CIDAD is a grant made up of financial resources given to the family that want to keep their highly disabled family member at home. These families are assisted by social workers. FUNLAR RIO offers today 23 BOLSAS. The monthly cost per person is US$ ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO Strategies that strengthens the deinstitutionalization 1. An institutional census was made in 2003, mapping all institutions that shelter persons with disabilities in the city of Rio de Janeiro. 2. In 2007 there will be a 2 nd phase of the Census/2003, recording all persons with disabilities who are presently in asylums and mapping the cost per capita of this service. 3. Creation of the Prime Network of Social Assistance, focusing persons with disabilities in the city of Rio de Janeiro. A network of 30 private institutions devoted to persons with disabilities is formally constituted since FUNLAR RIO supervises these institutions and grants each one the value of US$51.15 per capita/month. FUNLAR RIO does not have the values for the total cost per capita/month of these institutions since they have other forms of financing. ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO Budgetary Information 2005 Budget of the City of Rio de Janeiro US$4,184,199, Budget of FUNLAR RIO US$8,421, Deinstitutionalization Home Care Center US$328, Day Care Center US$346, Republic House US$92, Citizen Grants US$46, Community-Based Rehabilitation Program US$949,793.00 ASSISTNCIA SOCIAL FUNLAR RIO Contact Dr. Leda de Azevedo President, Funlar Rio