association connections

ASSOCIATION CONNECTIONS Post Office Box 158, Claxton, GA 30417 — Phone: 912-739-9040 Associational Missionary: Rev. Freddy Gardner — E-Mail: [email protected] Cell: 912-278-1783 Home: 912-693-6083 Ministry Assistant: Joyce Collins — Email: [email protected] September 2021 Volume 24, Issue 09 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Mens Ministry Update .......................................... 2 The Joyful Noise.................................................. 3 Womens Ministry Update ..................................... 4 Good Health Ministries .......................................... 5 Budget Report . ....................................................... 6 Church Contributions …………. .............................. 7 Calendar of Events ................................................. 8 Prayer Concerns ..................................................... 8 Our Church Family Antioch; Birdford; Bull Creek; Claxton First; Cobbtown; Collins First; Connors; Eastside; Elza; Evergreen; Faith; Friendship; Glennville First; Hagan; Hope; Little Rock; Mendes; Northside; Oak Grove; Pine Grove; Pineview; Primera Agape; Rehoboth; Reidsville; Rogers; Smyrna; Twin Oaks; Unity in Christ Hispanic Missions Nueva Vida, Reidsville; Primera Emmanuel, Glennville; Noah’s Ark, Aline 7 And He said to them, It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own author- ity. 8 But you shall re- ceive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Sa- maria, and to the end of the earth.Acts 1:7-8 Missionary Lines Good Health Ministries is the name of your new free clinic. Wendy and I have been busy visiting other clinics in the area and are in the process of es- tablishing operational manuals. This op- portunity is God-led as we see His hand at work. Would you please pray for this min- istry and pray about how you can be in- volved? Hopefully, by October, training for volunteers will begin. This training will be mandatory, and volunteers must have their pastors recommendation. The building is progressing nicely. The shell is complete except for gutters which could be installed in the next two weeks. Windows and doors should also be installed in the next couple of weeks. The interior framing will be complete during the month. We will hold several workdays to install dry wall, painting, flooring, and other items in September. We would love to be in the building by the first of December, praying to open the clinic by the first of January. Due to the construction of the building and the need to support this project, the decision was made not to make the week-long trip to Copper Basin Crisis Center this year. But we are participating in the Christmas Backpack Minis- try. That trip will be from Dec. 17-18. The Christmas Party will be on Satur- day, Dec. 18, at the Crisis Center. If you would like to participate, please call the office by Monday, Nov. 8, to have numbers for reservations. The associa- tion, through a donor, pays for the motel rooms. Again, this year, due to COVID concerns, each person will be responsible for their transportation. Tony Evans opened the Spark Conference recently and shared a great illus- tration concerning power. He said on a football field; two teams are compet- ing against each other—strong men in battle. But a group on the field is old- er, and less physically fit who hold power - - the referees. He noted in our culture, we have groups teaming up in competition and Christians, who have and should be living by the rule book (the Bible) are called to be the refs and not on sides—what a great reminder. We serve the rule-maker, not mankind.

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ASSOCIATION CONNECTIONS Post Office Box 158, Claxton, GA 30417 — Phone: 912-739-9040

Associational Missionary: Rev. Freddy Gardner — E-Mail: [email protected]

Cell: 912-278-1783 Home: 912-693-6083

Ministry Assistant: Joyce Collins — Email: [email protected]

September 2021

Volume 24, Issue 09


Men’s Ministry Update .......................................... 2

“The Joyful Noise” .................................................. 3

Women’s Ministry Update ..................................... 4

Good Health Ministries .......................................... 5

Budget Report . ....................................................... 6

Church Contributions …………. .............................. 7

Calendar of Events ................................................. 8

Prayer Concerns ..................................................... 8

Our Church Family

Antioch; Birdford; Bull Creek; Claxton First; Cobbtown; Collins First; Connors; Eastside; Elza; Evergreen;

Faith; Friendship; Glennville First; Hagan; Hope; Little Rock; Mendes; Northside; Oak Grove; Pine Grove;

Pineview; Primera Agape; Rehoboth; Reidsville; Rogers; Smyrna; Twin Oaks; Unity in Christ

Hispanic Missions Nueva Vida, Reidsville; Primera Emmanuel, Glennville; Noah’s Ark, Aline

7 And He said to them,

“It is not for you to

know times or seasons

which the Father has

put in His own author-

ity. 8But you shall re-

ceive power when the

Holy Spirit has come

upon you; and you

shall be witnesses to

Me in Jerusalem, and

in all Judea and Sa-

maria, and to the end

of the earth.”

Acts 1:7-8

Missionary Lines

Good Health Ministries is the name of your new free clinic. Wendy and I

have been busy visiting other clinics in the area and are in the process of es-

tablishing operational manuals. This op-

portunity is God-led as we see His hand at

work. Would you please pray for this min-

istry and pray about how you can be in-

volved? Hopefully, by October, training for

volunteers will begin. This training will be

mandatory, and volunteers must have their

pastor’s recommendation.

The building is progressing nicely. The shell is complete except for gutters

which could be installed in the next two weeks. Windows and doors should

also be installed in the next couple of weeks. The interior framing will be

complete during the month. We will hold several workdays to install dry wall,

painting, flooring, and other items in September. We would love to be in the

building by the first of December, praying to open the clinic by the first of


Due to the construction of the building and the need to support this project,

the decision was made not to make the week-long trip to Copper Basin Crisis

Center this year. But we are participating in the Christmas Backpack Minis-

try. That trip will be from Dec. 17-18. The Christmas Party will be on Satur-

day, Dec. 18, at the Crisis Center. If you would like to participate, please call

the office by Monday, Nov. 8, to have numbers for reservations. The associa-

tion, through a donor, pays for the motel rooms. Again, this year, due to

COVID concerns, each person will be responsible for their transportation.

Tony Evans opened the Spark Conference recently and shared a great illus-tration concerning power. He said on a football field; two teams are compet-ing against each other—strong men in battle. But a group on the field is old-er, and less physically fit who hold power - - the referees. He noted in our culture, we have groups teaming up in competition and Christians, who have and should be living by the rule book (the Bible) are called to be the refs and not on sides—what a great reminder. We serve the rule-maker, not mankind.



Men On Mission For God

Association-wide Men’s Ministry Update

Good Morning Jesus! Thank you for paving the way!

Hello Men,

I hope this reaches you well and penetrates your heart as well as your ears. Are you doing the will of

God? It is written in the book of Matthew “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.”

When have you last, or how long has it been since you discipled someone? Evangelized? Shared the

love of Jesus? Shared your testimony? Or even spoke the name of Jesus in a general conversation with a friend

or a stranger? When is the last time you did anything other than show up to church? If you cannot answer

those questions without fail or without latency, then maybe you are depending on someone else to do this

work. Maybe you expect the Church to do this. I’m not talking about the ones who are not physically able to go

out and around, but even they, can call upon lost souls and speak the name of Jesus to any and everyone. I am

referring to the ones who rely on the church to do the evangelizing and discipling. If this, is you: THEN SUPPORT


If you are a stumbling block to the church by not supporting it or building it up, then what have you

done for God lately? A very popular song “Jesus Saves” states: “The church has been silent while the world

raised its voice, in loud and angry tones they took the lead.” If we cannot find ourselves speaking up for God,

then the least we can do is support the church and allow it to do the job. God will empower someone to be

about His work even if others will not. Many churches have become social clubs. They do not want change,

they do not want growth and if anything rocks the boat or costs money, they will not stand for it. They just want

to come in and do church and then go home. This is very saddening. We are supposed to be mission minded

churches, and many have lost that ideal. We are not to be a bank and horde Gods resources. We are to use it

for the furthering of Gods kingdom.

Again, in Matthew it speaks of the parable of the talents. To summarize, if we don’t invest the resources

God has provided us with then He surely will not give us more, in fact He will take it away! I implore you to stop

thinking with your selfishness and come together as a church and support the missions, and projects, your

church has to offer. If nothing else, stop being a stumbling block!

Coming up Saturday, September 18th, 2021, the Men’s Ministry will have two small projects to be

completed in Collins. If we have enough men (and women) we can complete them at the same time. They are

only a few blocks away from each other and can be tackled simultaneously that morning. Please be in prayer for

this opportunity and be willing to help. I promise you that you will receive a wonderful blessing from time well

spent in service to the Lord.

The first project will be a Collins Baptist Church helping install a ramp way to the Mission outreach that

is being constructed there. The second project will be to change out a set of porch stairs for a ramp to help a

young lady gain access to a vehicle without having to scoot down the steps on her bottom. This will restore her

dignity and allow a safe, clean, and dry access in and out of her home. Please think about the help we are

providing to others in need.

God bless you each and every one!

Your brother in Christ,

Steve West

Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV) 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”



“The Joyful Noise”

I love to be with a group of people that enjoys worshiping the Lord. I have probably said that

in a previous article because I tend to repeat myself. I will say it a different way; I love worshiping

with folks that love to worship the Lord. I look forward to each Sunday morning because I expect

there to be a group of people that believes gathering and singing and listening to God's Word being

preached is important and a delight.

Emotions are not always on display, but it seems each Sunday more people are lifting their

hands and praising our God. What a joy!!

Another phrase I have probably written is that we don't worship a style. We try to sing songs

that say something that points us to Jesus and reminds us of who we are in Christ. That may be done

in an old hymn of the faith, or in a brand-new contemporary worship song, or one that has a southern

gospel "twang" to it. Recently we have been singing songs that remind us of what is to come when Je-

sus takes us HOME. One of our favorites is "What a Day That Will Be" by Jim Hill. There is not one

instance I can think of where we sang that song and people were "flat" in their worship of God. It

seems that our people know what they are singing about. No sorrow, no burdens, no sickness, no

pain, and no death. Forever with our Creator and Savior. Even so come Lord Jesus.

I pray that you will be encouraged today that God who promised never to leave you or forsake

you is also preparing a place for His children. Grab a hymnal and meditate on the words of that great

song. I believe you will be encouraged by it.

Until next time.......

Keep Singing,

Pastor Keith



Women With a Heart for God’s Work

Association-wide Women’s Ministry

Hello WMU Ladies, So many horrible things have happened during the month of August. Evans and Tattnall Counties lost so many lives to Covid. Family, friends, and church members have prayed that God will heal all those who have Covid and all the other deathly illnesses. The earthquake in Haiti was horrific!! The death toll rose to 2,200, with more than 300 still missing. 10 Civilians, including children, reported killed in United States drone strike: rockets fired at Kabul airport. U.S. says 1500 Americans in Afghanistan as withdrawal deadline nears. "Christmas In August" was perhaps the best one our Associational WMU has ever participated in. So many seniors were read to at the Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Homes. Also, children were given books to read while they were in the hospital. Shut-in church members were taken covered dishes by WMU for a social. WMU ladies picked up meds for seniors, who did not have transportation. Jesus let me find in you a sense that I am loved. And may my heart not grow cold and cluttered by anger and wounds from the past so that others can see your reflection in me. Jesus is a perfect example of the love that is de-scribed in 1 Corinthians 13. As we look to Him, we learn that we are loved, and we learn how to love in turn. Let all of God's children love one another. Love is patient, love is kind. Pray Always. Work Hard. Trust God. Your Sister In Christ, Sandra Powell 1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud.



“Health Notes”

Hello Friends and Family,

I come to you, with much excitement, to introduce the medical clinic that will be coming

soon to our Association. The foundation has been laid and the crossbeams are raised! Each time I

drive by the site, I say a prayer for the revival that is going to take place in the hearts of those in-


Good Health Ministries will provide help and hope to the community by treating the person

in wholeness, mind, body, and most importantly spirit. The center of the ministry is the prayer

room. All those served will receive the gospel message and have an opportunity for prayer. There

will be guidance counseling and education for better living with life skills classes offered for those

interested. The clinic will offer assistance with medical examination to manage chronic disease

processes (ie: diabetes, heart disease), dental assistance and guidance for crisis pregnancy.

We are truly blessed by the support from the local doctors, dentists, physician’s assistants,

nurse practitioners, pharmacists, pastors and their wives and the community. This is an oppor-

tunity for the churches and community to join in together and provide a service that is greatly


There will be opportunities for you to serve as we continue the development of this amazing

ministry. Join us in prayer as we continue to seek God’s direction in this mission field. Begin to

pray fervently on how God can use you to serve.

Until we meet again, I leave with you 3 John 2 – “Dear Friend, I pray that you may enjoy

good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”

Wendy West


Jul 21 Budget Jan - Jul 21 YTD Budget Annual Budget

Ordinary Income/Expense


100 · General Offerings 13,249.43 11,570.84 286,092.26 80,995.84 138,850.00

Total Income 13,249.43 11,570.84 286,092.26 80,995.84 138,850.00

Gross Profit 13,249.43 11,570.84 286,092.26 80,995.84 138,850.00


1000 · Designated 500 Accounts Expense 16,389.87 91,926.90

101 · Associational Minutes 0.00 25.00 0.00 175.00 300.00

102 · Office Expense 101.84 208.34 1,494.33 1,458.34 2,500.00

103 · Telephone 109.59 125.00 766.20 875.00 1,500.00

104 · Postage 0.00 50.00 455.00 350.00 600.00

106 · Associational Meeting 0.00 41.66 0.00 291.66 500.00

107 · On Mission Celebration 0.00 83.34 0.00 583.34 1,000.00

108 · Office Ins/Utilities/Maint 156.22 375.00 267.89 2,625.00 4,500.00

109 · Miscellaneous 0.00 41.66 0.00 291.66 500.00

110 · Resource Center 0.00 41.66 0.00 291.66 500.00

111 · Bereavement/Illness 0.00 41.66 300.78 291.66 500.00

112 · Minister Wives Ministry 0.00 62.50 -92.27 437.50 750.00

201 · Sunday School 0.00 41.66 0.00 291.66 500.00

202 · Discipleship Ministries 0.00 41.66 0.00 291.66 500.00

203 · Music 0.00 33.34 0.00 233.34 400.00

204 · Men's Ministry 0.00 250.00 640.19 1,750.00 3,000.00

205 · Women's Ministries 0.00 166.66 194.98 1,166.66 2,000.00

206 · Pastoral Ministries 0.00 208.34 199.82 1,458.34 2,500.00

207 · Missions 1,106.50 250.00 -1,321.35 1,750.00 3,000.00

208 · Youth -738.20 100.00 0.13 700.00 1,200.00

209 · Vacation Bible School 0.00 25.00 0.00 175.00 300.00

210 · Medical Van 0.00 83.34 0.00 583.34 1,000.00

211 · Evangelism 0.00 41.66 0.00 291.66 500.00

212 · Bible Learning Scholarship 0.00 125.00 0.00 875.00 1,500.00

213 · Equipment 0.00 33.34 2,002.50 233.34 400.00

215 · Hispanic Ministries 0.00 41.66 0.00 291.66 500.00

301 · Missionary Salary 2,233.34 2,441.66 16,779.25 17,091.66 29,300.00

302 · Annuity 1,100.00 891.66 6,450.02 6,241.66 10,700.00

303 · Auto Expense 751.52 500.00 3,646.72 3,500.00 6,000.00

304 · Medical Benefits 1,000.00 1,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 12,000.00

304A · Housing Allowance 1,166.68 1,166.66 8,166.65 8,166.66 14,000.00

306 · Conventions 0.00 416.66 4,675.99 2,916.66 5,000.00

307 · Christmas Gifts 0.00 83.34 0.00 583.34 1,000.00

308 · Clerk's Expense 0.00 166.66 0.00 1,166.66 2,000.00

309 · Employee Taxes (Assoc SS Portio 218.78 125.00 -2,789.97 875.00 1,500.00

310 · Employee Christmas Gifts 0.00 62.50 0.00 437.50 750.00

311 · Ministry Assistant Salary 1,430.00 1,430.00 10,010.00 10,010.00 17,160.00

312 · Ministry Assistant Travel 0.00 62.50 -219.00 437.50 750.00

313 · Medical Director Salary 0.00 -37,000.00

321 · Hispanic Pastor 686.66 686.66 4,806.62 4,806.66 8,240.00

66000 · Payroll Expenses 109.40 765.77

Total Expense 25,822.20 11,570.78 119,127.15 80,995.78 138,850.00

Net Ordinary Income -12,572.77 0.06 166,965.11 0.06 0.00

Other Income/Expense

Other Income

1001 · TRANSFER FUNDS 0.00 1,500.00

100A · Interest 1.88 13.23

Total Other Income 1.88 1,513.23

Net Other Income 1.88 1,513.23

Net Income -12,570.89 0.06 168,478.34 0.06 0.00

Tattnall-Evans Baptist Association Budget Report

Through July 2021





Current Assets


500 · General Checking

500A · General Funds 44,827.38

501 · Pastor/Church Relief(Men's Min) 167.00

502 · Children/Youth Camp Fund 528.59

504 · Missiontrip Scholarship Fund 1,263.38

506 · Hispanic Regular Account 5,643.75

507 · Land For Nueva Vida Fund 105.27

508 · Mission Trip Projects 242.60

509A · On Mission Acct - General 2,257.93

510 · WMU Scholarship Fund - Gen Acct 2,543.25

511A · Health Clinic 133,772.05

513 · Disaster Relief 410.00

500 · General Checking - Other 0.68

Total 500 · General Checking 191,761.88

511 · Association Building Fund - CD 17,515.35

512 · GENERAL OFFERING - CD 22,873.79

Total Checking/Savings 232,151.02

Total Current Assets 232,151.02

TOTAL ASSETS 232,151.02



Current Liabilities

Other Current Liabilities

24000 · Payroll Liabilities 334.09

Total Other Current Liabilities 334.09

Total Current Liabilities 334.09

Total Liabilities 334.09


30000 · Opening Balance Equity 141,263.32

32000 · Unrestricted Net Assets -77,924.73

Net Income 168,478.34

Total Equity 231,816.93


Tattnall-Evans Baptist Association Balance Sheet

July 31, 2021

Agape 459.09

Antioch 2,869.00

Birdford 0.00

Bull Creek 3,922.00

Claxton First 2,292.00

Cobbtown 6,150.00

Collins 10,256.78

Connors 692.20

Eastside 7,200.00

Elza 1,475.51

Emmanuel 89.88

Evergreen 3,500.00

Faith 1,093.00

Friendship 1,905.83

Glennville First 12,244.00

Hagan 350.00

Hope 0.00

Little Rock 0.00

Mendes 2,097.13

Noah's Ark 0.00

Northside 1,350.00

Nueva Vida 61.95

Oak Grove 5,213.63

Pine Grove 3,759.54

Pineview 4,950.00

Rehoboth 0.00

Reidsville 8,906.09

Rogers 754.63

Smyrna 0.00

Twin Oaks 0.00

Unity In Christ Baptist Church 0.00

TOTAL 81,592.26

Church Contributions

January - July 2021


Mailing Address: P.O. Box 158, Claxton, GA 30417

Physical Address: 10585 Hwy 280 E, Claxton, GA 30417

Supply Preachers

Tattnall-Evans Baptist Association

(All 912 area code unless otherwise noted)

Rev. Freddy Gardner 278-1783; Rev. James Bland 237-1562; Rev. Jerald Dorr 684-3166;

Rev. Bob Green 682-8452; Steve Kimbrell 237-4862; Doug McMurtry 557-6001; Edward

Oglesbee 618-8004; Rev. Tom Sheppard 314-1553


September 18 TEBA Men’s Ministry Ramp builds - Meet @ 8:00 a.m. - meet @ Collins Baptist Church November 8 Deadline to sign up to participate in the Christmas Backpack Distribution @ Copper Basin Crisis Center in December


6 - MaryEllen Thrift 9 - Rev. Jerald Dorr; Sandra Powell 19 - Rev. Justin Ray; Kathy Hill 23 - Becky Brady 24 - Rev. Mike Howard 25 - Jean Elden Bozor 28 - DeeDee Collins 29 - Hal Powell


9 - Hal & Sandra Powell 25 - Rev. Alan & Nell McCoy 30 - Rev. Steve & Regis Kimbrell

Please be in prayer for churches in our association searching for pastors:

Antioch, Bull Creek, Faith, Mendes, Twin Oaks Baptist Church

Pray for the Tattnall-Evans Baptist Association Strategy Planning Team

Jubalheirs Performance

September 24 @ 7:00p.m. (Pre-concert music begins @ 6:30)

Brewton Parker College, Mount Vernon, GA

For Additional information visit: