astrological houses - shamanic astrology mystery...

Astrological Houses House Rulers Intent . First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Householder - Fire T Aries- Self cJ Mars-Sacred Masculine Self Interest - Earth t5 Taurus- Receptivity Personal Resources <? Venus-Sacred Feminine Service to Spirit - Air II Gemini- Communication ~ Mercury-The Mind Householder - Water ~ Cancer- Home/Family » Moon - Lineage Self Interest - Fire en Leo - Divine, Radiant and ShiningSelf O Sun- Life Force Service to Spirit - Earth rtf Virgo - Sacred Work ~ Vesta-Sacred Function Householder - Air n Libra- Conscious Equal Partnership , Juno- Relationships Self-Interest - Water m. Scorpio Shaman Sorcerer/ess ':f' Pluto- Transformation The Adventure of Self-Discovery.The primary mysteries of personal self. Traditionally thisisseen as the intended style of how you present yourself in the world, including mannerisms, likes and dislikes, disposition, temperament, your outward behavior, how the world sees you. Where. we learn to see and know ourselves beyond what others might think or project onto us. Where we are intended to open to receive pleasure, beauty, and intimacy as art forms. Traditionally this is the house of money and possessions.It refers to what you own, what you desire, your income and financial prospects and how you feel about money and possessions. The adventure of creative communication or creative self-expression. The mysteries of the mind. Traditionally this is seen as the way we network, exchange information, learn and express. Also traditionally associated with siblingsand family ties. Thishouse governs the way you think, speak, and write. This house describes Home and Roots, the past, present and future lineage. It describes the gifts and karmic patterns you bring with you from the ancestral line. Also rulescurrent domestic affairs, the place we call home in physical and emotional sense,what we might protect and keep hidden. Our private selves. Also the place we establish the foundations that nurture and support home, family and community. Thishouse describes how we are intended to learn to love ourselves. Traditionally, it is seen as the house that rules creativity, sexuality and children. Shows where you may express your artistic talents and the ability to enjoy yourself in life. It rules over entertainment, holidays, the arts, love affairs, gambling, and games of chance. Considered the house of the heart. Thishouse describes a person's sacred work. The sacred work iswhen a person knows they are doing what they were born to do and loving it. Traditionally, this house also rules health, and may show where your weaknessesand strengths are health wise. Thisis the house of other or the partner. where we learn more about who we are by interacting with others. On a personal level it isthe mate you choose and describes the intent for relationship. Also describes all relationships including work, business,legal affairs, friends, community etc. Traditionally, also covers legal affairs and contracts and adversaries. Death, rebirth and regeneration are all ruled by Scorpio and the eighth house. This is powerful alchemy that is intended to produce potent transformation. Traditionally, referred to as the house of Other People's Money, it rules legacies, inheritances, other people's resources that are available to you, as well as psychic abilities, the occult, sex, birth, death and the afterlife.

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Page 1: Astrological Houses - Shamanic Astrology Mystery … · Astrological Houses House Rulers Intent. First Second Third

Astrological Houses

House Rulers Intent

. First








Householder - FireT Aries- SelfcJ Mars-SacredMasculine

Self Interest - Eartht5 Taurus-Receptivity

PersonalResources<? Venus-SacredFeminine

Service to Spirit - AirII Gemini-Communication~ Mercury-TheMind

Householder - Water~ Cancer-Home/Family» Moon - Lineage

Self Interest - Fireen Leo - Divine,Radiant

and ShiningSelfO Sun- Life Force

Service to Spirit -Earthrtf Virgo - SacredWork~ Vesta-SacredFunction

Householder - Airn Libra- ConsciousEqual

Partnership, Juno- Relationships

Self-Interest - Waterm. Scorpio

ShamanSorcerer/ ess':f' Pluto-Transformation

The Adventure of Self-Discovery.The primary mysteriesof personal self.Traditionally this isseen as the intended style of how you present yourselfin the world, including mannerisms, likes and dislikes, disposition,temperament, your outward behavior, how the world sees you. Where.we learn to see and know ourselvesbeyond what others might think orproject onto us.

Where we are intended to open to receive pleasure, beauty, andintimacy as art forms. Traditionally this is the house of money andpossessions.It refers to what you own, what you desire, your incomeand financial prospects and how you feel about money andpossessions.

The adventure of creative communication or creative self-expression.The mysteries of the mind. Traditionally this is seen as the way wenetwork, exchange information, learn and express. Also traditionallyassociated with siblingsand family ties.Thishouse governs the way youthink, speak, and write.This house describes Home and Roots, the past, present and futurelineage. It describes the gifts and karmic patterns you bring with youfrom the ancestral line. Also rulescurrent domestic affairs, the place wecall home in physical and emotional sense,what we might protect andkeep hidden. Our private selves. Also the place we establish thefoundations that nurture and support home, family and community.Thishouse describes how we are intended to learn to love ourselves.Traditionally, it is seen as the house that rules creativity, sexuality andchildren. Shows where you may express your artistic talents and theability to enjoy yourself in life. It rules over entertainment, holidays, thearts, love affairs, gambling, and games of chance. Considered thehouse of the heart.

Thishouse describes a person's sacred work. The sacred work iswhen aperson knows they are doing what they were born to do and loving it.Traditionally, this house also rules health, and may show where yourweaknessesand strengthsare health wise.

This is the house of other or the partner. where we learn more aboutwho we are by interacting with others. On a personal level it isthe mateyou choose and describes the intent for relationship. Also describes allrelationships including work, business, legal affairs, friends, communityetc. Traditionally, also covers legal affairs and contracts andadversaries.

Death, rebirth and regeneration are all ruled by Scorpio and the eighthhouse. This is powerful alchemy that is intended to produce potenttransformation. Traditionally, referred to as the house of Other People'sMoney, it rules legacies, inheritances, other people's resources that areavailable to you, aswell as psychic abilities, the occult, sex,birth, deathand the afterlife.

Page 2: Astrological Houses - Shamanic Astrology Mystery … · Astrological Houses House Rulers Intent. First Second Third

Service to Spirit - Fire This house shows where the quest for an expanded sense of self

,tt Sagittarius - Quest awareness and truth is intended to occur. Traditionally, this is the houseNinth "4 Jupiter - Fastest of the collective mind and long distance travel ideally expressed as the

pilgrimage. This house also rules higher education, publishing,Path philosophy, and ways to expand consciousness.The mysteries of Right Livelihood. Where we make our public

Householder - Earth contribution, usually through our work. Traditionally, this is the house of

Tenth "IS Capricorn - Elder Profession and Public Standing. It describes your status in the

n Saturn - The Law community, or your reputation. Also referred to as the house ofambition, aspiration and attainment. Where you are intended to takeresponsibility and outwardly expressyour talents.

Self Interest - Air Thishouse describes how we see the cosmic overview, the big picture,

Elevent ~ Aquarius- the divine plan. Traditionally, it is the house of friends, hopes and wishes.

h Revolutionary It has to do with new visionsand long term dreams and goals. It rules

>t< Uranus- Change groups, organizations, clubs, and political associations. Also known asthe house of idealism.The field of all possibilities,new visionsand new dreams. Thisis seen asthe collective soul and the place of spiritual service to all of life. It is the

Service to Spirit - most mystical of all the houses and encompasses all the possibilities

Twelfth Water from all the previous houses. Traditionally, it is seen as the House of)( Pisces-Service Secrets, Sorrows, and Self-Undoing. It rules accidents, trouble, self'f Neptune-Visionary defeat, unseen forces, secret enemies, escapism, asylums, hospitals,

and prisons.Has also been called the House of Karma where we reapspiritual rewards or punishment for the deeds we commit.

Prepared by Cayelin KCastell RevisedMarch