
TABLE OF CONTENTS S. No. Chapter Name Page No. 1. Introduction of the topic 2. Company Profile 3. Objectives of the Market Survey Report 4. Literature Review 5. Research Methodology 6. Data Analysis & Interpretation 7. Findings of the study 8. Conclusion 9. Suggestions 10. Limitations 11. Bibliography 12. Annexure - Questionnaire MALAY SRIVASTAVA

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S. No. Chapter Name Page No.

1. Introduction of the topic

2. Company Profile

3. Objectives of the Market Survey Report

4. Literature Review

5. Research Methodology

6. Data Analysis & Interpretation

7. Findings of the study

8. Conclusion

9. Suggestions

10. Limitations

11. Bibliography

12. Annexure - Questionnaire


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This Market Survey Report is based on the survey, which has been done in the

Moradabad market. The main objective of the survey is to study the customer satisfaction for

Nokia handset. The data used for the analysis is primary data and collected through the use of

questionnaire. The respondents were the customer of Mobile. The sample size of my research

is 50, and the respondents are customers, a questionnaire consisting of 11 questions has been

used to make this Market Survey Report. The data have been tabulated and shown in the

form of a pie chart. Then it is interpreted and analyzed and further the conclusion of the study

is drawn and I will also ask some questions to customers through which I am avail to conduct

this Market Survey Report. I believe that this Market Survey Report will help to the reader

for better understanding of the attitude of the customer.

Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied

by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance indicator

within business and is part of the four of a Balanced Scorecard. In a competitive marketplace

where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator

and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy.

However, the importance of customer satisfaction diminishes when a firm has increased

bargaining power. For example, cell phone plan providers, such as AT&T and Verizon,

participate in an industry that is an oligopoly, where only a few suppliers of a certain product

or service exist. As such, many cell phone plan contracts have a lot of fine print with

provisions that they would never get away if there were, say, a hundred cell phone plan

providers, because customer satisfaction would be way too low, and customers would easily

have the option of leaving for a better contract offer.


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Measuring customer satisfaction

Organizations need to retain existing customers while targeting non-customers. Measuring

customer satisfaction provides an indication of how successful the organization is at

providing products and/or services to the marketplace.

Customer satisfaction is an abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of

satisfaction will vary from person to person and product/service to product/service. The state

of satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and physical variables which

correlate with satisfaction behaviors such as return and recommend rate. The level of

satisfaction can also vary depending on other factors the customer, such as other products

against which the customer can compare the organization's products.

The usual measures of customer satisfaction involve a survey with a set of statements using a

Likert Technique or scale. The customer is asked to evaluate each statement in terms of their

perception and expectation of performance of the service being measured. Arguably,

consumers are less complex than some of these surveys tend to portend. They are basically in

two simple states; satisfied or not satisfied. On or off, just like a switch. A business can

measure its customer satisfaction index by relating the aggregates of satisfied customers

versus dissatisfied customers.

 Measuring customer satisfaction is a relatively new concept to many companies that have

been focused exclusively on income statements and balance sheets. Companies now

recognize that the new global economy has changed things forever. Increased competition,

crowded markets with little product differentiation and years of continual sales growth

followed by two decades of flattened sales curves have indicated to today's sharp competitors

that their focus must change.


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 Competitors that are prospering in the new global economy recognize that measuring

customer satisfaction is key. Only by doing so can they hold on to the customers they have

and understand how to better attract new customers. The competitors who will be successful

recognize that customer satisfaction is a critical strategic weapon that can bring increased

market share and increased profits.

 The problem companies face, however, is exactly how to do all of this and do it well. They

need to understand how to quantify, measure and track customer satisfaction. Without a clear

and accurate sense of what needs to be measured and how to collect, analyze and use the data

as a strategic weapon to drive the business, no firm can be effective in this new business

climate. Plans constructed using customer satisfaction research results can be designed to

target customers and processes that are most able to extend profits.

 Too many companies rely on outdated and unreliable measures of customer satisfaction.

They watch sales volume. They listen to sales reps describing their customers' states of mind.

They track and count the frequency of complaints. And they watch aging accounts receivable

reports, recognizing that unhappy customers pay as late as possible--if at all. While these

approaches are not completely without value, they are no substitute for a valid, well-designed

customer satisfaction surveying program.

 It's no surprise to find that market leaders differ from the rest of the industry in that they're

designed to hear the voice of the customer and achieve customer satisfaction. In these


Marketing and sales employees are primarily responsible for designing (with

customer input) customer satisfaction surveying programs, questionnaires and focus



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Top management and marketing divisions champion the programs.

Corporate evaluations include not only their own customer satisfaction ratings but

also those of their competitors.

Satisfaction results are made available to all employees.

Customers are informed about changes brought about as the direct result of listening

to their needs.

Internal and external quality measures are often tied together.

Customer satisfaction is incorporated into the strategic focus of the company via the

mission statement.

Stakeholder compensation is tied directly to the customer satisfaction surveying


A concentrated effort is made to relate the customer satisfaction measurement results

to internal process metrics.

  To be successful, companies need a customer satisfaction surveying system that meets

the following criteria:

The system must be relatively easy to design and understand.

It must be credible enough that employee performance and compensation can be

attached to the final results.

It must generate actionable reports for management.

 Defining customer satisfaction


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 Because the concept of customer satisfaction is new to many companies, it's important to be

clear on exactly what's meant by the term.

 Customer satisfaction is the state of mind that customers have about a company when their

expectations have been met or exceeded over the lifetime of the product or service. The

achievement of customer satisfaction leads to company loyalty and product repurchase. There

are some important implications of this definition:

Because customer satisfaction is a subjective, non quantitative state, measurement

won't be exact and will require sampling and statistical analysis.

Customer satisfaction measurement must be undertaken with an understanding of the

gap between customer expectations and attribute performance perceptions.

There should be some connection between customer satisfaction measurement and

bottom-line results.

  "Satisfaction" itself can refer to a number of different facts of the relationship with a

customer. For example, it can refer to any or all of the following:

Satisfaction with the quality of a particular product or service

Satisfaction with an ongoing business relationship

Satisfaction with the price-performance ratio of a product or service

Satisfaction because a product/service met or exceeded the customer's expectations

  Each industry could add to this list according to the nature of the business and the specific

relationship with the customer. Customer satisfaction measurement variables will differ

depending on what type of satisfaction is being researched. For example, manufacturers


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typically desire on-time delivery and adherence to specifications, so measures of satisfaction

taken by suppliers should include these critical variables.

 Clearly defining and understanding customer satisfaction can help any company identify

opportunities for product and service innovation and serve as the basis for performance

appraisal and reward systems. It can also serve as the basis for a customer satisfaction

surveying program that can ensure that quality improvement efforts are properly focused on

issues that are most important to the customer.

Customer Satisfaction Measurement Facts

A 5-percent increase in loyalty can increase profits by 25%-85%.

A very satisfied customer is nearly six times more likely to be loyal and to repurchase

and/or recommend your product than is a customer who is just satisfied.

Only 4 percent of dissatisfied customers will complain.

The average customer with a problem eventually tells nine other people.

Satisfied customers tell five other people about their good treatment.

Objectives of a customer satisfaction surveying program

 In addition to a clear statement defining customer satisfaction, any successful surveying

program must have a clear set of objectives that, once met, will lead to improved

performance. The most basic objectives that should be met by any surveying program include

the following:

Understanding the expectations and requirements of all your customers

Determining how well your company and its competitors are satisfying these

expectations and requirements


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Developing service and/or product standards based on your findings

Examining trends over time in order to take action on a timely basis

Establishing priorities and standards to judge how well you've met these goals

  Before an appropriate customer satisfaction surveying program can be designed, the

following basic questions must be clearly answered:

How will the information we gather be used?

How will this information allow us to take action inside the organization?

How should we use this information to keep our customers and find new ones?

  Careful consideration must be given to what the organization hopes to accomplish, how the

results will be disseminated to various parts of the organization and how the information will

be used. There is no point asking customers about a particular service or product if it won't or

can't be changed regardless of the feedback.

 Conducting a customer satisfaction surveying program is a burden on the organization and

its customers in terms of time and resources. There is no point in engaging in this work unless

it has been thoughtfully designed so that only relevant and important information is gathered.

This information must allow the organization to take direct action. Nothing is more

frustrating than having information that indicates a problem exists but fails to isolate the

specific cause. Having the purchasing department of a manufacturing firm rate the sales and

service it received on its last order on a scale of 1 (terrible) to 7 (magnificent) would yield

little about how to improve sales and service to the manufacturer.


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 The lesson is twofold. First, general questions are often not that helpful in customer

satisfaction measurement, at least not without many other more specific questions attached.

Second, the design of an excellent customer satisfaction surveying program is more difficult

than it might first appear. It requires more than just writing a few questions, designing a

questionnaire, calling or mailing some customers, and then tallying the results.

 Understanding differing customer attitudes

 The most basic objective of a customer satisfaction surveying program is to generate valid

and consistent customer feedback (i.e., to receive the voice of the customer, which can then

be used to initiate strategies that will retain customers and thus protect the most valuable

corporate asset--loyal customers).

 As it's determined what needs to be measured and how the data relate to loyalty and

repurchase, it becomes important to examine the mind-set of customers the instant they are

required to make a pre-purchase (or repurchase) decision or a recommendation decision.

Surveying these decisions leads to measures of customer loyalty. In general, the customer's

pre-purchase mind-set will fall into one of three categories--rejection (will avoid purchasing

if at all possible), acceptance (satisfied, but will shop for a better deal), and/or preference

(delighted and may even purchase at a higher price).

 This highly subjective system that customers themselves apply to their decisions is based

primarily on input from two sources:

  The customers' own experiences--each time they experience a product or service, deciding

whether that experience is great, neutral or terrible. These are known as "moments of truth."


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  The experiences of other customers--each time they hear something about a company,

whether it's great, neutral or terrible. This is known as "word-of-mouth."

Customer Satisfaction In 7 Steps

It’s a well known fact that no business can exist without customers. In the business of

Website design, it’s important to work closely with your customers to make sure the site or

system you create for them is as close to their requirements as you can manage. Because it’s

critical that you form a close working relationship with your client, customer service is of

vital importance. What follows are a selection of tips that will make your clients feel valued,

wanted and loved.

1. Encourage Face-to-Face Dealings

This is the most daunting and downright scary part of interacting with a customer. If you’re

not used to this sort of thing it can be a pretty nerve-wracking experience. Rest assured,

though, it does get easier over time. It’s important to meet your customers face to face at least

once or even twice during the course of a project.

My experience has shown that a client finds it easier to relate to and work with someone

they’ve actually met in person, rather than a voice on the phone or someone typing into an

email or messenger program. When you do meet them, be calm, confident and above all, take

time to ask them what they need. I believe that if a potential client spends over half the

meeting doing the talking, you’re well on your way to a sale.

2. Respond to Messages Promptly & Keep Your Clients Informed

This goes without saying really. We all know how annoying it is to wait days for a response

to an email or phone call. It might not always be practical to deal with all customers’ queries


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within the space of a few hours, but at least email or call them back and let them know

you’ve received their message and you’ll contact them about it as soon as possible. Even if

you’re not able to solve a problem right away, let the customer know you’re working on it.

A good example of this is my Web host. They’ve had some trouble with server hardware

which has caused a fair bit of downtime lately. At every step along the way I was emailed

and told exactly what was going on, why things were going wrong, and how long it would be

before they were working again. They also apologised repeatedly, which was nice. Now if

they server had just gone down with no explanation I think I’d have been pretty annoyed and

may have moved my business elsewhere. But because they took time to keep me informed, it

didn’t seem so bad, and I at least knew they were doing something about the problems. That

to me is a prime example of customer service.

3. Be Friendly and Approachable

A fellow SitePointer once told me that you can hear a smile through the phone. This is very

true. It’s very important to be friendly, courteous and to make your clients feel like you’re

their friend and you’re there to help them out. There will be times when you want to beat

your clients over the head repeatedly with a blunt object – it happens to all of us. It’s vital

that you keep a clear head, respond to your clients’ wishes as best you can, and at all times

remain polite and courteous.

4. Have a Clearly-Defined Customer Service Policy

This may not be too important when you’re just starting out, but a clearly defined customer

service policy is going to save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. If a customer has a

problem, what should they do? If the first option doesn’t work, then what? Should they

contact different people for billing and technical enquiries? If they’re not satisfied with any

aspect of your customer service, who should they tell?


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There’s nothing more annoying for a client than being passed from person to person, or not

knowing who to turn to. Making sure they know exactly what to do at each stage of their

enquiry should be of utmost importance. So make sure your customer service policy is

present on your site — and anywhere else it may be useful.

5. Attention to Detail (also known as ‘The Little Niceties’)

Have you ever received a Happy Birthday email or card from a company you were a client

of? Have you ever had a personalised sign-up confirmation email for a service that you could

tell was typed from scratch? These little niceties can be time consuming and aren’t always

cost effective, but remember to do them.

Even if it’s as small as sending a Happy Holidays email to all your customers, it’s something.

It shows you care; it shows there are real people on the other end of that screen or telephone;

and most importantly, it makes the customer feel welcomed, wanted and valued.

6. Anticipate Your Client’s Needs & Go Out Of Your Way to Help Them Out

Sometimes this is easier said than done! However, achieving this supreme level of

understanding with your clients will do wonders for your working relationship.

Take this as an example: you’re working on the front-end for your client’s exciting new

ecommerce Endeavour. You have all the images, originals and files backed up on your

desktop computer and the site is going really well. During a meeting with your client he/she

happens to mention a hard-copy brochure their internal marketing people are developing. As

if by magic, a couple of weeks later a CD-ROM arrives on their doorstep complete with high


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resolution versions of all the images you’ve used on the site. A note accompanies it which


“”Hi, you mentioned a hard-copy brochure you were working on and I wanted to provide you

with large-scale copies of the graphics I’ve used on the site. Hopefully you’ll be able to make

use of some in your brochure.”"

Your client is heartily impressed, and remarks to his colleagues and friends how very helpful

and considerate his Web designers are. Meanwhile, in your office, you lay back in your chair

drinking your 7th cup of coffee that morning, safe in the knowledge this happy customer will

send several referrals your way.

7. Honour Your Promises

It’s possible this is the most important point in this article. The simple message: when you

promise something, deliver. The most common example here is project delivery dates.


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Nokia Corporation (NYSE: NOK) is one of the world's largest telecommunications

equipment manufacturers. With headquarters in Keilaniemi of Espoo, Finland, this Finnish

telecommunications company is best known today for its leading range of mobile phones.

Nokia also produces mobile phone infrastructure and other telecommunications equipment

for applications such as traditional voice telephony, ISDN, broadband access, professional

mobile radio, voice over IP, wireless LAN and a line of satellite receivers.

Nokia provides mobile communication equipment for every major market and protocol,

including GSM, CDMA, and WCDMA.

Nokia was established in 1865 as a wood-pulp mill by Fredrik Idestam on the banks of

Nokia rapids. Finnish Rubber Works established its factories in the beginning of 20th

century nearby and began using Nokia as its brand. Shortly after World War I Finnish

Rubber Works acquired Nokia wood mills as well as Finnish Cable Works, a producer of

telephone and telegraph cables. All three companies were merged as Nokia Corporation in

1967. The name Nokia originated from the river which flowed through the town of the

same name (Nokia).


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In the 1970s Nokia became more involved in the telecommunications industry by

developing the Nokia DX 200, a digital switch for telephone exchanges. In the 1980s,

Nokia offered a series of personal computers called MikroMikko [1], however, these

operations were sold to International Computers, Ltd. (ICL), which was later merged with

Fujitsu-Siemens AG. Nokia also began developing mobile phones for the NMT network;

unfortunately, the company ran afoul of serious financial problems in the 1990s and

streamlined its manufacturing of mobile phones, mobile phone infrastructure, and other

telecommunications areas, divesting itself of other items, such as televisions and personal


In 2004, Nokia resorted to similar streamlining practices with layoffs and organizational

restructuring, although on a significantly smaller scale. This, however, diminished Nokia's

public image in Finland, and produced a number of court cases along with, at least, one

television show critical of Nokia.

Recently, Nokia joined other mobile phone manufacturers to embrace Taiwanese Original

Device Manufacturers. Nokia signed a contract with BenQ, a Taiwanese Original Device

Manufacturer, to develop three high-end mobile phones, which are scheduled to retail by

the end of 2005.

Nokia in the Region of Asia – Pacific

A leading player in mobile communications in the Asia Pacific, Nokia first started

operations in the region in the early 1980s. It has since established a leading brand presence

in many local markets, and business has expanded considerably in all areas to support

customer needs and the growth of the telecommunications industry in the region.

Nokia's regional corporate headquarters is located at Alexandra Technopark in Singapore.

As the regional hub for Nokia, it is a base from which over 700 staff provide leading-edge


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technology, product and solutions support to the 20 diverse markets and Nokia offices in

the Asia Pacific.

Nokia's regional treasury center - Nokia Treasury Asia - operates out of Singapore as an in-

house bank for Nokia subsidiaries in the Asia Pacific region, while Nokia Research Centre

- the corporate research unit - has offices in Japan and China. Nokia also manufactures

products out of three major facilities in Masan, Korea, and Beijing and Dongguan in China.

As of January 2004, Nokia streamlined its global organizational structure to strengthen its

focus on convergence, new mobility markets and growth. To address emerging new

business areas in the Mobility era while continuing to grow its leadership in mobile voice

communications, Nokia has four business groups to best meet the unique dynamics of each


Mobile Phones offers a global range of highly competitive mobile phones for large

consumer segments, and develops mobile phones for all major standards and customer

segments in over 130 countries. It is responsible for Nokia's core mobile phones business,

based mainly on WCDMA, GSM, CDMA and TDMA technologies. Mobile Phones

focuses on bringing feature-rich, segmented mobile phones to the global market.

Multimedia brings mobile multimedia to consumers in the form of advanced mobile

devices and applications. Its products have features and functionality such as imaging,

games, music, media and a range of other attractive content, as well as innovative mobile

enhancements and solutions.

Networks continues to offer leading-edge network infrastructure, technology and related

services, based on major wireless standards to mobile operators and service providers.

Focusing on the GSM family of technologies, the group aims at leadership in GSM, EDGE

and WCDMA radio networks. Our networks have been installed in all major global

markets that have adopted these standards. Networks is also a leading provider of


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broadband access and TETRA networks for professional users in the public safety and

security sector.

Enterprise Solutions provides a range of terminals and seamless mobile connectivity

solutions based on end-to-end mobility architecture, dedicated to helping businesses and

institutions worldwide improve their performance through extended mobility. Its end-to-

end solution offerings range from business optimized mobile devices on the front end, to a

robust portfolio of mobile business optimized gateways in the back end including: wireless

email and internet, application mobility, message protection, virtual private networks,

firewalls, and intrusion protection.

Nokia Corporation manufactures mobile devices principally based on global system for

mobile communications, code division multiple access (CDMA), and wideband CDMA

(WCDMA) technologies. The company operates in three divisions: Multimedia, Enterprise

Solutions, and Networks. The Multimedia division focuses on bringing connected mobile

multimedia to consumers in the form of advanced mobile devices, including 3G WCDMA

mobile devices and solutions. The Enterprise Solutions division enables businesses and

institutions extend their use of mobility from mobile devices for voice and basic data to

secure mobile access, content, and applications. Its solutions include business-optimized

mobile devices for end users, a portfolio of Internet portfolio network perimeter security

gateways, and mobile connectivity offerings. The Networks division provides network

infrastructure, communications, and networks service platforms and professional services

to operators and service providers. Nokia connects people to each other and the information

that matters to them with mobile devices and solutions for voice, data, imaging, games,

multimedia, and business applications. The company also provides equipment, solutions,

and services for its operator and enterprise customers. It sells its mobile devices primarily


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to operators, distributors, independent retailers, and enterprise customers worldwide. Nokia

Corporation is based in Espoo, Finland.


Historically, the thinking was: a good product will sell itself. However there are no bad

products anymore in today's highly competitive markets. Plus there are many laws giving

customers the right to send back products that he perceives as bad. Therefore the question

on product has become: does the organization create what its intended customers want?

Define the characteristics of your product or service that meets the needs of your










New Products Launching & Operating Highlights

The Mobile Phones business group increased its consumer offering during the quarter with

the introduction of new models in a range of form factors and designs. Highlights include:

Nine new GSM models, including the Nokia 6280, our first mid-range WCDMA/3G



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Four new CDMA models, growing our mid-range offering in CDMA.

Premium category devices: the Nokia 8800 and Nokia 8801 stainless steel slide


The Nokia 6270 slide phone: one of two new models with 2 mega pixel cameras.

The Nokia 5140i camera phone: Nokia's first mobile device to comply with upcoming

EU environmental legislation.

Two entry-level mobile phones, the Nokia 1110 and Nokia 1600, each offering

technological features designed to reduce the total cost of ownership for users.

SWOT Analysis of the Company: Nokia


Nokia has largest network of distribution and selling as compared to other mobile

phone company in the world. It is backed with the high quality and professional team in the

HRD Dept. The financial aspect is very strong in case of Nokia as it has many more

profitable business. The product being user friendly and have all the accessories one want

that is why is in great demand making it No-1 selling mobile phones in the world. Wide

range of products for all class. The re-sell value of Nokia phones are high compared to

other company’s product.


Nokia has many strengths and some weakness. Some of the weakness includes the

price of the product offered by the company. Some of the products are not user friendly.

Not concern about the lower class f the society people. Not targeting promotion toward

them. The price of the product is the main issue. The service centers in India are very few

and scare. So after sales service is not good.


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Nokia has ample of opportunity to expand its business. With the wide range in

products, features and different price range for different people, it has an advantage over

the competitors around. With the opportunity like ‘Telecom penetration in India’ being at

the peak time, Nokia has an opportunity to increase its sales as well as the market share. As

the standard of living in India has increased the purchasing power of the people as

increased as well, so Nokia has to target right customer at right time to gain the most out of

the situation.


Nokia has many threats to tackle to maintain its position as market leader. The threats

like emerging of other mobile companies in the market. The companies like Motorola,

Sony Eriksson, Cingular (U.S) etc. these companies have come to the stand of tough

competition with Nokia in the field of Mobile Phones. Threats can be like providing cheap

phones, new features, new style and type, good after sales service etc. So, Nokia has to

keep in mind the growing competition around. Nokia has to make strategies to tackle

problems in the present and the near future. The growing demand of WLL network can

cause drop in sales for Nokia, as Nokia provides many less CDMA phones to the customer.


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The business of being responsible involves us all

Customer satisfaction stems not only from our products but also from how effectively we

interact with our community. As Nokia becomes more and more of a global entity, our

obligations in terms of how we satisfy our stakeholders grow.

Our corporate responsibility programming reflects an increasing interest (both internally and

externally) in the impact our business actions have on communities from societal,

environmental, and economic perspectives. We both acknowledge and understand that our

responsibilities go beyond simply providing quality communication products.

As a market leader, the best contribution we can make to the global community is to conduct

our business in a responsible way. This belief drives our commitment to creating ethically

sound policies and principles that guide us in our work. Our Corporate Responsibility (CR)

agenda is framed around the Nokia Values and is carried out in all aspects of our work to

ensure customer satisfaction and respect, and also to assist us in embracing renewal and

striving for achievement.

Our values are put into action with the help of the Nokia Code of Conduct, which aims to

reach beyond legal compliance or reactionary positioning by taking a leading role in the

various areas where society is affected by the mobile communication business.

This translates into further action as we integrate CR ideas and work practices throughout our

various business channels. By striving to include all members of Nokia’s community in this

process, we are demonstrating our overall commitment to the belief that responsibility is

everybody’s business.


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As approximately one in three phones in use is a Nokia phone, it’s safe to say our

products influence the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

Maximizing the benefits of mobile communication and minimizing potentially negative

effects requires commitment from governments, civil society, and the business sector.

However, we recognize that as a market leader with global operations, our potential impact,

and therefore our responsibility, is great.

From a social growth and economic development perspective, we acknowledge our impact

and responsibilities throughout our value chain: in our sourcing, product design,

manufacturing, employee well-being, business partnerships, recycling, community

involvement, and communications. Through our product lifecycle we respond to various

environmental needs. Through employee relations, supply-chain management, and consumer

offerings we aim to have a positive social influence.

Our overall response to our stakeholders is to produce high-quality, safe products while

upholding the law, protecting the environment, and following sound best practices. It is an

expectation we strive to meet.


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Our promise is to help people feel close to what is important to them

Nokia is a consumer led company. There is a progressive and continuous increase in

consumer involvement with technology and communications globally. People are broadening

their modes of communication to include the web and, social networks are becoming central

to how people communicate.

People want to be truly connected, independent of time and place, in a way that is very

personal to them. And, Nokia’s promise is to connect people in new and better ways.

Nokia’s strategy is to build trusted consumer relationships by offering compelling and valued

consumer solutions that combine beautiful devices with context enriched services


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The Nokia Lumia 620 is a smartphone designed, developed and marketed by Nokia. It is the successor to the Lumia 610, and is one of the first Nokia phones to

implement Windows Phone 8 alongside theNokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 820. Although sharing a similar name with the Lumia 610, the Lumia 620 is a

major overhaul over its predecessor, sporting a 1.0 GHz dual-core processor. It was announced in December 2012 and is expected to sell in January 2013 in Asia,

followed by Europe and the Middle East at an estimated street price of USD 249.

Nokia Lumia 620

Manufacturer Nokia

Series Nokia Lumia


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Compatible networks GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900

HSPA 850/900/1900/2100

Wi-Fi, NFC

Predecessor Nokia Lumia 610

Type Smartphone

Form factor Slate

Dimensions 115.4 mm (4.54 in) H

61.1 mm (2.41 in) W

11.0 mm (0.43 in) D

Weight 127 g (4.5 oz)

Operating system Windows Phone 8

SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon S4

CPU 1.0 GHz dual-core Qualcomm

Memory 8 GB internal flash

512 MB RAM

Removable storage MicroSD (up to 64GB)

Battery Rechargeable BL-4J 1300mAh

Data inputs Multi-touch capacitive touchscreen, proximity sensor, ambient


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light sensor,

Display 3.8" LCD ClearBlack capacitive touchscreen

800x480 px 16.7m-color

Rear camera 5.0 Megapixel, 2592 x 1936 pixels, LED flash,autofocus 720p


Front camera VGA, 640x480 pixels

Connectivity Bluetooth 3.0 802.11a/b/g/n

Other Talk time: Up to 14 hours (3G), 9.9 hours (WCDMA)

Standby time: Up to 330 hours (approx. 13.8 days)

Music playback time: Up to 61 hours



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The Nokia N9 (codename 'Lankku', Finnish for "a flat plank of wood") is a smartphonemade

by Nokia based on the Linux MeeGo "Harmattan" mobile operating system, the first from

Nokia on the MeeGo OS. It was released in three colors: black, cyan and magenta, after

Nokia announced on Nokia World 2011 the white version of the phone it was available before

the end of the 2011 year.

Nokia N9

Nokia N9 phone running Meego 1.2 Harmattan software

Manufacturer Nokia

Series Nseries


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Compatible networks GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900

GPRS/EDGE class B, multislot class 33

HSDPA (Pentaband)

HSDPA/UMTS 850 / 900 / 1700 / 1900 / 2100

HSDPA Cat10, up to 14.4 Mbps

HSUPA Cat6, up to 5.7 Mbps

Predecessor Nokia N900

Dimensions Width: 61.2 mm

Height: 116.45 mm

Thickness: 7.6 to 12.1 mm

colored (unpainted) polycarbon unibody

Weight 135 g

Operating system MeeGo 1.2 "Harmattan"[1]

CPU 1 GHz ARM Cortex-A8 SoCprocessor; TI OM


3D Graphics PowerVRSGX530 GPU

430 MHz TI TMS320C64xDigital signal


Memory 1 GB Mobile DDR

Storage 16 or 64 GB


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Removable storage none

Battery BV-5JW 1450 mAh Li-Ion battery (removable

by service)

micro USB charging

Data inputs Capacitive multi-touchdisplay

External functional hardware keys

Accelerometer (3-axis)

Magnetometer (3-axis)

Proximity sensor

Ambient light detector

Stereo microphone + 2nd microphone for

active noise cancellation

Display "Clear Black" AMOLED 854 × 480 px (FWVGA),

3.9" (99.1 mm), 16.7 million colors (24 bits)

Rear camera 8 MP (CMOS sensor of 1/3.0" size) with Carl Zeiss

optics (F2.2, Focal length: 3.77mm / 28mm), 720p at

30 FPS, Digital zoom 4X for camera and video

Front camera VGA[2]

Connectivity WLAN IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n (2.4 and 5GHz)

bluetooth 2.1 +EDR

micro USB 2.0


3.5 mm AV connector (audio in/out, video


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in/out, tv-set out))

Near Field Communication (NFC)

Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA)

micro SIM card

FM receiver

Development status Released (29, September 2011), discontinued


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Nokia Lumia 710 is a Windows Phone 7 smartphone. Its release is part of a change in

company's direction which has resulted in a move around from the Symbian platform towards

Windows Phone for premium devices (running the Mango version of the Windows Phone

OS). While the Nokia Lumia 800 targets the high-end of the smartphone marketplace, the

Nokia Lumia 710 is intended to target the mid-range by offering a device at a lower price

point. It has been released in Brazil and some Western European and Asian countries.

On 14 December 2011, T-Mobile and Nokia officially announced their plan to sell the Lumia

710 from 11 January 2012, for $349.99 prepaid or $49.99 with a 2 year contract with

minimum of $60 per month plan and $35 per line activation fee. At CES 2012, Nokia

announced that Rogers would have exclusivity for the Lumia 710 in Canada. The phone,

alongside the Nokia Lumia 800, is promised to get an update to add wi-fi hotspot

capabilities. The Nokia Lumia 830, has from Chinese media, been reported to be the Lumia

710 successor.


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Nokia Lumia 710

Manufacturer Nokia

Compatible networks GSM, HSDPA, Wi-Fi

Availability by country November 2011 (Europe) December 2011 (Asia)

January 2012 (USA)

Related Nokia Lumia 800

Nokia Lumia

Dimensions 119 mm (4.7 in) H

62.4 mm (2.46 in) W

12.5 mm (0.49 in) D

Weight 126 g (4.4 oz)

Operating system Windows Phone 7.5 (not able to be updated to

Windows Phone 8)

SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon S2 MSM8255

CPU 1.4 GHz single-core QualcommScorpion

GPU Qualcomm Adreno 205

Memory 8 GB internal flash

512 MB ROM

512 MB RAM

Battery Rechargeable BP-3L 3.7V 1300mAh Li-ion


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Nokia Lumia 800 (codenamed 'Sea Ray') is a Windows Phone 7-OS poweredsmartphone,

first unveiled on 26 October 2011 at the Nokia World 2011 event.[6] It was Nokia's first

mobile phone to run the Windows Phone OS and marked the company's shift of focus in

favor of Windows Phone for its premium-priced phones.

Lumia 800 shares its design with the previously released Meego-based Nokia N9. The

outward differences are one added physical button dedicated to the camera on the right side

of the phone, and a dual LED flash moved directly above the Carl Zeiss camera lens. Despite

a similar exterior, the Lumia 800 has a different interior than N9. Lumia 800's chipset comes

from Qualcomm, whereas the N9 is based on a Texas InstrumentsOMAP chipset and CPU.

Like the N9, it has a convex curved Gorilla Glass AMOLED PenTile screen with a

ClearBlack antiglare filter. The screen diagonal is 3.7 inches (800 x 480 pixels) compared

with 3.9 inches (854 x 480 pixels) for N9, to conform with the Windows Phone specifications


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list, which includes three capacitive softkeys placed under the glass. A through-colored

unibody shell is made from polycarbonate plastic.

Nokia outsourced the production of its Qualcomm-based Lumia 800 to Compal Electronics.

According to Nokia, this was due to time constraints and Compal's experience with the

chipset. Future models, starting from Lumia 710, would be built in a Nokia factory, according

to the same source. Devices for the European and Northern American markets are configured,

tested and packed by Nokia's factory in Salo, Finland.

Nokia Lumia 800

Manufacturer Nokia

Slogan Connecting People

Compatible networks GSM, HSDPA, Wi-Fi, 3G

Availability by country November 2011 (Europe) December 2011

March 2012 (Australia, Brazil)

Successor Nokia Lumia 820

Related Nokia Lumia 710

Nokia Lumia 900

Nokia N9

Nokia Lumia

Dimensions 116.5 mm (4.59 in) H

61.2 mm (2.41 in) W


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12.1 mm (0.48 in) D

Weight 142 g (5.0 oz)

Operating system Windows Phone 7 7.5 (not able to be updated to Windows

Phone 8)[3]

SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon S2MSM8255T

CPU 1.4 GHz single-core QualcommScorpion

GPU Qualcomm Adreno 205

Memory 16 GB internal flash

512 MB ROM

512 MB RAM

Battery Rechargeable BV-5JW 3.7V 1450mAh Li-ion battery:

• Standby for

up to 265 h on 2G,

up to 335 h on 3G;

• Talk time for

up to 13 h on 2G,

up to 9 h 30 min on 3G;

• Music playback for up to 55 hours.

Data inputs Multi-touch capacitivetouchscreen, proximity

sensor,ambient light sensor, 3-axisaccelerometer,

digital compass

Display 3.7" ClearBlack, Gorilla GlassAMOLED PenTile at 252

ppi capacitive touchscreen


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480x800 px 16M-color WVGA

Rear camera 8 Megapixel, 3264x2448 pixels, dual-LED

flash, autofocus Carl Zeiss optics, 720p video capture

Front camera No

Connectivity Bluetooth 2.1, 802.11b/g/n, G-Sensor, Digital Compass, A-

GPS, micro-USB, 3.5mm audio jack

Other Available in cyan, magenta, black and white[5]

Development status In production

Website Nokia Lumia 800


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The Nokia Asha 311 is a "Full Touch" smartphone powered by Nokia's Series 40 operating

system. It was announced at Bangkok by Nokia along with two others Asha Full Touch

phones - the Nokia Asha 305 and 306. The 311 is considered to be the flagship of the Asha

Full Touch family. Its main features are the Full Touch capacitive touchscreen, the pentaband

3G radio, SIP VoIP over 3G and Wi-Fi and the ability to play Angry Birds.

Nokia Asha 311

Manufacturer Nokia

Series Full Touch

Compatible networks GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900

GPRS/EDGE class B, multislot class 33


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UMTS 850 / 900 / 1700 / 1900 / 2100

HSDPA Cat10, 14.4 Mbps

HSUPA Cat6 5.7 Mbps

Availability by country Global

Form factor Full Touch candybar

Dimensions Width: 52 mm

Height: 106 mm

Thickness: 12.9 mm

Weight 95 g

Operating system Nokia Asha Series 40 OS


Memory 128 MB RAM

256 MB ROM

Storage 256MB ROM memory (140MB available to

end user)

Removable storage up to 32 GB microSDHC

Battery BP-4U 1100 mAh Li-Ion battery (removable)

micro USB and 2 mm DC plug charging

Data inputs Capacitive multi point-touch display

External functional hardware keys


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Display 400 x 240 px (WQVGA), 3.0", 18 bits

Rear camera 3.2 MP (CMOS sensor) EDoF

Front camera No

Connectivity WLAN IEEE 802.11 b/g/n (2.4 GHz)

bluetooth 2.1 +EDR

micro USB 2.0

USB On-the-Go 1.3

3.5 mm AV connector (audio in/out)

SIM card

FM receiver with RDS

Development status Announced


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The Nokia Asha 306 is a "Full Touch" phone powered by Nokia's Series 40 operating system.

It was announced at Bangkok by Nokia along with two others Asha Full Touch phones - the

Nokia Asha 305 and 311. The 306 is considered to be the little brother of Asha 311 as it lacks

3G and capacitive touch screen. Its main features are the Full Touch resistive touchscreen and


Nokia Asha 306

Manufacturer Nokia

Series Full Touch

Compatible networks GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900

GPRS/EDGE class B, multislot class 33

Availability by country Global


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Form factor Full Touch candybar

Dimensions Width: 53.8 mm

Height: 110.3 mm

Thickness: 12.8 mm

Weight 96 g

Operating system Nokia Asha Series 40 OS

CPU ringtone = Nokia Tune

Memory 32 MB RAM


Storage 64MB ROM memory, 10 MB available for


Removable storage up to 32 GB microSDHC

Battery BP-4U 1110 mAh Li-Ion battery (removable)

micro USB and 2 mm DC plug charging

Data inputs Resistive multipoint-touch display

External functional hardware keys

Display 240 x 400 px (WQVGA), 3.0 inch (155 ppi) , 18 bits

Rear camera 2 MP (CMOS sensor) EDoF

Front camera No

Connectivity WLAN IEEE 802.11 b/g/n (2.4 GHz)


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bluetooth 2.1 +EDR

micro USB 2.0

USB On-the-Go 1.3

3.5 mm AV connector (audio in/out)

SIM card

FM receiver with RDS

Development status Announced


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Nokia Asha 308 is a mid range phone and the successor to the Nokia Asha 305. It was

announced in September, 2012 and was released in October, 2012. The phone features dual-

sim over the Wi-Fi feature seen in Nokia Asha 309.

Nokia Asha 308

Manufacturer Nokia

Series Full Touch

Compatible networks GSM 900 / 1800

GPRS/EDGE class B, multislot class 33

Availability by country Global

Predecessor Nokia Asha 305


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Form factor Full Touch candybar

Dimensions Width: 54 mm

Height: 109.9 mm

Thickness: 13 mm

Weight 104 g

Operating system Nokia Asha Series 40 OS

Memory 64 MB RAM

128 MB ROM

Storage 128MB ROM memory

Removable storage up to 32 GB microSDHC

Battery BP-4U 1100 mAh Li-Ion battery (removable)

micro USB and 2 mm DC plug charging

Data inputs Capacitive multipoint-touch display

External functional hardware keys

Display 240 x 400 px (WQVGA), 3.0 inch (155 ppi), 18 bits,

Capacitive touch screen

Rear camera 2 MP (CMOS sensor) EDoF

Front camera No

Connectivity bluetooth 3.0 + A2DP

micro USB 2.0


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3.5 mm AV connector (audio in/out)

SIM card

FM receiver with RDS

Development status Announced

There is hoard of mobile phones in our markets so search a best mobile phone is not less than

a heard nut to crack. The problem of searching best mobile phone degenerates when you fins

practically all the companies claiming that they are they best mobile phone providers. But,

however, exhaustive study reveals that there is one company whom you can bank upon.

Would you like to know the name of that company? Well. It is not an outlandish company!!

And perhaps you must have heard its name number of times in news papers and other

advertisement sources. Yes, I am talking about Nokia or Nokia Phones.

All the Nokia Phones are furnished with immense research and toil. Before giving final shape

or making an appliance a massive research is done that is based on views of the existing and

prospective users. That is why it is said that Nokia Mobiles phones are trusted name and


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tested products. And to furnish Nokia Mobile Phones expert’s assistance is taken so that it fits

to every individual needs.

Latest study shows that Nokia Mobile Phones are on top of the demand. Perhaps this

accumulating demand is due to their latest ground breaking innovation Nokia N-series

mobiles device. This N-series Nokia Mobile Phones are perfect choice for the businessmen

since they are furnished with all the latest technologies and specifications required by the


There are some features of the Nokia Mobile Phones those have won the confidence of

people around the glob. All the latest Nokia Mobile Phones are offered with outsized memory

that is for general use for the users and this broaden memory is offered in addition to mobile

phone memory. This memory can be used for up loading and downloading all MP3 and

visual videos those you can enjoy while getting bore.

Now a days, almost all the Nokia Mobile Phones are provided with FM radio that one can

avail himself with while walking down on the road. Thus, Nokia assist you minimize your

distance and to reduce boring moments. Furthermore, these days Nokia mobiles are offered

with TFT display that gives extra charm to your pictures.


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To study the brand image of Nokia handset on the basis of consumer perception

To show the customer preference towards the brand perception of customers for


To know the customer satisfaction towards Nokia handset in Moradabad market.


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Consumer behaviour refers to the activities in which people acquire, consume and dispose

products and services (Blackwell et al., 2001). Owing to the proliferation of brands in the

recent decades, there is a growing number of research conducted in the field of consumer

buying behaviour. However, most of them concentrate on a single country study, regardless

of the importance of cross-country comparisons which will inspire innovative ideas for

understanding the fast-changing consumer habits. This dissertation is going to investigate the

differences of British and Chinese in purchasing clothes under the influence of brand image.

In this chapter, the literatures concerning the roles of brand and brand equity are to be

reviewed so as to provide a theoretical framework for the aforementioned analysis. Brand

serves a pivotal role for distinguishing goods and services from those of the competitors

(Aaker, 1991; Murphy, 1998). The emergence of brand equity underlies the importance of

brand in marketing tactics and hence provides useful insights for managers and further

research (Keller, 2003).

Brand is a name in every consumer’s mind (Mooij, 1998) and it is characterized by a

noticeable name or symbol which can differentiate the goods and services from the rivals’

(Aaker, 1991; Keller, 1998). In addition to a specific brand name, a brand is also composed

of products, packaging, promotion, advertising, as well as its overall presentation (Murphy,


From the consumers’ perspective, brand is a guarantor of reliability and quality 11 in

consumer products (Roman et al., 2005). Added to this, consumers would like to buy and use

brand-name products with a view to highlight their personality in different situational

contexts (Aaker, 1999; Fennis and Pruyn, 2006).

Nowadays, consumers have a wide range of choice to choose from when they enter a

shopping mall. It is found that consumers’ emotions are one of the major determinants which

affect their buying behaviour (Berry, 2000).

According to a research conducted by Freeride Media LLC (1998) on shopping habits, nearly

one-forth of the respondents are likely to impulse-buy clothes and accessories. When


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deciding which products to purchase, consumers would have their preferences, which are

developed in accordance with their perceptions towards the brand. Successful branding could

make consumers aware of the presence of the brand and hence could increase the chance of

buying the company’s products and services (Doyle, 1999).

A brand can be an everlasting and lucrative asset as long as it is maintained in a good manner

that can continue satisfying consumers’ needs (Batchelor, 1998; Murphy, 1998). Although

successful brands can be totally different in nature, they share something in common, for

instances well-priced products and consistent quality (Murphy, 1998).

As mentioned by Levitt (1983), there are four elements for building a successful brand,

namely tangible product, basic brand, augmented brand and potential brand. Tangible product

refers to the commodity which meets the basic needs of the customers. Basic brand, on the

other hand, considers the packaging of the tangible product so as to attract the attention from

the potential customers. The brand can be further augmented with the provision of credibility,

effective after-sales services and the like. Finally and most importantly, a potential brand is

established through engendering customer preference and loyalty. By doing so, the image of

the brand could be well instilled in the customers’ mind.

The term ‘brand equity’ refers to a set of assets and liabilities associated with a brand,

including its name and symbol, which could impose beneficial or detrimental effects on the

values arising from the products or services (Aaker, 1991; Yasin et al., 2007). Added to this,

Keller (1998) points out that brand equity signifies the unique marketing effects imposed on

the brand.

Concerning the positive side of brand equity, it happens when consumers are willing to pay

more for the same level of quality just because of the attractiveness of the name attached to

the product (Bello and Holbrook, 1995).

However, brand equity could be ruined if it is not properly managed. For instance, poor

product quality and customer services could adversely affect the brand image, giving rise to a

reduction in sales volume.

One of the quintessential examples regarding brand as a kind of equity is the imposition of

laws to protect intellectual property (Murphy, 1998). In countries with well-established legal

system, the values of brands have been recognized to both the consumers and producers. In


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order to combat piracy, many countries have set up laws to protect trade marks, patents,

designs as well as copyright. In addition, brand is also a tradable product with measurable

financial value (Murphy, 1998). It is not uncommon to find some familiar brands listed on the

stock markets in which they could be bought or sold. Brands like HSBC, Marks and Spencer,

Vodafone, Sainsbury and Tesco are all listed on the FTSE 100 index (London Stock

Exchange, 2007). It is found that the volatility of stock market could affect consumers’

purchasing mood, not to mention the growth or declines of retail sales (Blackwell, 2002).

This is supported by the fact that brand equity depends on the number of people with regular

purchase (Aaker, 1996).

The above examples highlight the values of brand equity for both consumers and the firm.

For the consumers, brand equity could provide them with information about the brand which

influences their confidence during the purchasing process. There is a high propensity for

consumers with good perceptions to buy from the same shop again than those with poor

perceptions. Past purchasing experiences and familiarity with the brand could be attributable

to the perceptions generated from the consumers (Aaker, 1991).

As for the firm, brand equity could also be a source for the firm to generate cash flow. For

instance, the merger between adidas and Reebok in 2005 not only increased their market

share so as to compete with Nike in the US sports apparel market, but also attracted more

people to invest in the bigger company with high potential (Business Week, 2005). Besides,

brand equity could also allow higher margins through premium pricing and reduced reliance

upon promotional activities (Aaker, 1991). Owning to the positive image, consumers no

longer focus on the short-term promotion but the brand on the whole.

Brand equity is a broad concept which can be further subdivided into four mainareas, namely

brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality and brand associations (Aaker, 1991;

Keller, 1998). These four main areas are to be discussed in the coming sections.

Brand awareness is one of major determinants of brand equity. It refers to the ability of a

potential consumer to recall and recognize the brand, linking the brand with its corresponding

product class (Aaker, 1991). The level of brand awareness lies in a continuum, with brand

recognition being the lowest level and the first named brand with unaided recall being the

highest level. It is important for the potential consumers to be aware of a product so that it


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can become one of the purchasing choices. This is due to the fact that the product needs to

enter the awareness set before it comes to the consideration set (Blackwell et al., 2001) and

an increase in brand awareness is conducive to a higher chance of entering the later set

(Nedungadi, 1990). In this way, brands with higher level of awareness would be more likely

to be purchased (Yasin et al., 2007). This could probably explain why consumers tend to buy

a recognizable brand rather than an unfamiliar one (Hoyer, 1990; Macdonald and Sharp,


Several factors can alter the level of brand awareness. In case of China, its geographical

location and politics could affect the consumer brand awareness level seriously. According to

research conducted by Delong et al. (2004), owing to geographical differences, Chinese

consumers cannot distinguish US apparel brand names from the European ones. In addition,

brands from Taiwan and Hong Kong are sometimes confused, due to their political

separations. For long time, Taiwan would like to become politically independent from China

owing to their different political standpoint whereas Hong Kong, being a special

administrative region since 1997, has once been a colony of the UK. As mentioned by Keller

(1998), brand awareness can be enhanced through repeat exposure to the brand. In order to

achieve brand awareness, two tasks are to be accomplished, namely increasing brand name

identity and associating it with the product class. Advertising and celebrity endorsement

could be some useful tools for raising brand awareness. It is found that advertisement attitude

is attributable to the influence on brand attitudes, affecting consumer’s intention to purchase

(Mackenzie et al., 1986; Tsai et al., 2007). In recent decades, there is an increasing number of

advertising campaigns around the world. Consumers are hence well-equipped with

comparative elements to judge which product or service to purchase (Alvarez and Casielles,

2005). Moreover, celebrity endorsement can give rise to source credibility and source

attractiveness. For source credibility, as pointed out by McGuire (1978), celebrities can

disseminate messages to particular consumers and hence increase the brand awareness. As for

source attractiveness, successful endorsement can associate the culture of the celebrity world

with the endorsed product (McCracken, 1989). This association can raise the public

awareness towards the brand.


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Data sources : Primary and Secondary.

Data approaches : Questionnaire.

Sample size : 100

Sample procedure : Convenience sampling.

Research Design : Descriptive.

Research design: Research design is simply the framework or plan for a study, Used guide

in collecting and analyzing data.

For the study: for conducting that research I selected the Descriptive research design.

Descriptive research design: Descriptive research is also called Statistical Research. The

main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and characteristics about what is

being studied. The idea behind this type of research is to study frequencies, averages, and

other statistical calculations. Although this research is highly accurate, it does not gather the

causes behind a situation. Descriptive research is mainly done when a researcher wants to

gain a better understanding of a topic. that is, analysis of the past as opposed to the future.

Descriptive research is the exploration of the existing certain phenomena. The details of the

facts wont be known. The existing phenomena’s facts are not known to the persons.

1. Sampling design:

I. Sample Unit:

Customers of Life insurance.

II. Sample size:

The sample size of the report is 100 in numbers.


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Data collection method:

Primary data:

The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus

happened to be original in character. There are several methods of collecting primary data

particularly in surveys.

For the study: Questionnaire method is used for collecting the data while conducting the


Secondary data:

The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone and which have

already been passed through the statistical process. Secondary data may either be published

data or un- published data.

For the study: Internet is used for collecting the data while conducting the research.


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Q.1. Which company’s mobile you use?

1. Nokia ( ) 34 2. Samsung ( ) 12 3.Other ( ) 4


This chart shown out of 50 respondents 68% respondents are using Nokia Mobile, 24%

respondents are using Samsung Mobile & 8% respondents are using other company mobile.


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Q2. Are you satisfied with the price of Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 14 2. Satisfied ( ) 34 3.Not satisfied ( ) 2


This chart shown out of 50 respondents 28% respondents High Satisfied with the price of

Nokia handset, 68% respondents Satisfied with the price of Nokia handset & 4% respondents

Not Satisfied with the price of Nokia handset.


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Q3. Are you satisfied with advertisements of Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 10 2. Satisfied ( ) 38 3.Not satisfied ( ) 2


This chart shown out of 50 respondents 20% respondents High Satisfied with advertisements

of Nokia handset, 76% respondents Satisfied with advertisements of Nokia handset & 4%

respondents Not Satisfied with advertisements of Nokia handset


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Q4. Are you satisfied with color & design of Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 12 2. Satisfied ( ) 34 3.Not satisfied ( ) 4


This chart shown out of 50 respondents 24% respondents High Satisfied with color & design

of Nokia handset, 68% respondents Satisfied with color & design of Nokia handset & 8%

respondents Not Satisfied with color & design of Nokia handset.


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Q5. Are you satisfied with audio output of Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 10 2. Satisfied ( ) 32 3.Not satisfied ( ) 8


This chart shown out of 50 respondents 20% respondents High Satisfied with audio output of

Nokia handset, 64% respondents Satisfied with audio output of Nokia handset & 16%

respondents Not Satisfied with audio output of Nokia handset.


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Q6. Are you satisfied with software compatibility of Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 8 2. Satisfied ( ) 34 3.Not satisfied ( ) 6


This chart shown out of 50 respondents 16% respondents High Satisfied with software

compatibility of Nokia handset, 68% respondents Satisfied with software compatibility of

Nokia handset & 12% respondents Not Satisfied with software compatibility of Nokia



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Q7. Are you satisfied with camera/video quality of Nokia handset?

1. .High satisfied ( ) 12 2. Satisfied ( ) 36 3.Not satisfied ( ) 2


This chart shown out of 50 respondents 24% respondents High Satisfied with camera/video

quality of Nokia handset, 72% respondents Satisfied with camera/video quality of Nokia

handset & 4% respondents Not Satisfied with camera/video quality of Nokia handset.


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Q8. Are you satisfied with accessories provided with Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 6 2. Satisfied ( ) 36 3.Not satisfied ( ) 8


This chart shown out of 50 respondents 12% respondents High Satisfied with accessories

provided with Nokia handset, 72% respondents Satisfied with accessories provided with

Nokia handset & 16% respondents Not Satisfied with accessories provided with Nokia



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Q9. Are you satisfied with battery backup of Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 18 2. Satisfied ( ) 30 3.Not satisfied ( )2


This chart shown out of 50 respondents 32% respondents High Satisfied with battery backup

of Nokia handset, 60% respondents Satisfied with battery backup of Nokia handset & 4%

respondents Not Satisfied with battery backup of Nokia handset.


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Q10. Are you satisfied with its services provided by Nokia service centre?

1. High satisfied ( ) 16 2. Satisfied ( ) 25 3.Not satisfied ( ) 9


This chart shown out of 50 respondents 32% respondents High Satisfied with its services

provided by Nokia service centre, 50% respondents Satisfied with its services provided by

Nokia service centre & 18% respondents Not Satisfied with its services provided by Nokia

service centre.


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Q11. Are you satisfied with its brand image?

1. High satisfied ( ) 14 2. Satisfied ( ) 28 3.Not satisfied ( ) 8


This chart shown out of 50 respondents 28% respondents High Satisfied with its brand image,

56% respondents Satisfied with its brand image & 16% respondents Not Satisfied with its

brand image.


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o Most of the respondents are using Nokia Mobile

o Most of the respondents Satisfied with the price of Nokia handset

o Most of the respondents Satisfied with advertisements of Nokia handset

o Most of the respondents Satisfied with color & design of Nokia handset

o Most of the respondents Satisfied with audio output of Nokia handset

o Most of the respondents Satisfied with software compatibility of Nokia


o Most of the respondents Satisfied with camera/video quality of Nokia handset

o Most of the respondents Satisfied with accessories provided with Nokia


o Most of the respondents Satisfied with battery backup of Nokia handset

o Most of the respondents Satisfied with its services provided by Nokia service


o Most of the respondents Satisfied with its brand image


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According to the survey and analysis performed, the result concluded that that Nokia is the

most preferred brand among all the companies. It is providing a huge variety of services to

the lower, middle and upper citizens making an overall winning performance in the Indian

cell phone market. Other companies also providing a good variety of mobile phones but they

are not competent to the Nokia. Nokia is Preferred because:

Wide Range of mobile handsets

Prices that suits to all category of people

Customer satisfaction

After sale service

Market position


However, now the sales of Nokia is continually falling because of Chinese mobiles and other

local Indian mobile cellular phone manufacturers but most of the people still preferred Nokia

mobile because of good market position and customer satisfaction level. Nokia have still lots

of opportunities to grab. The company continually doing market research and soon it will

again make growth in the market.

It is also essential to treat the services and the products as equally important. The provision of

a service can be attractive in itself. Developing a good understanding of how your products

and services will be used and how they will change is important. Operators may well find

themselves positioning R&D as a means to promote the use of bandwidth and focusing on

service creation.


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While remaining flexible and alert to change, a company should build on standards. In a

world where services will be delivered across a variety of components, one needs their

component to ‘fit in.’


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1. Nokia has to control market skimming as it negatively attacks the brand

2. Nokia should be innovative on style and looks front of the cell phones as it has recently

sprung up in the present in order to attract youth.

3. High end mobile phones from Nokia have a hanging problem they must be tweaked to

perform as desired.

4. The price of Nokia cell phones is high as compared to the grown up twins available so the

buyer is unable to buy the latest available.

5. Nokia should work on a phone for the masses as it has a lot of scope, just like bird and

Motorola did.

6. The infrared present on the low end phones of Nokia lack compatibility with the non

Nokia phones.

7. Nokia should work upon their combination of price and features in an instrument

8. The user interfaces present in both brands of phones are each of a type and are acceptable

by the users.


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Although the study was carried out with extreme enthusiasm and careful planning there are

several limitations, which handicapped the research viz,

1. Time Constraints: The time stipulated for the project to be completed is less and thus

there are chances that some information might have been left out, however due care is taken

to include all the relevant information needed.

2. Sample size: Due to time constraints the sample size was relatively small and would

definitely have been more representative if I had collected information from more


3. Accuracy: It is difficult to know if all the respondents gave accurate information; some

respondents tend to give misleading information.

4. Availability: It was difficult to find respondents as they were busy in their schedule, and

collection of data was very difficult


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Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology, New Age Publications.

Malhotra, Naresh K., Marketing Research, An Applied Orientation, Fourth Edition,

Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005, Part II, pp. 71-340.

Chisnall, P.M. (1985). Marketing: A Behavioural Analysis. 2nd edn. McGraw-Hill.

Zeithaml, V.A. and Bitner, M.J. (1996), Services Marketing, international edition,

McGraw Hill, New York, NY and London.


IIMB Management Review – Volume 16 No.3 September 2007

Business Today “Depression In landline phone Sector” Page 25 March 2007.

Business Today, November 21, 2007 issue

Business Today, November 21, 2007 issue


Times Of India

Financial Express

Economic Times



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Dear respondent,

I am the student of TMU University conducting a market survey report. Kindly spare few minutes to fill up this questionnaire. Any information provided by you will be used for academic purpose only.


Name of the respondent :................................................................................................

Residential/ office address :............................................................................................



Contact no. :..................................................................................................................

Age group of the respondent : 18-25 ( ) 25-35 ( ) 35-45 ( ) 45 or More( )

Education/ qualification: .............................................................................................

Occupation :.................................................................................................................

Designation :................................................................................................................

Q.1. Which company’s mobile you use?

1. Nokia ( ) 2. Samsung ( ) 3.Other ( )

Q2. Are you satisfied with the price of Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 2. Satisfied ( ) 3.Not satisfied ( )

Q3. Are you satisfied with advertisements of Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 2. Satisfied ( ) 3.Not satisfied ( )


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Q4. Are you satisfied with color & design of Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 2. Satisfied ( ) 3.Not satisfied ( )

Q5. Are you satisfied with audio output of Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 2. Satisfied ( ) 3.Not satisfied ( )

Q6. Are you satisfied with software compatibility of Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 2. Satisfied ( ) 3.Not satisfied ( )

Q7. Are you satisfied with camera/video quality of Nokia handset?

1. .High satisfied ( ) 2. Satisfied ( ) 3.Not satisfied ( )

Q8. Are you satisfied with accessories provided with Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 2. Satisfied ( ) 3.Not satisfied ( )

Q9. Are you satisfied with battery backup of Nokia handset?

1. High satisfied ( ) 2. Satisfied ( ) 3.Not satisfied ( )

Q10. Are you satisfied with its services provided by Nokia service centre?

1. High satisfied ( ) 2. Satisfied ( ) 3.Not satisfied ( )

Q11. Are you satisfied with its brand image?

1. High satisfied ( ) 2. Satisfied ( ) 3.Not satisfied ( )

SignatureThank You