asu n2 (los angeles valley college)

Election Edition

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Election Edition

This is a special issue of the ASU Magazine highlighting the upcoming ASU Elections!

The Associated Student Union (ASU) is the student organization at Los Angeles Valley College that serves as the official representative of the student body. The ASU is comprised of two branches: the Executive Council and the Inter-Club Council. Both branches play an important role in supporting student life on campus and representing our student body.

As the Executive Council nears the end of this year’s term, it is time to elect the officers who will lead the ASU during the Fall 2012/Spring 2013 school year. The ASU Elections are crucial in ensuring that student interests are well served in the upcoming semesters. This magazine’s purpose is to introduce all those in our Monarch family to the candidates who are running for office. The ASU hopes that by informing Valley College students on all the possible candidates, students will take part in the democratic process and vote!

Elections will be held in Monarch Hall on Monday April 16th and Tuesday April 17th.

Election polls will be open on both days from 9am to 2pm and again from 4pm to 7pm.

Eligible voters must be enrolled in at least one unit at LAVC and must present a valid photo ID.

A Message from the President



3 A Message from the president

4 presidential Candidates

6 Vice presidential Candidates

10 Treasurer

8-12 Commissioners

Greetings Valley CollegeStudents!

Let your voice be heard! Vote!

Table of Contents

photograph courtesy of Jd oroye

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Shawn Besharaty Vahe Matevosyan

After being away from school for 24 years, I decided to get back to my studies during the summer of 2010. Since my return

to LAVC, I have discovered an immense interest in learning and getting involved with campus activities. This includes participation in various clubs, club days, sporting events and the ASU. These stimulating programs brought me to my decision to get more involved and I was elected TAE / pTk president, Fall 2011. during my tenure as TAE president, our club has worked tirelessly with MENd to collect food and clothing for people in need. For the 2011 Holiday Season, we worked with Universal North Hollywood Junior Chamber of Commerce to put together operation Santa. In addition, during club day a club during fall 2011, we sold Halloween costumes to raise money for student scholarships. I’m proud to say that our collective efforts allowed us to raise $4,000.00 which was given back to the school to help aid student programs.

We have organized campus and beach clean ups, the dean’s reception and this year, I am pleased to say that we are able to bring back the Apple Awards. I believe that the my next step is to become more involved with the ASU. This is why I am compelled to run for Student Body president. My leadership roll with TAE has been an amazing opportunity and I will bring that same passion to ASU if elected. Through my experiences both on and off campus, I feel that I have the skills and qualities necessary to make the best decisions for student advocacy.

Hi I’m Vahe Matevosyan and I am running for Associated Student Union (ASU) president. I currently hold the position

of Chief Justice on the board. Being a current member of the board, I have seen what the ASU is doing well and what it could improve, and I have developed a clear vision for the ASU next year. Through my experience with the ASU, I have gained insight on how the ASU works, and I want to utilize my acquired knowledge along with my hard work and dedication to implement my vision, in hopes of ameliorating the college experience of Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) students.

In the last few years, classes have been cut, entire summer and winter sessions have been eliminated, and tutoring labs hours have lost a large portion of their funding. The students are being hit the hardest by budget cuts, and it is ASU’s responsibility to protect the interests of the students. As president I will make it my priority to ensure that the concerns of LAVC students are heard by our representatives. I plan to focus ASU resources on student advocacy and fighting the budget cuts.

I find it essential for the ASU to reach out to the students. This year’s board published the ASU Magazine which was effective in informing the students about ASU; I plan to continue publishing the magazine, in addition to finding new and innovative ways strengthening the relationship between the ASU and the student body. ASU is a resource for the students and I want to make all its benefits, more accessible to the student body by spreading awareness.

I have the right combination of experience and dedication to be a great leader. I will work with you effectively, address your concerns, and become your voice on and off campus! I humbly ask for your vote.

Presidential Candidates

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George Markarian Lester B. Salvador

My mother’s death at a young age has caused me to grow up in challenging circumstances. With only my father to take care of me, and having to constantly move back

and forth between the United States and Argentina, I learned about hardship since my early days. I have also witnessed the struggles my father had faced raising me as a single parent and as an immigrant. From him I have learned to be dedicated, to never give up, and to always give it my all. Growing up in a diverse atmosphere with my Armenian and Argentine grandparents, I learned to work well with people who are very different in their culture, traditions and beliefs. I also learned to always question status quo and that I should never give up on trying to improve the lives of those around me.

After graduating high school at the age of sixteen, I became a proud member of the Los Angeles Valley College family. I quickly discovered my passion for political Science and also became actively involved in student activities. I immediately took the initiative to participate in many marches on behalf of student needs and soon joined the ASU, because I felt the urge to put my leadership skills to practice. In the ASU, I took the position of the Commissioner of Athletics due to my active involvement in sports since early childhood. Within a week after being appointed, I have begun to organize a soccer tournament with our sister-school pierce College. Also, in collaboration with other ASU members, I planned Spirit day which had a record-breaking student turnout. In addition, I have been a part of every Club day since joining the ASU.

Since my involvement with the ASU, I have matured as a leader and a student activist. I have gained valuable experience in the spheres of club organization and student politics. Therefore, I have decided to deepen my involvement and take the initiative to run for the office of Vice president of the Associated Student Union. I strongly believe that my knowledge, experience, and passion will positively serve me in being an exemplary leader and allow me to serve the interests of Los Angeles Valley College students.

If elected as Vice president, I promise to work on increasing student involvement on campus, improving leadership of the ASU, assisting clubs with all their events, and making sure that the interest of Valley student are protected and the need are met.

I must admit that I had no intention in going to LAVC after graduating from high school, but through a series of events in my life, I am in my fourth semester at LAVC and I could not be

more grateful.

For the past 2 years, I have been deeply engrossed to LAVC. Along with being a full-time student majoring in what I love, Mathematics and Theater, I have worked as a Financial Aid Student Employee, Family resource Center Tutor, and Learning Center Tutor. Currently, I am a tutor to the over 160 students of the Trio program. Through my jobs and classes at LAVC, I have been able to personally connect with other LAVC students and understand their needs and concerns, which has helped me better serve the student body as your ASU Commissioner of Campus & Environmental Affairs.

I have also been an active member of the club community of LAVC. I am a part of the Eco Advocates, Tau Alpha Epsilon (LAVC’s Honor Society), the Gay-Straight Alliance, and the Active Club. Additionally, I have collaborated with the dance Club, the Arts Club, pESSA, the Black Student Union, and the political Action Coalition on their different events and projects. one of the many duties of the Vice president is to chair the Inter-Club Council, a body of the ASU that governs all the clubs of LAVC. With my involvement and relationship with the clubs, I believe that I could serve as an effective leader of the Inter-Club Council and use this position to better LAVC.

I have dedicated myself to LAVC because of the countless opportunities that it has given me. LAVC gave me a life after high school. It gave me a valuable education, four wonderful jobs, and great friends. I would like to be your Vice president because I would like to serve my school and thank everyone that have made my college experience special for me.

As your Vice president, I will carry the will of the ASU to the best of my abilities. I have the experience and knowledge after serving as your ASU Commissioner of Campus & Environmental Affairs for the past year. I have the leadership skills that will help the Executive Council and the Inter-Club Council go above and beyond its potential. I have ideas and a voice to actualize them. Last and most importantly, I have the motivation to help me be the best Vice president that I can be.

Vice President Candidates

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Hello everyone! What an exciting time to work alongside such a diverse set of students and clubs at LAVC. My name is Sam key, I am twenty-

one years of age and on my third year here at Los Angeles Valley College. I must say that ever since high school, I’ve had a very uncanny fascination toward the way in which the world around us operates and in the way in which the system in our country struggles in its attempt to balance the notions of both freedom and equality within our society. This curiosity has led me to ask questions about the current status quo and has ultimately led me to pursue the study of political Science. on the fall of 2008, I had the honor of being accepted into former California State Senator richard Alarcon’s young Senators program where I gained hands on experience on serving the community through community service events with non-profit organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, MENd, and the annual Thanksgiving Food Giveaway. I participated in team building events, culminating with a trip to Sacramento where I debated current policy issues and met with Californian legislature. In the spring of 2009, I had the privilege of becoming an intern for Councilman Tony Cardenas, where I assisted field deputy’s serving the Sun Valley, Arleta, and Van Nuys areas through database management, community outreach, and preparing for town halls. In the fall of 2011, I decided I wanted a broader understanding of the legal sector, and after countless hours and weeks of searching the web, sending my resume out, and visiting legal offices I managed to obtain an internship at LibertyBell Law Group, a criminal defense law firm in Burbank. I learned to identify callers and their pending legal situations by determining whether their case was a civil matter, criminal matter, misdemeanor, felony, or infraction and I was also the translator for Spanish speaking clients and Spanish written documents.

I worked with the Cooperative Education department here at LAVC to document my experiences and set goals and objectives to get the most out of my experience in the legal sector. So far, I have been successful in balancing internships, school, and a three to five day a week part time job that I’ve had since my senior year of high school. Now in the spring of 2012, my sights are set on education reform. I am currently the ICC representative for the political Action Coalition Club here at LAVC where I

attend two weekly conferences to meet with student activist and representatives from other clubs to report on actions and strategies of mobilization against school budget cuts and raising student fees. Just recently I helped organize an educational protest called the death of Education Funeral procession here at LAVC where dozens of students dressed in black and marched alongside a coffin filled with student letters which represents the slow death of education. So far I’ve had the honor of working with faculty and student activists which include dr. zachary knorr, Marcos perez, Gabriel Ayon, keith Hernandez, John Hooper and clubs such as Eco advocates, Black Student Union, Sociology Experiment and others. I believe that my experience and my thirst for knowledge is what continues to drive me toward my goals and ambitions and ultimately drives me to continue my interest in political Affairs. I strongly believe that with the proper communication and cooperation amongst the students and faculty at LAVC and other Los Angeles Community Colleges, we will affectively deal with the current legislation and regulations that continue to affect students across the country.

Sam key

does a 2-year community college actually take 2-years to graduate? over the past few years, tuition fees increased dramatically. Classes got cancelled left

and right, classes got full within 30 seconds after opening enrollment online. Enrolling for a class on the first day of school is like winning a lottery. Turning to different community colleges nearby does no good either because situation is the same everywhere in California.

I have one main objective in running for this position in student office as political affairs commissioner. It is to attempt to create political pressure to elected officials in California. I am not planning on starting a petition or protest. I plan on creating an organization consisting LACCd students as members.

LACCd is the largest community college district not only in the nation but in the world. If we can all come together and create one voice and create an identity which imposes a constant pressure to the local politicians, they will have no

choice but to listen. We are friends, relatives and family of every citizen in Los Angeles. We are the voice for the community.

I can’t offer you a promise or a guarantee that I can solve this budget issue. But what I can tell you pressuring a politician is very much possible. When we move, the media moves. When the media moves in LA, the world watches.

More than anything, I ask you this the most. Change starts in involvement. Involvement starts from you. Whoever you vote for, please go out there and vote.

My opponent candidate for this election is a good guy that I know of. I believe he is smart, well informed and he cares about the community as much as I am or no less. I feel confident to say that he won’t waste time if he takes office. If you believe that he can do a better job than I can. please get involved and go vote for him. perhaps I shouldn’t be saying this as a candidate who wants to get elected but if you have a problem in our society, please get involved. I believe having a choice is a liberty. As much as I would like you to vote for me, I believe in fair choice. So whoever you vote for, please go out there and vote.

your vote counts and it does make a change. Whoever you vote for. Me or my opponent. Take pride and get out there and vote for your school. Change in community and your involvement starts here in Los Angeles Valley College.

My name is Jin ong, I am the founder of protect defend California organization (pdCA), funeral rights organization created against Westboro, a self-claimed Baptist church members who protest at baby, military, Jewish funerals against homosexuals. Currently I serve my country in the U.S Army reserves as a nutritionist. And I am running for Commissioner of political Affais position here is Los Angeles Valley College to fight against budget cuts. Thank you for reading. And again, whoever you vote for, please get out there and vote.

Commissioner of Political Affairs

Jin ong



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Armen Avetisyan

My name is Armen Avetisyan, and I am running for ASU

Treasurer. The reason why I am interested in this particular position is because my major is Mathematics. A Mathematics major is predominantly strong in working with numbers. I’ve had experience dealing with large amounts of money. I have an eye

for detail so I can explain all the figures. I have an orderly mind and methodical way of thinking which will benefit the position. My communication and interpersonal skills will come in hand. I am a very trustworthy and caring person. I am really interested in the position and all my life experiences have set me up to succeed in it.


Aundrea pinto

Erica Martel

Jehiry Mariely deHaro

our school for the past years has had lack of publicizing clubs, events, sports, student

benefits, etc. Most of the students aren’t even aware that we have a student government. Many have heard of ASU however, they fail to recognize that it stands for Associated Student Union. Instead, many have mistaken the name for Arizona State University or many don’t even know what it is. As a student involved in clubs on campus I had the privilege to be informed about many events and benefits that could help me as a student. I feel like my fellow students should have the privilege to enjoy the time they have in LAVC by joining clubs and participating in school activities. However, the lack of advertisement has left many students without this privilege. I want to change the way events and clubs are advertised. I want to increase the advertisement through out the whole school. I want

to better the experience students have at LAVC. I will also like to increase school pride and spirit in the student population. In addition, I would try to increase awareness of diversity in our school through various events. Last semester I had the opportunity to be president of puente, an academic club which goal was to increase transfer rates in the Latino population. during my presidency, I learned valuable qualities such as planning club days, directing club meetings, advertising, and most importantly supporting my fellow classmates to be involved in LAVC activities. prior to LAVC, I was involved as an officer in kEy Club, HopE Club, Animal rights Club and Model United Nations. It was my duty to help with volunteer events, plan, organize, keep track of volunteers, create fliers, advertise, and host conferences. I know that due my experiences I will be able to contribute to our LAVC community.

one of the main reasons why I want to serve as Commissioner of

Evening division is to be the spokesperson for the evening students that attend Los Angeles Valley College in the evening and night. I am one of those students that attend Valley College in the evening and night classes, because I have two jobs. By being part of the board I get a chance to create programs to bring more awareness of the events and things happening on campus to students that are at Valley late in the afternoon.

What I want to accomplish is to bring more awareness to students and how they can be more active in the things that are happening on campus while they are not here. I want to inform them of

their surroundings so they are not oblivious of the things that are going on. I want the students to be aware of important club dates and programs that will be useful to them for future references.

My qualifications are, working for a semester in a half in the ASU office as a student work for Elizabeth ortiz, I already have an idea of the way that things are run by not just Commissioner of Evening division, but the rest of the board and what each individual has to offer to the school with the current position that they are in.

I encourage students to vote for me so I can get a chance to express my capability not just to help the students that are at valley late at night, but to let their voices be heard.

As your commissioner of Student and Social Affairs I will work hard

to increase awareness of cultural diversity, creates an atmosphere of social awareness. I know I can be a great asset to next year’s executive board because I am the current Commissioner of public relations and have

some knowledge of how student government works. As your commissioner I will work very closely with the Commissioner of Evening division to come up with more ways to bring the student body closer together. I am very dedicated and love to succeed in anything I do and if you vote for my I promise not to let you down

Commissioner of Ethnic and Cultural

Commissioner of Evening Division

Commissioner of Student and Social Affairs

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pattie Cortez

Anne Tufenkjian

I would like to serve as the Commissioner of public relations because I believe strongly in the power of unity. If Los Angeles Valley College students were to become more aware of all their

campus activities, events, and announcements we would be able to create a positive social atmosphere where we could bond as one. With awareness and unity comes power and as a student we have the power to make a difference in our community and society. I feel that I can really bring a positive energy and hope for our students. I have experience working with students serving as the previous ICC rep for The Sociology Experiment, the current president of The Sociology Experiment, and a member of Tau Alpha Epsilon. If I were to become elected I would start by making a monthly newsletter and distributing it strategically it to the students, of all the events going on around campus. My efforts will be focused on having more students engaged within the campus and voicing their concerns and desires. The basis of this campus is the students and I want to everyone to feel like they have a voice that will be heard.

My name is Anne Tufenkjian and I am running for Commissioner of Fine Arts, the vital position that connects the students with the art world. Having been the president of the Arts Club for three semesters

now, I have had the wonderful opportunity to reach out into the community, and this has helped me grow as an artist. I myself am a painter, sculptor, and graphic artist, but my experience in the art world does not stop there. I have designed costumes for two shows for the Theater Arts department here at LAVC, reckless and Love(sick). I have also helped organize events for the dance Club and have had the opportunity to read some of my “literary visions” at the philosophy Club’s poetry Night. Furthermore, I have had the chance to create artwork for LAVC’s Child development Center. To me, the position of Commissioner of Fine Arts is very important because it gives one a chance to reach out to a greater audience, to help inform and educate students, not only about new art in the community, but about the art world in general, and this is exactly what I plan on doing. As Commissioner of Fine Arts, I plan on bringing a rich and vibrant element to the warm atmosphere of Los Angeles Valley College.

Commissioner ofPublic Relations

Jonathan Miranda

If I am elected, I promise to do the best of my ability to fulfill the duties and responsibilities as Commissioner of Campus and Environmental

Affairs. My first priority is my education and as a student I hope to connect to as many LAVC students as possible as such, a fellow student. I will do my best

to voice and attend to the students body’s concerns and suggestions. I will utilize what I have learned from the LAVC Eco Advocates and courses in environmental science in order to implement more sustainable practices and programs on campus that will benefit the students, the environment, and the college.

Hopefully, this magazine has enabled you to make a more well informed decision. please demonstrate your Monarch pride and support the Associated Student Union of LA Valley College by voting for the candidate of your choice!

Stop by Monarch Hall on April 16th or 17th with your student Id and make a difference. If you have any questions regarding the elections, need more information on the

candidates, or would like to leave a comment, then please contact the Associated Student Union or the Election Committee at [email protected] or 818-778-5516.

For campaign volunteering opportunities, please speak with a respective candidate.

Working for you,ASU

Commissioner of Campus and Environmental Affairs

Commissioner of Fine Arts





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