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  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler



    ATI Course Schedule:

    ATI's Underwater Acoustics for Biologists:

    Professional Development Short Course On:

    Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers


    Dr. William T. EllisonDr. Orest Diachok
  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation ManagersA comprehensive tutorial designed for environmental professionals

    InstructorsDr. William T. Ellison is president of Marine Acoustics,

    Inc., Middletown, RI. Dr. Ellison has over45 years of field and laboratory experiencein underwater acoustics spanning sonardesign, ASW tactics, software models andbiological field studies. He is a graduate ofthe Naval Academy and holds the degrees

    of MSME and Ph.D. from MIT. He haspublished numerous papers in the field of acoustics and isa co-author of the 2007 monograph Marine MammalNoise Exposure Criteria: Initial Scientific

    SummaryThis three-day course is designed for biologists, and

    conservation managers, who wish to enhance theirunderstanding of the underlying principles ofunderwater and engineering acoustics needed toevaluate the impact of anthropogenic noise on marine

    life. This course provides a framework for makingobjective assessments of the impact of various types ofsound sources. Critical topics are introduced throughclear and readily understandable heuristic models andgraphics.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction. Review of the oceananthropogenic noise issue (public opinion, legalfindings and regulatory approach), current stateof knowledge, and key references summarizingscientific findings to date.

    2. Acoustics of the Ocean Environment.Sound Propagation, Ambient Noise

    Characteristics.3. Characteristics of Anthropogenic Sound

    Sources. Impulsive (airguns, pile drivers,e plosi es) Coherent (sonars aco stic modems

    June 15-17, 2010Silver Spring, Maryland

    $1590 (8:30am - 4:30pm)"Register 3 or More & Receive $10000 each

    Off The Course Tuition."


  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    www.ATIcourses.comBoost Your Skills

    with On-Site CoursesTailored to Your Needs

    The Applied Technology Institute specializes in training programs for technical professionals. O

    current in the state-of-the-art technology that is essential to keep your company on the cutting e

    competitive marketplace. Since 1984, ATI has earned the trust of training departments nationwon-site training at the major Navy, Air Force and NASA centers, and for a large number ofcontr

    increases effectiveness and productivity. Learn from the proven best.

    349 Berkshire Drive

    Riva, Maryland 21140

    Telephone 1-888-501-2100Fax (410) 956-5785

    Email: [email protected]
  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Introduction Student Introduction Identify key Interests of Students Course Objectives

    Introduction to Marine Mammals from an Acoustic Vi their sounds & hearing and

    how they are affected by and respond to anthropogenic

    Methods and Tools for Bioacoustic Issues

    Metrics Examples of past/present research (may do last!) Bowhead Whales in the Arctic (1980s) SOCAL SRP Tagged Fin Whale (1990s) Stellwagen Bank NOPP (Today)

    Tools and Concepts for Evaluating Impacts on the MEnvironment Life Cycle Approach to Environmental Compliance (EC


  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Key Reference Material

    Southall, et al. 2007, Marine Mammal Noise Exposure CritScientific Recommendations

    Richardson, et al.1995, Marine Mammals and Noise

    Urick, (any ed.) Principles of Underwater Sound for Engine

    Harris (ASA Reprint) Handbook of Acoustical MeasuremenNoise Control

    Crocker (ASA Pub), Encyclopedia of Acoustics

    Kryter (any ed.) The Effects of Noise on Man

    Bregman, Acoustic Scene Analysis, MIT Press

    ANSI STDs ANSI S12.7 Methods for measurement of impulse noise

    ANSI S1.1 Acoustical Terminology

    ANSI S1.42 Acoustic Weighting Networks

    NRC Reports 2000 Marine Mammals and Low Frequency sound 2003 Ocean Noise and Marine Mammals

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Part I - Introduction to MarMammals from an Acousti


  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Mystery Sound

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Whale Sounds


    {Separate Media}

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Marine Mammal Hearingo One of the major accomplishments in [Southall, 2007] was theof recommended frequency-weighting functions for use in asses

    effects of relatively intense sounds on hearing in some marine mgroups. It is abundantly clear from:

    o measurements of hearing in the laboratory,o sound output characteristics made in the field and in the land

    o auditory morphology

    o that there are major differences in auditory capabilities across

    mammal species (e.g., Wartzok & Ketten, 1999).

    o Most previous assessments of acoustic effects failed to accou

    differences in functional hearing bandwidth among marine mamgroups and did not recognize that the nominal audiogram mighrelatively poor predictor of how the auditory system responds to

    strong exposures.

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Marine Mammal Hearing [Southall, 2007] delineated five groups of fun

    hearing in marine mammals and developed ageneralized frequency-weighting (called M-

    weighting) function for each. The five groups and the associated designat

    (1) mysticetes (baleen whales), designated as lowfrequency cetaceans (Mlf);

    (2) some odontocetes (toothed whales) designatedfrequency cetaceans (Mmf);

    (3) odontocetes specialized for using high frequencporpoises, river dolphins, Kogia, and the genusCephalorhynchus(Mhf);

    (4) pinnipeds, (seals, sea lions and walruses) listenwater (Mpw); and

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Frequency WeightingIn assessing the effects of noise on humans, either an A- or C-weighted curve is applied to correct th

    measurement for the frequency-dependent hearing function of humans. Early on, the panel recosimilar, frequency-weighted hearing curves were needed for marine mammals; otherwise, extremhigh-frequency sound sources that are detected poorly, if at all, might be subject to unrealistic cr

    al. (2007).

    Figure 3.1a below illustrates the A-, B- and C-weighting curves for human hearing (Harris, 1998, Figu


    for Hum



    the M




    for Hum



    the M-

    Filter f


  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler



    For Marine MammalHearing Metrics: samemathematical structure

    as the C-weighting

    used in human hearing,

    For Marine MammalHearing Metrics: samemathematical structure

    as the C-weighting

    used in human hearing,


    Southall, 20


    Southall, 2


  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    M-WeightingThe M-weighting Southall, 2007 developed for the five functional marine

    mammal hearing groups has the same mathematical structure as the C-weightin

    in human hearing, which reflects the fact that sounds must be more intense at h

    low frequencies for them to be perceived by a listener as equally loud. This weig

    most appropriate determining the effects of intense sounds, i.e., those with equa

    loudness to a tone 100 dB above threshold at 1000 Hz. The M-weighting was de

    to do much the same for the different marine mammal groups with the only diff

    being the low- and high-frequency cutoffs. The M-weighting for marine mamm

    the C-weighting used in humans, rolls off at a rate of 12-dB per octave.The general expression for M-weighting [M(f)], using estimated frequenc

    offs for each functional marine mammal hearing group, is given as:


    )(log20)( 10


    fRfM (7) eq.








    (8) eq.

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    M-Weighting (Application)

    The applica


    easily conc

    simple filteexample, if

    Cetacean w

    to a sound

    the effectiv


    could be re



    100 Hz

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Part II - Methods and ToolsBioacoustic Issues

    & Analysis

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Bioacoustic metrics and field

    Sound source characterization

    Sound Types

    Pulsed Non-Pulsed


    Issues include: Effective SL as most are not point sources


    Energy (Time integration), Peak, RMS??? Band measurements (M-Filter, 1/3 Octave

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Sound source characteriza Sound Types need to be broken down in categor


    Non-Pulsed Continuous

    Why? Experience has shown that these sound types result in

    effects for both injury and behavior Need different metrics like:


    Peak Pressure or RMS,

    Freq. Weighting,

    Barotrauma (Acoustic impulse Pa-Sec)

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Pulse vs. Non-Pulse*

    The term PULSE is used here to describe brief, broatonal, transients (ANSI 12.7, 1986; Harris, Ch. 12, 1which are characterized by a relatively rapid rise timemaximum pressure followed by a decay that may incperiod of diminishing and oscillating maximal and mi

    pressures. Examples of pulses are explosions, gunssonic booms, seismic airgun pulses, and pile driving

    NON-PULSE (intermittent or continuous) sounds cabroadband, or both. They may be of short duration,

    the essential properties of pulses (e.g., rapid rise-timExamples of anthropogenic, oceanic sources producsounds include vessels, aircraft, machinery operatiodrilling or wind turbines, and many active sonar systeresult of propagation, sounds with the characteristics

    at the source may lose pulse-like characteristics at s(variable) distance and can be characterized as a no

    t i i (Thi l t i k i t b l

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    MetricsPeak sound pressureis the maximum absolute value of the instantapressure during a specified time interval and is denoted as Pmax in u

    Pascals (Pa). It is not an averaged pressure. Peak pressure is a use

    either pulses or non-pulse sounds, but it is particularly important for c

    pulses (ANSI 12.7, 1986; Harris, Ch. 12, 1998). Because of the rapidsuch sounds, it is imperative to use an adequate sampling rate, espe

    measuring peak pressure levels (Harris, Ch. 18, 1998).

    mean-squared pressure(rms) is the average of the squared pressuduration. For non-pulse sounds, the averaging time is any convenien

    sufficiently long to permit averaging the variability inherent in the typebe applied with care to pulse sounds

    SPL - Sound pressure levels are given as the decibel (dB) measures

    pressure metrics defined above. The root-mean-square (rms) sound

    level (SPL) is given as dB re:1 Pa for underwater sound and dB re:

    aerial sound. Peak sound pressure levels (hereafter peak) are givere:1 Pa in water and dBpeak re:20 Pa in air. Peak-to-peak soundlevels (hereafter peak peak) are dBp p re: 1 Pa in water and dBp

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    MetricsSound exposure level(SEL) is the decibel level of the cumsum-of-square pressures over the duration of a sound (e.g., Pa2-s) for sustained non-pulse sounds where the exposureconstant nature (i.e., source and animal positions are held roconstant), .

    For pulses and transient non-pulse sounds, it is extremely usbecause it enables sounds of differing duration to be related total energy for purposes of assessing exposure risk.

    The SEL metric also enables integrating sound energy acrosexposures from sources such as seismic airguns and most ssignals.








    SEL 21 0





  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Source Characterization (

    Distributed sources (arrays) require

    special consideration Major issue in understanding near field

    exposure for large aperture arrays suc

    LFA and seismic (early point of conte

    Modeling requires near/far field analys

    Particle velocity considerations (seism


  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler



    RN = [RC2+HN2]1/2


    Far Field Criteria

    Vertical Line Array of

    RFF = RC

    [RN-RC ]< /4

    SL in the Near field/Far field Regio


    whereNFF = # of elem

    Far Fie

    SL SL f

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    2. Near Field Receive Level Analysis - The analysis required to evaluate the near field of a VLA

    accomplished by replacing each nth

    element of the N element array with an equivalent point sourc

    Pn[R] = {PE/|R-Rn|}{cos(k|R-Rn|) + i sin(k|R-Rn|)} (3)


    PE = 10exp[SLE/20] (4)

    The resultant pressure, P[R] at the field point R is given by:

    P[R] = Pn[R], n=1,N (5)

    ote that this is a complex term, and the resultant receive level value, RL in dB, can be arrived at

    RL=20Log(|P[R]|) (6)

    The difference, RL, between that value and that approximated by simple spherical spreading from

    array using the far field SL is given by:

    RL= RL-[SL-20Log(|R|)] (7)

    The geometry used to evaluate the VLA and relevant coordinate system is shown in Figure 1 alongfor an array of 4 elements.

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler







    R=xiX+yiY+ziZR= zniZx=rcos()y=rsin()z=Rcos(r=Rsin(




    Fig 1: Cartesian

    Coordinate System

    With example showing an Nelement VLA with spacing=d






  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    The near field value can also be evaluated in an approximate way by determining the fof each of the embedded subapertures in the array. For example, the far field range for

    from 4 elements to 18 is shown in Table 2-1:

    Table 2-1 Subaperture Far Field Effects

    No. Elements Rff 20Log(N/Rff)

    4 6 -4

    6 18 -10

    8 35 -13

    10 58 -15

    12 87 -17

    14 122 -19

    16 162 -20

    18 208 -21

    20 260 -22

    In Table 2-1, RFF was calculated from Eqn 1 for a typical LFAA VLA. The third colum

    demonstrates the difference between the element source level and the on-axis receive lusing the subaperture method:

    Subaperture Shortcut to Array Near-Field

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Farfield Regi

    Focused beam

    RL=SLE+20Log(NCan Measure Effe

    the array

    RL equals SL-TL

    Near field Region

    Diffuse unfocused beam

    Receive Level near HLA = SLECannot Measure Effective SL of

    the array

    RL not equal to Far-Field SL-TL

    Velocity component 3 dimensional

    & computed by dP/dx, dP/dy, dP/dz

    Effective SL in the Near field & Fairfield Reg

    Horizontal LineArray (HLA)


  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler









    Main Response Axis

    0 100 200

    V ti l R i


    Transmitted Near Field Pressure Sound Levels

    Low Frequency Multi-Element HLA

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Fig 2-2: Comparing Actual Coherent Array Levels on Axis withthe Far Field Approximation & a SubAperture Approximation

    (Element SL=0dB, 20 Elements, Narrowband Signal)













    20*log(|Coherent sum|)


    Sub Aperture Approx

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Particle velocity considerations

    (single element seismic example

    Particle velocity normal direction for the 50Hz so

    depth, log scale in cm/secolor scale = -1, Ut = 1x1

    Particle velocity in the radialdirection for the 50Hz source at 7m

    depth, log scale in cm/sec, i.e. @color scale = -1, uR = 1x10-1 cm/sec

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


    Examples of

    Bioacoustic Researc(Past & Present)

    Bowhead Whales in the Arct(1980s)

    SOCAL SRP Tagged Fin WhaStell agen Bank NOPP (Tod

  • 8/9/2019 ATI Underwater Acoustics for Biologists and Conservation Managers Technical Training Short Course Sampler


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