attention! attention br - chronicling...

T.i4as P nd i P f ilway, TW fOndoe p miii et Ws. Eht Fire Oopacn 1wi u S o .•8ionde~ .LocalAgsnt. ALL 8CRIPS AT PAR. 41l oppy pproved nAexB SCRIP. TOWN SCRIP, SCHOOL BOARD WARRANTS AND JURY CERTIFICATES ibe received atface vase in exchange for Goods at JOB. GONDBA• N & SONS BLUE STORE, Missisiippi treet. Donaldsonville. rA.e isi & Bro., cistern makers, 27 Delord ,atseet.N. 0. Send for price list. Thennix Fire Company will hold its regu- lar monthlybmeeting Monday evening. Prof. •orewer will be at Phoenix Hall by the T. aad P. train last evening on a Gen.dNicholls arrived here last night: Youeilt feel badif you don't take ad- vantage tof the .opportunity to win that splendid set of furniture at N. Israel & The Independent Band was out on a ser- 1 .*•adingtourlastevening and ,the m' ar Was compiimented with a tune. Thank you, Messrs. -musicians. An excellent opportunity to win a beauti- ful set of parlor furniture at the establish- ment of Mrs; M. Israel & Co. is offered to ;every customer buying $5 worth of goods. The capital prize in Mrs. M. Israel & Co.'s next grand- drawing will be the splen- did double set of plush parlor furniture on exhibition at the store. Eahh purchaser of goods to the amount of $5 secures a ticket in the drawing. Sheriff Jones publishes in another col- umnp an imporant notification to persons -pursuing~mrdes, professions, and occupa- .ions subject to license taxes. Licenses for 1884 are collectible and should be promptly' paid to avoid costs. The house removed from the rear of. the wharf by Mr. Felix LeBlanc has peen placed on a lot adjoining Mr. Jos. Gondran's res- ideece oant. Patrick _street. After being putra ithergbF good order, the building will be occupied by Mr. F. S. LeBlane and family. A specialmeeting of the Police. Jury has keen called for next Tuesday at 11 o'clock i. m., for the transaction of important bus- iness. We surmise that measures are to be taken for the better supervision and pro- tection of levees during the present stage of high.water. The large corps of salesmen at the ele- gant establishment of Mrs. M. Israel & Co. ihas been reinforced by the addition of Mr. Leon Levy, a nephew of Mrs. Pierre Klop- man, who arrived Thursday evening by rail, and entered at once upon the duties of his new position.. A day's delay in issuing •his number of pur paper enables us to announce the wel- come intelligence that the -river fell one inch saturday night. There may be a fur- ther small rise, but we felt confident the high water mark of last year will not be reached by at least a foot. RAca Poroxn•.-- The proposedrace be- 1ween Mr. Victor Maurin's pony "Mark Twain" and Mr. Henry Braud's bay horse 0'Harry," which was set for to morrow, has been postponed until the following Sun- day, the 16th inst. The spurt will be for a stake At $200-$100 a side--and it will take place between 4 and 5 o'clock P. ar., in front of Mr. James Teller's -Riverside plantation. The Knights of Honor met Tuesday evening, the Knights of Pythias Thursday evening, and the American Legion of Honor assembles to-night. Next Tuesday Lee Lodge A. O. U. W. will hold its first March session, on which occasion several aspirants for initiation will be in attend- ance. All the members are requested to be present to participate in the edifying ceremonies. Always liberal and enterprising, Mrs. M. Israel & Co. have devised a new scheme for the beneft of their patrons. For every purchase .f goods to the amount of $5 they will give a ticket entitling the holder to que ch~n~ in the drawing of an elegant p•uli double set of parlor furniture. The eat is now on exhibition at the store and it is well worth the reader's while to go and o at it. Who will be the lucky winner? Mrs. Louise Ross, an old colored woman, aged about 60 years, wife of Frederick Ross, died suddenly at her home in Lemann- ville Thrsday night. She had been com- plaining for several days, but was not sick enough totQ ta to~ed ~n4 j}ad no medical attendant. Death is supposed to have re- sulted from heart disease, but Dr. Duffel was not notified and no inquest or Cor- oner's view was held. Co.oam Bor DB~JOsN D.-Dr. Duffel was called Upon Thursday to hold an inquest on the tiody of Edward Joseph, a colored- boy about eight years of age, who was rowned in the river in front of the Gan- dinplantajr a mile below Donaldson- -ille. After inquiring into the circum- stances, the CGroner's jury came to the conclusion that thgr was' no doubt that death had been cauegs by asphyxia result- ingfromimameresiquagd that the boy had acceidentally slipped into the river. The body-was recovered near the bank and was tk in charge agd buried by the lad's relatiyes. eioRu l .- Apn-ioyasre .a source fr- ou ales•_r lo e B of•f t ae- is geo opp oi t hae rieta for homevial Baton Roue on fste ' orn- ing's train. Letistide t ght be the standard b which we govern our actions, and never Sorget that4 grandest thing a man sperform is ior do' n what is rigt uide tall ciroumstances. iheap Tony is now selling Sout his entire stock of last seaa o goodse- G gardless of cost, in order to make room for new goods. Remember, all persons buying $5 worth will have a free nuamber in his Iagnificent donaton of one new improved light running Domestic sewing machine. She stands at the bead, A picnic party-repaired to the beautiful Hermitage plantation last Tuesday and spent some hours in the enjoyment of the pleasures incidental to sich an occasion. The party consisted of Misses Lucile Brand, Clotilde Comstook, Cora and Azelia Bourgeois and Messrs. Charles Maurip; George W. Kyle, Sidney Landry and Waldemar Landry. The gathering was somil,:butthe participants no doubt think they had fon enoughto satisfy a hunndred. Any one wishing to make a profitable investment in Donaldsonvilla property will find a favorable opportunity presented by the advertisement appearing in another column, offering for sale the lot and im- provements on Lafourche street, lately oo- cupied by Dr. J. B. Vandegriff. The place will be sold at a bargain. Particulars may h ] be ascertained upon application to Dr. i Vandegrift, who resides at Carroilton, or to Mr. Frederik Duffel of Donaldsonville, t who is the agent in charge of the property. Prof. D. M. Brewer, the prominent elo. cutionist and dramatic reader who visited e Donaldsonville last month, will give an- t other of his interesting entertainments at . Phoenix Hall next Saturday evening, the I 15th inst., and we bespeak for him a large r audience. All who are able to appreciate I such talent can not fail to admire the fine v display of elocutionary powers and his- a trionic abilities possessed by Prof. Brewer, a and an enjoyable intellectual treat will be F missed by those who stay away. The prices 2 of admission are very low, viz: reserved v seats, 35 cents; general admission for v adults, 25 cents; for children, 15 cents. (C Edward Claiborne, Jr., a colored youth . who has been employed during the past h five years as a waiter at Mr. emanuel Ber- o cier's coffee stand in the Donaldsonville .e market-house, died Wednesday evening at h 11 o'clock of pneumonia, after eight days' a illness. Claiborne, as Oo was generally n called, was an excellent young. man, who ) won the good opinions of all with whom ut he was thrown in contadt, and his death u will be regretted by a large number of c: friends and all the regular patrons of the C coffee stand. He-had the small pox some months ago, but pulled through safely. His age was about 21 years, and he was a young man of pleasing disposition and good hab- Pi its. Conscious of the approach of death, he seemed to have no fear and his spirit passed away as peacefully and calmly as if he was merely falli•ig alseep.• BaIDC E D Sros.--The annual election of a Board of Directors for the Donaldson- vitle BridgeCotjipanyfis heldat Secre- tary Leche's office last Monday pursuant to notice in the town papers. Votes were east representing about 200 of the 800 shares into which the capital stock of the company is divided, and the following gen- tlemen, composing the present Board of Directors, were elected without oppo tion: Messrs. John T. Nolan, Bernard Lemann, Dr. W. M. McGalliard, Myer Lemann, Henry McCall, R. N. Silns, J. J. Leche and L. E. Bentley. The new Board will meet at the secretary's office next Saturday, the 15th inst., at 12 o'clock x., for the-purpose of organizing, and the present of8tcers- Capt. John T. Nolan. president; Mr. B. Lemann, treasurer, and Mr. Paul Leche, secretary--will doubtless be reelected. Mack's mystery has been revealed at last. His Favorite Exchange, on Chetimaches streetnear the court-house, was opened to the public this week, and already indica- tions are manifest that it will become a popular resort for purchasers of staple and fancy groceries of all kinds, liquors, cigars, tobacco, etc. The bar is a room separate from the grocery, an arrangement that will meet the approval of the patrons of the, latter department. Mr. Leonard T. Duffel is the proprietor and manager of this new establishment, "Mack" being a nickname he acquired in base ball circles a number of years ago. Heisacourteous, painstaking and affable young man, and he has many friends who will be glad to see him do well in this movement to establish a business on his own accox t. He proposes to keep the best and cheapest goods and to give the fullest satisfacv to all his patrons. Give Mack's Favorite Exchange a trial. M. E. Cnca Ozarnzas.-At the recent annual conference of the M. E. Church of Louisiana, Rev. Pierre Landry of Donald. sonville was continued in his position as Presiding Elder of the Baton Rouge dis trict, and Rev. William Smith was assigned for service another year as pastor of the St. Peter Church in this town. Rev. F. D. Bowers succeeds Rev., P. F. Robinson as pastor of the Gilbert Haven Church in Dar- rowville, the latter having been transferred to another field. Rev. Charles D. Shallow- borne, formerly a citizen of Donaldson- vile, has been transferred from Jackson, East Feliciana parish, to New Iberia, a much more importaat point. The Presiding Elder of the. South New Orleans district, of which Ascension parish forns a part is Rev. Emperor Williams, and this gentleman is now in our parish, hav- ing gomp up from the city last evening for the purpose of presiding at the quarterly conferences of the Donaldsonville and Dar- rowville churches. As the Gilbert Haven Church at Darrow- ville is not yet completed, the regular ser- vicea are conducted on the Ashland plan- tation, and the' quarterly conference will be hpld at that Vlace. Mr. Bowers, the new pastor, has invoked the cooperation of the members of his congregation in an effort to raise sufficient means to finish the building, and they hope to accomplish their object at an early day. Each memn- ber will be provi~lp with a subscription listbearing th certificate of the pastor tuat the brol4•r 4 authorized to solicit con- tributions in aid 9 f the building fund. and on these lists will be placed the names of all contributors, together with the amounts they respectively subscribe. It pooer to rsanumeebusnies as a sstorekeeper of at his oldatand on Iberville, between Les- ai- sigeta. Mrv. Miller br Ii been keepingfstorear several years it- past Laeroix settlemerit, four miles be- 1o8 heid, but has concluded to return to S He is going toNew Orleans to pur- a.large and well aisorted stock -of ries and general mereiane, and willbe prepared in thenutge of a few Sdays to invite aS pi on of' his goods and prices with tiose of our other 'dealers. The relatives and frienaisf Mr. ,and -Mrs. Miller will be pleased to hear of their pur- pose to become once more residents of Donaldsonville. e. HonsE Bvaum.-On ue-day last,-at fl. o'clock in,the forenoons a house situated in the quarters of Mr. Oliver Beirne's A Clark plantation, and' occupied by the me family of Cubit Jackson, caught fire acci- . dentally and iraq burned to the ground, to- gether with its entire conitents. 'Mr. Jack- son's wife and two graadchildren were the only persons in the house at the time, but ' they were in a front room, and as the fire originated in a rear bedroom, they were not aware of its existence until the flames had burst through the roof and it was too late to arrest their progress or to save any a considerable portion of the furniture or 11 household effects. Besides losing all these V Mr. Jackson is said to have had $275 in r paper money concealed in a crack, which also fell a prey to the destroying element. The fire left him and his family with noth- ing save the clothing they wore. He is a r highly respected colored man, occupying the responsible position of foreman or driver on the Clark place, and his misfor- tune will excite the sympathy of all who know him, white and colored. Upon returning from New Orleans last I evening we were much surprised and pained to lesrn of the death of Mr. John Bour- I geois, an estimable youngcitizen of Smoke Bend neighborhood, which occurred Wed- nesday morning about 8 o'clock. Having had no previous information of his illness, we were totally unprepared for the tidings of the fatal result of the attack of small pox to which he has fallen a victim. Mr. Bourgeois was a native of Ascension, about 25 years of age, and his usual occupation was that of a clerk, in which capacity he was formerly employed at Mr. Charles Geiger's store in Smoke Bend. Deceased was a young man concerning whom we have never heard any but complimentary opinions, and he seemed to deserve and enjoy the good will of everybody who knew him. Pond of outdoor sports and popular among his associates, he became an active member and secretary of the H. McCall Base Ball Club, and took much interest in the affairs of that organization. His unexpected death has deeply grieved a large I circle of relatives and 'friends, to whom the Cmar extends its cordial sympathy. FaM.Ea 's FBsoLc.-About fifty passen- gers took the trainfor New Orleans at this place last Monday, including a delegation of sixteen members of Ascension Hook and Ladder Company who went down to par- ticipate in the firemen's annual celebration on Tuesday as the guests of Jefferson Steam Fire Company No. 22. The boys were accompanied by the St. Joseph Brass Band and marched to the depot to the in- spiring maicof that organization,~after partaking of liquid refreshments on the in vitation of sr. Pat Reddington of the Mechanics' Exchange, and serenading the newspaper offices on the way. Arriving at Gretna they were met by a large delegation of Jefferson 22, also headed by a band, and were escorted through the principal streets of Gretna and across the river to 22'sengine- house, stopping at several saloons to ac- ceptnppreciated courtesieasextended by the proprietors. The parade of the 4th was one of the finest the. New Orleans firemen have ever had, and was witnessed by an immense number of people, notwithstand- ing the drizzling rain which fell during a great portion of the day. In the matter of decorating the engines, all former attempts were eclipsed, and it was universally ac- knowledged that the "Lucy Schreiber" of Jefferson 22 had no superiors and few if any equals in the line. This gallant com- pany made a very fine display, and the members can well pride themselves upon it. The exempt members rode in carriages, while the actives manned the ropes, pre- ceded by their guests of Davy Crockett No. 1 of Gretna and Ascension Hook and Ladder No. 1 of Donaldsonville. On the way to Canal street in the morning and back again at night, several halts were 'made to partake of tendered refreshments, and after roll-call and some speech-mlaking at the engine-house, Jefferson and its guests were entertained at dinner by their marshals. This affair was a pleasant con- clusion of the day's enjoyment, and will not soon be forgotten by the participants. The officers and members of our Hook and Ladder Company present were as follows: Henry Cook, foreman; T. W. Cook, first assistant; Thos. Harp, second assistant; Jno. P. Forcha, warden; L. E. Bentley, president; A. J. Bethancourt, financial sec- retary; Jean Fevrier, treasurer; Charles Cook, Charles Collins, S. M. Melancon, Antoine Gomez, J. Bradford, Camille Ber- cegeay, R. Vacarissas, Arnold Ramirez, R. H. Thatcher, H. R. JardeL All are warm in praise of the royal manner in which they were received and treated by their esteemed friends of No. 22. Several members of Phoenix Fire Com- pany went to the city intending to parade with Irad Ferry 12, but they were so few in number they decided not to turn out. All theexcursionists are at home again, de- lighted with their trip. Punnic SooonLs.-The public schools of Ascension were opened last Monday in ac- cordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of School Directors at its last meeting. The locations of the schools and the names of the teachers--excepting those of the seventh and eighth wards, the ap- pointments for which were left to Director C. D. Blouin of the seventh ward-are as follows: First ward-Dominique's Landing, white, Mrs. J. E. Gravois. Adlard Landry 's place, colored, George W. Kellar. Second ward--Smoke Bend, colored, J. W. Jones. Port Barrow, white, A. Ber- cegeayy Third ward-I 4 mville, colored, Daniel C. Nelson. Lumville, white, Mrs. M. Du- puy. Rodriguez, white, Mrs. G. Decourro. Fourth ward -- onaldonUville cojored, J. D. fuasell. Donaldsonvile, w'hite, Mrs. Theo. LaZidry. Bethel, colored, Victor Thomas. Lemanuvilie, colored,J. A. Tir- waith werd-Marchand, eqlodr O B. Johnson, Darrqwvllo, colored, S. St- phenson. Darrowvile, white. Mrs. J. A. Brand.. Washington, white, Mra D. . Turner. Sixth ward--Grange Hall, white, Mrs. T. S. Alien. Ashland, colored, J. W: Gray, Jr. - rosley, coo red, J.W. Ames. Ws e ai g ="i .- T nr are few etpersona do noot 'ome- r tpia e l ocesioi to the ser•ices ar of a wetohe nait d or to make - purepvbes from atsengt variouns arties ir o rnamer "linIwhich a a esartisane rea retwo e~ iu findis Iin assuminpg that alerge proportion of our o readers are dieotly intested in the aid- r- vertisement of a new irm which appears f in the Czr this reek We hrefer to the d card of Mers . . lTraier & Bro. Swho are located onr Missieipi etreet, next adoor to the post-office, and who are doing !. a thriving business in their line. ,Mr. F L. . Trepagnier,thesentor partner, has been established here abot tol- years, and by f his excellent workmanship aris agreeable moner of dealingwithhis onustomers, he has gained onnch liberal patronage that it became necessary for him to procure an assistant to enable him to handle all the itrade otroped- He has therefore formed a co-partnesip with his brother, Mr. 8t -J. Trepagnier, sl these young men, con- stituting the firntf F. L. Trepagnier & Bro., are-now prepared to execute prompt- lyand inthe best ea ern .all orders for cleaning or repairing Watehes dlocks or jewelery. They sil such articles at lowest prices, and purchaise old gold and sliver, second hand clocks, watches, etc., or take them in exchange for new goods on terms most favorable to the customer. Porirrcan Poxe.- o The Republican nom. inating conventionfor the Eighth Senatori- al District will meet at Darrowville on Mon- day, but will prol$alyly adjouri from there to Donaldsonville, as th•. hurch in which. it was proposed to hold the convention is being used as a public school room. It is reported there will be two sets of delegates from St. James claiming recognition. The delegates to the Republican Judicial convention will also meet at Darrowville to-morrow to agree upon the time and place of holding the convention for the nomination of candidates for District Judge and District Attorney. It is undder- stood that Judge Cheevers has no - opposi- tion for the first named position, but the contest between Messrs. McCulloh and Earhart for the District Attorneyship promises to be close and spirited. Judge Hery . Duffatel, president of the Democratic parish committee, has given offlicial notice of the election to be held on the first Saturday of April, between the hours of 12 M. and 6 P. at., for the ipurpose of choosing persons'to be recommended to the Governor for appointment as Police Jurors, School Directors and Assessor. The locations of polls and names of commis- sioners are as follows: First Ward-Degrey's store; H. E. Duffel, Second Ward-Coquille's store; B. Coquille. H. T. Richard. Therd Ward.-Ltregoirn's store; -- Games Fourth Warda-Court-house; Paul Leche, G. A. Gondran. - Fifth Ward-Rod. Braud's store; J. E. Cap- bern, Edar othier is to choose a olleague Sixth Wbe ardFirsent, the vote arrowviese; . T.will earlect ommissionersec.ond poll, Hou Seenthted to Wrd-Asote, and warehouse; Thomas Miller, -H. D. Percy.' - 1 Eighth Whear-N that the regular LanRepublican tick-W. or lerk and Recorder, ant's store; . . Wion- Tenth Ward-Dutch stores; A. Brand, T. W. Incaseoftheabsence of one commis..I sioner, the other is to choose a colleague; if both be absent, the voters present will select commissioners. None but well knorwn and identified Democrats are per- mitted-to v'ote, andaeturns are to be made to th 'parish'r committee -by the- comms- sioners. We hear that the regular Republican tick- I et in St. James parish was completed- to- day by the nomination of Mr. Paul Grima for Clerk and Recorder, and Dr. B. Win- chester for Coroner. t turday. Sthe ption of the re ence, rner of SIbervilleandHoumas streets, formerly oo- Supied by tme family of Mr. John P. For- Sh•, thelatter having taken up their resi- dence for a time in New Orleans for the benefit of Mrs. Forcha's health. The families of Mrs. C. Keating and her son, Mr. J. M. Keating, are now occupying the residence corner of Chetimaches and Attakapas streets vacated by Mrs. Gaudet, and we understand that Mr. F. N. Gray and sisters will aucceed the Keatings as tenants of the property on Lessard, be- tween Mississippi and Ibervillea treets, be- longing to Mrs. M. Israel & Co. The fine property vacated by Major Ponds has be purchased from Mr. J. j. Claverie by Mr. James Teller and donated by the latter to his relative, Mrs. E. Von Lotten, who thus acquires a beautiful homestead through the characteristic gen- erosity of her large-hearted kinsman. NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS. F, L, TREPA6NIER & BRO,, Watch Makers Mississippi St., next door to Post-office, Donaldsonville, La. Old gold and silver boug'nt. Clocks, watches and jewelry sold and repaired. Dramatic sand Elocutionary ENTERTAINMENT -AT- Pheanix Hall, Donaldsonville, - SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 16, '84, -BY- Prof. D. X[. BREWER OF NEW ORLEANS. Admission, - - •5a Cts. CmLnDBne, 15 CasNs. Reserved seats, at store of-Mrs M. Israel & Co., 25 Cents. Tax Collector's Notice. I TAx CoLLroTO•'s OrP• . , Donaldsonville. Aeoension,March 4, 1884. LL PERONS OF WHATEVER OCCUPA- Stion. or profession, or businesse, owing either Stateor- Parish Licenes for the year 1884, are hereby notified to procure the same - on or before the 1st day of April next, to avoid - prosecution according to law. P. A. JONES. Sheriff and Tax Collector. Town Property for Sale. Lot and Improvements in Donaldson- ville. TIHE IMPROVED LOT ON LAFOURCHE streetlately occupied by Dr. J. B. Van- degriff. The impfovements consist of resid- ence, an apartment suitable for store or office, carriage house , stable, outhouses. etc. Will be sold at a bargain. For further particulars apply tooraddress, Dr. J. . Vandegri corner St. Charles and Carrollton Avenues. New Orleans. Le., or FRFDERICK DUFFEL, Donaldsonville, La. Estray--$25 Reward. DONALDSONVL Feb. 22, 1884 k A BOUT TfREE WEEKS AGO THERE de strayed away from the premises of the un- dersigned TWO MULES, one a roan, horse mule, with a crooked nose, , the other a black mare mule, with the right front hoof split; the mare is about three inches al taller than the other. Both animals bear marks of the traces and collars. A reward of $25will be paid for the return of the mules to me, or for information leading to I their recovery. EMILE VON HOPE. ATTENTION! ATTENTION ! SOMVIETHINECG- EZSE *NE*7W;* -- IT'S AT-- M RS. . •SE 11LA.EL cl CO.': SJTOR3,. -AS USUAL.- From this day everybody purchasing Fra DOLLAs' wortl of goods for CASH will receive one ticket in the drawing of a BEAUTIFUL PLUSH DOUBLE SET OF PARLOR FURNITURE, now displayed in the store. Remember, we are the only ONE PaICE CAsO SvTOa. One price! Lowest price! New Store! 'New Bar! ! Panic Prices! !! IVE .AL C IE•. ' i FAVORITE ExmlA GE,, Chetimaches Street, opposite Court-House, Doo;nI.dson3ville, .. La. FRESH AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- Staple and Fancy Groceries, Wines. Liquors, Tobacco, Etc. THRE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. U KEEP the Best anulhapest. ,f you don't taink so, try me justonce. I know if youn ome once, you will ome.again. I'm not putting on much style, but I mean business, and prpose to f.mish my ustemrs the worth of their money and to afford them full satisfaction both in antt and tyuait. 'Those who appreciate a good drink or a nice cigar will find the bar of ack's Favorite Exiet+ange a boss plare to get both. You hear me shiouting? Come and see if I'm not disseminating bedrock truth. Very respectfully, - L. T. DUFFEL. -E. J. HART & CO., Wholesale Dealers, Importers and Commission Merchants, GROCERIES and DRUGS, 73, 75. 77 and 79 Tchoupitoulas Street, NEW ORLEANS. Represented by JamS THAL. RLEDDI1NGTON'S Contracting Employment .A.GCmTTCY, - --•- ech& nde' yge, Cor. Mississippi Street and Crescent Place, Donaldsonville, La, HE s prepared to take con- tracts forskinds of Ditching and l'evee Work on PI *itations, and aurnish lat for some at rates that will compare favo with those of any other con. Planterts winin End .o i ritt tereet to con- salt me before d4a ing m..ants for eaortwo* Pk p K bilities for eb 0 p laoiR 8au4 dding the references f wheiever rneO. Apply at Excange or address thronugh Donaldeosinil pestoffice, as. R N OI*TO. I lR IP R, "n i@ Nearly as effg - and less than tive as a steam one-tenth annual er; about one- expense for re- tihird first colt, pairs. For de- scriptive_ circulars with testimonials address, MANUFACTURING CO., i IIO1,N, lNNTewr ork B OOKS -- m IIOI of Volumes a Year. The choicest literature of the world. Catalogue free Lowestprices ever known. Not sold by dealers. Sent for examination before payment on evidence of good faith. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, P. O. Box 1227.- 18 Vesey St., N. Y. R SSK II'S WOKSL. Sesame andLilies, paper, lODc.;- cloth, 25c. Crown of Wild Olive, paper, 10c. cloth, 25c1 Ethics of 'the Dust. aper. 10c.; cloth 2c.' Etis of •m fild. ,qn •.;B m •W Olive and •t•ics of tme Imr,, half Russ'ia, red edgea- , ea.o Painters, Stones o> •eni.. ,e, n prep •. re satalegsne free. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, 18 Vesey st., New York. C A. T R . ELY'S CREAM DBALM, COLDiHFEAD Sasn ros CrnouLAn. SOLD 2i Daneexers ELY 1 BROTHEBS, Dragigte. Qwego, N. Y. 0- i CHARLS A. M A Has been aeqto the bauilding lately ocupid by oiR sk asaTii Shop, Mississipi C teet, FI ONAT..D . : Wherehe will keep constantly on hand a full supp off FANCYI STAPLE HGR "cEatd-w-as e, Cc e ,: Vi ne;, 'TOBACCo AND 9TAR$W -ALSO A BIG gro01s o--- iHay, Co(rn,Tats, Bran Cotton Seed ea He mike.a specialty of Fancy Grocerie such as SWISS CHEESE, FIG PRESERVES, BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, POTTED.SRIMP FRENCH SARDINES, POTTE]) HAM, MUSTARD SARDINES, OKRA and 'Ti•ATOESa SAUOISSONS. de LYONS, CHOW-HOOW, Boneless Ham, in bottles or buackets, Orange P.rei serves, Jellies in all styles. Full assortment of Call and examine my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Fult onl Iroln W Late GERARD B. ALLEN & CO. Ineorporatd. Fo nderv:and General M Cor. Secorid aid Carr Streets. ST. LOUIS. Sugazr Mis,, .Vacuumz Pras, - . statio2adar a d Portable , Boilers, Circular SAtr Mills, Pile Driving Engine s , Quartsl Mlbs Lead .... in .. ac'hbmii (3earing, P~l ShPbafting, Mining Pumps, Boiler Pumps, erbbie . a PeaiF Piston Packing and General Machinery. Established 1857. Refer to M. IsBBAL &.CO., Donal d LANDS In ra7 t t pzt uei PriesLw--Teris Easy. Having purchased thatdesirable tractof land knownas the- - LeBLANC PLACE, situated on the left bank of the Mlseiesippi river, parish of Ascension, a short distance above DARROWYILLE, I offer it for sale in lots to suit purchasers at low figures and on ees' terms of-payment. Persons desiring to acquire valuable lands at cheap rates will find this a very favorable op-' portunity. Maps of the LeBlane tract may be reen at the office of the Clerk and Becorder in the Donaldsonville Court-House, at the store ot B.I emann & Brother, Donaldsonville. and at the Darrowville Drug Store. For further particulars apply" to or address me at Donaldsonville or Darrow post-oflice, Ascension parish, La. BEN GIBSON. BR IC K ! thi WOULD rspectful inform the citizens ef keep constantly on hand ak•i. of First-Class Con rick, which I will deliver at aSlnyoint on'Bayon La..- fonruhe or the Mississippi rivar,!at the lowest market prices. HIouseE I~obVNGr . I have had many yed' piractical experience in house moving and a m now fully equipped with the very beat appaatu ie t for raising and moving houses: alsm able to compee with any person in the State in this line f business, andwill guarantee ionin everyinstance. Address through Do. villte post-office, or apply in persoznto 0..F. XOSEER, PORT BARROW, LA. Mekai' lao Corner Mississippi Street and Crescent Place, DONALDSONVILLE. Good Board and Lodging at lowest prices. Best wines, liquor, cigars and tobacco at the bar. : .P. REDDING•PON, Proprietor. R. B. BAQUIE, Donaldsonville, La. SLrorderstrough post-offie box l8 , Don- . aldeontille,il mat with prompt atten- tion. Isprepareto contract for the erection of sugr-houses or any other work in the brick- laying line. ity Hotel, Corner Bailra Avenie and IberulBE Street. Do~aisonville, La., P. LEFRYV N - - Proprieter. The br is ways ed with the beet Wines and' Liquora. To alfEshon it ta conp e: .. .. a 0omie1n tor's N. tk * aslsn~~ a8iietmJ cau e. tow 8;~ e Y Opeloq~ia an_ ~ Cetleototi RESTAURANT, _Mississippi Street, Between St. Patrick and St. Vincent Steets. DONALDSOv•ILLE. Board by the Day, Week or Month. M[eals. at all Hourns. Furiish ooms- with or Without .oat. PRICES TQ (SUIT TIMueitSE. BE B. LeBLANG, PFrqpe, Successor to Mrs. ees. BUY YOUR 8UGAR BARRELOGO.P E FROM FIRST HANDS. ery are now ncutting the "handsmest anis mast durablestaves, hoopand headigs eveg ade. Our oopersgeisi all sectewlth, great casrs wlonlW selthe seasoned elnm arts for augr barrels, and 'never mix poplar or ash Siaves with it. Nails, ~staples and liner al~ on hand. Lowest *ines to planters, delivith at ilantationson Upper Coast orian New' (•es. aeeor write us baefore buaig. The best is the- cheaiest. JAMES H LAWS& CO.. C•noinintipOhio. L. C. HEELIEB, No. S9North Petera.s treetNew Orleans. Joseph BAR,' , I.OM, Cor. St. Louis and Chartres Streets, New Orleans. The best of wines and liqnors op baend. Visitors to the city ean be aeeomaomedted with rooms, with or without beard: SAW-MILLS, DEALERS IN ALL RINDsi OP saWE AND SPIT Shingles, .St wes, etc. Orders psegtlyr lled aed bett - ea tssation nu•ranteed to patrons. - PRICES TO SUIT T•E TIMER. Orders and letters :should be addressed to A. WTILB:CRT, Brush Electric Zighf .o . - o .. .- , ;Paqe i Laa iS. &Ce~iflr~ l~eri~rot

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T.i4as P nd i P f ilway,


fOndoe p miii et Ws.Eht Fire Oopacn 1wi u

S o .•8ionde~ .LocalAgsnt.

ALL 8CRIPS AT PAR.41l oppy pproved


JURY CERTIFICATESibe received atface vase in exchange for



Missisiippi treet. Donaldsonville.

rA.e isi & Bro., cistern makers, 27 Delord,atseet.N. 0. Send for price list.

Thennix Fire Company will hold its regu-lar monthlybmeeting Monday evening.

Prof. •orewer will be at Phoenix Hall

by the T. aad P. train last evening on a

Gen.dNicholls arrived here last night:

Youeilt feel badif you don't take ad-vantage tof the .opportunity to win thatsplendid set of furniture at N. Israel &

The Independent Band was out on a ser- 1

.*•adingtourlastevening and ,the m' arWas compiimented with a tune. Thankyou, Messrs. -musicians.

An excellent opportunity to win a beauti-ful set of parlor furniture at the establish-ment of Mrs; M. Israel & Co. is offered to;every customer buying $5 worth of goods.

The capital prize in Mrs. M. Israel &Co.'s next grand- drawing will be the splen-did double set of plush parlor furniture onexhibition at the store. Eahh purchaser ofgoods to the amount of $5 secures a ticketin the drawing.

Sheriff Jones publishes in another col-umnp an imporant notification to persons-pursuing~mrdes, professions, and occupa-.ions subject to license taxes. Licenses for1884 are collectible and should be promptly'paid to avoid costs.

The house removed from the rear of. thewharf by Mr. Felix LeBlanc has peen placedon a lot adjoining Mr. Jos. Gondran's res-ideece oant. Patrick _street. After beingputra ithergbF good order, the buildingwill be occupied by Mr. F. S. LeBlane andfamily.

A specialmeeting of the Police. Jury haskeen called for next Tuesday at 11 o'clocki. m., for the transaction of important bus-iness. We surmise that measures are to betaken for the better supervision and pro-tection of levees during the present stageof high.water.

The large corps of salesmen at the ele-gant establishment of Mrs. M. Israel & Co.ihas been reinforced by the addition of Mr.Leon Levy, a nephew of Mrs. Pierre Klop-man, who arrived Thursday evening byrail, and entered at once upon the dutiesof his new position..

A day's delay in issuing •his number ofpur paper enables us to announce the wel-come intelligence that the -river fell oneinch saturday night. There may be a fur-ther small rise, but we felt confident thehigh water mark of last year will not bereached by at least a foot.

RAca Poroxn•.-- The proposedrace be-1ween Mr. Victor Maurin's pony "MarkTwain" and Mr. Henry Braud's bay horse0'Harry," which was set for to morrow, hasbeen postponed until the following Sun-day, the 16th inst. The spurt will be for astake At $200-$100 a side--and it will takeplace between 4 and 5 o'clock P. ar., infront of Mr. James Teller's -Riversideplantation.

The Knights of Honor met Tuesdayevening, the Knights of Pythias Thursdayevening, and the American Legion ofHonor assembles to-night. Next TuesdayLee Lodge A. O. U. W. will hold its firstMarch session, on which occasion severalaspirants for initiation will be in attend-ance. All the members are requested tobe present to participate in the edifyingceremonies.

Always liberal and enterprising, Mrs. M.Israel & Co. have devised a new scheme forthe beneft of their patrons. For everypurchase .f goods to the amount of $5 theywill give a ticket entitling the holder toque ch~n~ in the drawing of an elegantp•uli double set of parlor furniture. Theeat is now on exhibition at the store and it

is well worth the reader's while to go ando at it. Who will be the lucky winner?

Mrs. Louise Ross, an old colored woman,aged about 60 years, wife of FrederickRoss, died suddenly at her home in Lemann-ville Thrsday night. She had been com-plaining for several days, but was not sickenough totQ ta to~ed ~n4 j}ad no medicalattendant. Death is supposed to have re-sulted from heart disease, but Dr. Duffelwas not notified and no inquest or Cor-oner's view was held.

Co.oam Bor DB~JOsN D.-Dr. Duffel wascalled Upon Thursday to hold an inqueston the tiody of Edward Joseph, a colored-boy about eight years of age, who was

rowned in the river in front of the Gan-dinplantajr a mile below Donaldson-

-ille. After inquiring into the circum-stances, the CGroner's jury came to theconclusion that thgr was' no doubt thatdeath had been cauegs by asphyxia result-ingfromimameresiquagd that the boy hadacceidentally slipped into the river. The

body-was recovered near the bank and wastk in charge agd buried by the lad's


eioRu l .- Apn-ioyasre .a source


ou ales•_r lo e B of•f t ae- is

geo opp oi t hae rieta forhomevial Baton Roue on fste ' orn-ing's train.

Letistide t ght be the standard bwhich we govern our actions, and never

Sorget that4 grandest thing a mansperform is ior do' n what is rigt uide tallciroumstances. iheap Tony is now selling

Sout his entire stock of last seaa o goodse-G gardless of cost, in order to make room fornew goods. Remember, all persons buying$5 worth will have a free nuamber in his

Iagnificent donaton of one new improvedlight running Domestic sewing machine.She stands at the bead,

A picnic party-repaired to the beautifulHermitage plantation last Tuesday andspent some hours in the enjoyment of thepleasures incidental to sich an occasion.The party consisted of Misses LucileBrand, Clotilde Comstook, Cora and AzeliaBourgeois and Messrs. Charles Maurip;George W. Kyle, Sidney Landry andWaldemar Landry. The gathering wassomil,:butthe participants no doubt thinkthey had fon enoughto satisfy a hunndred.

Any one wishing to make a profitableinvestment in Donaldsonvilla property willfind a favorable opportunity presented bythe advertisement appearing in anothercolumn, offering for sale the lot and im-provements on Lafourche street, lately oo-cupied by Dr. J. B. Vandegriff. The placewill be sold at a bargain. Particulars may h ]be ascertained upon application to Dr. iVandegrift, who resides at Carroilton, orto Mr. Frederik Duffel of Donaldsonville, twho is the agent in charge of the property.

Prof. D. M. Brewer, the prominent elo.cutionist and dramatic reader who visited eDonaldsonville last month, will give an- tother of his interesting entertainments at .Phoenix Hall next Saturday evening, the I15th inst., and we bespeak for him a large raudience. All who are able to appreciate Isuch talent can not fail to admire the fine vdisplay of elocutionary powers and his- atrionic abilities possessed by Prof. Brewer, aand an enjoyable intellectual treat will be Fmissed by those who stay away. The prices 2of admission are very low, viz: reserved vseats, 35 cents; general admission for vadults, 25 cents; for children, 15 cents. (C

Edward Claiborne, Jr., a colored youth .who has been employed during the past hfive years as a waiter at Mr. emanuel Ber- ocier's coffee stand in the Donaldsonville .emarket-house, died Wednesday evening at h11 o'clock of pneumonia, after eight days' aillness. Claiborne, as Oo was generally ncalled, was an excellent young. man, who )won the good opinions of all with whom uthe was thrown in contadt, and his death uwill be regretted by a large number of c:friends and all the regular patrons of the Ccoffee stand. He-had the small pox somemonths ago, but pulled through safely. Hisage was about 21 years, and he was a youngman of pleasing disposition and good hab- Piits. Conscious of the approach of death,he seemed to have no fear and his spiritpassed away as peacefully and calmly as ifhe was merely falli•ig alseep.•

BaIDC E D Sros.--The annual electionof a Board of Directors for the Donaldson-vitle BridgeCotjipanyfis heldat Secre-tary Leche's office last Monday pursuant tonotice in the town papers. Votes wereeast representing about 200 of the 800shares into which the capital stock of thecompany is divided, and the following gen-tlemen, composing the present Board ofDirectors, were elected without oppo tion:Messrs. John T. Nolan, Bernard Lemann,Dr. W. M. McGalliard, Myer Lemann,Henry McCall, R. N. Silns, J. J. Leche andL. E. Bentley. The new Board will meetat the secretary's office next Saturday, the15th inst., at 12 o'clock x., for the-purposeof organizing, and the present of8tcers-Capt. John T. Nolan. president; Mr. B.Lemann, treasurer, and Mr. Paul Leche,secretary--will doubtless be reelected.

Mack's mystery has been revealed at last.His Favorite Exchange, on Chetimachesstreetnear the court-house, was opened tothe public this week, and already indica-tions are manifest that it will become apopular resort for purchasers of staple andfancy groceries of all kinds, liquors, cigars,tobacco, etc. The bar is a room separatefrom the grocery, an arrangement that willmeet the approval of the patrons of the,latter department. Mr. Leonard T. Duffelis the proprietor and manager of this newestablishment, "Mack" being a nicknamehe acquired in base ball circles a numberof years ago. Heisacourteous, painstakingand affable young man, and he has manyfriends who will be glad to see him do wellin this movement to establish a businesson his own accox t. He proposes to keepthe best and cheapest goods and to givethe fullest satisfacv to all his patrons.Give Mack's Favorite Exchange a trial.

M. E. Cnca Ozarnzas.-At the recentannual conference of the M. E. Church ofLouisiana, Rev. Pierre Landry of Donald.sonville was continued in his position asPresiding Elder of the Baton Rouge district, and Rev. William Smith was assignedfor service another year as pastor of the St.Peter Church in this town. Rev. F. D.Bowers succeeds Rev., P. F. Robinson aspastor of the Gilbert Haven Church in Dar-rowville, the latter having been transferredto another field. Rev. Charles D. Shallow-borne, formerly a citizen of Donaldson-vile, has been transferred from Jackson,East Feliciana parish, to New Iberia, amuch more importaat point.

The Presiding Elder of the. South NewOrleans district, of which Ascension parishforns a part is Rev. Emperor Williams, andthis gentleman is now in our parish, hav-ing gomp up from the city last evening forthe purpose of presiding at the quarterlyconferences of the Donaldsonville and Dar-rowville churches.

As the Gilbert Haven Church at Darrow-ville is not yet completed, the regular ser-vicea are conducted on the Ashland plan-tation, and the' quarterly conference willbe hpld at that Vlace. Mr. Bowers, thenew pastor, has invoked the cooperation ofthe members of his congregation in aneffort to raise sufficient means to finish thebuilding, and they hope to accomplishtheir object at an early day. Each memn-ber will be provi~lp with a subscriptionlistbearing th certificate of the pastortuat the brol4•r 4 authorized to solicit con-tributions in aid 9f the building fund. andon these lists will be placed the names ofall contributors, together with the amountsthey respectively subscribe.

It pooer to rsanumeebusnies as a sstorekeeperof at his oldatand on Iberville, between Les-ai- sigeta. Mrv. Millerbr Ii been keepingfstorear several yearsit- past Laeroix settlemerit, four miles be-

1o8 heid, but has concluded to return toS He is going toNew Orleans to pur-

a.large and well aisorted stock -ofries and general mereiane, and

willbe prepared in thenutge of a fewSdays to invite aS pi on of' his goods

and prices with tiose of our other 'dealers.The relatives and frienaisf Mr. ,and -Mrs.Miller will be pleased to hear of their pur-pose to become once more residents ofDonaldsonville.

e. HonsE Bvaum.-On ue-day last,-at fl.o'clock in,the forenoons a house situatedin the quarters of Mr. Oliver Beirne's

A Clark plantation, and' occupied by theme family of Cubit Jackson, caught fire acci-.dentally and iraq burned to the ground, to-

gether with its entire conitents. 'Mr. Jack-son's wife and two graadchildren were theonly persons in the house at the time, but' they were in a front room, and as the fire

originated in a rear bedroom, they werenot aware of its existence until the flameshad burst through the roof and it was toolate to arrest their progress or to save anya considerable portion of the furniture or

11 household effects. Besides losing all these

V Mr. Jackson is said to have had $275 inr paper money concealed in a crack, which

also fell a prey to the destroying element.The fire left him and his family with noth-ing save the clothing they wore. He is ar highly respected colored man, occupying

the responsible position of foreman ordriver on the Clark place, and his misfor-tune will excite the sympathy of all whoknow him, white and colored.

Upon returning from New Orleans lastI evening we were much surprised and pained

to lesrn of the death of Mr. John Bour-I geois, an estimable youngcitizen of Smoke

Bend neighborhood, which occurred Wed-nesday morning about 8 o'clock. Havinghad no previous information of his illness,we were totally unprepared for the tidingsof the fatal result of the attack of smallpox to which he has fallen a victim. Mr.Bourgeois was a native of Ascension, about25 years of age, and his usual occupationwas that of a clerk, in which capacity hewas formerly employed at Mr. CharlesGeiger's store in Smoke Bend. Deceasedwas a young man concerning whom wehave never heard any but complimentaryopinions, and he seemed to deserve andenjoy the good will of everybody who knewhim. Pond of outdoor sports and popularamong his associates, he became an activemember and secretary of the H. McCallBase Ball Club, and took much interestin the affairs of that organization. Hisunexpected death has deeply grieved a large Icircle of relatives and 'friends, to whom theCmar extends its cordial sympathy.

FaM.Ea 's FBsoLc.-About fifty passen-gers took the train for New Orleans at thisplace last Monday, including a delegationof sixteen members of Ascension Hook andLadder Company who went down to par-ticipate in the firemen's annual celebrationon Tuesday as the guests of JeffersonSteam Fire Company No. 22. The boyswere accompanied by the St. Joseph BrassBand and marched to the depot to the in-spiring maicof that organization,~afterpartaking of liquid refreshments on the invitation of sr. Pat Reddington of theMechanics' Exchange, and serenading thenewspaper offices on the way. Arriving atGretna they were met by a large delegationof Jefferson 22, also headed by a band, andwere escorted through the principal streetsof Gretna and across the river to 22'sengine-house, stopping at several saloons to ac-ceptnppreciated courtesieasextended by theproprietors. The parade of the 4th wasone of the finest the. New Orleans firemenhave ever had, and was witnessed by animmense number of people, notwithstand-ing the drizzling rain which fell during agreat portion of the day. In the matter ofdecorating the engines, all former attemptswere eclipsed, and it was universally ac-knowledged that the "Lucy Schreiber" ofJefferson 22 had no superiors and few ifany equals in the line. This gallant com-pany made a very fine display, and themembers can well pride themselves uponit. The exempt members rode in carriages,while the actives manned the ropes, pre-ceded by their guests of Davy CrockettNo. 1 of Gretna and Ascension Hook andLadder No. 1 of Donaldsonville. On theway to Canal street in the morning andback again at night, several halts were'made to partake of tendered refreshments,and after roll-call and some speech-mlakingat the engine-house, Jefferson and itsguests were entertained at dinner by theirmarshals. This affair was a pleasant con-clusion of the day's enjoyment, and willnot soon be forgotten by the participants.The officers and members of our Hook andLadder Company present were as follows:Henry Cook, foreman; T. W. Cook, first

assistant; Thos. Harp, second assistant;Jno. P. Forcha, warden; L. E. Bentley,president; A. J. Bethancourt, financial sec-

retary; Jean Fevrier, treasurer; CharlesCook, Charles Collins, S. M. Melancon,Antoine Gomez, J. Bradford, Camille Ber-cegeay, R. Vacarissas, Arnold Ramirez, R.H. Thatcher, H. R. JardeL All are warmin praise of the royal manner in which theywere received and treated by their esteemedfriends of No. 22.

Several members of Phoenix Fire Com-pany went to the city intending to paradewith Irad Ferry 12, but they were so fewin number they decided not to turn out.All theexcursionists are at home again, de-lighted with their trip.

Punnic SooonLs.-The public schools ofAscension were opened last Monday in ac-cordance with the resolution adopted bythe Board of School Directors at its lastmeeting. The locations of the schools andthe names of the teachers--excepting thoseof the seventh and eighth wards, the ap-pointments for which were left to DirectorC. D. Blouin of the seventh ward-are asfollows:

First ward-Dominique's Landing, white,Mrs. J. E. Gravois. Adlard Landry 's place,colored, George W. Kellar.

Second ward--Smoke Bend, colored, J.W. Jones. Port Barrow, white, A. Ber-cegeayy

Third ward-I 4 mville, colored, DanielC. Nelson. Lumville, white, Mrs. M. Du-puy. Rodriguez, white, Mrs. G. Decourro.

Fourth ward -- onaldonUville cojored,J. D. fuasell. Donaldsonvile, w'hite, Mrs.Theo. LaZidry. Bethel, colored, VictorThomas. Lemanuvilie, colored,J. A. Tir-

waith werd-Marchand, eqlodr O B.Johnson, Darrqwvllo, colored, S. St-phenson. Darrowvile, white. Mrs. J. A.Brand.. Washington, white, Mra D. .Turner.

Sixth ward--Grange Hall, white, Mrs.T. S. Alien. Ashland, colored, J. W:Gray, Jr. - rosley, coo red, J.W. Ames.

Ws e ai g ="i .- T

nr are few etpersona do noot 'ome-r tpia e l ocesioi to the ser•icesar of a wetohe nait d or to make-purepvbes from atsengt variouns arties

ir o rnamer "linIwhich a a

esartisane rea retwo e~ iu findis

Iin assuminpg that alerge proportion of ouro readers are dieotly intested in the aid-r- vertisement of a new irm which appearsf in the Czr this reek We hrefer to thed card of Mers . . lTraier & Bro.

Swho are located onr Missieipi etreet, nextadoor to the post-office, and who are doing!. a thriving business in their line. ,Mr. F L..Trepagnier,thesentor partner, has beenestablished here abot tol- years, and by

f his excellent workmanship aris agreeablemoner of dealingwithhis onustomers, hehas gained onnch liberal patronage that itbecame necessary for him to procure anassistant to enable him to handle all theitrade otroped- He has therefore formeda co-partnesip with his brother, Mr. 8t

-J. Trepagnier, sl these young men, con-stituting the firntf F. L. Trepagnier &Bro., are-now prepared to execute prompt-lyand inthe best ea ern .all orders forcleaning or repairing Watehes dlocks orjewelery. They sil such articles at lowestprices, and purchaise old gold and sliver,second hand clocks, watches, etc., or takethem in exchange for new goods on termsmost favorable to the customer.

Porirrcan Poxe.- o The Republican nom.inating conventionfor the Eighth Senatori-al District will meet at Darrowville on Mon-day, but will prol$alyly adjouri from thereto Donaldsonville, as th•. hurch in was proposed to hold the convention isbeing used as a public school room. It isreported there will be two sets of delegatesfrom St. James claiming recognition.

The delegates to the Republican Judicialconvention will also meet at Darrowvilleto-morrow to agree upon the time andplace of holding the convention for thenomination of candidates for DistrictJudge and District Attorney. It is undder-stood that Judge Cheevers has no - opposi-tion for the first named position, but thecontest between Messrs. McCulloh andEarhart for the District Attorneyshippromises to be close and spirited.

Judge Hery . Duffatel, president of theDemocratic parish committee, has givenofflicial notice of the election to be held onthe first Saturday of April, between thehours of 12 M. and 6 P. at., for the ipurposeof choosing persons'to be recommended tothe Governor for appointment as PoliceJurors, School Directors and Assessor. Thelocations of polls and names of commis-sioners are as follows:

First Ward-Degrey's store; H. E. Duffel,Second Ward-Coquille's store; B. Coquille.H. T. Richard.Therd Ward.-Ltregoirn's store; -- Games

Fourth Warda-Court-house; Paul Leche, G.A. Gondran. -Fifth Ward-Rod. Braud's store; J. E. Cap-

bern, Edar othier is to choose a olleagueSixth Wbe ardFirsent, the vote arrowviese; . T.will

earlect ommissionersec.ond poll, HouSeenthted to Wrd-Asote, and warehouse; ThomasMiller, -H. D. Percy.' - 1

Eighth Whear-N that the regular LanRepublican tick-W.or lerk and Recorder, ant's store; . . Wion-

Tenth Ward-Dutch stores; A. Brand, T. W.

Incaseoftheabsence of one commis..Isioner, the other is to choose a colleague;if both be absent, the voters present willselect commissioners. None but wellknorwn and identified Democrats are per-mitted-to v'ote, andaeturns are to be madeto th 'parish'r committee -by the- comms-sioners.

We hear that the regular Republican tick- Iet in St. James parish was completed- to-day by the nomination of Mr. Paul Grimafor Clerk and Recorder, and Dr. B. Win-chester for Coroner.

t turday.

Sthe ption of the re ence, rner ofSIbervilleandHoumas streets, formerly oo-

Supied by tme family of Mr. John P. For-Sh•, thelatter having taken up their resi-dence for a time in New Orleans for thebenefit of Mrs. Forcha's health.

The families of Mrs. C. Keating and herson, Mr. J. M. Keating, are now occupyingthe residence corner of Chetimaches andAttakapas streets vacated by Mrs. Gaudet,and we understand that Mr. F. N. Grayand sisters will aucceed the Keatings astenants of the property on Lessard, be-tween Mississippi and Ibervillea treets, be-longing to Mrs. M. Israel & Co.

The fine property vacated by MajorPonds has be purchased from Mr. J. j.Claverie by Mr. James Teller and donatedby the latter to his relative, Mrs. E. VonLotten, who thus acquires a beautifulhomestead through the characteristic gen-erosity of her large-hearted kinsman.



Watch MakersMississippi St., next door to Post-office,

Donaldsonville, La.Old gold and silver boug'nt. Clocks, watches

and jewelry sold and repaired.

Dramatic sand ElocutionaryENTERTAINMENT


Pheanix Hall, Donaldsonville, -SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 16, '84,



Admission, - - •5a Cts.CmLnDBne, 15 CasNs.

Reserved seats, at store of-Mrs M. Israel & Co.,25 Cents.

Tax Collector's Notice. ITAx CoLLroTO•'s OrP• . ,

Donaldsonville. Aeoension,March 4, 1884.LL PERONS OF WHATEVER OCCUPA-Stion. or profession, or businesse, owing

either Stateor- Parish Licenes for the year1884, are hereby notified to procure the same -on or before the 1st day of April next, to avoid -prosecution according to law.

P. A. JONES.Sheriff and Tax Collector.

Town Property for Sale.Lot and Improvements in Donaldson-

ville.TIHE IMPROVED LOT ON LAFOURCHEstreetlately occupied by Dr. J. B. Van-

degriff. The impfovements consist of resid-ence, an apartment suitable for store or office,carriage house , stable, outhouses. etc. Will besold at a bargain.

For further particulars apply tooraddress,Dr. J. . Vandegri corner St. Charles andCarrollton Avenues. New Orleans. Le., or

FRFDERICK DUFFEL,Donaldsonville, La.

Estray--$25 Reward.DONALDSONVL Feb. 22, 1884 k

A BOUT TfREE WEEKS AGO THEREde strayed away from the premises of the un-dersigned

TWO MULES,one a roan, horse mule, with a crooked nose, ,the other a black mare mule, with the rightfront hoof split; the mare is about three inches altaller than the other. Both animals bearmarks of the traces and collars.

A reward of $25will be paid for the return ofthe mules to me, or for information leading to Itheir recovery.



-- IT'S AT--

M RS. .•SE 11LA.EL cl CO.': SJTOR3,.-AS USUAL.-

From this day everybody purchasing Fra DOLLAs' wortl of goods for CASH will receive oneticket in the drawing of a BEAUTIFUL PLUSH DOUBLE SET OF PARLOR FURNITURE,now displayed in the store. Remember, we are the only ONE PaICE CAsO SvTOa. One price!Lowest price!

New Store! 'New Bar! ! Panic Prices! !!


Chetimaches Street, opposite Court-House,

Doo;nI.dson3ville, ..La.FRESH AND COMPLETE STOCK OF-

Staple and Fancy Groceries, Wines. Liquors, Tobacco, Etc.THRE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST.

U KEEP the Best anulhapest. ,f you don't taink so, try me justonce. I know if youn omeonce, you will ome.again. I'm not putting on much style, but I mean business, and prposeto f.mish my ustemrs the worth of their money and to afford them full satisfaction both inantt and tyuait. 'Those who appreciate a good drink or a nice cigar will find the bar ofack's Favorite Exiet+ange a boss plare to get both. You hear me shiouting? Come and see if I'mnot disseminating bedrock truth. Very respectfully, - L. T. DUFFEL.

-E. J. HART & CO.,Wholesale Dealers,

Importers and CommissionMerchants,

GROCERIES and DRUGS,73, 75. 77 and 79 Tchoupitoulas Street,


Represented by JamS THAL.


Contracting Employment.A.GCmTTCY,

- --•-

ech& nde' yge,Cor. Mississippi Street and Crescent Place,

Donaldsonville, La,

HE s prepared to take con-tracts forskinds of

Ditching and l'evee Work onPI *itations,

and aurnish lat for some at rates that willcompare favo with those of any other con.

Planterts winin End .o i ritt tereet to con-salt me before d4a ing m..ants foreaortwo* Pk p K bilities for

eb 0p laoiR 8au4 dding the

references f wheiever rneO.Apply at Excange or address

thronugh Donaldeosinil pestoffice,as. R N OI*TO.

I lR IP R, "n i@ •Nearly as effg - and less thantive as a steam one-tenth annualer; about one- expense for re-tihird first colt, pairs. For de-scriptive_ circulars with testimonials address,


B OOKS -- m IIOIof Volumes a Year. The choicest literatureof the world. Catalogue free Lowestpricesever known. Not sold by dealers. Sent forexamination before payment on evidence ofgood faith.

JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher,P. O. Box 1227.- 18 Vesey St., N. Y.

R SSK II'S WOKSL.Sesame and Lilies, paper, lODc.;- cloth, 25c.Crown of Wild Olive, paper, 10c. cloth, 25c1Ethics of 'the Dust. aper. 10c.; cloth 2c.'

Etis of •m fild. ,qn •.;B m •W Olive and•t•ics of tme Imr,, half Russ'ia,red edgea- , ea.o Painters, Stones o>•eni.. ,e, n prep •. re satalegsne

free. JOHN B. ALDEN,Publisher, 18 Vesey st., New York.


COLDiHFEADSasn ros CrnouLAn. SOLD 2i Daneexers

ELY 1BROTHEBS, Dragigte. Qwego, N. Y.



CHARLS A. M AHas been aeqto the bauilding lately ocupid by oiR sk

asaTii Shop,Mississipi C teet, FI ONAT..D . :

Wherehe will keep constantly on hand a full supp offFANCYI STAPLE HGR

"cEatd-w-as e, Cc e ,: Vi ne;,'TOBACCo AND 9TAR$W

-ALSO A BIG gro01s o---

iHay, Co(rn,Tats, Bran Cotton Seed eaHe mike.a specialty of Fancy Grocerie such as



SAUOISSONS. de LYONS, CHOW-HOOW,Boneless Ham, in bottles or buackets, Orange P.rei

serves, Jellies in all styles. Full assortment of

Call and examine my Stock before purchasing elsewhere.

Fult onl Iroln WLate GERARD B. ALLEN & CO. Ineorporatd.

Fo nderv:and General MCor. Secorid aid Carr Streets. ST. LOUIS.

Sugazr Mis,, .Vacuumz Pras, -.statio2adar a d Portable ,Boilers, Circular SAtr Mills, Pile Driving Engines, Quartsl Mlbs Lead .. ac'hbmii

(3earing, P~l ShPbafting, Mining Pumps, Boiler Pumps, erbbie .a PeaiFPiston Packing and General Machinery.Established 1857. Refer to M. IsBBAL &.CO., Donal d

LANDSIn ra7 t t pzt uei

PriesLw--Teris Easy.Having purchased thatdesirable tractof land

knownas the- -

LeBLANC PLACE,situated on the left bank of the Mlseiesippiriver, parish of Ascension, a short distanceabove

DARROWYILLE,I offer it for sale in lots to suit purchasers atlow figures and on ees' terms of-payment.

Persons desiring to acquire valuable lands atcheap rates will find this a very favorable op-'portunity. Maps of the LeBlane tract may bereen at the office of the Clerk and Becorder inthe Donaldsonville Court-House, at the store otB.I emann & Brother, Donaldsonville. and atthe Darrowville Drug Store.

For further particulars apply" to or addressme at Donaldsonville or Darrow post-oflice,Ascension parish, La. BEN GIBSON.

BR IC K !thi WOULD rspectful inform the citizens ef

keep constantly on hand ak•i. of

First-Class Con rick,which I will deliver at aSlnyoint on'Bayon La..-fonruhe or the Mississippi rivar,!at the lowestmarket prices.

HIouseE I~obVNGr .I have had many yed' piractical experience

in house moving and a m now fully equippedwith the very beat appaatu iet for raising andmoving houses: alsm able to compee withany person in the State in this line f business,andwill guarantee ionin everyinstance.Address through Do. villte post-office, orapply in persoznto


Mekai' laoCorner Mississippi Street and Crescent Place,

DONALDSONVILLE.Good Board and Lodging at lowest prices.

Best wines, liquor, cigars and tobacco at thebar. : .P. REDDING•PON,



Donaldsonville, La.SLrorderstrough post-offie box l8 , Don-

. aldeontille,il mat with prompt atten-tion. Isprepareto contract for the erectionof sugr-houses or any other work in the brick-laying line.

ity Hotel,Corner Bailra Avenie and IberulBE Street.

Do~aisonville, La.,P. LEFRYV N - - Proprieter.

The br is ways ed with the beetWines and' Liquora.

To alfEshon it ta conp e: .. ..a 0omie1n tor's * aslsn~~

a8iietmJ cau e. tow 8;~ e YOpeloq~ia an_ ~ Cetleototi

RESTAURANT,_Mississippi Street,

Between St. Patrick and St. Vincent Steets.


Board by the Day, Week or Month.

M[eals. at all Hourns.

Furiish ooms- with orWithout .oat.


BE B. LeBLANG, PFrqpe,Successor to Mrs. ees.



ery are now ncutting the "handsmest anis mastdurablestaves, hoopand headigs eveg ade.Our oopersgeisi all sectewlth, great casrswlonlW selthe seasoned elnm arts for augrbarrels, and 'never mix poplar or ash Siaveswith it. Nails, ~staples and liner al~ onhand. Lowest *ines to planters, delivith atilantationson Upper Coast orian New' (•es.

aeeor write us baefore buaig. The best is the-cheaiest.

JAMES H LAWS& CO..C•noinintipOhio.

L. C. HEELIEB,No. S9North Petera.s treetNew Orleans.

JosephBAR,' , I.OM,

Cor. St. Louis and Chartres Streets,New Orleans.

The best of wines and liqnors op baend.Visitors to the city ean be aeeomaomedtedwith rooms, with or without beard:



Shingles, .St wes, etc.Orders psegtlyr lled aed bett -ea tssation

nu•ranteed to patrons. -PRICES TO SUIT T•E TIMER.

Orders and letters :should be addressed to


Brush Electric Zighf.o .- o . ..- ,


i Laa

iS.&Ce~iflr~ l~eri~rot