attitudes towards research course (paper)

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  • 7/31/2019 Attitudes Towards Research Course (Paper)




    The Secondary Science Curriculum (SSC) of Pilar College has been

    in existence since 1999 because of the demand to cater a science

    oriented curriculum to be at par with the trends and demands of society.

    This curriculum offered wide array of science and mathematics subjects

    which enhanced the original curriculum. Among the science subjects

    offered is the Research Subject offered only to the third and fourth year

    students whose preparation were made when they were in second year.

    Students taking this subject often find problems along the way.

    They have problems in doing or preparing the paper, in the conduct of

    the experiment, in the interpretation of data and data gathering, and at

    time problems on finding and continuing with the chosen problem.

    In as much as the department would like to offer the best to its

    clientele, the researcher would like to find out the attitudes of the

    students taking the course and have it as basis for improvement of the

    course offerings and processes.

    Statement of the Problem

    This study aimed to find out the attitudes of third year and fourth

    year students of the Science Curriculum on the research subject that

    they are taking. Specifically it sought to find answers to the following


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    1. What are the attitudes of the third and fourth year students

    toward the research subject?

    2. Is there a significant difference in the attitudes of the third and

    fourth year students toward the research subject?

    3. What the recommendations of the students taking the subject?


    This study hypothesized that there no significant difference in the

    attitudes of the third and fourth year students toward the research


    Scope and Delimitation of the Study

    This study is only limited to finding out the attitudes of students

    towards the research subject that they are taking. This will not include

    their possible attitudes towards any other subject to which they are

    enrolled currently with the subject sought to be investigated.

    Theoretical Framework and Related Literature

    Research subject is offered to students in the Secondary Science

    Curriculum but only to the third and fourth year students. The first year

    students acquaint themselves wit the statistical methods, rules and

    principles and the second year students are taught Basic Technical


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    Writing as a preparatory subject for the Research subjects that they will

    be taking.

    The research subject is given a weight of one (1) unit in the

    curricula. the research teacher meets them twice to thrice a week.

    Students taking this subject are grouped according and will work by

    group unless otherwise some students opt to work individually which

    may be allowed on such occasions. Thee subject requires the

    preparation of a research proposal during the first quarter. students

    prepare chapters 1-3 of the research paper and will propose the same to

    a panel. During the second quarter, the students will be conducting their

    research in the laboratory or any other place they deem it suitable for

    the conduct of the research. They prepare daily logbook for their work.

    For the third quarter students prepare their results and have the paper

    completed for the final defense conducted before a panel. Then

    revisions will be made for the fourth quarter and they will publish their

    work through an exhibit open to all high school students of the

    department. In this, they present their work,and explain them. That

    complete their task for the academic year. Students are graded in the

    following manner as provided for in their students handbook:

    First Quarter:

    50% - Paper

    50% - Proposal


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    Second Quarter :

    50% - Results

    50% - Work

    Third Quarter :

    50% - Paper

    50% - Defense

    Fourth Quarter:

    50% - Final Paper

    50% - Exhibit

    The course descriptions of the subjects are as follows:


    This course is a follow-up of the Basic Technical Writing Course

    taken by the students during their second year. At the onset of this

    course, students are to prepare and come up with the statement of the

    problem which will be their guide in the conduct of their experiment.

    Topic are open to all Sciences so that the students will be able to

    explore the interrelatedness of Sciences. Students will then for the first

    time prepare their research paper following the concepts they have

    earned during the Technical Writing Course and further defend their own


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    The experimentation then follows after the defense. It is where

    students get to feel how it is to be researchers and scientist in their

    special ways specifically, when they perform laboratory experiments and

    even prepare set ups before hand.


    The modernization of Science and Technology is only made

    possible through extensive scientific research. This course serves as an

    avenue for students to explore more investigative questions in Physics

    as applied in modern technology and in practical use such as at home, in

    farming and in doing work.

    Research in Physics is a follow-up of the Research I Course taken

    by the third year students of the Secondary Science Curriculum.

    Through this course, students will apply the different techniques of

    conducting research with more emphasis on the field of Physics. The

    students may also continue or make a follow-up of the study they

    previously conducted. They may also choose a new topic.

    The course consists of three major parts. The first part deals with

    the ideas, concepts and principles of research methodology. The second


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    part deals with the preparation of the experimental design and set up

    ready for the collection of data and their interpretation, and the last part

    includes the preparation of the science research paper, the defense and


    Conceptual Framework

    Independent Variable Dependent


    Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study

    Significance of the Study

    The results of this study will greatly benefit the school, the

    teachers, and most of all the students of the science curriculum taking

    the research subject offered therein. The result will specifically serve as

    the framework for the redesign of the course for academic year 2009-

    2010. The new design will further help students and teachers in their

    undertakings in the subject. More students will be inclined to conducting

    research and many will be inspired to do research projects.


    Third and Fourth YearSSC

    Students takingResearch

    Attitudes toward

    theResearch Subject



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    Definition of Terms

    The following are the definitions of the terms used in the study.

    Attitude. In this study attitude pertains to the manner of thought

    and behavior of students

    in the third and fourth year toward the research subject that

    they are taking.

    Research Subject. Is that subject taken by the third year and fourth

    year students of the

    SSC. This subject includes the conduct of a research and the

    preparation of the paper.

    Science Curriculum. Is the other curriculum offered in the High School

    Department of

    Pilar College which has for its salient feature the additional

    science and mathematical subjects taken by students who

    are qualified as deemed by the council.


    The following discussion presents the methods the researcher

    employed in the conduct of the study.


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    Research Design

    This study employed the descriptive survey design because the

    responses were taken with the use of a questionnaire from third year

    and fourth year students of the Science Curriculum.

    Respondents and Sampling Design

    The study employed the systematic random sampling in the

    selection of the respondents. Out of the 83 students taking research

    subjects only 45 students was taken as respondents of the study based

    on the majority. Universal sampling was not employed because the data

    will only be categorized according to their year level thus the number of

    the student respondent was enough to provide sufficient data for every


    Instruments of the Study

    The study made use of a research questionnaire which comprise of

    two (2)parts. Part I is for the personal data and Part II is composed of 15

    questions, adopted and modified from DePaul University Survey

    Opinions on Individual Research Project, which provided the results of

    the study. Further this questionnaire was subjected to a Five (5)- Point

    Likert Scale.


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    Data Gathering Procedure

    The data that was treated in this study was taken from the survey

    questionnaires given to a total of 5 students taking research subjects.

    The results was taken by frequency count for each of the responses.

    Statistical Treatment

    This study employed the weighted mean to be able to find out the

    attitudes of the students toward the research subject and the means

    was further treated with the T-test for the significant difference on the

    attitudes when the students are will be grouped according to their year


    All interpretations was based on alpha 0.05 level of significance

    using the two-tailed test.


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    The following discussion includes the results of the study as well

    as the interpretation of the results and the implications of having the


    The first question posted under the statement of the problem is

    the attitude of the students toward the research subject. The following

    are the results.

    Table 1. General Attitude of the Students toward the Research

    QUESTIONThird Year Fourth Year


    1. I am generally interested inscience.

    3.65 Agree 4.08 Agree

    2. I think the research project iseducational

    4.25 Agree 4.44 Agree

    3. The research project connectswell

    the materials presented inlectures

    of science subjects.

    3.70 Agree 3.80 Agree

    4. I felt more anxiety about theproject than in conventional

    sciencelaboratory exercises.

    3.30 Neutral 3.48 Neutral

    5. I would rather continueconventional laboratoryexercises

    than participate in researchprojects.

    3.35 Neutral 3.04 Neutral

    6. I think research will be of valueto


    4.00 Agree 4.00 Agree


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    7. I think I have enoughlaboratory

    experience to be involved inresearch projects.

    3.40 Neutral 3.44 Neutral

    8. The Basic Technical Writing tocarry out a research.

    4.10 Agree 4.60 StronglyAgree

    9. I have been given enoughguidance to conduct a literaturesearch.

    3.80 Agree 4.60 StronglyAgree

    10. I would like to have myresearch

    findings to be published.

    3.85 Agree 4.16 Agree

    11. I would like to continueworking

    with my research project.

    3.60 Agree 3.12 Neutral

    12. The research project hashelped

    me find out interesting thingsabout


    4.10 Agree 4.38 Agree

    13. The research project hashelped

    me build my confidence inexperimental activities.

    3.85 Agree 3.80 Agree

    14. Because of research intendto

    pursue a medical or sciencerelated


    3.10 Neutral 3.00 Neutral

    15. I was provided with adequatesafety instructions and gear towork on the research.

    3.95 Agree 4.08 Agree

    Mean 3.73 Agree 3.87 Agree

    Table 1 show the general assessment of the Third and Fourth year

    students of the SSC on the research course that they are taking. As can

    be gleaned from the table, the average assessment appears to be with a

    mean of 3.73 for the third year and 3.87 for the fourth year and this


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    imply that the students agree to all the 15 items in the questionnaire.

    To four (4) of the items from above appear that both the third year

    and fourth year students are neutral as to the said four items. Further,

    students cannot really assess whether they would want to pursue on

    research subject or they would just prefer the conventional science

    laboratory activity given for each science subject and they too have

    cannot assess as to the extent of their preparedness to do research

    projects. Furthermore, this may be because the students in the third

    year level was exposed to do real research work for the first but this is

    not true to the fourth year. As regards the later we are inclined to think

    that though its their second time to be doing the research, but such

    assessment could be attributable to other factors which this study

    cannot explicitly lay or point out.

    Fourth year students strongly agree that the Basic technical

    Writing course or subject given to them during their second year

    provided them enough foundation to perform required task for the

    research course. Also, the results reveal that they have been given

    enough guidance in the conduct of a literature search which could be

    attributable to the Library-Research Program which provides the

    student-researcher the assistance in doing a literature search.

    On item number 14, both the third year and the fourth year group

    of students cannot very well say that they were inspired to take science

    related course because of research. This condition is attributed to the


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    fact that the third year students are not yet inclined to think of what

    course to take after graduating from high. On the other hand, the

    researcher expects a different response form the fourth year students

    however, the results reveal otherwise. At this point we are to think that

    the research course did not inspire students to take science related


    Table 2. Attitudes toward Preparedness for Undertaking


    QUESTIONThird Year Fourth Year


    1. I am generally interested inscience.

    3.65 Agree 4.08 Agree

    2. I think the research project iseducational

    4.25 Agree 4.44 Agree

    7. I think I have enoughlaboratory

    experience to be involved in

    research projects.

    3.40 Neutral 3.44 Neutral

    8. The Basic Technical Writing tocarry out a research.

    4.10 Agree 4.60 StronglyAgree

    Mean 3.85 Agree 4.14 Agree

    Table 2 presents the assessment of the third year and fourth year

    students as regards their Preparedness for Undertaking Research.

    Statistically, with a mean of 3.85 and 4.14 reveal that the students

    agree that they are prepared to take the research subjects. Further, The

    fourth year respondents strongly agree that the Basic Technical Writing

    Course laid the foundation for the students to do research projects.


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    Table 3. Attitudes toward the Conduct of the Research


    Third Year Fourth Year


    3. The research project connectswell

    the materials presented inlectures

    of science subjects.

    3.70 Agree 3.80 Agree

    4. I felt more anxiety about theproject than in conventional

    sciencelaboratory exercises.

    3.30 Neutral 3.48 Neutral

    5. I would rather continueconventional laboratory

    exercisesthan participate in research


    3.35 Neutral 3.04 Neutral

    9. I have been given enoughguidance to conduct a literaturesearch.

    3.80 Agree 4.60 StronglyAgree

    15. I was provided with adequatesafety instructions and gear towork on the research.

    3.95 Agree 4.08 Agree

    Mean 3.62 Agree 3.80 Agree

    Table 3 presents the assessment of the third year and fourth year

    respondents Toward the Conduct of the Research Process. The results

    statistically revealed, with a mean of 3.62 and 3.80 respectively, that

    research projects connects well with materials with lectures, and that

    safety instructions and gear are provided or made available during their

    research. However, the respondents cannot very well say that they

    prefer doing research or the conventional science laboratory exercises


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    or if they are more anxious of doing research rather than conventional

    laboratory exercise.

    Table 4. Attitudes toward the Impacts of Research

    QUESTIONThird Year Fourth Year


    6. I think research will be of valueto


    4.00 Agree 4.00 Agree

    10. I would like to have myresearch

    findings to be published.

    3.85 Agree 4.16 Agree

    11. I would like to continueworking

    with my research project.

    3.60 Agree 3.12 Neutral

    12. The research project hashelped

    me find out interesting thingsabout


    4.10 Agree 4.38 Agree

    13. The research project hashelped

    me build my confidence inexperimental activities.

    3.85 Agree 3.80 Agree

    14. Because of research intendto

    pursue a medical or sciencerelated


    3.10 Neutral 3.00 Neutral

    Mean 3.75 Agree 3.74 Agree

    The results that the students think that research course is

    valuable to the. They even would like to publish their own research and

    to even continue working with them and that while working with their


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    research they learn new things and it helped them build their confidence

    in doing experiments. However, the research cannot really provide a

    stepping stone for students for their future career.

    Table 5. T-table for the Significant Difference in the Attitudes ofthe Students Taking Research Subjects

    N X SD2 df t-com

    t-tab3rd 4th 3rd 4th


    Assessment ofthe Research


    15 3.73 3.87 0.174 1.257 28 0.453 2.048

    Preparedness forthe Course

    4 3.85 4.14 0.073 0.21 6 1.09 2.447

    Conduct of theResearch

    5 3.62 3.8 0.026 0.489 8 0.561 2.306

    Impact of theResearch

    6 3.75 3.74 0.085 0.505 10 0.32 2.228

    Table 5 is the T-table for the test of significance between the

    means from the third year and fourth year students towards their (1)

    preparedness to undertake the subject matter; (2) their conduct of the

    study; and (3) the impacts of taking research course. The statistical

    results show that there is no significant difference in the assessment of

    the of the third year and fourth year students of the research subject as

    to their preparedness to undertake the research, the conduct of the

    research, and the impacts of the research since the t-computed value is

    1.09, 0.561. and 0.032 respectively which is very much lower than the t-


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    tabulated value of 2.447, 2.306, and 2.228 respectively at alpha level

    0.05 level of significance using the two-tailed test. This further implies

    that the students in any year level view at a similar perspective the

    relevance of the research course offered in the curriculum. The students

    feel that they are prepared to undertake the research subject at

    whatever level, and that proper environment and attitude was evident

    during the conduct of their research and further they felt that the

    research course have contributed much to their goals and activities in


    The following are the recommendations made by the students and

    written verbatim.

    1. Make sure that all materials are available for research.

    2. I recommend that approved research projects would not have a

    'making something out of nothing' concept, maybe the suited

    thing would be 'making something from that thing'. And more

    access to government agencies that would aid us in the research

    without the hassle of taking absences just to finish science


    3. Make sure that the researcher can chose easier researches

    because of financial reasons, peers and materials.

    4. I recommend that research courses will also be offered to first

    year students, so that at an early age, the research course will

    already be introduced and students already have prior knowledge


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    about it.

    5. In conducting the experiments be sure that materials and other

    necessities are available at the laboratory or school. And let the

    students adjust in doing research studies, don't shock and

    pressure them because its not an easy task.

    6. No comment.... Just needed enough time.

    7. To have more complete equipment in the science laboratory.

    8. I have nothing to recommend.


    The following are the results and recommendations based on the

    results of the study.


    1. Students taking research subjects are generally interested in


    2. That the research projects students make are educational because

    it helped them find out interesting things about science and is of

    value to them.


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    3. That the lectures in science subjects that they are taking connects

    well to the research that they conduct.

    4. Students cannot very well stay if they would like to science

    research than the conventional laboratory experiments in science


    5. That the Basic technical Writing Course offered during their

    second year guided them to carry out the research and they are

    also well guided in their literature search.

    6. Students would like to publish their researches and would like to

    continue their research.

    7. That research built their confidence in conducting experiments.

    8. They are unsure whether research really inspired them to take

    medical or science related course in the future.

    9. That they are prepared to do the research and they were provided

    with adequate safety instructions and gears while they conduct

    they experiments.

    Based on the above conclusions, the following recommendations

    ar5e made for the improvement of the course and these will also serve

    as recommended actions and would form part of the area plan of


    1. Provide adequate science laboratory experiments that will make

    the students researcher differentiate conventional experiments


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  • 7/31/2019 Attitudes Towards Research Course (Paper)


    Pilar CollegeZamboanga City

    Accredited Member: PAASCUAY 2008-2009

    Dear Respondents,

    Praised be Jesus and Mary!

    I am conducting a study on the attitudes of students toward theresearch course offered in the Secondary Science Curriculum.In line with this, you were chosen to be among the respondents of thesaid research. Your responses will help in the improvement of the coursedesign. Please feel free to answer the questions rest assured yourresponses will be held with outmost confidentiality.

    Very truly yours,

    (SGD) Ms. Janalin Fae S. TatilResearcher

    I. Personal Data

    Name (Optional): _______________________________Year and Section: _______________________________

    II. QuestionnaireFor each question, check the appropriate box which corresponds

    to your answer.

    SA Strongly agree A Agree N Neutral D DisagreeSD Strongly Disagree

    Question SA

    A N D SD

    1. I am generally interested in Science.2. I think the research project is educational.

    3. The research project connects well the materialpresented in lectures of Science

    subjects.4. I felt more anxiety about the project than inconventional Science laboratory

    exercises.5. I would rather continue conventional laboratory


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  • 7/31/2019 Attitudes Towards Research Course (Paper)



    Tally of the Third Year Responses

    II. QuestionnaireFor each question, check the appropriate box which corresponds

    to your answer.

    SA Strongly agree A Agree N Neutral D DisagreeSD Strongly Disagree

    Question S


    A N D S

    D1. I am generally interested in Science.2. I think the research project is educational.3. The research project connects well the materialpresented in lectures of Science

    subjects.4. I felt more anxiety about the project than inconventional Science laboratory

    exercises.5. I would rather continue conventional laboratoryexercises than participate in

    research projects.6. I think research will be of value to me.7. I think I have enough laboratory experience to beinvolved in research projects.8. The Basic Technical Writing prepared me to carryout a research.9. I have given enough guidance to conduct aliterature search.10. I would like to have my research findings to bepublished.

    11. I would like to continue working with my researchproject.12. The research project has helped me find outinteresting things about Science.13. The research project has helped me build myconfidence in my experimental

    abilities.14. Because of research I intend to purse a medical or


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    science related course.15. I was provided with adequate safety instructionand gear to work on the




    Tally of the Fourth Year Responses

    II. Questionnaire

    For each question, check the appropriate box which correspondsto your answer.

    SA Strongly agree A Agree N Neutral D DisagreeSD Strongly Disagree

    Question SA

    A N D SD

    1. I am generally interested in Science.2. I think the research project is educational.3. The research project connects well the material

    presented in lectures of Sciencesubjects.

    4. I felt more anxiety about the project than inconventional Science laboratory

    exercises.5. I would rather continue conventional laboratoryexercises than participate in

    research projects.6. I think research will be of value to me.7. I think I have enough laboratory experience to beinvolved in research projects.8. The Basic Technical Writing prepared me to carryout a research.9. I have given enough guidance to conduct aliterature search.10. I would like to have my research findings to bepublished.11. I would like to continue working with my research


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    project.12. The research project has helped me find outinteresting things about Science.13. The research project has helped me build myconfidence in my experimental

    abilities.14. Because of research I intend to purse a medical orscience related course.15. I was provided with adequate safety instructionand gear to work on the
