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  • 7/30/2019 Auckland Plan Committee Agenda


    Note: The reports contained within this agenda are for consideration and should not be construed as Council policyunless and until adopted. Should Members require further information relating to any reports, please contactthe relevant manager, Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson.

    I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Auckland Plan Committee will be held on:

    Date:Time:Meeting Room:Venue:

    Tuesday, 14 May 201310.00amReception Lounge Level 2Auckland Town Hall301-305 Queen StreetAuckland

    Auckland Plan CommitteeOPEN AGENDA


    Chairperson Deputy Mayor Penny HulseDeputy Chairperson Cr George Wood, CNZMCouncillors Cr Anae Arthur Anae Cr Des Morrison

    Cr Cameron Brewer Cr Richard Northey, ONZM

    Mayor Len Brown, J P Cr Calum PenroseCr Dr Cathy Casey Cr Dick QuaxCr Sandra Coney, QSO Cr Noelene Raffills, J PCr Alf Filipaina Cr Sharon Stewart, QSMCr Hon Chris Fletcher, QSO Mr Glen TupuhiCr Michael Goudie Cr Sir J ohn Walker, KNZM, CBECr Ann Hartley, J P Cr Wayne WalkerCr Mike Lee Cr Penny WebsterMs Anahera Morehu

    Independent MaoriStatutory Board

    Al ternate

    Chairperson, IMSB Mr David Taipari

    (Quorum 11 members)

    Crispian FranklinDemocracy Advisor

    9 May 2013Contact Telephone: (09) 373 6205Email: [email protected]:

  • 7/30/2019 Auckland Plan Committee Agenda



    The Auckland Plan Committee will have responsibility for:

    The future and sustainable development of Auckland while promoting the social,economic environmental and cultural wellbeing of its citizens;

    Preparing and making recommendations to Councils Governing Body in relation to theimplementation of the spatial plan for Auckland (the Auckland Plan);

    Submissions on legislative changes and central government policy in relation to thedevelopment of Auckland, including infrastructure and amendments to the ResourceManagement Act;

    The development and recommendation of the Unitary Plan; Adopt Area Spatial Plans; and

    Oversight of City Transformation Projects.

    Relevant Legislation includes but is not l imited to:

    Local Government Act 2002;Resource Management Act 1991; andLocal Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009.

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    Auckland Plan Commit tee

    14 May 2013

    Page 3


    1 Apologies 5

    2 Declaration of Interest 5

    3 Confirmation of Minutes 5

    4 Petitions 5

    5 Public Input 5

    5.1 Unitary Plan: Manukau being upgraded from a Metropolitan Zone to

    a City Centre Zone - Ben Ross 5

    5.2 Maori Commercial and Trading activ ities in the 1800s - Hazel Petrie 5

    6 Local Board Input 6

    7 Extraordinary Business 6

    8 Notices of Motion 6

    9 O'Connell Street upgrade update 7

    10 Federal Street Upgrade Update 13

    11 Unitary Plan: Post Informal Feedback Process 19

    12 Auckland Counci l's response to Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 Review

    Panel Discussion Document

    This report was unavailable at the time of print and will be circulated under a separatecover.

    13 Consideration of Extraordinary Items


    14 Procedural Motion to Exclude the Public 23

    C1 AMETI - Residual Land Development Study 23

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    Auckland Plan Commit tee

    14 May 2013

    Page 5

    1 Apologies

    That the Auckland Plan Committee:

    a) Receive an apology from Ms Anahera Morehu.

    2 Declaration of Interest

    Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision makingwhen a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other externalinterest they might have.

    3 Confirmation of Minutes

    That the Auckland Plan Committee:

    a) confirm the minutes of its meeting held on Tuesday, 16 April 2013, as a true andcorrect record.

    4 Petitions

    At the close of the agenda no requests for petitions had been received.

    5 Public Input

    Standing Order 3.21 provides for Public Input. Applications to speak must be made to theCommittee Secretary, in writing, no later than two (2) working days prior to the meetingand must include the subject matter. The meeting Chairperson has the discretion todecline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders. Amaximum of thirty (30) minutes is allocated to the period for public input with five (5)

    minutes speaking time for each speaker.

    5.1 Unitary Plan: Manukau being upgraded from a Metropolitan Zone to a CityCentre Zone - Ben Ross

    Ben Ross wishes to speak to the Auckland Plan Committee regarding the Unitary Plan inrelation to Manukau being upgraded from a Metropolitan zone to a City Centre zone.


    That the Auckland Plan Committee:

    a) thank Ben Ross for his presentation.

    5.2 Maori Commercial and Trading activ ities in the 1800s - Hazel Petrie

    Hazel Petrie wishes to speak to the Auckland Plan Committee regarding Maori commercialand trading activities in the 1800s in relation to coastal trading in Auckland.


    That the Auckland Plan Committee:

    a) thank Hazel Petrie for her presentation.

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    14 May 2013

    Page 6

    6 Local Board Input

    Standing Order 3.22 provides for Local Board Input. The Chairperson (or nominee of thatChairperson) is entitled to speak for up to five (5) minutes during this time. TheChairperson of the Local Board (or nominee of that Chairperson) shall wherever practical,give two (2) days notice of their wish to speak. The meeting Chairperson has thediscretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of StandingOrders.

    This right is in addition to the right under Standing Order 3.9.14 to speak to matters on theagenda.

    At the close of the agenda no requests for local board input had been received.

    7 Extraordinary Business

    Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (asamended) states:

    An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-

    (a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and

    (b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to thepublic,-

    (i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and

    (ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until asubsequent meeting.

    Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (asamended) states:

    Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

    (a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-

    (i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the localauthority; and

    (ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a timewhen it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting;but

    (b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that itemexcept to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for furtherdiscussion.

    8 Notices of Motion

    At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.

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    Auckland Plan Commit tee

    14 May 2013

    O'Connell Street upgrade update Page 7

    O'Connell Street upgrade update

    File No.: CP2013/09070

    Purpose1. The purpose of this report is to update the Auckland Plan Committee on the development of

    the shared space concept design for the upgrade of OConnell Street, Auckland City Centre.

    Execut ive Summary2. The upgrade of OConnell Street is part of a 10-year programme of city centre streetscape

    and open space upgrades, which are funded by the CBD Targeted Rate. The OConnellStreet project budget is $4.367m.

    3. The objectives of the upgrade are to improve pedestrian amenity, create more space forpeople and to promote OConnell Street as part of the city centre laneway circuit, as

    identified in the Auckland Council City Centre Master Plan. The upgrade will also createspace for outdoor activities, including outdoor dining.

    4. After considerable investigation and modelling, a shared space concept design option(Attachment A), was agreed as the best way to deliver on the above objectives. It isrecognised that shared spaces are not appropriate in every circumstance.

    5. The shared space concept design has support from key stakeholders including the CBDAdvisory Board, OConnell Street businesses and property owners, as well as disabilitygroups and the Royal New Zealand Institute for the Blind. Auckland Transport also supportthe shared space design.

    6. In addition to the OConnell Street upgrade, a range of other projects are proposed in theHigh Street Precinct area, including OConnell Street, Freyberg Square, High Street and the

    Pioneer Womens Building improvements. Officers are working to ensure that the designoutcomes and construction schedules for each of these projects are co-ordinated.

    7. The next step for the OConnell Street upgrade is to commence detailed design. Theconstruction is currently scheduled to begin in early 2014 lasting for approximately sixmonths.

    Recommendation/sThat the Auckland Plan Committee:

    a) support the shared space concept design proposed for OConnell Street.

    b) note that the construction programme for OConnell Street is currently scheduled tobegin in early 2014 lasting for approximately six months.

    c) note that the shared space concept design for OConnell Street will be coordinatedwith the design outcomes and construction schedules for other projects planned inthe wider High Street Precinct area including Freyberg Square and High Street.

    Discussion8. OConnell Street is part of a 10-year programme of works to upgrade and revitalise city

    centre streets and open spaces. The project budget is $4.367m and is funded from CBDTargeted Rate.

    9. A range of design options have been explored, including shared space, flush surface and akerbed street with widened footpaths. Officers sought public and stakeholder feedback onthe kerbed street proposal in September 2012.

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    O'Connell Street upgrade update Page 8

    10. Public and stakeholder feedback did not support the kerb option. There was preference for adesign, which would provide more pedestrian amenity and priority, and compliment thedesigns of recently completed shared spaces in Fort Street and Elliot and Darby Street.

    11. Since then, the project team has considered several options including, pedestrian mall,shared surface and shared space. The public feedback, along with other factors including,the project objectives, the functional requirements of the street and Auckland Councils

    strategic objectives for the High Street Precinct area and city centre supports a sharedspace design, as it best delivers on these factors. It is recognised that shared spaces arenot appropriate in every circumstance.

    12. The proposed shared space concept (Attachment A) comprises:

    A shared space where vehicles must give way to pedestrians.

    The same design principles and materials used in other city centre shared spaces toensure a consistent standard and legibility for users.

    Fully paved road reserve i.e. a flush, kerb-less surface using the granite stonemodules used in all other city centre shared spaces.

    Clutter-free, accessible routes for pedestrians and disabled users down both sides ofthe street, tactile delineators to enable safe navigation by disabled users, activityzones on both the eastern and western sides of the street which provide space foroutdoor dining, street furniture and vegetation, plus a 3m carriage down the middle ofthe street.

    Cobbled threshold treatments that provide flush pedestrian crossing tables at eitherend of the street and widened footpath build outs at the Chancery Lane and ShortlandStreet corners, creating greater pedestrian amenity at the thresholds.

    New street furniture and faade mounted lighting

    Removal of an existing tree (Tulip tree) and inclusion of nikau palms (up to 9) alongthe western side.

    Removal of all (20) on-street car parks to provide space for pedestrian movement,greater public amenity and better activation of the street edges, which is consistentwith parking restrictions in all other city centre shared spaces

    Removal of the existing loading zones with loading instead provided along the lengthof the street at permitted times (6am-11am daily) which is consistent with loadingpermissions in all other city centre shared spaces.

    Retention of existing traffic flow (via one northbound lane)

    Possible provision for a public artwork (mid-block)

    Possible provision of informal/perchable seating elements that feature text referencing

    the rich history of the street.

    13. The shared space concept is the preferred option for Auckland Council and AucklandTransport. It also has support from key stakeholders including, the CBD Advisory Board,OConnell Street businesses and property owners, as well as disability groups and the RoyalNew Zealand Institute for the Blind.


    Local Board Views

    14. In August 2012, officers updated the Waitemata Local Board on the developing design forOConnell Street, which proposed a kerbed street design. The Board resolved that:

    a) The report be received.

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    O'Connell Street upgrade update Page 9

    b) That subject to the public consultation and key stakeholder engagement feedback, theWaitemata Local Board notes its preliminary preferences for:

    i) Removal of the 4 remaining on-street car parks to allow best activation of thestreet edges of the whole street, and removal of the likelihood of any commutertrawling of the street for parking purposes.

    ii) The definitive provision for a public artwork mid-block.c) That the Waitemata Local Board supports the proposal to proceed to public

    consultation and key stakeholder engagement with the proposed concept design, withthe inclusion of the above preliminary preferences included.

    15. Public consultation on the kerbed street design was held in September 2012. Public andstakeholder feedback did not support the kerb option, preferring a design that would providemore public amenity. Officers, from both Auckland Transport and Auckland Council, havedeveloped the proposed shared space design in response to this feedback.

    Maori Impact Statement

    16. Iwi have been consulted on previous city centre streetscape upgrade projects and have

    sought the integration of Maori history, native vegetation and artworks into designs, whereappropriate.

    17. Further engagement with iwi on the OConnell Street upgrade, will continue as the projectproceeds to detail design via the monthly Auckland Council and mana whenua kaitiaki hui.


    18. Officers will also update the Waitemata Local Board at its May meeting, on the proposedshared space concept design for OConnell Street, Auckland City Centre.

    Implementation Issues

    19. In addition to the OConnell Street upgrade, a range of other projects are proposed in theHigh Street Precinct area, including OConnell Street, Freyberg Square, High Street and thePioneer Womens Building improvements. Officers are working to ensure that the designoutcomes and construction schedules for each of these projects are co-coordinated.

    20. Local businesses and property owners on OConnell Street have advised of their preferencefor construction happening in summer months. The construction is currently scheduled tobegin in early 2014 lasting for approximately six months.

    21. Furthermore, officers have recently initiated an international peer review of Auckland'sshared space design and engagement process. The outputs of this review will inform theO'Connell Street detailed design process, ongoing stakeholder engagement andconstruction programme.


    No. Title Page

    A O'Connell Street shared space proposal 11


    Authors Keren Neal - Project Manager, City Transformation Projects

    Authorisers Penny Pirrit - Regional & Local Planning Manager

    Roger Blakeley - Chief Planning Officer

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    O'Connell Street upgrade update Page 11

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    Auckland Plan Commit tee

    14 May 2013

    Federal Street Upgrade Update Page 13

    Federal Street Upgrade Update

    File No.: CP2013/09199

    Purpose1. The purpose of this report is to update the Auckland Plan Committee on the proposed

    design of the Federal Street shared space project between Victoria Street and WellesleyStreet, in Auckland City Centre.

    Execut ive Summary2. The upgrade of Federal Street to a shared space between Victoria Street and Wellesley

    Street is stage one of a wider plan to upgrade the entire length of Federal Street, as outlinedin the City Centre Masterplan.

    3. The objectives of the upgrade are to improve pedestrian amenity, improve accessibility and

    connections between the harbour to mid town and across to Aotea Square and to promoteFederal Street as part of the city centre laneway circuit. The upgrade will also create spacefor outdoor activities, including outdoor dining.

    4. This stage of the upgrade is a partnership between Auckland Council, Auckland Transportand SkyCity. A legal Heads of Agreement, signed by the Chief Executives of eachorganisation in J une 2012, governs the project.

    5. The proposed design (Attachment A) has been informed by public and stakeholderconsultation undertaken in late 2012. The consultation process supported the projectobjectives and the proposal for a shared space.

    6. The next steps for the Federal Street upgrade include completing detailed design, withconstruction currently scheduled to begin in August 2013 lasting for approximately nine


    Recommendation/sThat the Auckland Plan Committee:

    a) note that the Federal Street upgrade between Victoria Street and Wellesley Street isstage one of a wider plan to upgrade the entire length of Federal Street.

    b) note that this stage of the Federal Street upgrade is governed by a legal Heads ofAgreement signed by Chief Executives of Auckland Council, Auckland Transportand SkyCity in J une 2012.

    c) note the proposed shared space design for Federal Street between Victoria Streetand Wellesley Street.

    d) note that the construction programme for Federal Street is currently scheduled tobegin in August 2013 lasting for approximately nine months.


    6. On 2 April 2012 a confidential report entitled Federal Street Upgrade Agreement waspresented to the Auckland Plan Committee. This report described the legal agreement topartner with SkyCity, Auckland Council and Auckland Transport to upgrade Federal Streetfrom Wellesley Street to Victoria Street to a shared space street environment. A legal Heads

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    Federal Street Upgrade Update Page 14

    of Agreement, signed by the Chief Executives of each organisation in J une 2012, governsthe project.

    7. Following the signing of the Heads of Agreement, officers developed the design of FederalStreet shared space. In October 2012, a number of consultation open days and stakeholdermeetings, including local landowners, were held to help to inform the design process.

    8. Consultation indicated that there was significant support for the scheme, including theproposal to make the street into a shared space environment. The majority (84%) of thosethat participated supported the objectives to create a distinctive, high quality, pedestrian-focused entertainment precinct. A number of people gave their support to shared spaces ingeneral, and felt the creation of a shared space in Federal Street would make the area morepedestrian friendly.

    9. Key stakeholder engagement, included meeting representatives from the AA, Bus andCoach Association, Taxi Federation and local iwi. Feedback from these stakeholdersfocused on specific issues, such as vehicular access, coach access, taxi parking and theproposed tree species.

    10. The proposed design (Attachment A) has been informed by the outcomes of both the public

    and stakeholder consultation and responds to the issues raised by key stakeholders.11. Features of the proposed design include transforming Federal Street (between Wellesley

    Street to Victoria Street) from a conventional one-way street with two lanes to a one-wayshared space environment. This supports the overarching concept of the whole of FederalStreet transforming into a pedestrian laneway the High Street of the west, as described inthe City Centre Masterplan.

    12. Other design features include a flush surface, no formal parking provision, granite pavingover the carriageway and footway, high quality street furniture and specimen native treeplanting. Design features also include a similar paving palette for the Skytower plaza tocreate an enlarged public space.


    Local Board Views

    13. Officers updated the Waitemata Local Board on the design of Federal Street as part of theconsultation process in October 2012. The Board indicated their support for the project.

    14. Officers will also update the Waitemata Local Board in May 2013 on the proposed sharedspace design (Attachment A) for Federal Street shared space project between VictoriaStreet and Wellesley Street.

    Maori Impact Statement

    15. Local iwi were consulted on the design of Federal Street as part of the consultation processin October 2012. A follow up hui after the public consultation was also held on the 25February 2013.

    16. Iwi indicated their support for the proposed design, requesting that officers further explore adistinctly New Zealand theme to the artwork. This feedback will be incorporated into thescheme in Detailed Design stage.


    Auckland Transport

    17. Auckland Transport officers form part of the project team and are involved in all stages of theapproval process. The Auckland Transport Board has been consulted throughout the projectand ongoing discussions with key officers have helped inform the Preliminary Design.

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    Federal Street Upgrade Update Page 15

    Financial and Resourcing Implications

    18. The proposed shared space design falls within the available capital expenditure. Amanagement plan is currently being developed between SkyCity and Auckland Transport toensure the upgrade is maintained to the same level of quality across both the private andpublic boundaries.

    Implementation Issues19. In addition, SkyCity and Auckland Transport (as road controlling authority) require a

    Management Plan for Federal Street for the management of how taxis, coaches and generaltraffic are to operate in the shared space environment in this location and in particular howloading/servicing operations will be managed.

    20. Officers are currently developing the Management Plan. The Plan will be signed and agreedby both parties prior to construction starting in J uly 2013.


    No. Title PageA Federal Street Upgrade - Preliminary Design Plan 17


    Authors Lisa Spasic - Senior Project Leader

    Authorisers Penny Pirrit - Regional & Local Planning Manager

    Roger Blakeley - Chief Planning Officer

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    Auckl and Plan Committee

    14 May 2013

    Federal Street Upgrade Update

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    Auckland Plan Commit tee

    14 May 2013

    Unitary Plan: Post Informal Feedback Process Page 19

    Unitary Plan: Post Informal Feedback Process

    File No.: CP2013/09640

    Purpose1. To update the Committee on the proposed process for the development of the Unitary Plan

    after the conclusion of the informal feedback period on the 31st May 2013.

    Execut ive Summary2. As part of the development of the Unitary Plan a draft version has been made available for

    public feedback. The feedback period commenced on 15th March and will conclude on the31st May 2013.

    3. By the end of the feedback period over 200 events and meetings will have been held toinform and provide opportunities for discussion and debate on the draft.

    4. Post 31st May officers will be analysing all of the feedback received over J une. Workshopswith the Auckland Plan Committee and Local Board members are scheduled to occur in J ulyand August to consider the feedback and give direction to officers on changes to the draftplan.

    5. As key issues are identified there will also be opportunities for collaborative workshops withinterested parties to identify possible options for resolving these issues

    Recommendation/sThat the Auckland Plan Committee:

    a) endorse the process post 31st

    May for considering feedback on the draft Unitary Plan,including opportunities to address key issues through a collaborative workshop processwhere appropriate.

    Discussion6. The draft version of the Unitary Plan was released on the 15th March this year so that

    feedback could be given on how the plan could be improved prior to its formal publicnotification later this year. The feedback period concludes on the 31st May 2013.

    7. At the time of writing this report over 177 events (with over 10,400 attendees) had been held

    across Auckland to provide information to communities on the draft Unitary Plan; 105,917visits to the website have occurred and around 2233 telephone and email enquiries havebeen dealt with.

    8. After the feedback period concludes at the end of May officers will continue to code andanalyse the feedback received to identify issues and potential options for addressing thoseoptions. In addition, where aspects of the draft Unitary Plan have generated a significantrange of diverse/opposing views it is proposed to hold collaborative workshops to seewhether a solution to the matter can be identified. This process has been used in the pastwith the Rural Advisory Panel and Environmental Interest groups working together on stockexclusion provisions.

    9. During J uly and August there will be workshops held with the Auckland Plan Committee towhich Local Board members are invited. These workshops will receive reports from officerson matters that have been raised through the feedback process and which require directionfrom the Committee. Feedback, which identified mistakes in the draft, Unitary Plan eg

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    Unitary Plan: Post Informal Feedback Process Page 20

    spelling mistakes or obvious mapping errors will be fixed without reporting to the Committee.In addition to the workshops, it is proposed to have two days of site visits to places aroundAuckland, where key issues have been identified through the feedback process and whereelected representatives would benefit from seeing on the ground the potential impact ofproposed rules in the Unitary Plan eg RUB location, rural production areas impacted bySEA/ONC overlays, pre-1944 areas. Formal meetings of the Auckland Plan committee to

    consider amendments to the draft Unitary Plan recommended from the workshops areplanned for August and September. The proposed timetable for the workshops, site visitsand meetings is attached as Attachment A.

    10. Whether or not further workshops/meetings will be required can only be determined once weknow the number of feedback responses and whether they all raise discrete issues or anumber raise the same issue.


    Local Board Views

    11. Local Boards can follow a two-step process in terms of feedback. In the first instance, they

    can put in feedback by the 31st

    May, and secondly they can present to the Committee theirviews in late J uly once they have had a chance to review feedback received from their LocalBoard areas.

    Maori Impact Statement

    12. Hui have been held with iwi across Auckland during the feedback period to ensure iwi areinformed on the draft Unitary Plan, and the opportunity to provide feedback. A GovernanceHui is being held in May. The IMSB has provided feedback on those areas of the draftUnitary Plan which would benefit from a rewording in order to ensure Maori aspirations andvalues are provided for.

    AttachmentsNo. Title Page

    A Proposed Schedule of Workshops, Site Visits and Meetings 21


    Authors Penny Pirrit - Regional & Local Planning Manager

    Authorisers Roger Blakeley - Chief Planning Officer

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    Unitary Plan: Post Informal Feedback Process Page 21

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    Auckland Plan Commit tee

    14 May 2013

    Exclusion of the Publ ic: Local Government Official Informationand Meetings Act 1987

    The following motion is submitted for consideration:

    That the public be excluded from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

    The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason forpassing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) ofthe Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolutionfollows.

    This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government OfficialInformation and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 orsection 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of theproceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:

    C1 AMETI - Residual Land Development Study

    Reason for passing this resolutionin relation to each matter

    Particular interest(s) protected(where applicable)

    Ground(s) under section 48(1) forthe passing of this resolution

    The public conduct of the part ofthe meeting would be likely to resultin the disclosure of information forwhich good reason for withholdingexists under section 7.

    s7(2)(c)(ii) - The withholding of theinformation is necessary to protectinformation which is subject to anobligation of confidence or whichany person has been or could becompelled to provide under theauthority of any enactment, wherethe making available of theinformation would be likely todamage the public interest.


    s7(2)(g) - The withholding of theinformation is necessary tomaintain legal professionalprivilege.


    s7(2)(i) - The withholding of theinformation is necessary to enablethe local authority to carry on,without prejudice or disadvantage,negotiations (including commercialand industrial negotiations).


    s7(2)(j) - The withholding of theinformation is necessary to preventthe disclosure or use of officialinformation for improper gain orimproper advantage.



    The public conduct of the part ofthe meeting would be likely to resultin the disclosure of information forwhich good reason for withholdingexists under section 7.