audience centric branding

Audience-Centric Branding Erik Snyder Parlance Creative

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Post on 17-Aug-2015



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Audience-Centric Branding

Erik SnyderParlance Creative


1. Introduction to Branding2. Overview of Process3. Competitive Research4. Audience Personas5. Internal Identity6. External Identity7. Messaging Palette8. Marketing Experience9. Questions

BrandingBranding is...The feeling a customer gets when they think about a company or product.

● Similar to reputation● Logos and taglines are reinforcers of brand● The power of branding is in creating a customer experience● Branding creates a Tribe: a group of people dedicated to your company.

Audience-Centric Branding Model

Competition AudienceOpportunity

Internal Identity

External Identity

Value Proposition

Messaging VisualsBranded Customer


Market Research

What is the competitive landscape?

Define competitors on:● Brand Archetypes● Tagline: Just Do It, Think Different, I'm Lovin' It● Color Palette: Major & Minor colors used in logo and design

elements● Messaging Tone: Aggressive, Friendly, Polished, Dry, Folksy,

Etc● Target Market: Who are they trying to sell to?● Features: What does the solution do?● Benefits: How does it improve user's situation?● Advantages: Why is it better than similar solutions?● Key Differentiator: What makes them different?● Primary Strength: What are they most proud of?● Primary Weakness: What are they missing (or doing too much


Software Development Competitive Research

Company Skookum


Color Palette Orange, Yellow, White

Tone Succinct, direct, a bit folksy in places, a little boastful

Archetype Achiever 60%, Wizard 40%

Target Market Advertising & marketing agencies needing web apps built for their clients. They want to move into serving Big Data companies.

Features Prototype software, mobile apps, web apps

Benefit "We're uniquely poised to improve your business because more than anything, we know HOW TO FINISH the job."

Advantage No other company is staffed to take you from idea to execution faster.

Weakness 90% of their revenue is from serving ad agency's clients.

Strength List of big names they have worked with (Levis, NBC, AARP, Hanes, etc.)

Audience PersonaWho are our likely clients?● Name● Looks Like: Age, marital status, kids, car, house, etc.● Profile (aka the Tyron Biggums story)

o Problem: In a user’s own words, what itch needs to be scratched? Tyrone Biggums is addicted to Crack

o Subconscious Motivation: Deeper down, what is really ailing our user? Tyrone Biggums needs an escape from his life of

povertyo Implication: The result of having this problem; what

the result or outcome of this problem’s existence is. Tyrone Biggums can’t hold down a job and his family

hates him. o Want: What does the user perceive the solution to be?

Tyrone Biggums wants to have a manageable crack habit.

o Need: What does the user really need to improve their situation? Tyrone Biggums needs to get off of crack.

HR Software Persona

Harry HudsonCompany: Phoenix Dynamics (Electrical Wiring Harnesses and Components)Location: London, UKPosition: Chief Operating Officer

Looks Like: Harry is a British citizen in his 50s and enjoys being a leader. Originally trained as an electrical engineer but is now running the operations side of the company. Most of his business acumen has been learned on the job, and he takes a very pragmatic approach to decision making. He has two people who work with him doing HR and general managerial work.

Problem:Harry is having trouble managing his burgeoning international workforce. With locations being opened in China and Brazil, the task of tracking his international employees’ information and compensation requirements is daunting. His employees are trying to solve the problem with Excel spreadsheets, but they keep making errors or taking a very long time to get the job done.

Implication: Harry is irritable at work and can't accomplish his strategic goals because he's always fixing his employee's mistakes.

Wants: His employees to stop messing up.

Needs: A simple tool that will help his employees manage his international HR needs with as little fuss as possible. It needs to be complete without being overly complex.

Internal IdentityWho are we?

1. Identity Story: Write the future obituary for your product.

2. Mantra: What is your purpose beyond providing a product or service? State this in 12 words or less.

3. Vision: In concrete and measurable terms, what do you hope to accomplish in 10 years?

4. Our Wave: What trends will power your success?

5. Defining Statement: We are the only _____ that _____.

HR Software Internal Identity1. Identity Story: HRS was a close knit group of elite expatriate HR professionals who offered tools and services designed to help companies with a small expat workforce manage their employees more effectively through free tools, services to handle the details, and on-call support if anything goes wrong.

2. Mantra: To facilitate excellence in the management of small expatriate workforces.

3. Vision: Own more than 50% of the addressable market.

4. Our Wave: Increase in offshoring/multinational locations across all industries as the world's marketplace becomes increasingly globalized.

5. Defining Statement: We are the only expatriate HR services firm that specializes in serving companies with small expatriate workforces.

External Identity

How do we represent ourselves to our audience?

1. Solution: What do we offer that fulfills the persona's needs?

2. Differentiation: How will our offering be unique in the marketplace?

3. Value Delivery Path: What are the steps to turning a prospect into a lifelong customer?

4. Elevator Pitch: How would you explain this to someone in 15 seconds or less?

HR Software External Identity1. Solution: Niche software for companies who have small groups of employees scattered throughout the world.

2. Differentiation: We will focus only on companies with small to medium sized expatriate workforces.

3. Value Delivery Path: First, thrill them with free tools. Second, build a trusting relationship though valuable content. Third, drive interest through trailing. Fourth, maintain profitable relationships through excellent service.

4. Elevator Pitch: HRS delivers assurance for human resource professionals managing small expatriate workforces. Our experts offer free tools that make the job easier and ongoing assistance with complex issues.

Messaging Palette

How will we speak to our audience?Create FAB statements: Feature, Advantage, BenefitGoing back to Tyrone Biggums...

Solution: What are we offering to solve the user’s problem?Example: We are a County Drug Rehabilitation Center.Features: What specific things does our offering encompass?Example: Our drug rehabilitation center has beds, and nurses.Benefits: What are we offering to solve the user’s problem?Example: Our beds are very comfortable & our nurses are well trained.Advantages: What are we offering that is different from competitors?Example: It is FREE to get drug rehab here; it costs money over at Norton Hospital.

HR Software Messaging PaletteFeatures

● Balance Sheet by Country● Taxes Updated Automatically● Demographic Data Included

Advantages● Low cost:

o Solving big expat issues without the big invoiceo Expatriate HR doesn’t have to be expensive

● Personal:o Better than your bank: Personal service makes the differenceo Let our people help your people around the world

Benefits● Easy:

o We do the hard part so you don’t have too Never enough time in the day? We’re here to help.

● Friendly:o Your friend in serving expats worldwideo Let our people care for your people

Visual Palette

How will we stand out in a crowd?

Color: What color or colors should become the dominant and secondary shades of our brand?

Logo: Describe how the logo might look. Give examples.

Font: What font best captures the brand?

Feel: Give examples for what the visuals should feel like.

Differentiation: What will be the main visual cue that we are offering something unique?

HR Software Visual PaletteRecommended Visual IdentityColor: To take advantage of the overwhelming blue and white of 90% of the logos in the space, we suggest using a soft yellow as the primary color for the brand, with a secondary color in the blue/purple space so as to show that we still exist within the industry.

Logo: We imagine a simple, traditional logo that has nothing BIG in it, as we focus on small companies.

Font: A typeface that is clean, boxy, firm, but colored in a soft, accessible fashion.

Feel: Needs to feel smart, but relatable. It's a traditional sector that doesn't react well to flashy design, but we can be conservative with design without being boring.

Differentiation: We envision the color as being what is the striking differentiator.

Final Marketing Experience
