audience feedback

Audience Feedback Aaron Short

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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Audience feedback

Audience FeedbackAaron Short

Page 2: Audience feedback

The Purpose of Audience Feedback

I used audience feedback to help gain a better understanding of my own product through the eyes of others. This will allow me to develop my product further from the feedback I will receive back. Doing this will help me create a better product over all so I can appeal to my selected audience. Having a vast amount of view will prevent byist opions of my own helping to gain a better understanding of the final products. I will carry out audience feedback on my ancillary tasks and trailer

Page 3: Audience feedback

How I Obtained Results

I used ….

Wall Wisher

I used Wall Wisher because it will helped m gain feed back from a diverse group of people. I will be able to retrieve a lot of results because the mass audience this survey is accessible to. People are also able to write anonymously so there not scared about the feelings of others but it could also mean I could receive a lot of un true feedback just so they can create a reaction. All of the

Focus Groups

I used a focus group to try and obtained answer to questions I have outlined. I was able to obtain information in a extreme detail by putting people on the spot. This can be seen in the video above which I have outlined

Page 4: Audience feedback

My Results (Trailer) Improvements

A lot of the information we got back was that …

Faster Pace

The video needs to be made pacer because at the moment it is slow. This will help keep tension high, keeping to the conventions of the genre. It will keep the user on there toes. This is a great point that the review has said. This will hopefully improve the trailer as the whole because it helps in every aspect of the genre

Additional Shots needed

People have said there is a need for additional shots within the trailer to try and add more diversion throughout. This will help keep the user interested. As I have stated further down im going to include additional shots which will benefit the story and scariness' of the trailer it self

Scarier Clips

There has been large requests for scarier clips to enhance the tension throughout the trailer. Im going to implement this with additional props such as knives and scissors because they are seen to be conventional within the horror genre. This will add abit of verity to my scenes as well. I am also going to included quick flickering shots which will also help to pick up the speed and the intensity of the trailer.


People also talked about the lack of a story within the trailer, because the title screens and the clips them selves didn't’t capture it very well. We was given advice to add in some extra clips which would increase the length of the trailer and all so increase the detail in the narration of the trailer.

Positive Comments

- Darkness Captured

Page 5: Audience feedback

My Results (Ancillary) Improvements

Color detailing

The colors in the magazine don’t contrast very well, so I need to change the colors to help bring out certain elements of the magazine. So im going to include additional colors or modify some to bring out the important parts of the page. With such colors as red and yellow

Colors Don’t Blend

One person said that colors on the magazine didn't’t blend very well . So I'm going to change this so that certain elements of the page stands out such as the cover lines and the title. Im going to use a black yellow and red color scheme. The yellow will help bring out certain elements of the page. The black will be sued to blend with the photo and the red will help to blend with the yellow and bring out certain important parts of the page

Lighter Picture

I was advised to use a lighter picture on the front cover to help represent my brand identity. I do disagree with this because I feel that it helps to evaluate the movie/ trailer in one picture, by showing the mystery in the hooded character and that it’s a dark film about the mystery's of life.

Positive Comments

- Fonts

- Conventional

- Type Face