audience research


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Post on 25-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Audience Research

Chittikan Rujiart


Page 2: Audience Research


In this research, I used a primary research method such as questionnaires and interviews to find my target audience. Finding a target audience is very important to the film industries or any other enterprise because they have to find out which type and group of people will consume their products. This is main elements to assess whether the product will go successfully or not. On the other hand, this research can leads and provide a direction to some whom cannot decide the final decision.

For my questionnaire, 10 people were received an online questionnaire through their emails. I decided to use an online survey instead of the print out because I think that it will be quicker to send out and easier receives as well as saving papers that will be need to print out.

Page 3: Audience Research

On the first question, I firstly asked for a gender of my audience because I personally think that it would be useful for me to justify what gender will be my target audience. On the graph is presenting that female are likely to be my audience, since there are 60% of female and 40% of male. Meanwhile, there are not much of the different; thus, I think that create a short film that both of the gender can watch will be better rather than focus on a certain gender.

Following by the age group. 50% of people are age between 13-17, which I would consider as a teenager. 40% of people are age between 18-25, which I think it is quite a big range comparing to 26-35.

Leading to a conclusion, I will be targeting on teenager (13-17) because I wanted to create a short film that respond to my questionnaire. In my opinion, by focusing at the teenager will be better because they are more likely to have free time to watch a film more than adults. Furthermore, it will be easier for us to understand the habits of teenager, hence create a short film that can relate to them.

Page 4: Audience Research

The majority of people that I surveyed has watched short film, thus I think that it will be an advance for me and Zhen because people will understand the purpose of short film better.

People stated film they have recently watched. This is a great way to find some inspiration because these are the film that people watch, thus might be their favourite.

Page 5: Audience Research

In this question, I allowed the audience to pick the answer more than one because I understand that everyone have different taste, mood and also some movie are combined these genre together. The results is representing that Action is the genre that everyone tend to watch (70%). This indicate that this genre is the most common. However, sine the audience are mostly woman, thus giving a sense of contrast because it challenge the stereotype of woman whom tend to watch romantic film. Since the genre of action come first means that I will have to follow what the audience would like to watch, however, we are working a pair thus I think it will be difficult for us to express this genre because of the limited budget. Therefore I would go for the following genre which is romantic (50%)

Incredibly, my audience responds that they watch films up to 1-4 times a week. By exploring to how many film the audience watch will supporting my point view that teenagers tend to watch film more than adults. Therefore it is a right decision to aimed at teenager age between 13-17.