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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Auditions


Page 2: Auditions

InterpretationWhen the actors fist arrived, before asking them any questions, we asked them to interpret part of the script that had previously been sent to them via email, as shown below.

- Please act out and interpret the scenes you have been given.

Page 3: Auditions

InterpretationWe chose to make the actors interpret the text in their own way in order to see if, after reading the character profiles, they could get a feel for the characters we had created.

We also wanted to see how the characters could be portrayed in a different way to what we first envisioned and then decide if we preferred the other ways offered to us by the actors.

Our main actor Luke read out the voice over in the first scene in a different pace and with a different emotion than we had imagined when scripting as a team, however we preferred his slow, fed-up take on the dialogue and decided to change it.

All other scenes acted out by Luke were amazing and seemed very professional, so we were very eager to take him on as our lead actor.

Again, Shannen (our lead actress) interpreted dialogue differently to how we had initially intended. Rather than being angry and aggressive at ‘James’ during an argument, Shannen portrayed her character as defeated and hurt, which worked better.

Shannen was also very professional when acting out the other scenes, and we really liked the way she had taken to and interpreted the character.

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AccessibilityWe needed to know how often the actors would be free to film and if we would be able to get hold of them enough in order to finish our project on time.

- How often will you be free to film? - Luke: Although I have deadlines coming up, I will be happy to film whenever I have free time. I can send you all the dates I have free if that will be any help?

-Shannen: I’m free a lot of the time at the moment, my timetable is very empty this term.

- What days will be best for you?

-Luke: The weekends will probably be easiest for me, but I’ll look at my time table and see when I’m on campus and can fit filming around my lectures and library time.

- Shannen: Most days are fine for me, I only have lectures on one day a week!

- Are there any days of the week you can not do?

- Luke: There aren’t any days of the week were my day is completely full, it’ll be more like specific dates, which I’ll make you aware of.

- Shannen: Fridays, they are the days I have my lectures and am busy throughout the whole day.

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AccessabilityAs promised, Luke text us a list of the dates he would next be free:

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Transport, Distance, WarningWe needed to know if the actors could easily get on campus, so we were aware of any transport fees we should cover for them and how much warning they would need.

- How far away do you life from campus? Is it easy for you to get here?- Luke: I literally live 10 minutes away, so Its really easy to get on campus. I’ll probably be on campus most of the time anyway!- Shannen: I live 20 minutes away but buses run really regularly so its easy for me to get here, the only problem would be traffic.

- How will you be getting on campus? Will that cost anything you want us to cover?-Luke: I’ll be walking, so no it wont cost anything.-Shannen: I’ll be getting the bus but I have a bus pass, so no it wont cost.

-How much warning will you need from us for filming dates?-Luke: You can ask me whenever, but to have at least a days notice would be best and most likely to happen.-Shannen: When ever you know, I never have anything on so should be able to make most of the times you need me anyway, just text me!

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As we weren’t paying the actors, we needed to know if their was anything else they were expecting and also needed to ensure that they were aware we would not be paying them.

- We will give you a copy of the film an put you in the credits of the short film, is their anything else you expect from us or anything we can do?

-Luke: No, not at all, it will be really cool to have our own copy.

-Shannen: No, not that I can think of! It all sounds great, it’ll be good to be involved.