aug 1 bulletin

“. . . the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet unto the way of peace.” Luke 1:78-79 KJV August 1, 2010 Dayspring United Methodist Church

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Bulletin for worship services at Dayspring United Methodist Church, Tempe, Arizona.


Page 1: Aug 1 Bulletin

“. . . the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet unto the way of peace.”

Luke 1:78-79 KJV

August 1, 2010

DayspringUnited Methodist Church

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DayspringUnited Methodist Church

A Stephen Ministry Congregation

Our Mission Statement:To create disciples of Jesus Christ who touch and inspire people

through an open and diverse community

August 1, 2010 9:00 & 10:30 A.M.

*As a courtesy, please make certain your cell phone is off during worship. Thank you.


MUSIC FOR GATHERING Rev. L. Michael Kelley the Organ



*CALL TO CELEBRATIONPastor: Behold the face of God!People: God’s steadfast love is our refuge.Pastor: Behold the face of God!People: God’s righteousness guides our path.

Pastor: Behold the face of God!People: Bless God forever and ever.

*OPENING PRAYER (in unison)Almighty God, to you all hearts are open,

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all desires known,and from you no secrets are hidden.Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts

by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,that we may perfectly love youand worthily magnify your namethrough Christ our Lord.


*HYMN OF PRAISE Hymnal #368“My Hope Is Built”

A TIME FOR OUR CHILDREN(As the children age 2 through Fifth grade leave for Sunday School,

please join in singing Hymn #143)

“On Eagle’s Wings”And God will raise you up on eagle’s wings,

bear you on the breath of dawn,make you to shine like the sun

and hold you in the palm of God’s hand.


CONFESSION AND PARDON (in unison)Gracious God,

provider of all we need,we are often contentto rely on our own devices,our creativity, our cleverness.

We congratulate ourselves for our accomplishments,and we find that these achievements and acquisitionsdo not fill the deep hunger inside of us.

We long for the Spirit bread you alone can provide.Forgive us merciful God

help us receive the blessings you offer,that we may be your bread for the world–blessed and broken for all.

Pastor: Hear the good news. God’s mercy is plentiful, and God’s grace is abundant. Receive the bread of forgiveness and steadfast love.

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THE EPISTLE READING Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-10


OFFERTORY P. Bliss / Arr. Beck/Courtney“It Is Well With My Soul”Michelle Kelley, Soprano

*DOXOLOGY Hymnal #94Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise God, all creatures here below; Alleluia! Alleluia!Praise God the source of all our gifts!

Praise Jesus Christ whose power uplifts!Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit!Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


*THE HYMN OF PREPARATION Hymnal #133“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”


MEDITATION Rev. Jane Tews“Worry as Practical Atheism”

SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION Hymnal p. 13The Great ThanksgivingThe Prayer of ConsecrationThe Sharing of the Elements

(The offering left at the communion rail will be usedfor those in need in our community)

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*HYMN OF DEDICATION Hymnal #534“Be Still, My Soul”


*THE BENEDICTION RESPONSE Murakami / Hanson“May You Run and Not Be Weary”May you run and not be weary.

May your heart be filled with song.And may the love of God continue

to give you hope and keep you strong.And may you run and not be weary.

May your life be filled with joy!And may the road you travel

always lead you home.

*PASSING OF THE PEACEPastor: Let us greet one another as sisters and brothers in the

ministry of Jesus Christ. May the grace of our Lord and Savior be with you.

People: And also with you!

(Please turn and greet one another as disciples of Jesus Christ!)

*POSTLUDE Gordon Young “Plein Jeu a la Couperin” from Barouque Suite 1919-1998

*FELLOWSHIPPlease Join us for Refreshments in Fellowship Hall

*Those in the Congregation who are able shall stand

Assisting in the Service this Morning:Rev. George Smoot

The Pianist this Morning:Mary Sievert

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Assisting with Communion this Morning:

9:00Carol Coleman

Rev. Michael KelleyGino Mateoni

Jeremy PompaRev. George Smoot

Rev. Jane TewsJeff Winkler

Jenny Winkler

10:30Hildie BrooksKen Brooks

Carol ColemanCheryl Edmonds

Gloria KelleyRev. Michael KelleyRev. George Smoot

Rev. Jane Tews

“Every thought is a seed.If you plant crab apples,don’t count on harvesting

Golden Delicious!”Bill Meyer

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To You, our first time Guest: We’re delighted you’re here! Please stand when the pastor asks for first time guests, so we can recognize you. We also invite you to stop by the Welcome Table near the church

entrance and pick up a packet with information about our church. Welcome to Dayspring!

Acolytes This Morning:9:00 - Katy Krupinski

10:30 - Robert Grahmann

THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR THIS MORNING are given by Dan & Cheri Pritchard, in celebration of their 3rd wedding anniversary; and given by Jim Ellis in celebration and honor of his wife, Helen Ellis’ birthday on July 31.

THE ROSE ON THE ALTAR THIS MORNING celebrates the birth of Rhiannon Marie Balzell, born June 23rd and daughter of Bryan & Amanda Osman-Balzell.

THE FOOD BASKET ON THE ALTAR THIS MORNING is given by Mark & Roxann Kaiser, in celebration of their 37th wedding anniversary.

LARGE PRINT BULLETINS AND HYMNALS are available each week. Please ask an usher if you prefer large print. Also, please return large print hymnals to the narthex following worship.

HEARING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE - This sanctuary is equipped with a hearing system. Please ask an usher for a receiver.

CHILDREN'S WORSHIP GUIDES are available in the narthex. Ask an usher if you need assistance. PLEASE RETURN THE FOLDERS TO THE “USED” BOX FOLLOWING THE SERVICE.

PRAYER REQUEST CARDS are located in the pew box. If you have a need or celebration, fill out the card and place it in the offering plate.

IF YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW is a victim of domestic violence, please know there is information and support available through Dayspring. There are packets of information in the narthex, or for assistance, please call Rev. Jane Tews at (480) 838-1446.

Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide you with the confidential one-to-one Christian care you need to make it through a crisis or help through a difficult time. Call Sally Butler, (602) 524-2109, if you need someone to care.

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As Members of The United Methodist Church, we have pledged to support our Church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness


Merle Childers and Family, at the death of his sister, Nina Wilmot, on July 18 in Indiana

Pat Robinson and Family, at the death of her husband, Bill on July 24Ray Benoit, recovering at Banner Good Samaritan following a stroke on

July 25Philana Riherd, as she begins treatment for cancerGeorge Butler, healing following surgery for a broken hip on July 29Dorothy Smith, mother of Cheryl Anderson, who was recently

diagnosed with breast cancerLisa Brack, healing following surgery for breast cancerJeff Lamar, fiancé of Brandi Maples, undergoing heart surgery on Aug. 5Doris Smith, prayers for health issuesGlenn, son of June Peele, prayers for his legal problemsBen Pompa, as he undergoes testingNydia Martinez, daughter of Lisa Martinez, to find inner peace and trust

in GodAudrey Huning, healing following hospitalizationJulie O’Neal, healing following hospitalization

Ongoing Health Concerns:

Dave Avanzino, Warren Gallagher, George Butler, Polly Smith, Chris Hauser, Marc Homan, Teresa Webb, Marge Sydell, Kristen Stegeman, Maggie Siegel, Susan Chesnut, Janie Anderson, Pam Narcy and Joan Venturini

All military personnel and their families, especially those who are actively serving our country during this time of war.

*REMEMBER all those, known and unknown to us, who are in special need of prayer.

PRESENCEAttendance for July 25, 2010


GIFTSOffering received July 25, 2010

$11, 683


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BE A PART OF THIS MINISTRYWe invite you to explore the Dayspring family by attending our NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION class on Sunday, August 15th, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with a light lunch served. The NEW MEMBER SUNDAY will be held on August 22nd. Child Care is provided. To register for the class, contact Carol Coleman at [email protected] or (480) 838-1446.

Reminder - We are missing a few of the hearing assist devices from the narthex. If you may have inadvertently taken one of these devices home, we ask that you please return it so that we can be sure to keep batteries and maintenance up on each of them. Thank you!

Koinonikos - The August issue of the Dayspring newsletter is now available for pick-up in the narthex for those who have chosen that option.

Olan Mills Pictorial Directory - If you attend Dayspring, we want your picture! A sign-up table will be in Fellowship Hall this morning, 8/1 for portraits to be taken 8/12 - 8/14 and 8/30 - 9/1. Olan Mills is offering discounts on certain portrait packages during this time. We will also be taking pictures 10/18 - 10/23 and will schedule those appointments at a later time. Contact Carol Coleman in the church office or sign-up online at using the church phone number, 480-838-1446 to log in.

Dayspring Youth Ministry (DYM):**10:15 - 11:30 - Sr. High Formation, Room 111**10:15 - 11:30 - Jr. High Formation, Room 110

Singles at Dayspring -Singles, Etc. Lunches - Each Sunday after the second service, those who want to go out for lunch as a group meet at the restaurant listed below. If you attend first service, please join us! We gather around noon under the name “Dayspring”. Aug. 1 - Golden Gate - NE corner of Baseline and Price (101 Freeway)

Family Promise - Dayspring will be hosting Family Promise, an overnight program for homeless families, from Aug. 8 thru Aug. 15. Sign-ups will be available after both church services on July 25, Aug. 1 and Aug. 8. Help is needed with set-up, food items, cooking, spending the night, and clean up. Please feel free to contact Maria Hase at [email protected] or (480) 636-0963 with questions. Thank you!

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Volunteers Needed to help with UMOM homeless shelter dinners on the following Sundays: Aug. 15, Sept. 12 and 19, Oct. 10, 17 and 24 and Nov. 14 and 21. You would need to be at the center at 3:30 p.m. to help cook and would be done by shortly after 6:00 p.m. Please contact Carolyn Reid at [email protected] or (602) 882-5292 if you have any questions or would like to volunteer. Thanks so much for your help!

Koinonikos Schedule - The next deadline date for the newsletter is August 15 and will include events in the month of September.

Dad and Me Camp - Mingus Mountain United Methodist Camp will host their 2nd annual Dad and Me Camp Oct. 15-17, 2010. The camp is for Dads and elementary school children and will include great activities, a little Bible learning, fun songs and great food. Registrations are available in the church office or you may visit the website: [email protected]

Don’t put a question markwhere God put a period!

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SUNDAY, AUGUST 19:00 AM - Worship

- 2 year-olds Sunday School, Room 116- Summer Sunday School, Media Center

10:15 AM - Jr. High Formation, Room 110- Sr. High Formation, Room 111

10:30 AM - Worship- 2 year-olds Sunday School, Room 116- Summer Sunday School, Media Center

11:45 AM - College Age Group, Meet in the Sanctuary

4:00 PM - Alcoholics Anonymous, Adult Room- Alateen, Room 201

5:10 PM - Al-Anon, Adult Room- Alateen, Room 201

MONDAY, AUGUST 27:00 PM - BSA Troop 172, Fellowship Hall

- BSA Troop 172 Committee, Adult Room

TUESDAY, AUGUST 38:45 AM - Yoga Class, Media Center4:00 PM - “Teatime” Yoga, Room 1126:00 PM - Yoga Class, Media Center


THURSDAY, AUGUST 59:30 AM - UMW Card Circle, Room 1126:00 PM - Yoga Class, Media Center6:30 PM - M.I.S.S., Room 110

FRIDAY, AUGUST 67:00 PM - PFLAG, Adult Room, Room 112


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SUNDAY, AUGUST 8 - Stepping Up Sunday9:00 AM - Worship

- 2 year-olds Sunday School, Room 116- 3 and 4 year-olds Sunday School, Room 115- K & 1st Grade Sunday School, Room 203- 2nd & 3rd Grade Sunday School, Room 202- 4th & 5th Grade Sunday School, Room 201

10:00 AM - Sprouts Informational Meeting, Room 201

10:15 AM - Jr. High Formation, Room 110- Sr. High Formation, Room 111

10:30 AM - Worship- 2 year-olds Sunday School, Room 116- 3 and 4 year-olds Sunday School, Room 115- K & 1st Grade Sunday School, Room 203- 2nd & 3rd Grade Sunday School, Room 202- 4th & 5th Grade Sunday School, Room 201- 6th Grade Sunday School, Media Center

11:45 AM - DYM Adult Meeting, Adult Room- DYM Step-Up Sunday, Fellowship Hall

12:00 PM - Young Adults, Room 112

4:00 PM - Administrative Support Team, Office Workroom

- Discipleship Team, Room 112- Church & Community Team, Choir Room- Alcoholics Anonymous, Fellowship Hall- Alateen, Room 201

5:00 PM - Covenant Council, Sanctuary

5:10 PM - Al-Anon, Adult Room- Alateen, Room 201

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The ministers of this church are its members.

Those who assist them are:

Bishop Minerva CarcañoRev. Robert Burns, District Superintendent

Rev. Dr. Jane A. Tews, Senior PastorRev. George Smoot, Associate Pastor

Rev. L. Michael Kelley, Minister of MusicCarol Coleman, Minister of Spiritual Formation

Jill Moyer, Church SecretaryMachel Considine, Program Secretary

Susie Seckel, Financial SecretaryMary Sievert, Music Associate

Julie Hackmann, Director of Bell ChoirsPenny Carpenter, Director of Children’s Music

Jackie Miller, Director of Cherub ChoirKris Kroeger, Youth Ministries Coordinator

Kay Luzaich, Children’s CoordinatorDenise Uhrick, Nursery Coordinator

Linda Falk, Preschool DirectorRon Venturini, Facilities Maintenance

Frankie Vasquez, CustodianJeanie Carr, Bookkeeper*

*Independent Contractor

Dayspring United Methodist Church is a welcoming congregation. We welcome all people, regardless of age, sex, race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, economic status, or ability into the full life of this congregation.

Dayspring United Methodist Church1365 East Elliot Road • Tempe, Arizona 85284-1608

(480) [email protected]