august 2008 trinity topics newsletter, trinity toledo episcopal church

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  • 8/8/2019 August 2008 Trinity Topics Newsletter, Trinity Toledo Episcopal Church


    TrinityTopicsThe Newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church in Toledo, Ohio






    Whether youre in Honduras, Boston or Canterbury,

    its all about relationships.

    Clockwise, from

    top, SusanLowrey, WayneAnthony andElizabeth Lowerywith children fromEmanuel

    Childrens Home

    in San Pedro Sula,Honduras.

  • 8/8/2019 August 2008 Trinity Topics Newsletter, Trinity Toledo Episcopal Church








    SUNDAY, AUG 3 !PROPER 13AGen 32:22-31; Ps 17: 1-7, 16; Rom 9:1-5; Matt 14:13-21

    9:00a Morning Prayer

    10:45a Liturgy of the Word

    SUNDAY, AUG 10 !PROPER 14AGen 37:1-4, 12-28; Ps 105, 1-6, 16-22, 45b; Rom 10:5-15;Matt 14:22-33

    9:00a Traditional Eucharist

    10:45a Festive Eucharist

    SUNDAY, AUG 17 !PROPER 15AGen 45:1-15; Ps 133; Rom 11:1-2a, 29-32; Matt 15: 21-28

    9:00a Traditional Eucharist

    10:45a Festive Eucharist

    SUNDAY, AUG 24 !PROPER 16AEx 1:8-2:10; Ps 124; Rom 12:1-8; Matt 16:13-20

    9:00a Morning Prayer

    10:45a Liturgy of the Word

    SUNDAY, AUG 31 !PROPER 17AEx 3:1-15; Ps 105:1-6, 23-26, 45c; Rom 12:9-2; Matt 16:21-28

    9:00a Traditional Eucharist

    10:45a Festive Eucharist

    SUNDAY, SEP 7 !PROPER 18AEx 12:1-14; Ps 149; Rom 13:8-14; Matt 18:15-20

    9:00a Traditional Eucharist

    10:45a Festive Eucharist

    SUNDAY, SEP 14!


    Ex 14:19-31; Ps 114; Rom 14:1-12; Matt 18:21-359:00a Traditional Eucharist

    10:45a Festive Eucharist

    Bishop Hollingsworth on Lambeth and a covenant

    The following is an excerpt of the statement that Bishop Hollingsworth submitted to the Covenant Design Group andthe Windsor Continuation Group at Lambeth. If you dont know or care what any of those terms mean, thats fine. Amidstthe hype and the talk of schism, Bp. Hollingsworth reminds us that we can remain together in our differences. Notsurprisingly, personal relationships are the key. Read the entire statement at Its the July 30 entry.

    ...[W]e are each members of the Diocese of Ohio and The Episcopal Church at Gods invitation. It is aninvitation that may have been delivered by a friend, a family member, a neighbor, or a co-worker, but it waswithout question Gods invitation. Each of us, regardless of her perspective or conviction on any of the issues thatchallenge us, is there as legitimately as the next. And we are subsequently becoming aware that, given what an odd

    lot we are, it is not agreement that God is offering us. If our agreeing with one another were thedivine intention, God would doubtless have started with a more likely group. Ratherit is a unity in diversity that God has called us together to explore, a unity more challenging than any we have yetachieved, one we are coming to imagine may resemble the very heart of God.

    So why is God offering us this deep and difficult unity? We live in a world that is spinning into ever-increasingpolarization, desperate to learn how to live with great differences. If, as the Churches of the Anglican Communion,we cannot learn how to live with the differences God has called together in the body of Christ, then we have nowitness to make, nothing to offer the world that yearns for direction and help.

    We in the Anglican Communion may indeed have irreconcilable differences. But irreconcilable differences arenothing to be afraid of; irreconcilable is generally what differences are. God calls people to be reconciled, nottheir differences. God calls us to be reconciled precisely in spite of and because of our differences.Let us have a covenant, but let it be a covenant, like those in Holy Scripture, that will show the world not howpeople separate themselves from one another, but how people with great differences come together incommunion with God and each other. Let it be a covenant that will show the world how a diverse people can finda holy unity, and by that unity with God and one another grow into godliness, into the full stature of Christ, inwhom all are reconciled and redeemed. This is an opportunity and a responsibility we dare not drop.

    Read more about the Lambeth Conference on p. 7.

  • 8/8/2019 August 2008 Trinity Topics Newsletter, Trinity Toledo Episcopal Church






    Praying farewell with open hand s

    I will not be here on Aug ust 24, Maries last Sun day before she

    head s off to seminary. Let me take some time here to say wha t a

    blessing it ha s beenand still will be--to work with her! She ha s

    been incredibly helpful to me in my first nine month s here, and

    has taught me mu ch about advertising, computers, and how w ecommun icate who w e are to the comm unity. Her hum or is edgy

    and infectious. Weve trad ed times d ialing each other b ack, and

    shes helped m e find som e creativity I did not know I had . I will

    miss her.

    This commun ity has pu lled together aroun d Marie and Kathy in

    helping to d iscern their pa th. Marie will be forming ties with other

    commun ities, and her primary faith commu nity will become the

    seminary and not u s. Kathy w ill still be here with u s as a vital

    loving m ember of Trinity, and will need ou r love, hu mor and

    supp ort more than ever.

    Dur ing the pa st month s, its been hard for me to NOT say, "Now , when I was in seminary...."

    Marie is going to a d ifferent seminary than I did, and is going at a d ifferent time in life. She w illhave d ifferent challenges. But she w ill need some of the same sup port from u s that any sem inarian

    will need. The job of this commu nity does not end with Marie getting u p in the m oving truck and

    heading east. Now, m ore than ever, she will need u s. We will continue to sup port h er with

    prayers, with some of her expenses, and w ith our commitment as her sp onsoring parish in the


    That commitm ent to prayer is no small task. A big par t of seminary is having your faith

    broken dow n and reformed. Much of what one goes into seminary thinking is sure and

    unchangeable is quickly challenged and deconstructed--and that is wh at needs to happ en. But

    through this, she will need our p rayers.

    Marie will still be helping w ith Topics and some other pu blications and ad s, albeit from a

    distance, but her p osition will change am ong u s. In ou r new relationship with h er, we w ill have to

    practice some holy restraint. It will not be fair to her to seek her responses to everything that

    occur s at Trinity, or to pu t her in the position of a regular staff mem ber wh o can help get

    information w here it needs to go or help resolve a situa tion. Let us remem ber that her first role

    now is student, not staff member.

    Barbara rem inded me abou t one of her first conversat ions with Marie. Marie explained that

    she prayed with open hand s as a way to include all, to be receptive to God, and to let go and let

    God d o Gods work. When w e pray for Marie, let us d o it with open hand s. We include her still in

    the Commu nity of Trinity, we let her fly to w herever God w ill take her, and w e trust that God will

    do God s creative and surp rising w ork in her life.



    The job of this community does not end with Marie

    getting up in the moving truck and heading east.

  • 8/8/2019 August 2008 Trinity Topics Newsletter, Trinity Toledo Episcopal Church






    Renaissance Welcome

    Home bagsIt is good to see ou r neighbors back at

    Renaissance Senior Apartm ents after such a

    long absence and they really appreciate our

    Trinity welcome hom e bags. We received a

    nice thank you card from resident Jane

    Matthew s saying: I want all of you to kn ow

    how mu ch your gift of the bags you sent

    meant to all of us here and wh at a big help it

    mean t at a time of need! This is an ongoing

    ministry for Jeff Albright as w e hop e to

    welcome all new residents with one of our

    welcome bags.

    Feed Your Neighbor We are emphasizing food

    collections for our Salem

    Lutheran Feed Your

    Neighbor partners over

    the summ er when many

    childr en are missing

    meals provided during

    term time. Welcome foods include cann ed

    unsw eetened juice, pow dered milk, canned

    fruit or vegetables, hot and cold cereals,

    peanu t butter, protein foods (canned meat,

    tun a), pasta, soup and crackers. They cannot

    accept hom e cann ed foods, baby foods, or

    perishable items.

    Augu st Outreach m eetingThe Augu st Outreach team m eeting w ill be

    held on Tu esday, Au gust 5 from 5:30 to 7 pm

    at 2121 Bosha rt Way, Toledo, OH 43606.

    Everyone is welcome. Come and see where

    you can be involved.

    Stewart Academy backpacksWe are hoping to donate man y backpacks

    filled w ith school sup plies to returning

    students at Stewart Academy in September.

    Items to be included are: 1 one-subject w ide

    ruled notebook, 3 two-pocket cardboard

    folder s, 1 pack of ten #2 p encils, 1 pencil box, 1

    ru ler, 1 scotch tape and disp enser, 1 packmedium point blue or black ball point pens, 1

    24-pack of Crayola crayons, 1 package of three

    non-toxic glue sticks, 1 pack p aper clips, 1

    eraser, 1 pencil sharp ener, 1 package of 3 pairs

    white ankle socks (girls ages 5-8), 1 box

    Kleenex tissues, 1 pack colored markers, and 1

    pair of roun d-tipp ed scissors. Please bring

    filled backp acks in on Sund ay, Augu st 24.

    Thank you!

    Other new s from StewartAcademyWork has begun on the new p layground

    connecting the school with the community

    gard en area across Elizabeth Street. The

    ded ication of the Ella P. Stewar t museum at the

    school will take place dur ing the w eek of

    Septem ber 22.

    Valerie Garforth, Ou treach Chair

    Race for the CureRace for the Cu re is September 28

    this year. Its not too early to

    consider how youd like to

    par ticipate. Last year, many Trinity

    parishioners made a difference by

    working at the stadium to help

    distribute w ater and food to

    walkers and runners. Still others

    walked and ran. As has been our tradition,

    Trinity will host a run ners mass on that d ay,

    but in a n ew location, closer to the start of therace. Watch for up da tes in Topics and eTopics.

  • 8/8/2019 August 2008 Trinity Topics Newsletter, Trinity Toledo Episcopal Church






    End ings are beginningsOn Sund ay, August 24, the

    Trinity family w ill wish a fond

    farewell to Marie Harkey as she

    leaves Toledo for Boston to

    comp lete her tw o remaining

    years of seminary at Episcopal

    Divinity Schoo l. We will miss

    Marie, but are excited for her to

    respond to God s call and begin

    this new adventu re. Please be present that day as

    we bless and celebrate her journey, and send h er

    off in true Trinity style. And please keep her and

    Kathy in your p rayers.

    Diocesan leaders soughtIn 2008 the Diocese is un der taking a br oad

    search for parish leaders who are read y to use

    their gifts as diocesan leaders.

    This year at Diocesan Conven tion, we w ill elect

    new mem bers of the Diocesan Trustees, Standing

    Comm ittee, Diocesan Cou ncil and Episcopa l

    Comm un ity Services, as well as Provisional

    Depu ties for General Convention. Please consider

    prayerfully the peop le in you r parish commu nity

    wh o are ready to give, grow and serve through

    Diocesan leadership. Any member in good

    stand ing of a par ish in the Diocese, can nom inate

    candidates to stand for election. Nomination

    forms are available on the Diocese of Ohio

    website: The deadline for

    nom inations is Septem ber 15.

    Traffic noteOn Sunday, Septem ber 14, the entrance to St. Clair

    Street w ill be blocked from Ad ams Street . You

    can access St. Clair Street and the parking garage

    from Jackson Street.

    A difficult par ting

    So let me say before we partSo much of meIs made of what I learned from youYou'll be with meLike a handprint on my heart

    And now whatever way our stories endI know you have re-written mine

    By being my friend--lyrics from For Good from the musicalWicked

    As I go to seminar y, I will

    take this commu nity with


    I will take the sense of

    tradition and history that

    informs the creative and

    loving commu nity that we

    are today.

    I will take you r love, your

    incredible, open , generous love. I will take you rsense of hu mor and your w illingness not to take

    your selves too seriously.

    I will take your sup pleness and you r desire to

    re-invent, time and again, what it means to be

    Christian in th is time, in th is place.

    I will take the image of us w ashing each

    others feet on Maund y Thursday an d the soun d

    of our singing Bind Us Together, Lord arou nd

    the font.

    I am certain that I w ould n ot be on this

    journey w ithout your sup port. You gave m e the

    courage to answer the qu estion, What wou ld

    you d o if you w erent afraid? It is a

    heartbreaking irony th at the result of my finding

    the answer at Trinity is that I now mu st leave.

    You h ave all left your h and prints on m y heart

    and word s cannot express my gratitude for all

    that you are to me.


    Congratulations to Megan Simmons, whopassed her nursing boards!

    John Woellnerhad a triple bypass and aorticvalve replacement on July 11. He is home andrecuperating well.

  • 8/8/2019 August 2008 Trinity Topics Newsletter, Trinity Toledo Episcopal Church



    My name is Elizabeth Lowrey and my

    connection to Trinity is throu gh m y

    Mom and Dad, Susan and Mike

    Lowrey. Id like to tell you a bit abou t how I got

    involved in th e life of Emanu el Childr ens Homeand how important the w ork is that youve taken

    on there.

    In the w inter of 2007 I traveled to Iowa to

    attend a job fair for


    teaching. I

    interviewed with

    various schools

    around the w orld

    (Egypt, Mexico,

    China, Myanmar,

    etc) and finallysettled on

    Honduras. I left

    last July to start

    my first year.

    While I was there I

    began to feel

    un fulfilled in m y

    wor k. I believe

    teaching is a great

    profession no

    matter where you are or who you are teaching,

    but something w as missing. I got an email one dayfrom a fellow foreign hire teacher asking for

    others to join her in a visit to an orp han age. I

    emailed back right

    away and met up

    with abou t five

    other teachers to

    go over after


    Typically the

    teachers w ent to

    play soccer with

    the kids or justwork on th eir

    Spanish. Im not

    mu ch of a soccer

    player, so I hu ng

    around w ith the

    kids w ho were

    playing on the

    rusty playground equipment. They taught me

    how to count and to watch where I stepped

    because of the ants below the sw ings. I learned

    quickly how to say be careful in Span ish,

    because the dar edevils kept show ing off. It was a

    fun d ay and exactly what I needed . I became

    attached to the kid s and I kept going back.

    I soon became friends w ith a volunteer fromPennsylvania who has worked at the orphan age

    for almost two years. Leah became my contact and

    friend over the next few mon ths. Some other

    teachers and I decided to do some art an d craft

    projects instead of soccer and the kid s loved it. We

    mad e beads, Gods eyes, and pet rocks. Many

    times the kids figured out multiple uses for the

    materials, which always proved interesting. (They

    mad e Gods eye kites and boom erangs). I knew

    my connections were growing d eeper and I

    wan ted to try to d o something to help this place

    and these kids.When my Mom, Lidd y, Chuck, and Wayn e

    came for a visit I was hop ing they w ould feel the

    connection to the home that I did . They took a

    tour, met the d irector and my friend Leah, and

    most imp ortantly som e of the kids. After they left

    my life took a hectic tur n at school, so I didn t hear

    mu ch about what Trinity had d ecided to do. I

    heard m y Mom talk about building the nu rsery,

    but I though t she was talking about one at Trinity.

    Then I came to chur ch a few w eeks ago. When I

    walked in and saw the p oster with all the faces of

    the kids I knew , I was shocked. I am so excited,proud , and moved by the generosity I feel from

    the folks at Trinity. Its ama zing to m e that p eople

    in Toledo, Ohio are w illing to wor k to make

    money for children they hav e never met and

    probably never will.

    I hope that everyone who is helping with the

    project u nderstand s wh at this means. There are

    families being ripp ed apar t because of the lack of a

    nursery at the orp hanage. There are brothers and

    sisters w ho d ont see each other for years. The

    hom e tries very har d to keep fam ilies together.

    They keep track of the kids wh o are separated andbring them in as soon as possible. With the

    nu rsery in p lace the families can come in a s a

    wh ole and stay that way.

    I cant imag ine life with out m y brother an d w e

    are mak ing it possible for kids far away to never

    have to live that w ay. Thank you so m uch for all

    your kind w ords, thoughtful prayers, and loving

    donations (time and money). I know there are kids

    in Hond uras that will never know w ho to thank,

    but w ill have a m uch better life because of you all.






    How d o you get to Hond uras from Toledo?Ed. note: Ever wonder how Trinity got connected to an orphanage in Honduras? No surprise, its about relationships.Elizabeth Lowrey explains.

    Barbara Clarke and Karen Wabekework at the garage sale to raisemoney for the nursery.

    Kids at Emanuel.

  • 8/8/2019 August 2008 Trinity Topics Newsletter, Trinity Toledo Episcopal Church


    Reflections on Lambeth

    Its kind of hard to miss that something big just hap pened in the

    Anglican Communion. As the bishops of most of the provinces in the

    commun ion met together in Canterbury, England, reports from the

    med ia make w ild conjectures abou t our fut ure. Its difficult to pred ict

    wha t sort of statement on the issues that d ivide u s (most notably the place

    of gays and lesbians in the Church) will eventu ally come ou t, but at leastweve got them all talking.

    If you w ant news abou t the conference, there are plenty of sources.

    Thinking Anglicans ( brings together various

    new s articles, as does epiScope (episcopalchurch.typepad .com/ episcope).

    Jim N aughton , the comm un ications officer for the Episcopal Diocese of

    Washington , offers insightful a rticles at The Episcopal Caf

    ( Our own Bishop H ollingsw orth offers wise and

    auth entic reflections on h is time at Lambeth at Bishops Blog


    Something that ha s caught m y attention is a conver sation going on at the blog of Fr. Terry Martin,

    Program Officer for Evangelism at the Episcopal Chu rch Center. You can find h im at

    fathertlistenstothewor ld. Once again, its all about the r elationships.

    At the end of a recent post, he poses the following qu estion.

    Set aside the "in house" debates for a moment. Your neighbor, who you know from past conversations is a

    "reverent agnostic," reads in the paper about what is going on in the Anglican Communion. From those previous

    conversations, this neighbor also knows that you are an Anglican. He or she asks you, "What' s this all about?" This

    is your opportunity. W hat will you do with it? W hat will you say?

    Its a good question to pond er as w e consider ou r p lace in the Anglican Com mu nion. Why bother

    hav ing the conversation? Why try to change th ings? Why all the fuss? Here are two of the responses from

    Terrys blog.

    What we're trying t o do is to be a home for all those who are moved by the story of Jesus and all those who have

    come to believe that Jesus has shown them something about God that matters deeply. - Fr. Scott Hankins, priest in

    CT, who blogs at' s the birth pangs of a Church trying to bring forth a deeper, more genuine relationship to Christ. - anonymous


    We can choose to focus on the conflict or we can set ou r hearts on t he new thing coming into existence.

    As I head off to seminary, Im keep ing my eyes squarely on the new .







    Wondering what the heck this Lambeth gathering is, anyway? Its not an easy thing to explain, but this is the bestsummary Ive seen. It comes from The Episcopal Church website (

    The Lambeth Conference is a meeting of the bishops of the Anglican Communion held once every 10 years atthe invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Though it is one of the Communion's four "Instruments ofCommunion," it has no binding authority over any province of the Communion.

    The first Lambeth Conference met in 1867. The meeting, neither a synod nor general council, was a purelyinformal gathering of bishops meeting at the invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The informal gatheringcontinues to have no power to make binding decisions. The Conference has met at 10-year intervals, exceptduring times of war. Its deliberations command considerable moral authority. From time to time it has madesignificant pronouncements.

  • 8/8/2019 August 2008 Trinity Topics Newsletter, Trinity Toledo Episcopal Church



    Trinity Episcopal ChurchOne Trinity Plaza " Toledo, Ohio 43604-1585

    Phone: 419-243-1231

    Fax: 419-243-0920Email: [email protected]

    Serving Downtown Toledo since 1842.

    #Check here and return this pageif you no longer wish to be on Trinitys mailing list.


    PAIDToledo, Ohio

    Permit Number 529

    Were on the

    SUNDAYS 9 & 10:45 am, Holy Eucharist

    10 am Adult Formation

    Holy Days as announced

    For the Parish community:

    Remember those for whom our prayers have been requested: Sandy Sheperd, JohnWoellner, Joe Kaszubowski, Ruth Archer, Kate Whitmore, the children and staff ofEmanuel Childrens Home, Trinity, Vero Beach during their transition, those on death row,all victims of war and violence; Marie Harkey and David S. Nelson in their continuingvocational discernment.

    For those who have died: In the parish: Grace Parrish (Sherre Smith), Mary Dibling(Scott Dibling & Jeff Albright). In the world: Randy Pausch (educator/geek).

    servicesParish StaffElizabeth Hoster, RectorWayne F. Anthony, Associate for Music and the ArtsSusan Lowrey,Associate for Spiritual Development

    Marie Harkey,Associate for Digital MinistriesVirginia Shafer, Executive Secretary

    Jane A. Bueche, Parish AccountantBridget Blanchard, Organist

    Parish VestryBecky Roth, senior warden; Jeff Albright, juniorwarden; Charles Kiskaddon, treasurer; Jason Rahe,clerkLucia Cooper, Bud Gartz, Jane Gomersall-Zohn,

    Jennifer Siebold, Sherre Owens Smith, KarenWabeke, Jim Zechman.

    Parish OfficesMon thru Fri, 8:30 am 4:30 pmPhone 419.243.1231 Fax 419.243.0920Email: [email protected]

    Episcopal Diocese of Ohio

    2230 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2499800.551.4815 216.771.4815The Rt. Rev. Mark Hollingsworth, Jr., Bishop Ordinary

    Next-to-New Thrift Shop

    Mon & Thurs, 9:30 am 3 pm;Jeanne Mitchell,Manager

    Building Services

    Johnsons Cleaning Services, Housekeeping


    vision & missionTrinity is called to be a progressive, inclusive and creative urban community.

    ! We will practice radical hospitality.

    ! We will be engaged in the life of our city.

    ! We will stand with those in need: the poor, the sick, the friendless, the marginalized.

    ! We will actively invite all to experience and celebrate Gods living presence.

    ! We will journey together toward a Christ-centered life, pursuing personal ministries

    that connect us to God, to one another, and to the world around us.