august 2013 news you can use newsletter

NEWS YOU CAN USE August2013 Think There’s No Such Thing As A Relaxing Visit to the Dentist? Got pain? Have no fear, sedation is here. Did you know 75% of all Americans experience feelings of anxiety and dread about going to the dentist? Did you also know that as many as 30 million Americans are deathly afraid of the dentist? I realize that as an intelligent, knowledgeable person, you already understand the importance of healthy teeth and gums—how they enhance your good looks, give you a more youthful appearance, keep you pain-free and promote overall good health. I also know that doesn’t amount to a hill of beans when queasiness and even terror seize your body at the thought of visiting the dentist. Fortunately, those days are long gone. Despite what your dentists may have told you in the past, there is a pleasant, safe, easy way for you to stop suffering from the horrible hidden costs of improper dental care like: • Romances snuffed out because of chipped, jumbled, broken or missing teeth that create an unpleasant smile to look at • Tender, sensitive, uncomfortable teeth • Lost ability to enjoy your favorite foods • Dreading every social outing or event because people may notice and be “turned off ” by your smile • Worsened nutrition and health • Outright pain every time you bite down • Your grandchildren commenting on or even making fun of your teeth • Lessened self-confidence • Losing the promotion that should have been yours, and • Ever-increasing unsightly gaps among your teeth that worsen as you grow older No longer do you need to be embarrassed by your teeth. No longer do you need to hide your grin, use those phony smile tricks or live in pain. Finally, you can reclaim your health and your good looks with the miracle of sedation dentistry. To learn more about sedation dentistry and how you can get the teeth you want and deserve, call 804-320-6800 today. Quick Work Stress Buster For its recent How-to issue, Business Week asked 50 experts in various fields to write an article. is one is written by Lodro Rinzler, author of the best-selling book, e Buddha Walks into a Bar. One meditation technique you can use at your desk: Set a timer on your phone to sound on the hour. When you hear it, look away from your computer and across the room or out a window. Place your attention on your breath. Breathe in and out, experiencing each breath for what feels like 30 seconds to a minute. You are finished. Reset your timer and return to work. e method can also help relieve eye strain, too. Experts advise computer users to look up from their monitors periodically and focus in the distance.

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Newsletter from the Richmond Smile Center.


Page 1: August 2013 News You Can Use Newsletter


Think There’s No Such Thing As A Relaxing Visit to the Dentist?

Got pain? Have no fear, sedation is here.

Did you know 75% of all Americans

e x p e r i e n c e feelings of anxiety and dread about

going to the dentist?

Did you also know that as many as 30 million A m e r i c a n s are deathly afraid of the dentist?

I realize that as an

intelligent, knowledgeable person, you already understand the importance of

healthy teeth and gums—how they enhance your good looks, give you a more youthful appearance, keep you pain-free and promote overall good health.I also know that doesn’t amount to a hill of beans when queasiness and even terror seize your body at the thought of visiting the dentist. Fortunately, those days are long gone. Despite what your dentists may have told you in the past, there is a pleasant, safe, easy way for you to stop suffering from the horrible hidden costs of improper dental care like:• Romances snuffed out because

of chipped, jumbled, broken or missing teeth that create an unpleasant smile to look at

• Tender, sensitive, uncomfortable teeth

• Lost ability to enjoy your favorite foods

• Dreading every social outing or event because people may notice and be “turned off” by your smile

• Worsened nutrition and health• Outright pain every time you bite

down• Your grandchildren commenting

on or even making fun of your teeth

• Lessened self-confidence• Losing the promotion that should

have been yours, and• Ever-increasing unsightly gaps

among your teeth that worsen as you grow older

No longer do you need to be embarrassed by your teeth.No longer do you need to hide your grin, use those phony smile tricks or live in pain. Finally, you can reclaim your health and your good looks with the miracle of sedation dentistry.

To learn more about sedation dentistry and how you can get the teeth you want and deserve, call 804-320-6800 today.

Quick Work Stress BusterFor its recent How-to issue, Business Week

asked 50 experts in various fields to write an article. This

one is written by Lodro Rinzler, author of the best-selling

book, The Buddha Walks into a Bar.One meditation technique you can use at your desk: Set a timer on your phone to sound on the hour. When you hear it, look away from your computer and across the room or out a window. Place your attention on your breath. Breathe in and out, experiencing each

breath for what feels like 30 seconds to a minute.You are finished. Reset your timer and return to work. The method can also help relieve eye strain, too. Experts advise computer users to look up from their monitors periodically and focus in the distance.

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Where There is Moisture, There is Mold...That Can Make You SickMold spores are present everywhere, growing on foods, plants and even foods. These microscopic organisms produce spores, which act like seeds. Each spore can produce mold growth, needing only sufficient moisture.

To prevent dangerous mold growth, you must be prevent moisture buildup. Leaky plumbing, bad drainage, wet crawl spaces and damp basements are all likely suspects. But, there are less obvious causes of mold growth, too, such as steamy bathrooms, wet carpets, even wet clothes drying in a home. That humidifier you use in the winter could become a serious source of mold.

Indications of a moisture problem may include discoloration of the ceiling or walls, warping of the floor, or condensation on the walls or windows. Exposure to mold can cause health problems in some

people. The most common are allergic responses from breathing mold spores. These include symptoms of hay fever or asthma and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat or lungs. Allergic responses can come from exposure to dead

as well as to living mold spores. Therefore, killing mold with bleach and or other disinfectants may not prevent allergic responses.How to clean it up 1. You must find the source of

the moisture. Once you find the source, seal off the area so mold spores don’t relocate to another room.

2. Put on long sleeve shirt, long pants, cover your head and use a mask.

3. Make the repairs needed to stop the moisture, for example leaky pipes or ceiling.

4. Remove the mold with a bucket of soap and water, a solution of one cup household bleach in one gallon of water, or a commercial mold removal products and a rag. Rinse the cleaned area with water. Ventilate with a fan and open windows so it dries. It may take up to 48 hours to dry completely.

Mediterranean Diet DemystifiedTufts University’s large clinical trial concludes that the Mediterranean-style diet cuts heart risks almost 30 percent. In case you only have a vague idea of what it consists of, they say here’s how to eat like a Mediterranean. • At least two daily servings of

vegetables, including a salad.• At least three servings of

fresh fruit.• At least three weekly

servings of legumes, such as beans, lentils, garbanzo beans, soybeans and peas.

• At least three weekly servings of fatty fish such as salmon, tuna or sardines.

• A “sofrito”: tomatoes, onion, garlic and aromatic herbs simmered in olive oil at least twice a week.

• Wine with dinner if you drink.

Cut down on fatty red meat and processed meat, commercial baked goods, fatty spreads and soda drinks.

Also, eat four tablespoons of olive oil each day in salads and vegetables or an ounce of walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts.

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Check These Nutritional Updates for Ages 50 PlusQuestions and answers from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:What is the biggest misconception among mid-life and older people regarding the role of nutrition as it relates to heart disease?

Nutrition can have a direct impact on heart disease. One big example is the importance of vitamin B12. In adults over 50, there is a decreased ability to absorb vitamin B12. A person can actually get heart disease with a vitamin B12 deficiency. B12 can be found in fortified cereals, lean meats, fish and low-fat dairy.

In what ways is hydration even more important as people age?

Older people have a decreased thirst sensation, so they can get dehydrated easier. This can lead to several different kidney and urinary tract issues. Don’t rely on your thirst as an indicator for fluid needs. Fill a large water container and make it a goal to

drink at least two of them daily, in addition to the water you take in through foods and other beverages.

What changes can people pre-diabetes make to their diet that will have a big impact in delaying or preventing their blood glucose levels from reaching type 2 levels?

The best thing they can do is eat less food at a sitting and instead eat more frequently. Meal skipping and then “mega-mealing” really challenge the body. Increasing physical activity is also important. Exercise helps pull glucose out of the bloodstream, and helps to balance the body’s processes.

These 3 Stretches Will Help You Avoid Golf InjuriesGolf related injuries are common, especially among once a week golfers. For recreational golfers, the most common injuries involve the lower back, shoulders and forearms, and they involve repetitive motion. According to the Mayo Clinic, stretching can help promote a more fluid swing and reduce injuries. Golfers who warm up for 10 minutes before play have a 60 percent decrease in injuries. You can start with brisk walking.Ideally, do these stretches every day as well as before and after a round. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds before starting and for 30 seconds after a round. Stretch gently and don’t bounce. If it hurts, you’ve stretched too far.Front hip muscle stretchMake a large step up onto a stable surface, such as a chair. Put your

hands on your knee. Keep your back leg straight, tighten your stomach muscles to avoid a low back arch and push your hips forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your thighs. Hold. Repeat on the opposite side. Shoulder and chest stretchStand in a walking position with one foot ahead of the other. Place your forearm against door frame or corner of a wall and bend your elbow.Hip stretchSeated on a chair or bench, raise your right knee up and grasp it with your left hand (steady yourself with your opposite hand on the chair or bench). Grasp your right knee and pull it up toward your left shoulder. You’ll feel a stretch in your right buttock. Then sit up tall and

turn your shoulders to the right. Hold. Repeat the stretch on the opposite side. You can also warm up with dynamic stretches such as arm swings and circles, jumping jacks and swinging your clubs without hitting balls.

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COMPLIMENTS Richmond Smile Center

RICHMOND SMILE CENTER11201 W. Huguenot Road,Richmond, VA 23235804-417-4443

For Older Eyes, E-readers Better Than BooksIf your choice for recreational reading is the printed book, you might want to give an electric device a try.

A German study recently concluded that older adults find e-readers with backlighting, such as the iPad 2, the Kindle Fire, or the Nook HD, make reading more efficient and comfortable for the eyes.

The backlit readers enhance contrast sensitivity, such as the ability to discern black text on a white background. Contrast sensitivity declines with age.

The study included two groups, younger readers age 21 to 34 and older adults ages 60 to 77. There was no difference in reading efficiency among younger readers, but older readers did better with the e-readers.

Other pluses with a reader: you can increase type size to suit your eyesight and download thousands of books.

Costs for these devices vary widely, mainly depending on features you want including web surfing, sending and receiving email, text messaging, or games, music and movies.