august 5th, 2015 - room 301 (1)

[] Bible Story: The Choice (Solomon chooses wisdom; choose wisdom) 1 Kings 3:4- 15 and James 1:5 Bottom Line: If you want to be wise, ask God for wisdom. Memory Verse: “Choose my teaching instead of silver. Choose knowledge rather than fine gold.” Proverbs 8:10, NIrV Life App: Wisdom—finding out what you should do and doing it. Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what. What You Need: An offering container What You Do: Talk to the kids about a tough choice you had to make this week or at any time in your life. Ask them about tough decisions they have had to make. What made them easy or hard? Do you think you made wise choices? [Make it Personal] Share with the kids an age-appropriate story about a time you made an unwise choice and a time you made a wise choice. Dig Deep Wednesday, August 5th , 2015 .:. Room 301 Pathways Kids – Midweek Small Groups – Ages 6-12 This Week’s Scope Small Group Activity #1 Welcome

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Midweek curriculum for August 5th, 2015



Bible Story: The Choice (Solomon chooses wisdom; choose wisdom)1 Kings 3:4-15 and James 1:5 Bottom Line: If you want to be wise, ask God for wisdom.

Memory Verse: Choose my teaching instead of silver. Choose knowledge rather than fine gold. Proverbs 8:10, NIrV

Life App: Wisdomfinding out what you should do and doing it.

Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.

What You Need: An offering containerWhat You Do: Talk to the kids about a tough choice you had to make this week or at any time in your life. Ask them about tough decisions they have had to make. What made them easy or hard? Do you think you made wise choices? [Make it Personal] Share with the kids an age-appropriate story about a time you made an unwise choice and a time you made a wise choice.

Correct Me If Im Wrong (review the Bible story) What You Need: Prepared Wrong Story Cards Activity Page, red penWhat You Do: Explain that you took some notes on the story, but you think you made some mistakes and want to check the story in the Bible. Read the cards one at a time and ask the kids to point out any errors that you might have made. After reading each card, ask the kids to look up and read the verse to correct what is wrong. The first kid to find the verse will get to use the red pen to correct the card. After each card, have kids close their Bibles so that they have to find the story over and over again when looking up the verses. Use the list below as an answer key to correct the cards.1. Part 1 - When Solomon was still a young boy, he became king and went to Gibeon to buy some fancy shoes. (1 Kings 3:4 - He went there to sacrifice to God.)2. Part 2 - Solomon knew that his father had always been faithful to his soccer team. (1 Kings 3:6 - His father had been faithful to God.)3. Part 3 - While Solomon was sleeping one night, he got a text message from his best friend. (1 Kings 3:5 - He had a dream and God spoke to him.)4. Part 4 - In Solomons dream, God asked him what kind of haircut he wanted. (1 Kings 3:5 - God asked what Solomon wanted God to give to him.)5. Part 5 - Solomon asked God for a robot tennis partner named Aces. (1 Kings 3:11 - Solomon asked for wisdom to lead the people.)6. Part 6 - God told Solomon all he was getting for Christmas was his two front teeth. (1 Kings 3:12-13 - God told Solomon that because he asked for wisdom, God would give Solomon many other things as well.)What You Say:Wow. Thanks so much for digging deep in the Bible to help me correct my notes. I guess its always wise to check the Bible when you are telling a Bible story, huh? Im so glad that Solomon asked for wisdom in the Bible and Im glad that we can ask God for wisdom, too. Yep, God is the source of wisdom. [Bottom Line] If you want to be wise, ask God for wisdom. And one of the best ways to seek Gods wisdom is to look in the Bible. In fact, thats where Solomon wrote down many of the wise sayings and pieces of wisdom that God gave him. All youve gotta do is look for them. So when you need to ask God for wisdom, youd be wise to look first to the Bible and the things you have learned from the Bible here at church.

What Do You Value? (memory verse activity)What You Need: Bibles, paper, pencils

What You Do:

Guide kids to look up Proverbs 8:10 in their Bibles using the following tip:

Finding verses with 4th-5th graders: Our verse is from Proverbs. Ask kids to tell you whether thats in the Old Testament or the New Testament. (Old) Its toward the middle of the Bible, right after Psalms. They can find it by opening the Bible to the middle and then flipping a little ways toward the back. When they find Proverbs, explain that the big numbers on the page are the chapter numbers. Tell them to find chapter 8. Explain that the small numbers are verse numbers. Tell them to them find verse 10 in chapter 8.

Ask kids to also read verse 11.

Then tell them to write out the verse, but leave a blank space in place of the words silver, fine gold, and rubies. Invite them to fill in those blanks with things they are tempted to value in their own lives more than they value wisdom.What You Say:

We value a lot of things in this life, but theres no THING that is more valuable than wisdom. I want you to take these papers home with you and keep them where youll see them, as a reminder that wisdom is more valuable than all of those things. [Bottom Line] If you want to be wise, ask God for wisdom.If you lead mostly older kids, consider asking these discussion questions:

In what ways can wisdom help you more than gold, silver, or the things you wrote down? We know that we should ask God for wisdom, and He will give it to us when we ask, but in what ways do you think He answers that prayer? (By helping us remember a Bible verse that will give us an answer; by sending someone to help us) Why do you think its often easier to ask God for THINGS than to ask Him for wisdom?Prayer and DiscussionWhat You Need: Kids papers from What Do You Value?

What You Do:

Tell kids to use their papers from What Do You Value? to pray, asking God to help them value wisdom more than the things they wrote down.

What You Say:

These papers can be not just a reminder that wisdom is more valuable than the things you wrote, but it is also a way to help you remember to pray for wisdom. When we ask for wisdom, God will provide it for us. After all, today weve learned that [Bottom Line] if you want to be wise, ask God for wisdom.

Discussion Questions

1. What does wisdom mean to you? Who are some people that you would consider wise? Why do you think those people are wise?2. What are some ways that people can become wise?

3. Think of a time you needed help. Did someone help you? How did it feel to be help?

4. Read James 1:5. Why should we ask God for wisdom? (God can help us when we ask him)

5. How is Godly wisdom different from Worldly wisdom?

6. Read Colossians 3:16 out loud with the students. What does this verse say about Godly wisdom?

7. God blessed Solomon when he asked for wisdom rather than power or riches. What are some things in your life that you value more than wisdom? How can you take steps toward making wisdom more important in your life? Remember, asking for help can be so important in all of our lives.Dig Deep

Wednesday, August 5th , 2015 .:. Room 301

Pathways Kids Midweek Small Groups Ages 6-12

This Weeks Scope


Small Group Activity #1

Small Group Activity #2