august newsletter

Region 7 | CNH District The Howling report Division 3 South’s Official Newsletter

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August issue


Region 7 | CNH District

The Howling report Division 3 South’s Official Newsletter

In this Issue:

I – Introduction

II – New Events

III – Old Events

IV – Snapshot

V – Recognition

VI – Vice-President


VIII – Contacts

Greetings Wolves!I hope you are all enjoying your summer! There has been plenty of service events circulating around each of the clubs! Don't stay out of the sun too long because wolves usually hunt service during dawn or dusk time! Did you know that wolves have different types of howls to communicate? Speaking of communication, please do not forget to join our reflector group "Division 3 South Key Club." Simply howl for an invite and you will be included to the numerous updates and information sent out to the division. Also, do not forget to check out Division 3 South Key Club's Official Website at for valuable information, photos, videos, recognition, and much more! There are still more service opportunities to come so please be on the watch. There are leadership opportunities being released so attend our monthly Division Council Meeting for more information. Thank you for taking the time to read this! Until next month wolves, continue to track down service opportunities!

HOWLING with Service, Passion, and Sincerity, Marion Barleta

Lieutenant Governor 2012-2013 Division 3 South Wolves

Region 7, Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Email: [email protected] Cell: 1 (323)-719-3534

"To serve, so others may lead." - Marion Barleta

A word from your… Lieutenant Governor

What to look forward to!

Region 7 Beach Clean-Up

When: July 21, 2012

Where: Dockweiler State Beach

626 Night Market Service

When: July 28, 2012

Where: 393 East Walnut Ave, Pasadena CA

Pickwick Ice Skating Fundraiser and July Division Council Meeting

When: July 30, 2012

Where: Pickwick Gardens – 1001 Riverside Drive, Burbank CA 91506


Four hours fly by

like magic. Our day

begun with ice breakers, where

each school paired up with

strangers and participated in

Dia and Marion’s chosen ice

breakers. Then, the lectures

began! I attended the Bulletin

Editor, Member Recognition,

Public Speaking, and the

ELIMINATE Project Workshops

throughout the day.

By far, the experience

was worth the time spent in

every workshop. All of the

information given highly set the

goals of every member and

officer in the 2012-2013 year. My

favorite and most appreciative

workshop was the ELIMINATE

Project. The difference the

Kiwanis Family and UNICEF

organizations are doing

internationally has sparked my

interest to make sure members

are doing their part to make a

difference in the ELIMNATE

Project and our main concern

which is PTP. The difference we

make rests upon us and our

commitment in preserving the

purpose of our club.

- Diana Lopez (Hollywood)


The D3S Car Wash at Coco’s

was such a great experience.

I have never interacted the

way I did with the fellow Key

Clubbers and I got to say I

met some pretty awesome

people. I had a blast just

talking and chit chatting to

new people. When I heard

that we raised $500 dollars I

was so happy to know that

we did such a great job,

especially since it was so hot.

I hope we continue to raise

more money as a division

and have more bonding

times like we did.

-Christina Iglesisas (Glendale)

Ohana means family and that's what

brought Division 3 South together on

June 21st for a wet day in the sun. Led

by Marion Barleta and Dia Carbrera,

the combination of multiple Key Clubs

raised money exceeding the expected

amount. The Division washed and

waxed many cars from 10AM to 2PM

with even some willing to stay

afterwards to clean even more. This

had been one of the first divisional

events convenient to Eagle Rock and

Benjamin Franklin students according to

inter-club coordinator Dustin Tran since

it had taken place at Coco's

Restaurant along York Street in the

Highland Park area. Spirited members

advertised with brightly drawn posters


prior to the increase of customers

towards the end of the day.

As for the other members, many

would gather around the cars and

quickly wet the cars and got the job

done. The underlying excitement was

for the upcoming Division 3 Banquet,

our last as Sharkeys, along with our

Division 3 North neighbors. Again, we're

doing what we can to benefit our club

to benefit everyone.

-Kristine Cueto (Hollywood)


One of the events I went to this

month was the Division 3 Banquet. It

was really an emotional day for

everyone because it was our last

banquet for ALL the schools (North

and South) and our last day of

being Sharkeys together! It was a

very joyous, special, and sad event.

Although I was pretty nervous

because I had to perform various

dances in the beginning of the

banquet with my friends but in the

middle of the dance, I started to

loosen up and have fun.

Afterwards, we saw many other

great performances and heard

many speeches. Honestly, I almost

cried hearing Dia, Marion, Eric, and

other Key Clubbers say their

speeches! We also saw a slide show

created by Charlie Sin and it was

pretty funny!

We then heard more speeches and

danced the night away! Others

were also playing Twister and the

Wii. After I left, I thought more in

depth about this night and all the

memories Division 3 has been

through. I will truly miss everyone

that are leaving to college or even

moving. Especially James Talavera

and Dustin Tran! James was a really

great and inspirational president for

our club! I admire his dedication

and spirit to Key Club! And for

Dustin, he was one of the most

active freshmen this year! Similarly

to James, he was super dedicated

to Key Club as well!

- Winny Chen (Benjamin Franklin)



Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin Eagle Rock

Eagle Rock Hollywood Eagle Rock Eagle Rock Hollywood

Herbert Hoover Herbert Hoover Hollywood Herbert Hoover

Hollywood John Marshall Herbert Hoover John Marshall

John Marshall STEM Academy John Marshall Holy Family

STEM Academy Glendale


Hello, my name is Nina Avetisyan and I am the Vice President at APEX Academy High School. I am 16 years old turning 17 in October. My favorite color is green and I love to read, especially fiction/classic/mystery books since I believe they are the most interesting, but I'll read anything. I am definitely an animal person, with that being said my favorite animal is dogs. I definitely have some awesome weirdness in me. Also I am insanely loud and I believe that's what gets my club excited about Key Club. I am a strong believer in positivity. I believe that everyone in my club needs to be happy with themselves and what they have accomplished. For my club I plan to make is much more active, this year we have done a lot but I am hoping to do that and above this upcoming year. We are planning to start volunteering at the Saint Francis center constantly and for the second time my club will be participating in the Aids walk, along with reading to the blind. My President, Secretary, and Treasurer have more ideas that we want to see happening, with a new advisor hopefully this can happen. As for the division I plan to bring positive energy from my club and our input.

My name is Canna Liu and I am vice president of Benjamin Franklin's Key Club. As a vice president, not only do I assist our lovely president, I also overlook the committee systems and other works of the club. I plan to bring a closer relationship between members and officers, to educate the importance of Key Club to fellow members, and to recruit members. To further my work, I am hoping to inspire members to be active and initiative. My role in Key Club revolves around one word: Service- service to other officers, service to the club, service to the president, and service to the community. My goal is to develop a stronger relationship between officers and members in the club as well as in the division. I am looking forward to lead the club with

other officers and members.

My name is Kai Knight and I am the Vice President for Eagle Rock High School Key Club. I plan to do my job as Vice President and accomplish all tasks given to me as soon and as efficiently as possible. I plan to help my community and do more service this year than any other year I’ve been in Key Club! I want to make an impact in the community, and I would like to make new helpful friends along the way. Key Club is a learning experience and a helpful organization that I am proud to be a part of!

My name is Kevan Loo and I'm an upcoming junior at Glendale High School. I am of Chinese decent and was born and raised in Glendale, California. Besides Key Club, I am also involved in Class counsel of 2014 and Link Crew. I am also a snare drummer of GHS Drumline and Marching Band. In my free time, I enjoy playing basketball and hiking.I have been an active member of Key Club since my freshman year. This year will be my 3rd year as a member and 2nd year as an officer. As vice president of my club, I plan on increasing member activeness. I hope to be able to get more people involved not only in the club, but in the division as well. I also want to find more volunteer opportunities that are available in the area. Division wise, I plan on attending a number of events and to be able to serve my wolf pack!

Hello Key Clubbers! I'm really bad at talking about myself but I'll give it a try. I remember it always took me forever to write an ”About Me” on Myspace! But anyway, I'm Alexis Quiza, Hoover High's proud key club vice president. Most of my friends call me Lexi. I'm generally shy and kind of awkward when I meet new people but once we get passed all the awkwardness I can get pretty goofy and silly. Trust me, my friends get embarrassed hanging around me sometimes because I become shameless and loud. Aren't all key clubbers like that though? :) Besides key club, I'm also a part of my school's volleyball team and yearbook. My schedule gets incredibly busy but I always try to find a way to handle it all. It's tiring but I don't really care because it's all worth it! Hmm.. What else is there to say about me.. I'm addicted to coffee, my favorite color right now is baby pink, I'm afraid of balloons, bugs, and the dark, I love shopping although I don't do it often because I'm almost always broke and when I do have money, it usually goes to food. *Cries. It's okay though, I love eating. I think this is enough information about me, if you'd like to know more, just go ahead and talk to me!.. if you can deal with my awkwardness, that is.

My name is Joanne Marie Villanueva. I am a senior at Holy Family High School College Preparatory. I have been a part of my school's Key Club for three years and have had the honor of serving as Secretary for the 2011-2012 term and now as Vice President for the 2012-2013 term. Other than Key Club, I am involved in my school's Campus Ministry as Secretary and Social Justice Club as Treasurer. The amount of charisma and effort that the Division, as a whole, has shown endlessly, has influenced my own efforts as an officer. My goal for this coming term is to increase and stabilize membership as well as participation. I hope to bring back the activism and strength Holy Family had before, with the hopes of that impact getting stronger every year.

Hello everybody!My name is Pakpoom Sarjai, better known as Fursty. I'm Hollywood's vice president for the 2012-2013 terms and I'm an upcoming sophomore! I'm from the Thai descent but was born and raised in Los Angeles. My favorite food is sandwiches because there is a sandwich version of everything and my favorite drink is thai iced tea! I want to inspire the members of my home club to spread the values of Key Club and not go to service events with the intentions to socialize. I want members to go to service events because they want to make a difference in this world and also keep them informed on how much they have done. Those are just a few of my goals that I will achieve by the end of my term. Don't be afraid to say hi also!

Hi my name is Chrisline Raymundo and I am John Marshall Key Club's co-vice president and I work alongside Bryan Mendez. When I was historian in our last term, I became more active in Key Club and it has become a life-changing experience for me, so I decided to run for Vice President. One of my goals this year is to get more people, especially the freshman class, involved in Key Club and I hope it will become an eye-opener to them. I would like them to realize that while they are doing service, they can still have lots of fun and make new bonds with people that they might even grow close to. Because of Key Club, pretty much every day has been eventful for me and I really cherish wonderful moments that have happened and I look forward to making new memories with not just my club, but the rest of the division, especially since it is my senior year. I have also grown as a person and being in Key Club made me take baby steps into becoming an independent individual. Even though I am not historian for my club anymore, I will still bring my camera to events and continue capturing our happiest moments while delivering my duties as vice president. I hope this will be a fun, successful term for all of us!

Hey Division 3 South! My name's Bryan Mendez and I am the Co-Vice President of John Marshall High School. My partner in service, Chrisline Raymundo, and I believe that our club can definitely be the best with just a little hard work and of course, SPIRIT! I was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, but my parents are from El Salvador. I used to speak French but since I moved to the U.S at a young age, I forgot most of it. I am an incoming senior and I am really excited about this new key club year. Last year I was Division Members Relations Chair for D3, and I also contributed into making the 2011-2012 D3 Sharkey shirt. I also made many cheers myself and with my friends for D3, but it's too bad that we're wolves now. My main focus as vice president is to promote activity for all Key Club related events, to promote the most spirit we can possibly get, and of course to create one big happy Ohana at my school. Please don't be shy to say hello to me at any events, because I won't bite.

Hello Division 3 South! My name is Veniel Espanol the Vice President for STEM Academy and also the Executive Assistant for our Division. I am a very friendly person and you usually see me smiling in events but it depends on which kinds. As a Vice President, I would like to connect the many members in the clubs in our division. By doing this, I want you to meet new people. Met new people already? Why not meet some more? Get out of that comfort and introduce yourselves to others. Whether your shy or not, get out there! Do not forget to say hi to me as well.

Officer of the Month: Christian Acfalle

Christian Acfalle is Hoover High’s Historian. To be a great historian, you have to go to almost every event and capture all the memories and take as much pictures as possible. And that’s exactly what he has been doing! Without his presence, his club would have nothing to look back on, no memories to remember. Christian has been such an important part of their club. At every event he attends to, we always see him running around with his camera, taking candid shots of the Key Clubbers, working our butts off, and even the food we ate that day! He has done an amazing job. Not only is he an amazing officer, he is also a big help in the community. He does not just take pictures in these events; he contributes a lot of hard work to the community as well! You won’t ever see Christian idle in an event. He is always up and running! Because of his outstanding job and great enthusiasm, Christian has been named the Officer of the Month. Great job, Christian!

Member of the Month: Dominique Jose

For the month of June, the member of the month is Dominique Jose! Dominique is an incoming junior. She is in the Track and Field team and plans to shine in her volleyball season. Dominique has attended most of the events in the month of June such as: OTC, both Division 3 car washes, and Braille. She is an amusing Key Club member; she brings entertainment in every service event. Whether the events require heavy lifting, hardcore gardening, or severe car scrubbing, Dominique would always have a gleaming smile across her face. Her hard work and dedication for service makes our club proud. We are honored to have Dominique as one of our hard working member because she is willing to give back to the community and work in the blazing hot sun. She never fails to impress our club because when she tells us that she will be attending a certain event, she most definitely shows up. Dominique is responsible, conscientious, and reliable. Her great services and friendly personality inspire others to understand the true meaning of volunteering. We are grateful to have Dominique as our member and hope that she continues to excel in many excellent services.

President Contacts

APEX Academy Lusine Masanklayan

[email protected]

Benjamin Franklin Aljelen Paraiso

[email protected]

Eagle Rock Danielle Peterson

[email protected]

Glendale Karlo Madrona

[email protected]

Herbert Hoover Jeannie Mai

[email protected]

Hollywood Grid Vongpiansuksa [email protected]

Holy Family Waree Ekchanakul

[email protected]

John Marshall Jeffrey Padilla

[email protected]

STEM Academy John Paul Rigonan [email protected]

To serve, so others may lead – Marion Barleta

Leadership Team Contacts

Division Secretary Jade Archuleta d03s.secretary@

Lieutenant Governor Marion Barleta d03s.cnhkc.ltg@

Division News Editor Erick Jason Reyno

Interclub Coordinator Dustin Tran


Executive Assistant Veniel Espanol


Fundraising Coordinator

Stephanie Thi d03s.fundraising.coordinator@

Region Adviser: Doug Ridnor

[email protected]

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