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The Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine is here to share industry and business knowledge with Painters and Decorators, Small Business owners as well as consumers.


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Issue # 1, October 2011

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Join Home Painters Info,

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Painter Help section if you are looking for work or looking for painters to help

$49.97 is all you pay for a 1 year subscription.

Even if you don’t yet wish to subscribe, go to our site for your complimentary 1 page listing in our 'Find a Painter' section.

Make sure you include your address, phone number and current web site if you have one.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a website, you can use this page as your site.

Buy YOUR painting tools at a discount

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From The Editor 4

Members’ Consultant 4

Looking After Paint Equipment 5

Outsourcing; Is it really worth it? 6

Wallpaper Is Coming Back 7

Business Plan 8

Sham Contract Arrangements 9

Handle My Complaint gives the real deal about group buying websites 10

Why We Paint 12

The Basics in Building Lasting Relationships 14

Car Finance Easily Explained 16

Why every business needs to have a website 17

How To Become A Really Successful Painter 18

The Importance of Established Business Principles for Small Business 20

Business Principles Part 1 20

Trust and Reliability 20

Mates in Construction 22

Editor Nigel Gorman Deputy Editor Caroline Miall Writers Belinda Ross Caroline Miall Jennie Gorman Jim Baker Jo Ucukalo Julie Tasker Leanne Staff Nigel Gorman Shannon Michell Sharon Vollmer Stephanie Gadd

Cover Picture House in Spring Hill Brisbane Built in 1888 Fully Renovated In 2007 ©, 2011

This is the inaugural issue of Home Painters’s

eMagazine, which we hope will compliment and assist small

business in success.

Home Painters Info has been developed by Painters for

Painters. We are here to help small business, and invite your

feedback and suggestions. Email us at

[email protected]

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From The Editor

Dear Reader Welcome to the very first issue of Aussie Painting Contractor! This Magazine is something that we are very proud of and we are excited to be sharing it with you. This issue began as our monthly newsletter and, as you can see, evolved into a 24 page magazine! We are now expecting to grow further, and consistently bring you relevant information in issues follow. On a personal note, I would like to introduce myself to you. I have been a painter for over 15 years and, until recently, ran a successful painting business. Earlier this year I sustained a workplace accident, following which I was told I would not be able to go back to swinging a brush. At that point I did some soul searching and decided that I still enjoyed the painting industry and didn’t want to leave it. So, I looked at what was lacking for painting contractors running small businesses and decided to develop Home Painters Info. Home Painters Info has been developed by Painters for painters and we are here to help you. I would like to introduce Steph to the team as another painter who ran a small business, who will also be available to assist you with anything you require. If we haven’t made contact with you please feel free to contact us. Regards Nigel Gorman 0430 399 800 / 07 3040 1234 email Nigel

Members’ Consultant

Hi everyone

We are very excited to WELCOME you to Home Painters Info!

Just a quick introduction, I trained as a Painter & Decorator over in Denmark where I worked for 5 years before moving back home to Brisbane. After doing some gap training to get my qualifications recognised here in Australia, I started my own small Painting business Eden Creative Solutions. I found running my own business immensely rewarding, also somewhat challenging, I could have really used some of the information being offered today by Home Painters Info.

I was very excited when Nigel approached me about joining him at Home Painters Info, this will give me the chance to help other small businesses get the information that I myself could have used those years ago. I love the industry and am really excited about what we have to offer.

Some of you may have seen me about the place over the past few years at various events and trade stores. After talking to literally hundreds of Painters there are certain issues that have been brought to my attention, certain needs that small painting businesses require, and we are listening and trying to assist in those areas.

Home Painters Info is here for you, when we make contact let us know how we can be of service to you.

Looking forward to chatting with you,

Stephanie Gadd

0433 724 794

Email Steph

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Looking After Paint Equipment

The easiest way to economise and lengthen the life of your painting equipment is to look after the ones you already have. If looked after properly, your painting equipment, including brushes, can last for years and years. It therefore makes sense for both the economic and environmental perspectives to look after your paint equipment. The following tips have been supplied by the Australian Paint Manufacturers’ Federation.


If brushes are left to stand in a container on their bristles, they will soon become ruined.

Before you paint, drill a hole though the paint brushes handle just above the metal ferrule. Fill a suitable container with mineral turps or water (depending on the type of paint used). On completion of painting, squeeze the excess paint out of the brush onto a piece of newspaper and give the brush a thorough rinse in turps (or water). Suspend the brush in the container by passing a piece of wire through the hole in the handle. Leave for a couple of days (out of reach of children!) and the paint will literally fall off the brush and settle onto the bottom of the container.

When stopping for a break you don’t necessarily need to wash out brushes/rollers. Just cover them with cling wrap or put them into a tight polythene bag. By keeping air out, the paint will remain wet for a couple of hours until you are ready to recommence.

Alternatively, if paint still remains on the brush, even after a thorough cleaning with mineral turps or water, then try using one of the many commercial brush cleaning products on the market.


Rollers can be cleaned in the same manner as brushes, but ensure that they are completely submerged when suspended.

Water-Based Acrylic Paints

These paints dry rapidly, which often results in clog up on the brush, especially near the ferrule region (particularly when painting ceilings). It is recommended that during work, pauses are taken to wipe off excess onto old sheets of newspaper or, indeed, wash the brush completely. Using several brushes at a time can also reduce paint clogging.

Thanks to the Australian Paint Manufactures’ Federation

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Outsourcing; Is it really worth it?

People sometimes wonder when they hear the term “outsourcing” what it all entails. There are many suspicious myths about its consequences. Here is a brief definition of outsourcing and some ideas on how it can benefit the business entrepreneur or manager. Wikipedia offers the following: ‘The contracting out of a business function - commonly one previously performed in-house - to an external provider.’ In essence, outsourcing means to source the services of an individual or organisation outside your full time staff to handle certain aspects of your business plan. These aspects may be public relations, marketing, clerical and administrative functions, or IT management. In fact, with today’s virtual environment, there is really no part of the business that could not be outsourced effectively. Of course, the big question is whether or not there are any benefits to outsourcing, especially for small business owners. Well it’s a fact that most small business owners work harder and longer hours than they should - and while that is unfortunately the norm, there are smarter and more efficient ways to change that. The thing is, getting your business to support your lifestyle instead of working you to death, is impossible if you’re drowning in paperwork and a massive “to-do” list.

Consider this: You earn $60 per hour as a painter. Being a painter is your skill, your specialty. So the value of your skill or time is $60 per hour. As a business owner you need to do your administration and book keeping every week or so. This takes you approximately 5 hours per week. As you are valued at $60 per hour your administration per week is costing you a value of $300 for your time.

Now administration is an important part of any successful business. However if you were to “outsource” that essential part of the business to someone that you only needed to pay $45 per hour - you have now saved yourself in business value the sum of $225 per week!

If you were then to go and work yourself for those 5 hours bringing in new clients or doing your painting job you have not only saved yourself and your business $225 per week in value you have also added $525 value per week.

Still many business owners remain uneasy about it. They follow the “offshore” outsourcing argument where client and customer relations can be deemed to be impersonal. They feel they are losing control of their business and it’s cheaper to do it in-house.

Really we are not talking about massive corporations shifting their telesales centres to other countries where labour costs are cheaper. Nor the cons of Government agencies seeking out preferred suppliers for services previously dealt with in house. This is small business! A tool for the entrepreneur! If proof were ever needed outsourcing can definitely save your business money. Often, the money you save using a qualified bookkeeper or accountant – rather than employing one, can add up to big dollars over the long term. Of course, these savings can be pumped right back into your business and used for expansion purposes. Outsourcing is a great way to expand your business without undue stress on your resources. Why not look at your present situation and see if you would benefit from outsourcing a function or two? The result? A smarter, more effective working business that achieves its goals in business growth and development. Julie Tasker Managing Director Administration Results 0412 794 281

Please check out my complimentary e-book.

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Wallpaper Is Coming Back Wallpaper has made its revival. No longer do we have to look at flat boring walls. Today’s Wallpaper now adds warmth, texture and life to any room. With the varieties of colours and patterns from which to choose are all but inexhaustible. Remember Wallpaper is not bound to just your home. Think about your place of work. I’m sure you have seen Wallpaper in many a boutique, commercial business or the foyer of a hotel lobby. Wallpaper is back in vogue and with style. There are a broad selection of styles, colours and designs.

Wallpaper now come in metallic’s and pearls that require different ways of hanging them, the flocks look great but need extra care, these can cost upward of $500.00 a roll so measure twice and hang once. There are beads on wallpaper that are difficult to work with. If a bead gets under the wallpaper it will show through. The new wallpapers are mostly paste the wall so the wallpaper is hung dry and makes for a much easier job, pattern matching is easier and just slides into place. Most wallpaper is sold in 52cm and 68cm widths, but some of the commercial papers are 130cm wide. You will find information on the width of the paper and the number of square meters contained per roll. Don‘t use the square meters as they don‘t take the drops or

patterns into account. Make note of all these figures, you will soon need them to determine the number of rolls you need. Once your wallpaper is hung and complete you will find you will be looking for the next wall to do. Keep in mind Wall Murals (Wall Art) which add a new dynamic to a room. These designs vary from City Scapes to Fluffy Bunnies. Again a wow factor to the room. With our extensive interior knowledge we can help you find the way to decorate your walls. We will keep in mind space, colour and design. You will see how you can open up an area or how to close in a cosy space. Once you have found the perfect wall covering, you will of course want to hang it on the wall. The Ivory Tower can help you out with some how-to tips. However the no-fuss, no-mess method is to hire a professional to do the job. Don’t be put off by the old ways of wallpaper. Visit The Ivory Tower so we can show you how versatile wallpaper is. You are only limited by your imagination. We have over 200 Wallpaper sample books to view and select from. The Ivory Tower 1179 Sandgate Road Nundah Ph: 07 3256 9388 Mon - Fri 9 - 5 / Sat 9 – 2

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Business Plan In the Painting industry, often landing the job and keeping the work going consistently is the main preoccupation of the small business. Understandably, as this is the source of your day to day success and the basic need in making your living. However, equally important for your business is having a solid Business Plan underpinning the journey to your bottom line, which can profoundly affect the degree of success you can achieve.

For any small business, a plan is essential for success. It will help to outline your understanding of your expenses, expected income, your staffing advertising and insurance needs, and your company’s goals for the future. Having this put down in black and white may help allow for expansion should that be your aim, or assist in identifying where money is being wasted. It should take into account any contingencies or difficulties that could be foreseeably encountered, and include strategies that help you get through issues arising, with the least disruption to your business and return. Obviously if you’re starting out and requiring finance, a Business Plan would be necessary to present to a financial institution. But if you’re already established and have never written a Plan, consider putting down an outline of your business; its budget, its income, and its future goals and how they might be reached. Keep it as simple as you like and expect it to be changeable and revise it regularly – being open to change and opportunity can really see your business take off. To help with starting out a business or making your existing company a real growing concern, there are plenty of tools available to you, whatever your goals. A quick search online

will reveal hundreds of Business Plan ideas and free templates; a good website to start with would be the Australian Government Initiative found at: One of the most important parts of the Plan will be your Budget. For those preferring the practical side of business more than the tedium of listing costs, there are simple ways to create an effective budget for your business. Members of Home Painters will be aware that we have built a ready-to-use guide that assists members in creating a budget, working out hourly rates and assisting with where your business is making and losing money. We have made it as easy as filling out a form and ticking boxes, so you can nail down this part of your plan quickly and thoroughly. See page 1 for info on joining, for this and other similar benefits. Let us know how you plan your business and its growth. We’d love to hear if you have found resources that help you as a Painter in an increasingly competitive environment. Email us at [email protected]

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Sham Contract Arrangements

Genuine employees should not be pressured into independent contracting relationships by their employers. Such situations are called sham arrangements. Sham contracting arrangements are unlawful under the Fair Work Act 2009. The Office of the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner (ABCC) is responsible for investigating sham contracting arrangements in the building and construction industry.

What is a sham arrangement? A sham arrangement is where an employer attempts to disguise an employment relationship as an independent contracting relationship. This situation may arise because an employer wants to avoid responsibility for paying legal entitlements due to employees, such as minimum rates of pay and leave entitlements.

What are the offences? Misrepresentation of genuine employment: A person misrepresents an employment relationship, or a proposed employment arrangement, to be an independent contracting arrangement.

Re-engagement: An employer dismisses, or threatens to dismiss, an employee in order to engage that employee as an independent contractor to perform substantially the same work. False and misleading statement: An individual knowingly makes a false statement with the intention of persuading a person to enter into an independent contracting arrangement.

What penalties may be imposed for sham conduct? If an employer is found to have contravened one of the above provisions, the court may:

grant an injunction

to stop an employee from being dismissed

order the reinstatement of a dismissed person

order compensation

impose a monetary penalty.

The maximum penalties are $6600 for an individual and $33,000 for a body corporate.

Onus of proof Misrepresentation: In court proceedings the employer must prove that they did not misrepresent the

relationship, rather than the employee having to prove that the employer did. Re-engagement: The employer is presumed to have breached the provision unless they can show that the dismissal and subsequent re-engagement was for a purpose other than converting the employee’s status to an independent contractor.

What is the role of the ABCC? ABCC Inspectors can investigate suspected sham contract offences. The ABCC, the person affected or a union can commence legal proceedings in respect of a sham contract


Further information The Office of the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner Hotline: 1800 003 338 Website: Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Independent Contractors Hotline: 1300 667 850 The information contained in article has been sourced and printed, with permission, from The Australian Government Factsheet “Sham Contracts” 2010. This material is for general information only. You should seek legal advice in relation to your particular circumstances. © Commonwealth of Australia 2011

A sham arrangement is where an employer attempts to disguise an employment relationship as an independent contracting relationship.

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Handle My Complaint gives the real deal about group buying websites If you’ve sat by watching your competitors clock up customer sales via offering an unbeatable deal on one of these fancy-pants new ‘deal’ websites, then you’ve probably wondered whether your own business should fancy-pants itself up and follow suit.

Indeed many businesses are flocking to these deal websites in order to offer potential customers big discounts on all manner of products and services. And the customers are also hitting the sites in droves. From a business owner’s perspective.

What’s involved? How does it work? Who benefits and why? And most importantly, should your business give it a go?

Deal websites work like this: The deal website

owners have a database of subscribing

customers who have registered with the deal

website in order to receive information about

these deals. Businesses have services and

products to offer. So the deal website owners

and the business come together to create a

‘deal’ (usually discounted products or

services) to offer the database of customers.

To offer their goods or services at a reduced

price on these websites, businesses are

promised exposure to a large number of new

customers. Unlike traditional advertising, if

the deal doesn’t generate a customer, there

are ostensibly no costs to running it.

For customers, the obvious benefit lies in

purchasing goods or services at a reduced

price whether it’s from businesses they’re

familiar with or a way to trial new

experiences, products and services.

However, the reality for many businesses is

that they’re struggling to come to terms with

this new way of reaching potential customers

and it’s costing them both financially and in

reputation. Understanding how to deliver the

deal you’ve sold is vital to maximising the

benefits of running a ‘deal’ and translating

these new deal customers into repeat


To help you avoid the traps, we’ve put

together a list of the most common

complaints Handle My Complaint, a company

that deals with dispute resolution between

consumers and businesses, receives from deal

shoppers, and how to avoid them.

Delays in customers being able to

redeem their deal. Set restrictions on

the number of ‘deals’ available to

shoppers as well as any geographical

restrictions if your deal will involve

travel to service customers to reduce

complaints surrounding delays. Also,

establish a policy for customers asking

for an extension on the deal after its

expiry date as many customers

request to redeem their deal in the

last month of the deal’s validity


Certain restrictions weren’t apparent

at the point of purchase. Avoid this

customer complaint by demanding a

proof from the deal website owners,

so you can double-check the deal

information is correct before it is

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listed on the deal website. Check that

terms and conditions are clear so

customers won't be disappointed.

Customers were unable to redeem

the product or service at all (usually as

a result of the business going out of

business). Don’t sell a deal as a way

to receive a quick cash injection into

your business. Instead, formulate a

deal that your business can afford to

offer. Once you’ve planned your deal,

then contact group buying websites

to offer your deal to them. Don’t be

persuaded to offer more than your

business can afford.

Customers feel they received

substandard services or products by

buying a deal. Treat deal customers

the same as your non-deal customers.

If they get substandard service or

products, they won't return, and

deliver the exact product you

promised in the description of the


And of course, when considering going the

deal option, your business must weigh up

whether the standard commission charged by

these websites (usually about 50 per cent of

the purchase price you advertise the deal for)

means your business can afford to run a deal.

Once your deal has run and your new

customers are happy with the execution of

your deal it’s important to maximise the value

to your business of running the deal. Some

suggested follow-ups include contacting

customers to ask for feedback or offering

them further deals directly. It’s also important

to monitor customer numbers to see if it leads

to a long-term increase and if a similar deal is

worth repeating.

So as you see, ‘deals’ are absolutely doable,

you just need to iron out the creases before

you whip those fancy-pants on!

Meantime, if you’d like more help with getting

up-to-speed on how best to use these group

buying deal websites for your business,

Handle My Complaint is running 60-minute

seminars packed with practical information on

how to ensure running a deal will benefit your

business as well as traps to avoid. Topics

covered during each 60-minute seminar


How to make sure your deal is a 'win-

win' for your business and customers.

Common mistakes business make

when advertising deals.

Best ways to use 'deals' as part of

your marketing plan.

How to minimise complaints from


What to do after your deal has


More information is available on our website





Handle My Complaint is a company that deals with dispute resolution between consumers and businesses. If you would like to find out how we can assist your business, please contact us.

Jo Ucukalo Handle My Complaint email us 0422 611 07207 3315 5044

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Why We Paint Your home is usually the biggest investment you will make, it pays to take care of it… Once you have decided to refurbish, paint, renovate your home, there are some things you need to know, all the way from finding and employing great tradespeople, finding and purchasing the tools, equipment, furniture, flooring, window coverings and everything in between. There are several important considerations when undertaking a project of this size and monetary value they begin with:

1. WHY you are doing this project? 2. WHAT is your desired outcome?

a) Are you renovating or painting so you can live in the house?

b) Are you renovating or painting so you can rent the house?

c) Are you renovating or painting so you can sell the house?

It is vital that you know the answer to these questions, so that you will know:

3. HOW to do the project? 4. WHO will eventually benefit?

a) If you are renovating to live in the house then the following should be taken into account

i. Who lives here ii. How old are they – very young, school

age, teenage, leaving the nest, retirees

iii. What do they do, socially, career wise, working, retired

iv. What personalities are we dealing with

In other words, how do we make this house a home?

b) If you propose renting the house, who is your preferred tenant?

i. Single working person ii. Couple with no children

iii. A Family

c) If you are selling then who/what is your target market?

Here we take into consideration the age, design and style of your home, the location, and the current valuation. If you plan to live in this home for some time, be daring with your paint job, it is ok to paint feature walls, and also ok to paint the kids rooms differently from the rest of the house. Use metallic stripes in the lounge, chocolate on the TV wall, red in the kitchen. However, keep the study or office in a range of colours that will work for all the family who use the space. I usually avoid super bright, or too peaceful, because, well… we go there to work, not be distracted or fall asleep (WAKE UP! You’ve got work to do!) In the rumpus or games room – do something a little bold – I dare you.

Consider the age of the occupant of bedroom, I have seen many times when parents have allowed children to choose the colour of paint only to turn around a month later and re do the paint job. A colour that is too bright eg. lolly pink in a young girls room, may not allow her to sleep well at night, or red in a teenage boys room, not always good with rampant hormones! Touches of these colours work well with a more sedate colour on the walls. Bedrooms are a place to relax and recuperate.

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Sometimes it is best to have shades of the one colour throughout a home, depending on the size and natural light in a room, with lighter coloured ceilings, doors and trims. With this in mind, whoever said ceilings have to be white/white. With soft shades on walls, a very soft version of the same colour on the ceiling can be quite beautiful. If you are painting to rent or sell your home, a good neutral paint colour range is always best. Make sure it tones with carpet and other flooring and window furnishings. You will attract a much broader rental or sales market by sticking to the basics. Having said that there are many shades and types of paint to consider, I always believe that using quality paints will be your best decision. If you plan a DIY project give yourself plenty of time and ensure you have the right tools and equipment to do the job. If you are employing a contractor to do the work for you, take time, visit their web site and see what references they have. The key to any of this is to get it right. With colour you can either nail it and get it really right or botch it up completely and get it really wrong. Using a Colour consultant who asks relevant questions will coordinate all this for you. Make sure your colour Consultant asks questions like, are you keeping the furniture, flooring, curtains, are you keeping or changing the kitchen, bathroom etc. the more questions your colour consultant asks the better job they will do for you.

A Colour Consultant may cost you a little to start with but the investment in ‘getting it right’ will make it worthwhile, and in the scheme of things, compared to the overall price of the job, a Colour Consultant is a necessary investment. I look forward to chatting with you again next month, in the meantime if you have a project underway or are thinking of painting or renovating call me – it could be the difference between getting it almost right, and getting it right. All good things…

Belinda Ross Dip. Bus. Man., Cert. IV Rem. Th. Colour Specialist Master Profiler 0413 464 289 email Belinda Web Site

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The Basics in Building Lasting Relationships by Jennie Gorman© Building relationships with people that will last and creating win-win connections with those who will become your ‘raving fans’ is all based on a few simples rules.

Firstly, you need to establish trust. I ask you, do you trust yourself and your ability to make good judgments? Trust is all about knowing yourself and how authentic you come across to people meeting you for the first time. Do you give the feeling to others that you are someone who can be relied upon and can keep their word? Do you have faith and belief in others? Can you be relied upon to do the right thing?

These are all questions one needs to ask oneself when looking at the basics in relationship building.

By trusting someone it does not necessarily mean that that person is trustworthy. Being too trusting without thinking about it carefully can sometimes be dangerous. There are people who gain trust and then break it, so you need to use discretion on where you give your trust.

I believe that building your credibility is the next thing to look at when creating solid relationships. Credibility is how your words and deeds are seen by others. Are you trustworthy and do you have the expertise on the subject you are talking about? To gain credibility in the business world you need to prove it firstly by the way you act as well as knowing that the information you pass on is correct and reliable. People will view you by the company you keep and what is perceived as your established reliability.

How you treat others is a reflection on you as a person. It has been said that ‘one should treat others as they would like to be treated’. I personally disagree with this statement. I believe that we ‘should treat others as they would like to be treated’. This is far better

from my perspective, as the first way is assuming that the person has the same values as you yourself. The way I would like to be treated would be very different from many other people. Take for example, the giving of a gift. How many times have you been given a gift by someone who gives what they like and is their taste, but quite contrary to your own? It is very easy to assume what others like. The only way to truly know what someone likes is to listen to what they say, watch how they live and observe how they do things.

I believe that making a habit of acknowledging people is a wonderful attribute to have. Making others feel good and worthwhile helps create a relationship. We are not aware, I believe, on what is going on in others’ lives and praise or kindness can change a person’s life dramatically if they are someone who does not get enough of this in their life. It must be sincere though and come ‘from the heart’. Observing people and acknowledging what they are doing or have created can be very powerful. It is important that we create win-win situations in all our relationships.

To remember important dates and significant events in another’s life can show your awareness of them. Isn’t it nice to be remembered on your birthday or anniversary or if your work mates and friends acknowledge something you have done well?

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We are sometimes very aware of what is not compulsory to remember, and all too often forget the significant times in people’s lives. Bringing joy and happiness to others life can be very easy and simple. Like a smile, it is free!

If you want to create solid lasting relationships, be prepared to invest time and energy into that relationship. Take the first step … don’t wait for the other to take that first action. Relationships that last and are productive for both sides are worth the time and energy that one needs to put into them.

If you want to learn more about successful networking go to to receive your FREE ’21 Days To Become a Networker’ e-course.

So remember these attributes: trust, credibility, the way you treat and acknowledge others, by remembering important dates and events as well as investing time and energy, are all the basic ingredients to building relationships that last forever.

Jennie Gorman 0414 278 344

Networking Chats - Hosted by Jennie Gorman 2

nd Tuesday of every month

10:00am – 12 noon 16

th on Park, 16 Park Road,

Milton, Brisbane Qld Are you already successful in your chosen business, but still need to learn a

better method of getting new clients? If you are the business marketer do you understand the advantages of networking?


learn how to make your word-of-mouth marketing work for you

find out how to get referrals and build your referral base

monetise your networking understand how to network meet people who can support you discover advantages of

collaboration the importance of goal setting

Come and spend the morning with us to

achieve what you want. Further details: Call Jennie on 0414 278 344

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Car Finance Easily Explained We are often asked what is the best way to buy your next car, should I add loan to my home loan, should I get a personal loan, should I lease one? In this short article we explain the different methods of buying a car & help you decide what might be the best option for you. The main options to buy a car are – personal loan, chattel mortgage, commercial hire purchase, finance lease, novated lease, operating lease, let’s quickly explain these: 1. A personal loan is similar to a chattel mortgage. The lender lends the money for the purchase of a car & normally takes security over the car, There are some advantages to this – Fixed repayments, lower rate when loan is secured, loan term matches depreciating life of vehicle i.e. normally 4 or 5 year term which coincides with the minimum period most people keep their cars. 2. Commercial hire purchase is where the Lender buys the car & hires it to the borrower. This has advantages with no GST on repayments. Finance leasing is where the lender buys the car & hires it. At the end of the agreed period the driver is generally given the option to purchase the car fo4r the residual amount. Both are available where the vehicle is predominately for business purposes. Operating leasing is similar however there are no risks associated with ownership & no residual payments. Novated leasing is where an employee agrees to salary sacrificing out of their package a set amount that covers the operating costs of the vehicle, this option can be used for 100% private use. With this option employee normally has full choice of what cat they buy. 3. We see many clients who enter into loan contracts that result in “Negative Equity”, this is a term used when the residual value of the car (the amount agreed as a balloon) is more than what the car is worth toward s the end of the term. This generally comes about

due to desire to keep repayments down (the higher the balloon, the lower the repayments), these transactions are often entered into when the emotion of buying the new car is high – they are often very much regretted. 4. The final option clients talk to us about is adding the loan for the car against their current mortgage. This has one advantage – it keeps the repayments down. i.e. if you have a mortgage of $300K over 25 years @ 8% your repayments are $2,315 pm. If you increase your loan by $30K for a new car then your repayments will increase by only $231pm. If you take a separate loan for the $30K over a 4 year period your repayments will be $730 pm – more than 3 times as much. The disadvantages in this strategy however far outweigh this. They are: – You are effectively paying off a car over 25 years, while it is extremely doubtful you will still have the car for 25 years you will have the repayments. – You are effectively using equity in your home. i.e. In the case of the home loan option the bank will require the $30K to be secured in the same way your current mortgage is. This may prevent you borrowing to upgrade your current house or buy an investment property. – If this strategy is your preferred method what are you going to do when you want to upgrade your next car – if you add this to your home loan you are now paying off 2 cars over 25 years. Whatever your circumstances you should talk to us at RFS about the right finance option for your next car, ute, van or truck. Shannon Michell Finance Manager Australian Credit Licence: RFS Finance Pty Ltd No 388022 M 0408 759 030 | F (07) 3112 5058 | E [email protected] | W

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Why every business needs to have a website Why have a website? That is a very good question and the simple answer is that your customers and clients will expect you to. These days, having a presence online is as essential as having a telephone number. The most hardworking marketing tool you can have in today’s society is a website. It is working 24/7 just for you. Potential customers and clients can reach you 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. They can get all the information they need to be satisfied with your business without you lifting a finger. With so many people being time-poor, having a presence on the web makes shopping around for services very convenient. Think about it. Do most of your competitors have a website? If they do, it would be worth considering the investment. It is the most cost effective marketing tool any business today can have. If they don’t have one, here is your chance to get an edge on them. Consider a website like a corporate brochure or flyer. It’s just digital and you can change it or update it

whenever you want to. You’re not restricted by size or quantity and you save money on printing and distribution! By having a corporate face on the internet you are no longer restricted geographically. Once, you were only seen by those you reached with your flyers or business cards, or in the phone directory. But online, you can be seen by so many more people from surrounding areas that might be interested in the services that you have to offer. Improve your customer service and save you time and energy. Provide answers to all the regular questions that you get from prospective clients. Give them as much information as possible to help sell your services. You can use it to provide references and testimonials from happy clients and images to showcase your work. A well designed website is a wonderful tool for a small business. It is a great way to present a very professional image and look more impressive to your customers. Most customers these days assume that you already have one. Most of your competitors will either have one or are in the process of creating one. So, why not get out there and get a BETTER website. Get one that looks smart, works

smart and doesn’t cost you a small fortune.

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How To Become A Really Successful Painter __________________________________________________________________________________

My name is Jim Baker. I have been a painter for 42 years and have run my own successful painting business in Brisbane for 27 years under the name of James W Decorating.

At the Dulux National Conference in 2004 and 2006, I won the title of Dulux Accredited Painter of the Year for Queensland. I have also been a finalist in the Action Coach My Business Awards for Best Small Business in 2008, the Dulux Accredited Business Professional finalist in 2011 and the Micro Business Queensland Telstra Business Awards finalist also in 2011.

When I was first in business, my main concern was to be cheaper than my competitors’ price. Experience has taught me that this is not what a client is looking for, which is the reason I wrote a book, “How To Become A Really Successful Painter”. If you are in business, or one day want to start up a business, then my book can help you. I can show you how, using a series of 8 easy steps, your business will be one jump ahead of your competitors and more profitable. It doesn’t matter if you want to be a one man operator or have 50 people working for you. The outcome is the same. Success for your business!

What I have learnt through trial and error, attending seminars, observing how others run their business and being in the trade myself for 42 years, will be of huge benefit to you.

I will show you how to:

Advertise efficiently without spending a fortune.

Get more exposure.

Increase the number of your potential clients.

Win the job even though you are the highest quote.

Improve quote acceptances.

Be more of a business person rather than ‘just a painter’.

Make your quotes more appealing.

Design graphs to help keep track of calls and clients.

Get and keep that competitive edge over other painters.

Just one small detail could mean either a Yes or a No on a job acceptance. By following even a few of my proven ideas, I assure you that you will have more success in winning a job over your competition. This is not done by lowering your prices. From feedback I receive from my clients, I am often the most expensive and I am usually booked 3 to 4 months in advance.

My book has been thoroughly approved by Dulux, Master Painters, Be Constructive Qld. And TAFE teachers from various colleges around Australia. 1200 books are being given out by Dulux to every final stage painting apprentice and Post Trade graduates in Australia each year. It is also being used as a reference book by Dulux in New Zealand and a TAFE College in Fiji.

If you are looking for improvements in your business, then “How To Become A Really Successful Painter” can really help you.

A copy of my book is available by emailing your name and address to [email protected]

Regular retail price:

$25.50 (inclusive of GST and postage).

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LEAD TEST KITS Even low levels of lead are harmful

Paint contractors, parents, renovators, child-care centre operators, teachers, landlords, agents, pet-owners:

Find out if paint, dust, soil, drinking water, toy paint, plastics, ceramics, jewellery, and other items are safe for humans and pets.

Buy a DIY-sampling / lab analysis lead kit

The LEAD Group’s lead test kits are the only ones available in Australia for testing a wide variety of samples at a lab (which charges us a charity rate so you pay less).

You take the samples, and send them to Sydney Analytical Labs.

The lab analyses the samples, and we explain the results.

See the factsheet for ideas about items and locations to test, and read why purchasers are so impressed with the kit and follow-up advice.

Order online at OR print form at for mail order or

fax OR phone 1800 626 086 with your credit card details.

Comprehensive Kit $250 Water Kit $85*

Basic Kit $100

*The water test kit requires less lab work and a lot less interpretation that is why it costs less

Prices include postage within Australia, handling, lab charge, results, interpretation & GST.

Four videos showing how to use the sampling kits are available on You Tube:

Search for Lead Poisoning DIY Lead (Heavy Metal) by globalleadgroup

The LEAD Group is a charity (ABN 25819463114 ) which aims to create a lead-safe world. Check out The LEAD Group’s website or donate at

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The Importance of Established Business Principles for Small Business

This seven part series will tackle some of the

underlying principles of small (or large)

business that without which, most ventures

suffer repeated setbacks, lack of repeat

custom, or possibly complete ruin.

Maintaining a successful business is difficult

enough, but without these things as the

foundation, as a business owner, you would

be doomed to learn the lessons the hard

way, over and over.

There is nothing more important for the

success of small business than having

business ethics that are admirable – that is to

both your staff, and to your clients. You will

find that in all situations, when quality ethics

are practiced through the entire company,

they will become the very core of the culture

that exists in that company, and this can

make a big difference in whether the

company fails or reaches its potential


A study done by the Institute of Business

Ethics (who) discovered that companies that

display a definite commitment to conduct

that is ethical, outperform those that do not

display those same ethical practices. (Webly

& More, “Does Business Ethics Pay?”

icpaysumm.pdf) The study demonstrates that

ethical behaviour is not just the right thing to

do, but it will also return greater financial

gains as well.

Here are 7 principles that can be found in

ethical businesses.

1. Trust & reliability

2. Maintain open-mindedness

3. Always meet the company obligations

4. Clear documentation

5. Community involvement

6. Take control of accounting

7. Respect

Business Principles Part 1 Trust and Reliability The first point to cover is that obviously,

customers will always prefer doing business

with companies that are trustworthy and

reliable. There is no other way they can

expect and be assured of value and quality

for their dollar. It is easy to recognize when

a company is trustworthy, and is often

detectable from the conduct of the business

owner/employee from the first contact. You

can define trust as is being assured that you

can rely on the character, strength, ability,

and truth from a business. It is going to be

evident from the start; for example whether

you or your staff return phone calls, or turn

up on time. Early on, these sorts of things

may be the only indicator for a client that

you will follow through on the rest of the

“…when quality ethics are practiced through the entire company, they will become the very core of the culture...”

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“It is easy to recognize when a company is trustworthy…”

job. They may prove to be as important as

the paint finish and follow up.

This faith in your company that will result in

good will, great word of mouth and

outstanding recommendations, is equally

engendered by proficient, happy staff

members, and a great result on the job.

That happy staff member is one who knows

their work is expected to be of high quality,

which is appreciated and rewarded both with

a good, honest work environment, as well as

decent remuneration. If your staff are not

happy in their roles, then it will show in their

work, as well as in their exchanges with the


That does not look good for a business

owner. If you have disgruntled staff, then as

a business owner, you need to first and

foremost, get to the bottom of the problem.

In that case, you may need to ask yourself if

the element of trust and reliability is present

within the internal workings of your business

– i.e. in the relationships with your staff

members. If it is, they will then be good

representatives to your clients, ensuring a

reliable and trustworthy service.

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Principal Sponsor

Mates in Construction Preventing Suicide in the Queensland Building & Construction Industry Suicide rates amongst Queensland Construction workers have been assessed as 1.75 times higher than Australian men generally1. In 2008, more than 2,000 Australian’s died from suicide and more than 78% of them were men2. MATES in Construction (MIC) aims to become known as Queensland’s leading industry suicide-prevention organisation working to reduce these very poor statistics in the building and construction industry. MIC focuses on awareness raising, building competence and industry resilience, providing assistance and conducting research. “Our mission is to use Queensland construction industry structures and networks to raise awareness of suicide prevention and intervention and build support among the building and construction industry and broader community while gathering research to provide practical information back to the industry,” Jorgen Gullestrup MATES In Construction Chief Executive Officer said. More than 14,000 Queensland workers are now trained in suicide prevention and awareness through MATES in Construction’s three main suicide prevention and intervention programs. “MIC’s programs are active on over 150 sites across Queensland and we connect two or three workers to help every working day and intervene in a workers suicide plans once per week on average,” Gullestrup said. “The more MIC compliant sites and organisations we have, the stronger, safer and more resilient our Queensland Construction industry will be.” MIC’s model has been attracting a lot of state and national attention as a straight-forward way to prevent suicide among other industries and are actively shifting the culture of building and construction in a positive and supportive direction. It’s normal to have good times and bad times. If you are a family member of a Construction worker who is having some dramas or you or your mate are doing it tough and need help, please see your Connector on site or contact the MATES in Construction, 24/7 helpline on 1300 MIC 111 (1300 642 111).

1Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention 2006 ‘Suicide in Queensland Commercial Building and

Construction Industry – An investigation of factors associated with suicide and recommendations for the prevention of suicide’ Griffith University, Brisbane (The AISRAP Report) 2 Australian Bureau of Statistics 2010 ‘3303.0 – Causes of Death, Australia 2008’ ABS Canberra

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About the MATES In Construction Programs

General Awareness Training (GAT) (1 hour) GAT training portrays suicide as a preventable issue faced by the Queensland building and construction industry. It explains the high rates of suicide within the industry and the emotions friends, family and colleagues may feel when someone suicides. GAT explains the concept of “tip over points” and the importance of getting help early as well as how to identify a mate who may be tipping over.

Connector (4 hours), A Connector is a MATE who can keep you safe while connecting you to help Connector training includes the internationally accredited LivingWorks course safeTALK. A Connector is not a counsellor or any other kind of professional, they are simply a mate who knows how to help. The role of a Connector is to connect workers on site to a suicide first aid resource. Connector training can be done on or off site. Connectors are trained in the following:

What is a Connector’s role? What is not a Connector’s role? How to look after yourself as a Connector How to be alert to the signs of suicide How to ask about suicide How to connect a person to help

ASIST (2 days), Suicide First Aid Training An ASIST worker can be compared to the first aid officer on site. ASIST is a two-day Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) workshop. The Workshop has been developed by LivingWorks in Canada and is used widely internationally and in Australia. Lifeline is using ASIST as their primary suicide intervention model and the Australian Defence Forces and Police are using the same model.For more information about the ASIST model, visit the living works website Living Works ASIST workers will talk to a person contemplating suicide with the object of making this person ‘safe’. Using simple skills, an ASIST worker listens to a worker's concerns and responds to them appropriately with the object of reaching a ‘contract’ or ‘safe plan’ for the worker involving extra help and safety. For more information about MATES in Construction and Principal Sponsor

its programs: P 07 3833 1140 E [email protected] W

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