
Australia Presentatio n Joshua White

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This is a power point about Australia


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Australia PresentationJoshua White

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Australia is in the continent of Australasia or Oceania. Australia is located south of the equator.


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Countries nearby

The countries that surround Australia are :Papa New Guinea, Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Tasmania andNew Zealand

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Australia is surrounded by 3 oceans which are South pacific ocean Indian ocean and north pacific ocean. Of the cost of the Bondi beach people go surfing and swimming but…they have to be careful from dangerous predators what lurk in the sea..

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Famous people

kylie Minogue and Dannie Minogue singers

Rolf Harris -artist, entertainer and singer

Mel Gibson -actor.

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The capital of Australia is Canberra and the biggest city is Sydney. its important city's are: Sydney because of its opera house.

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Population/peopleIt's population in 2011 is approximately 22,714,818 people. Australia has a diverse culture and life style due to the closeness of the Asia pacific region.The country's original inhabitants are they aboriginal and Torres strait islander and have been living in Australia for at least 40 thousand years.The rest of Australia's people are migrants who have arrived in Australia since Great Britain opened the first settlement in 1788.Australia needed convict labour to improve its economy and for cheap labour. In 1858 the first seventy five convicts arrived from England, in all over 9 thousand British convicts were sent to Australia between 1850 and 1868. Australian's still call the English Pohms today. This stands for prisoners of her majesties service.

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There are many different species of wildlife in Australia. Other popular animals are Marsupials

Animals: Kangaroo's can jump about higher than 2 meters. they have a pouch to hold there new born.Koala bears can climb as high as a tree. They are capable of climbing and jumping on your face and rip your eyes out!

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Australian Sportsport in Australia is popular particularly in water sports and team sports. Rugby: Rugby union is a well known sport in Australia and the world. The first game of rugby played in Australia was on 25 July 1839. The first club was formed 1864. Cricket: cricket is Australia's national summer sport. The first Australian cricket team witch played over seas was 1868 Aboriginal cricket tour of England.

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Human made land marks• Sydney opera house is on Sydney harbour. the building was

designed by a Danish architect Jorn Utzon. it is a famous visitor attraction. you can listen to opera and watch performances

• Sydney harbour bridge. it was open march the 19 1932 and took 6 years to build. the bridge is made of steel and contains 6 million rivets. when painted the surface area is about the size of 60 sports field

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Natural land marks

Ayres rock is in the heart of Australia. it is a large sandstone rock formation. there are some aboriginal drawings somewhere on the rock. it is 9.4 km to climb/walk up it. It changes colour every day.

The Great barrier reef is along the cost line of Queensland. It is the worlds biggest Coral reef and is over 200 km long. lots of people go diving to see the wonderful sea creatures.

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Climate: Australia has a variety of climates due to its size. The weather ranges from below zero temperatures in the snowy mountains to the intense heat in the north west. It is one of the driest continents in the world. It can suffer bush fires and also flooding.