australia-china complementary health products expo 2016 › apac › media › 10821 ›...

Australia-China Complementary 26-28 June 2016 Pullman A Chinese health industry delegatio 3000 members of pharmacy 3000 members of pharmacy over 240,000 pharmacy reta up to 80 per cent of medicine The largest health industry purchasing choose products, form partnerships an Supported by y Health Products EXPO 2016 n Melbourne Albert Park on of over 800 people representing: retail chains retail chains ail outlets e sales in China. group in China is coming to Australia to nd sign contracts during this expo.

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Page 1: Australia-China Complementary Health Products EXPO 2016 › apac › media › 10821 › ...Australia-China Complementary 26-28 June 2016 Pullman A Chinese health industry delegatio

Australia-China Complementary

26-28 June 2016 Pullman

A Chinese health industry delegatio• 3000 members of pharmacy3000 members of pharmacy• over 240,000 pharmacy reta• up to 80 per cent of medicine

The largest health industry purchasing choose products, form partnerships an

Supported by

y Health Products EXPO 2016

n Melbourne Albert Park

on of over 800 people representing:retail chains retail chains

ail outletse sales in in China is coming to Australia to

nd sign contracts during this expo.

Page 2: Australia-China Complementary Health Products EXPO 2016 › apac › media › 10821 › ...Australia-China Complementary 26-28 June 2016 Pullman A Chinese health industry delegatio

Expo profileThe China Medical Pharmaceutical Material Association (CMPMA) is thretail chain association in China. The association comprises over 3000retail chains, representing 240,000 stores and up to 80 per cent of med


1. To ENCOURAGE use of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreem1. To ENCOURAGE use of the China Australia Free Trade Agreem2. To BUILD a ‘Golden Path’ for trading Chinese and Australian hea3. To PROVIDE a sustainable platform for introducing Chinese healt4. To INTRODUCE quality Australian products to China.

The CMPMA Non-drug Committee plans to establish overseas branchincluding Germany, Great Britain, France, Russia, United States, CanaJapan and Korea. The first branch will be established in Australia and tHealthy Product Association Inc. will be formed during the grand openithe Australia China Complementary Health Products Expo 2016 This mthe Australia-China Complementary Health Products Expo 2016. This mthe CMPMA Non-drug Committee’s overseas development.

LocationLocationPullman Melbourne Albert Park , 65 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004

Dates and timesMonday 27 June 2016 9:00am - 10:00pm

Tuesday 28 June 2016 9:00am - 09:00pm

This is a unique opportunity for you to do bus

Turnbull urges business to i Chi t it

he only pharmaceutical 0 members of pharmacy dicine sales in China.

seize China opportunity

Malcolm Turnbull has challenged businesses to redouble efforts at winning over the Chinese. ‘As China transitions towards a more


China transitions towards a more consumption-driven economy, it faces big challenges,’ Mr. Turnbull said at an invite-only function hosted by the Australia China Business Council on Tuesday night i C bent.

alth products.h products internationally.

in Canberra.

‘But we have a huge stake in the success of China's economic transition because it will generate enormous opportunities ’That's

hes in 30 countries ada, New Zealand, the Complementary ng on the first day of marks the beginning of

enormous opportunities. That s why we need to redouble our efforts to match China's rapidly diversifying economy.

marks the beginning of Malcolm Turnbull,Prime Minister of Australia

siness directly with China.

Page 3: Australia-China Complementary Health Products EXPO 2016 › apac › media › 10821 › ...Australia-China Complementary 26-28 June 2016 Pullman A Chinese health industry delegatio

AbThe 1000

• 40ab

• 10pr

• 10bi

• 20ty



As p03 9i finfo

out the exhibitionChina Medical Pharmaceutical Material Association will organise for over

0 participants to attend the expo including:

00 top Chinese medicine retail entrepreneurs with a total market share of bout $300 billion

00 Chinese health product industrial enterprises offering over 2000 types of roducts with Chinese characteristics

00 Australian retail entrepreneurs with a total market share of about $100 illion

00 Australian industrial enterprises offering over 2000 types of products ypical of Australia.

t:              China Medical Pharmaceutical Material Associationaniser: CMPMA Non drug Committeeaniser:     CMPMA Non‐drug Committee

Complementary Health Product Association Inc

s is not only an exhibition for Australia-China international trade, but also the is for long-term strategic cooperation with Chinese pharmaceutical retail in enterprises.

places are limited you need to secure your position NOW. Please call 9640 0566 or 0413 760 326 or email [email protected] for more 


Choose products, form  partnerships and sign contracts during the expo.

Page 4: Australia-China Complementary Health Products EXPO 2016 › apac › media › 10821 › ...Australia-China Complementary 26-28 June 2016 Pullman A Chinese health industry delegatio

Participant profiles

1、 CMPMA Non-drug Committee China-Australia ExpositioHonorary Head of CMPMA Non-drug Committee Australia China ExpositionHongXian, Mr. Gao Yi, Mr. Liu YongHead of Chinese delegation: Mr. Ma ShouJunThe Secretary-General of the Chinese delegation: Mr. Yuan FaJunHead of Australian delegation: Mr. Sunny SunThe chief executive of the Australian delegation think-tank: Mr. Zhang Chun

2、Chinese delegation of industrial enterprises Responsible for organising, coordinating and linking Chinese and AustralianThe Chinese Delegation Chief/Deputy Chief of Chinese E-Jiao (donkey-hideThe Chinese Delegation Chief/Deputy Chief of Chinese E Jiao (donkey hideThe Chinese Delegation Chief/Deputy Chief of the personal care industryThe Chinese Delegation Chief/Deputy Chief of Chinese functional food induThe Chinese Delegation Chief/Deputy Chief of 'old Chinese' food industryThe Chinese Delegation Chief/Deputy Chief of Chinese medical equipment g p y q pThe Chinese Delegation Chief/Deputy Chief of Chinese life cultivation and hThe Chinese Delegation Chief/Deputy Chief of authentic medicinal herbs indThe Chinese Delegation Chief/Deputy Chief of skin care industry The Chinese Delegation Chief/Deputy Chief of Chinese specialty goods ind

3、Chinese purchasing group of Australian health products (Responsible for investigating, communicating, negotiating and selecting AustThe Chinese purchasing group Chief/Deputy Chief for Australian maternity anThe Chinese purchasing group Chief/Deputy Chief for Australian maternity anThe Chinese purchasing group Chief/Deputy Chief for Australian commodity The Chinese purchasing group Chief/Deputy Chief for Australian medical equThe Chinese purchasing group Chief/Deputy Chief for Australian specialty foThe Chinese purchasing group Chief/Deputy Chief for Australian project inveThe Chinese purchasing group Chief/Deputy Chief for Australian project inveThe Chinese purchasing group Chief/Deputy Chief for Australian functional foThe Chinese purchasing group Chief/Deputy Chief for Australian aged care pThe Chinese purchasing group Chief/Deputy Chief for the others Australian p

on leading groupn delegation: Mr. Liu ZhongLiang, Mr. Xie ZiLong, Mr. Ruan


n health products purchasing group e gelatin) industrye gelatin) industry


industryyhealth preservation industrydustry


(See Appendix A)tralian health products nd baby/dairy products industrynd baby/dairy products industryand cosmetics industry uipment industry od industry

estment industryestment industryood industryproducts products

Page 5: Australia-China Complementary Health Products EXPO 2016 › apac › media › 10821 › ...Australia-China Complementary 26-28 June 2016 Pullman A Chinese health industry delegatio

China Health Industry Delegation

国药控股国大药房有限公司 SINOPHARM GROUP CO .LTD. http:

江苏百佳惠苏禾大药房连锁有限公司 BAIJIAHUI PHARMACY http江苏百佳 苏禾大药房连锁有限公司 p



北京同仁堂股份有限公司 Tongrentang Chinese Medicine-Since1669

石家庄新兴药房连锁有限公司 Shijiazhuang Xinxing Chain Pharmac



赤峰人川大药房连锁有限公司 RENCHUAN PHARMACY http://ww


青岛医保城药业集团有限公司 M&H CITY GROUP http://www.qdy

Over 400 pharmacy retail chain owners wOver 400 pharmacy retail chain owners wOver 100 Chinese healthy product enterprThese enterprises will present over 2000 t


p:// j j


ies Co., Ltd.



ill be participating in the exhibitionill be participating in the exhibition.rises will be participating.typical Chinese products.

Page 6: Australia-China Complementary Health Products EXPO 2016 › apac › media › 10821 › ...Australia-China Complementary 26-28 June 2016 Pullman A Chinese health industry delegatio

Proposed VIP guests

The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MPh f l

Andrew John Robb AO, MPThe Prime Minister of Australia  The Former Minister for Trade and 


The Hon. Daniel  Andrews         Premier of Victoria

The Hon.  Steven  Ciobo Minister for Trade and Investment 

The Hon. Barnaby Joyce            Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources

The Hon. James Merlino MP    Deputy Premier of Victoria

The Hon Jill Hennessy Minister for HealthThe Hon Jill Hennessy                Minister for Health

Cr. Robert  Doyle                       Lord Mayor of the City of Melbourne

The Hon. Bruce Atkinson          President of the Legislative Council

The Hon. Jaala Pulford MLC     Minister for Agriculture

The Hon  Hong Lim                    Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and As

The Hon Ken Smith                   Australia‐China Business Council Chairman of Victoria A

Cr. Susan Riley                            Deputy Lord Mayor of the City of Melbourne

Cr. Ken Ong the City of Melbourne's councillor Chair of Planning of 

Cr. Jennifer Yang                        Mayor of Manningham City Council

The official representatives of the Chinese Consulate-General in MelbourneConsulate General in Melbourne

Mr Yumin SONGMr. Yumin SONG


Mr. Guobin HUANG

Deputy Consul‐General 

sia Engagement


Ms. Yu LIU

Commercial Counsellor


Page 7: Australia-China Complementary Health Products EXPO 2016 › apac › media › 10821 › ...Australia-China Complementary 26-28 June 2016 Pullman A Chinese health industry delegatio

Media campaign

The China Medical Pharmaceutical Material Association willThe China Medical Pharmaceutical Material Association will conduct a media campaign in both China and Australia prior to and during the expo to raise awareness of the exhibition and to highlight the significant business opportunities available to both Australian and Chinese companies.

Overseas media (etc.)


光明报 新华网 浙江在线健康网光明报 新华 浙 在线健康湖北日报新媒体集团 央广网 齐鲁网中国经济网 每日经济新闻网 经济观察网中新社山西分社 华龙网 东方网内蒙古互联网新闻中心 四川在线 中国江西网内蒙古互联网新闻中心 四川在线 中国江西网广西健康生活网 大众网 齐鲁网东北网 云南网 大河健康网天健网 鲁网 南方网河北新闻网 长城网 青岛新闻网河北新闻网 长城网 青岛新闻网今视网 新文化网 海南在线荆楚网 中江网 今晚网大江网 西部网 中山网中山报业传媒中山网 寻医问药网 医药界中山报业传媒中山网 寻医问药网 医药界


大华时代报 墨尔本时代报 太阳先驱报大华时代报 墨尔本时代报 太阳先驱报澳洲人报 澳大利亚联合新闻社

Exposition information

Set‐up exhibition

Victoria Government Welcome DinnerVictoria Government Welcome Dinner

Exposition for selecting and buying group 

Sponsor salon for company presentations

70 f (1) (2) (3) f i i h l h70 forums (1), (2), (3) for increasing health products sales up to 70% 

Sponsor lunch and banquet

Selecting and buying group private session Se ec g a d buy g g oup p a e sess o

Contract signing ceremony

A unique opportunity to market directly to the Chinese pharmaceutical industry.p yExhibitor places are limited. Call now!

Page 8: Australia-China Complementary Health Products EXPO 2016 › apac › media › 10821 › ...Australia-China Complementary 26-28 June 2016 Pullman A Chinese health industry delegatio

Feature zones Diverse demandHealth supplements Health food

Commodity Cosmetics

Wine Real estate

Logistics Investment and IPOLogistics Investment and IPO


Medical equipment Pet food

Requirements for exhibiting enterprises

1. Growing enterprises with the strength, courage and determination t

2 P d t th t f d li bl ith titi2. Products that are safe and reliable with core competitiveness.

3. Enterprises with sufficient and stable capacity.

4. Enterprises with mature management and marketing teams.

Preferred enterprises and products

Enterprises with well-known Australian trademarks and products with

Enterprises that intend to invest and/or operate in the Chinese market

Contract opportunity

During this exhibition the China Medical Pharmaceutical Material Asso

offer contracts to companies representing the 100 products that are id

Companies with a large number of quality products that have outstand

contract and potentially a long-term agreement to sell to the Chinese

excellent time to form a strategic partnership with the Chinese pharma

d for different industriesMaternity and baby/dairy products

Skin care

Study abroad/immigration

Finance Finance

Tourist souvenirs

to expand and develop domestic and foreign markets.

distinctive Australian characteristics.


ociation’s expert panel will be reviewing products. The panel will look to

dentified as having the greatest potential in the Chinese market.

ding marketing support will have a greater chance of being offered a

market. Following the China-Australia free trade agreement this is an

aceutical retail market.

Page 9: Australia-China Complementary Health Products EXPO 2016 › apac › media › 10821 › ...Australia-China Complementary 26-28 June 2016 Pullman A Chinese health industry delegatio

Sponsorship Packages Co‐name

Principal Sponsorship

PRESENTATION BOOTHFront position in expo

Major Sponsorsh

PRESENTATION BOOBest available positi

EVENT BRANDINGAll branding as Principal Sponsor on all Australia‐China Complimentary Health Product Expo marketing materials, salon title 

EVENT BRANDINGAll branding as MajoChina Complimentamarketing materialsp g

and dinner title.MEDIA CAMPAIGNPrincipal Sponsor logo included inAustralia‐China Complimentary Health Product Expo media campaign in China and

MEDIA CAMPAIGNMajor Sponsor logoChina Complimentamedia campaign inProduct Expo media campaign in China and 

Australia including: 3‐page newspaper, 3‐page media network promotion, advertisement on WeChat official public platform, projection at expo, posters, brochures, emails and direct 

media campaign in including: 2‐page nenetwork promotionWeChat official pubexpo, posters, broch


SPEAKING OPPORTUNITY2*Seminar Speaking Sessions4*Special product presentation tables


SPEAKING OPPORT1*Seminar Speaking3*Special product p4 Special  product presentation tables

ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPAssociation membership as well as being offered the title of Vice President.S hi F $50 000

p p p

ASSOCIATION MEMAssociation membeCommittee MembeSponsorship Fee: $3Sponsorship Fee: $50,000

10 guests to attend:

26th Day 1, VIC Government‐hosted Welcome 

Sponsorship Fee: $3

6 guests to attend:

26th Day 1, VIC Goveb tbanquet

27th Day 2, Title Sponsored Lunch & banquet

28th Day 3, , Title Sponsored Lunch & ‘Contract Signing’ Ceremony banquet


27th Day 2, , Title Sp

28th Day 3, , Title Sp‘Contract Signing’ C

ed sponsor: A$200,000 

Feature  Zone Sponsorship

PRESENTATION BOOTHBest available position within Featured Zone


OTHion in expo

EVENT BRANDINGAll branding as Feature Zone Sponsor on Australia‐China Complimentary Health Product Expo marketing materials.

or Sponsor on Australia‐ry Health Product Expo s and salon title.

MEDIA CAMPAIGNFeature Zone Sponsor logo included in Australia‐China Complimentary Health Product Expo media campaign in Australia

o included in Australia‐ry Health Product Expo China and Australia Product Expo media campaign in Australia 

and China including: 1 and a half‐page newspaper, 1 page media network promotion, advertisement on WeChat official public platform, projection at expo, posters, 

China and Australia ewspaper, 2‐page media , advertisement on 

blic platform, projection at hures, emails and direct 

brochures, emails and direct mail.

PRESENTATION  OPPORTUNITY2*Special  product presentation tables

UNITYg Sessionspresentation tables

ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPAssociation membership and be entitled as a Committee Member.Sponsorship Fee: $15,000


MBERSHIPership and be entitled as a r.30 000

4 guests to attend:

26th Day 1, VIC Government‐hosted Welcome banquet


ernment‐hosted Welcome 

27th Day 2 , Title Sponsored Lunch & banquet

28th Day 3, , Title Sponsored Lunch & ‘Contract Signing’ Ceremony banquet

ponsored Lunch & banquet

ponsored Lunch & eremony banquet

Page 10: Australia-China Complementary Health Products EXPO 2016 › apac › media › 10821 › ...Australia-China Complementary 26-28 June 2016 Pullman A Chinese health industry delegatio

Sponsorship Packages

COST $5500EVENT BRANDINGLogo will be printed on Australia-China Complimentary Health Product Expo marketing

COST $4500EVENT BRANDILogo will be printComplimentary HComplimentary Health Product Expo marketing


MEDIA CAMPAIGNL i l d d i A t li Chi

Complimentary Hmarketing materi

MEDIA CAMPAIGL i l d d iLogo included in Australia-China

Complimentary Health Product Expo media campaign in Australia and China including: 1 page newspaper, half page media network promotion projection at expo

Logo included in Complimentary Hcampaign in Austhalf page newspanetwork promotiopromotion, projection at expo.

PRODUCT PRESENTATION For 1 Product Presentation Table

network promotio

PRODUCT PREFor 1 Product Pr

ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPAssociation membership

ASSOCIATION MAssociation mem

Two guests to attend:26th Day 1, The VIC Government-hosted Welcome banquet

One guests to att26th Day 1, The VWelcome banque

27th Day 2, Title Sponsored lunch & banquet28th Day 3, Title Sponsored lunch & ‘Contract Signing’ Ceremony banquet

27th Day 2, Title S28th Day 3, ‘Contbanquet

NGted on Australia-China Health Product Expo

COST $3500

MEDIA CAMPAIGNL i l d d i A li ChiHealth Product Expo


GNA t li Chi

Logo included in Australia-China Complimentary Health Product Expo media campaign in Australia and China including: quarter page newspaper advertisement, half

di t k tiAustralia-China Health Product Expo media tralia and China including: aper ads, half page media on

page media network promotion.

PRODUCT PRESENTATION For 1 Product Presentation Tableon.

ESENTATION resentation Table

ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPAssociation membership


One guests to attend:26th Day 1, The VIC Government-hosted Welcome banquet

tend:VIC Government-hosted et

27th Day 2, Title Sponsored banquet28th Day 3, ‘Contract Signing’ Ceremony banquet

Sponsored banquetract Signing’ Ceremony

Page 11: Australia-China Complementary Health Products EXPO 2016 › apac › media › 10821 › ...Australia-China Complementary 26-28 June 2016 Pullman A Chinese health industry delegatio


ABN: 306 738 313 19  Address:  Suite 802, 167‐1

Tax Invoice

Please complete the registration form and return to [email protected]. If you ha

Membership Price Feature Zone Table Qty

Bronze $3500.00

Silver $4500.00

Gold $5500.00

GST exclusive

Exhibitor Details





Website: _________________________________________________ 

Contact No: 





Company Name: 






Signature:  _____________________   Date:____________________ 





169 Queen street, Melbourne  3000 Australia

ave any enquiries, please contact (03) 9640 0566 or 0413760326.

Sponsorship Price  Feature Zone Table Qty

Feature Zone $15,000.00

Major $30,000.00

Principal $50,000.00

ayment Details:

ard Details: Visa MasterCardard Details:       Visa         MasterCard

ardholder’s Name:

ard No:   Expiry Date: CVV No:

mount: $_____________         Signature:   Date: _______________

ectronic Funds  Transfer/Bank Deposits

ccount Name:  Complementary Heath Product Association Inc

SB:  063 010

ccount No:  13034620

ank:  CBA

Page 12: Australia-China Complementary Health Products EXPO 2016 › apac › media › 10821 › ...Australia-China Complementary 26-28 June 2016 Pullman A Chinese health industry delegatio

Term and Condition:1. Tender and execution of contract Registration for participation in an event/trade show must be received by Complementary registration received in good time does not establish a right to participation or a particular size or location of an assigned boothconfirmation of registration by Complementary Health Product Association Inc.2. Payment terms2.1 The full participation price must be paid in full 7 days after the participation has been confirmed and invoiced, otherwise the2 2 I th t th t th hibit b d li t i d t d C l t H lth P d t A i ti I2.2 In the event that the exhibitor becomes delinquent in a due payment and Complementary Health Product Association Inc. repenalty.2.3 Complementary Health Product Association Inc. will invoice the costs of additionally ordered Services after the close of the e3. Delivery/changes/delinquency/cancellation3.1 In the event that an exhibitor elects, after execution of the contract, not to participate or to reduce the previously agreed sccompensation for expenses already incurred by Complementary Health Product Association Inc. 3.2 Cancellation of the contracttimely written withdrawal, the following reductions from the price of participation are granted: – if received at least six months i hd i i i l h h h b f h hibi i h f ll i i i i d f ll i i fwithdraws its registration less than three months before the exhibition, the full participation price and full registration fee are p

the original exhibitor‘s obligations shall be discharged up to the amount of the payment of the participation price by the replaceThe registration fee and additional expenses incurred by Complementary Health Product Association Inc. remain payable in anyInc. may undertake a reduction in the registered booth space or a change of location at any time . In this event the exhibitor shaexhibitor‘s interests are unreasonably adversely affected thereby. If the adverse effect is reasonable, the exhibitor may neverth3.4 If it becomes impossible to participate in a trade show as planned, the registered trade show participant shall not be entitled4. Special terms for participation in events/trade shows 4.1 Basic Services: On assuming organisational responsibility, Complementary Health Product Association Inc. undertakes to prodignified and unified event in keeping with Australia’s reputation. The price for Basic Services (participation price) includes rentthe sole principal for the Basic Services visà‐ vis third parties. Complementary Health Product Association Inc. assigns locations aall reasonable efforts to meet exhibitors‘ wishes in respect of location. Any confirmation of location and size of the exhibition spa booth at a location other than that confirmed, to change the size of the exhibitor‘s space (e.g. in the event of overbooking), toexceptional circumstances give rise to a significant interest on Complementary Health Product Association Inc.‘s part in underta4.2 Special Services: All services above and beyond the Basic Services, unless expressly agreed otherwise, are invoiced separateland furniture, outlets, installations and operating costs for electricity and telecommunications, water, compressed air, gas, etc. 5. Exhibitor‘s obligations5.1 The guidelines and rules established by the trade show management are binding on all exhibitors. The responsible ComplemMedia Group or third parties appointed by Complementary Health Product Association Inc. represent the interests of the Austra5.2 The design and operation of the rented space must be in harmony with the overall image of the fair. The exhibitor shall comComplementary Health Product Association Inc.‘s guidelines and instructions apply on a subsidiary basis for the design and ope5.3 The exhibitor undertakes to complete the trade show booth by the opening of the exhibition. The exhibitor is obliged to stafbooth only after the close of the exhibition. 5.4 Presentations of any kind and special actions (such as noisy or otherwise disruptAssociation Inc. Visual or acoustic disturbance of neighbouring booths or obstructions in the booth and aisle spaces are prohibitprohibit troublesome or obstructive presentations and, in the event of repeated infractions, to terminate the booth rental contrexhibitor, but may be arranged through Complementary Health Product Association Inc. at the exhibitor‘s request and expense.6. Transport, insurance and security measures6.1 Packing, round‐trip transport, customs clearances, storage and insurance of the exhibited goods and empties are the respon6.2 Participation does not include insurance cover. Securing liability, accident, illness, property, repatriation insurance, etc. is thp g y, , , p p y, p ,insurer or connecting link for certain activities on a binding basis in individual cases, the legal relations are based solely on the arole in such cases is solely that of an intermediary. If Complementary Health Product Association Inc. provides the authorities wassociated obligations and holdComplementary Health Product Association Inc. harmless.7. Assignment/involvement of third partiesDuring participation in events/trade shows, co‐exhibitors may use the exhibition space rented by the exhibitor only with the wrsome form in an exhibitor‘s booth, whether through lettering, exhibits or entry in the trade show catalogue. A separate registraProduct Association Inc. for compliance with the present contractual terms and conditions, any individual agreements and for aProduct Association Inc. for compliance with the present contractual terms and conditions, any individual agreements and for awith the approval of Complementary Health Product Association Inc.8. Warranty and liability8.1 Complementary Health Product Association Inc. is not liable for late arrival of goods for exhibit, defective support by local reconfiscation, etc.8.2 Complementary Health Product Association Inc. refuses liability for adverse effects or damage occurring to the exhibitor thrfor damage demonstrably caused deliberately or through gross negligence by Complementary Health Product Association Inc. oInternational Media Group is excluded 8 3 Complementary Health Product Association Inc bears no responsibility if an event isInternational Media Group is excluded. 8.3 Complementary Health Product Association Inc. bears no responsibility if an event isincurred up to this date will be invoiced on a pro rata basis to the registered exhibitors. Expenses for Special Services will be invo8.4 Complementary Health Product Association Inc. is not liable to the exhibitor for any consequences arising from the location 9. Applicable law and jurisdictionUnless and except as these Terms and Conditions contain provisions to the contrary, the legal relations between the parties are

Name: Date: Signature:    ________________

Health Product Association Inc. in writing within the time limit for registration specified in the participation documents. A . Late registrations may be considered only based on available space. The contract is deemed executed only upon written 

e Client shall not be entitled to participate.i d th t t ff ti i di t l th i t ti f d d ti i ti i h ll b bl iescinds the contract effective immediately, the registration fees and agreed participation price shall be payable in

event; such charges shall likewise be payable within  7 days.

cope of participation, the registration fee and full participation price for the Basic Services shall remain due along with t by the exhibitor is effective only if in written form (by letter or fax). Cancellation by e‐mail is not admissible. In the event of before the exhibition: 30% reduction; – if received at least three months before the exhibition: 10% reduction. If the exhibitor 

bl If h hibi f i bl l hibi h d d hpayable. If the exhibitor arranges for a suitable replacement exhibitor to assume the executed contract under the same terms, ement exhibitor.y case. The replacement exhibitor is also required to pay the registration fee. 3.3 Complementary Health Product Association all be entitled to withdraw in writing within one week of receiving notification of such a change in the contractual terms if the eless withdraw from the contract but shall be liable for the costs of withdrawal.d to indemnification for loss of any expected business transactions that would have occurred while taking part in the fair.

ovide the Client with ideal conditions for participating in the trade show and to make all arrangements necessary to organize a al of the exhibition space and the services specified in the announcement. Complementary Health Product Association Inc. is and booth space in cooperation with the trade show management. Complementary Health Product Association Inc. will make pace does not establish a legal claim. Complementary Health Product Association Inc. reserves the right to assign the exhibitor o relocate or close entrances and exits to the fairgrounds and halls and to undertake other structural changes in the event that king such as Special Services on a cost basis including any handling charge. These include, without limitation, additional equipment as well as services such as additional exhibitor IDs, parking cards, etc.

mentary Health Product Association Inc. project manager or his or her deputy retain domiciliary rights. Ausfocus International alian exhibitors vis‐à‐vis the trade show management.mply with the instructions of Complementary Health Product Association Inc. or the trade show management in this respect. ration of booths.ff and supply the booth with exhibition materials for the entire time that the exhibition is open and to begin dismantling the tive demonstrations, sale or free distribution of goods) are subject to express approval by Complementary Health Product ted. In the event of infringement, Complementary Health Product Association Inc. reserves the right at its own discretion to ract with immediate effect. 5.5 The engagement of local personnel, interpreters, etc. is in principle the responsibility of each . Each exhibitor is responsible for ensuring that its event staff possesses the required identification papers and permits.

nsibility of each individual exhibitor unless otherwise agreed.he responsibility of each exhibitor. Even if Complementary Health Product Association Inc. prescribes a freight forwarder, p y p y p g ,agreements concluded between the exhibitors and the contracting party. A Complementary Health Product Association Inc.‘s with guarantees for the temporary admission of goods on behalf of exhibitors, the exhibitor undertakes to comply with the 

itten consent of Ausfocus International Media Group and an additional registration. Co‐exhibitors are participants appearing in tion fee is charged for each co‐exhibitor. When accepting co‐exhibitors, the exhibitor is liable to Complementary Health ny damage caused by the coexhibitor. Presentation of foreign exhibits or licensees of Australian companies is permitted onlyny damage caused by the coexhibitor. Presentation of foreign exhibits or licensees of Australian companies is permitted only 

epresentatives of Australian companies, theft of or damage to goods for exhibits and personal effects, force majeure, official 

ough its own conduct in contravention of the contract. Complementary Health Product Association Inc. is liable to the exhibitor or its contracting partners (booth assemblers, trade show management, graphic artists, etc.). All further liability of Ausfocuss not held or planned participation does not occur due to unforeseen compelling circumstances The costs of Basic Servicess not held or planned participation does not occur due to unforeseen compelling circumstances. The costs of Basic Services oiced to the exhibitors on an individual basis.or surroundings of the booth.

 governed exclusively by Australian law.
