authors have granted permission to concerns of police ... · tance to the immediate survivors of a...

. Authors have granted permission to Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc., to reprint and distribute this document. . Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. P.O. Box 3199 Camdenton, MO 65020 (573) 346-4911

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Page 1: Authors have granted permission to Concerns of Police ... · tance to the immediate survivors of a mem-ber who dies in the line of duty. This assis-tance is provided whether the death


Authors have granted permission to Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc.,to reprint and distribute this document.


Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc.P.O. Box 3199

Camdenton, MO 65020(573) 346-4911

Robby Robinson
Robby Robinson
Robby Robinson
Page 2: Authors have granted permission to Concerns of Police ... · tance to the immediate survivors of a mem-ber who dies in the line of duty. This assis-tance is provided whether the death

Line-of-DutyDeath Manual

The purpose of this manual is to help relieve thetrauma following the loss of a fellow police officerby preparing for such a tragedy in advance. I tincludes information regarding family support,benefits and funeral arrangements. It is myheartfelt desire that we will never be called upon touse this document.

This manual was made possible with the help ofConcerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.), theBaltimore County Police Department, City ofFairfax Police Department, Prince George’s CountyPolice Department, personnel at the WashingtonMetropolitan Area Transit Authority, and a group oftruly dedicated Transit Police officers.

Lieutenant Robert D. PhillipsApril, 1992

(Information Updated by Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc., December 1995)

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General Order 1

Funeral Protoco1 2

Confidential Information Forms 3

Reference Material 4

Benefits Summary 5___-.--

Robby Robinson
Robby Robinson
Robby Robinson
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Page 5: Authors have granted permission to Concerns of Police ... · tance to the immediate survivors of a mem-ber who dies in the line of duty. This assis-tance is provided whether the death

GENERAL ORDERMetro Transit Police

Subject: Line-of-Duty Death Number: 267 I

Effective: 03/15/97

I. PurposeThis Order establishes procedures to ensurethe proper support and emotional care for amember’s family following a line-of-dutydeath.

II. PolicyThe Department will provide liaison assis-tance to the immediate survivors of a mem-ber who dies in the line of duty. This assis-tance is provided whether the death wasunlawful or accidental (i.e., automobileaccident, hit by a passing vehicle during atraffic stop, training accident) while themember was performing a police-relatedfunction, either on or off-duty and while heor she was an active member of the Depart-ment. The Chief of Police may institutecertain parts of this Order for cases of amember’s natural death. The Departmentwill also provide a clarification and compre-hensive study of survivor benefits as well asemotional support during this traumatic pe-riod of readjustment for the surviving fam-ily. Funeral arrangements of the deceasedmember are to be decided by the family,with their wishes taking precedence over theDepartment’s.

III. DiscussionCoordination of events following the line-of-duty death of a police officer is an extremelyimportant and complex responsibility.Professionalism and compassion must beexhibited at all times as an obligation to themember’s survivors and to the law enforce-ment community. In order to provide thebest possible services and support for themember’s family, specific tasks may be as-signed to selected members of the Depart-ment. Their titles are:

- Notification Officer- Hospital Liaison Officer

- Family Liaison Officer- Department Liaison Officer- Benefits Coordinator

An explanation of each of these responsibil-ities is contained in this Order. A membermay be called upon to perform more thanone role.

Members are encouraged to maintain an up-to-date “Confidential Line-of-Duty DeathInformation” form in the CommunicationsDivision. The information will be of ex-treme comfort to members’ families and theDepartment in fulfilling the deceased offi-cer’s wishes.

This Order is based upon guidelines sug-gested in the handbook entitled, "SupportServices to Surviving Families of Line ofDuty Deaths," by Suzanne F. Sawyer, theExecutive Director of Concerns of PoliceSurvivors, Inc. (C.O.P.S.), based inCamdenton, Missouri.

IV. Procedures & ResponsibilitiesA. Notification

1. It is the responsibility of the WatchCommander to properly notify thenext of kin of a member who hassuffered severe injuries or died. TheWatch Commander may personallymake the notification or designate aNOTIFICATION OFFICER to in-form the survivors.

2. The name of the deceased memberwill not be released by the Depart-ment before the immediate family isnotified.

3. If there is knowledge of a medicalproblem with an immediate survivor,medical personnel should be avail-able at the residence at the time ofnotification.

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4. Notification will be made in personand never alone. The Chief of Po-lice or his or her designee, policechaplain, close friend, or anotherpolice survivor could appropriatelyaccompany the NOTIFICATIONOFFICER. However, if the afore-mentioned persons are not readilyaccessible, notification should not bedelayed until these people can gather.If there is an opportunity to get to thehospital prior to the demise of themember, do not wait for the delega-tion to gather. The family shouldlearn of the death from the Depart-ment first and not from the press orother sources.

5. Never make a death notification onthe doorstep. Ask to be admitted tothe house. Inform family membersslowly and clearly of the informationthat you have. If specifics of theincident are known, the NOTIFICA-TION OFFICER should relay asmuch information as possible to thefamily. Be sure to use the member’sname during the notification. If themember has died, relay that informa-tion. Never give the family a falsesense of hope. Use words such as“died” and “dead” rather than “goneaway” or “passed away.”

6. If the family requests to visit thehospital, they should be transportedby police vehicle. It is highly rec-ommended that the family not drivethemselves to the hospital. If thefamily insists on driving, a membershould accompany them in the familycar.

7. If young children are at home, theNOTIFICATION OFFICER mustarrange for babysitting needs. Thismay involve co-workers’ spouses,transportation of children to a rela-tive’s home, or similar arrangements.

8. Prior to departing for the hospital,the NOTIFICATION OFFICERshould notify the hospital staff andthe HOSPITAL LIAISON (by tele-phone if possible) that a member(s)of the family is enroute.

9. The deceased or severely injuredmember’s parents should also be af-forded the courtesy of a personalnotification whenever possible.

10. If immediate survivors live beyondthe Washington, D.C. metropolitanarea, the NOTIFICATION OFFI-CER will ensure that the Communi-cations Division sends a teletypemessage to the appropriate jutisdic-tion, requesting a personal notifica-tion. The NOTIFICATION OFFI-CER may choose to call the otherjurisdiction by telephone in additionto the teletype message. Arrange-ments should be made to permit si-multaneous telephone contact be-tween the survivors and theDepartment.

11. The Chief or a high-ranking repre-sentative should respond to theresidence or the hospital to meet withthe family as quickly as possible.

12. In the event of an on-duty death, theexternal monitoring of police fre-quencies may be extensive. When-ever possible, communicationsregarding notifications should berestricted to the telephone. If themedia has obtained the member’sname, they will be advised to with-hold the information, pending notiti-cation of next of kin.

B. Assistance for Affected Members1. Members who were on the scene or

who arrived moments after a memberwas critically injured or killed shouldbe relieved as quickly as possible.

2. Police witnesses and other memberswho may have been emotionallyaffected by the serious injury ordeath of another member will attenda Critical Incident Stress Debriefingheld by a trained mental healthprofessional.

C. Assisting the Family at the Hospital1. The first official, other than the

Chief or his/her representative, toarrive at the hospital becomes theHOSPITAL LIAISON. The HOS-PITAL LIAISON is responsible forcoordinating the activities of hospital

General Order 267Page 2

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personnel, the member’s family,police officers, the press and others.These responsibilities include:a. arranging with hospital personnel

to provide an appropriate waitingfacility for the family, the Chiefof Police, the NOTIFICATIONOFFICER, and others requestedby the immediate survivors,

b. arranging a separate area forfellow police officers to assemble,

c. establishing a press staging area,d. ensuring that medical personnel

relay pertinent informationregarding a member’s condition tothe family on a timely basis andbefore such information is re-leased to others,

e. notifying the appropriate hospitalpersonnel that all medical billsrelating to the injured or deceasedmember are directed to theWMATA Office of Safety andRisk Management. The familyshould not receive any of thesebills at their residence. This mayrequire the HOSPITALLIAISON to re-contact thehospital during normal businesshours to ensure that proper billingtakes place,

f. ensuring that the family is updatedregarding the incident and themember’s condition upon theirarrival at the hospital, and

g. arranging transportation for thefamily back to their residence.

2. If it is possible for the family to visitthe injured member before death,they should be afforded thatopportunity. A police official should“prepare” the family for what theymight see in the emergency room andshould accompany the family into theroom for the visit if the familyrequests it. Medical personnelshould advise the family of visitationpolicies and, in the event of death,explain why an autopsy is necessary.

3. The NOTIFICATION OFFICER(S)should remain at the hospital whilethe family is present.

4. Do not be overly protective of thefamily. This includes sharingspecific information as to how themember met his or her demise, aswell as allowing the family time withthe deceased member.

D. Support of the Family During the Wakeand Funeral1. The Chief of Police, or a designee,

will meet with the member’s familyat their home to determine theirwishes regarding Departmentalparticipation in the preparation of thefuneral or services. All possibleassistance will be rendered.

2. With the approval of the family, theChief will assign a FAMILY LIAI-SON OFFICER. The Chief willalso designate a DEPARTMENTLIAISON OFFICER and a BENE-FITS COORDINATOR.


SON OFFICER is a critical assign-ment. An attempt should be made toassign someone who enjoyed a closerelationship with the member and hisor her family. When possible,male/female “teams” should beutilized as FAMILY LIAISONOFFICERS, thus preventing bond-ing between the survivor(s) andmember during a vulnerable time inthe survivor’s life.

2. This is not a decision-making posi-tion, but a “facilitator” between thefamily and the Department.

3. Responsibilities of the FAMILYLIAISON OFFICER include:a. ensuring that the needs of the

family come before the wishes ofthe Department,

b. assisting the family with funeralarrangements and making themaware of what the Department canoffer if they decide to have apolice funeral. If they choose thelatter, briefing the family onfuneral procedure (i.e., presentingthe flag, playing of taps, firingparty).

General Order 267Page 3

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c. apprising the family of informa-tion concerning the death and thecontinuing investigation,

d. providing as much assistance aspossible, including overseeingtravel and lodging arrangementsfor out-of-town family members,arranging for food for the family,meeting child care and transporta-tion needs, etc.,

e. being constantly available to thefamily,

f. determining what public safety,church, fraternal and labororganizations will provide interms of financial assistance forout-of-town family travel, foodfor funeral attendees following theburial, etc.,

g. notifying Concerns of PoliceSurvivors (C.O.P.S.), (573) 346-4911. Members are available toprovide emotional support to sur-viving families, and

h. carrying a pager at all times.F. DEPARTMENT LIAISON OFFICER

1. This position is normally assigned toa Division Commander because ofthe need to effectively coordinateresources throughout the Depart-ment.

2. Responsibilities of the DEPART-MENT LIAISON OFFICER in-clude:a. working closely with the FAMI-

LY LIAISON OFFICER toensure that the needs of thefamily are fulfilled,

b. handling the news mediathroughout the ordeal. If thefamily decides to accept aninterview, a member shouldattend to “screen” questionspresented to the family so as notto jeopardize subsequent legalproceedings,

c. meeting with the followingpersons to coordinate funeralactivities and establish an itiner-ary:1) Chief of Police and Bureau


2) funeral director,3) family priest or minister,4) cemetery director, and5) MTP Honor Guard,

d. directing the funeral activities ofthe Department and visitingpolice departments according tothe wishes of the family,

e. issuing a teletype message to in-clude the following:1) name of deceased,2) date and time of death,3) circumstances surrounding

the death,4) funeral arrangements (state if

service will be private or apolice funeral),

5) uniform to be worn,6) expressions of sympathy in

lieu of flowers, and7) contact person and phone

number for visitingdepartments to call to indicatetheir desire to attend or toobtain further information,

f. Establishing a command center,if necessary, to coordinateinformation and response to thetragedy,

g. developing a policy for thewearing of badge memorialribbons and use of patrol vehiclememorial sashes,

h. obtaining an American flag. Ifthe family wishes a flag presen-tation by the Chief, notify theChief's Office,

i. determining if the family desiresa burial in uniform and selectinga member to obtain a uniformand all accouterments (exceptweapons) and deliver them to thefuneral home,

j. assigning members for usherduty at the church,

k. arranging for the delivery of themember’s personal belongings tothe family,

1. briefing the Chief and staffconcerning all funeral arrange-ments,

m. ensuring that the surviving par-

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ents are afforded recognition andthat proper placement isarranged for them during thefuneral and procession,

n. arranging for a stand by doctorfor the family, if necessary,

o. coordinating traffic management,with other jurisdictions duringthe viewing, funeral and proces-sion, and arranging for a towtruck to be available along theprocession route,

p. assigning a member to remain atthe family home during the view-ing and funeral,

q. maintaining a roster of all De-partments sending personnel tothe funeral, including:1) name and address of respond-

ing agencies,

ensure that these benefits are beingreceived.

2. The BENEFITS COORDINATORis responsible for:a. filing Worker’s Compensation

claims and related paperwork,b. contacting the appropriate

WMATA offices without delayto ensure that the beneficiaryreceives death and retirementbenefits, the member’s remain-ing paychecks and payment forremaining annual and compensa-tory time,

c . gathering information on allbenefit/funeral payments, toinclude the Public SafetyOfficers Benefits Act, that areavailable to the family,

d. setting up any special trust fundsor educational funds,

e. notifying police organizationssuch as HEROES, Inc., theFraternal Order of Police, thePolice Association of the Districtof Columbia, etc., of the deathand ensuring that any and allentitlements are paid to thebeneficiary. These agencies mayalso offer legal and financialcounseling to the family at nocost,

f . preparing a printout of thevarious benefits/funeral pay-ments that are due to the family,listing named beneficiaries andcontacts at various benefitsoffices, and when they canexpect to receive payment,

g. meeting with the survivingfamily a few days after thefuneral to discuss the benefitsthey will receive. A copy of theprepared printout and any otherrelated paperwork should begiven to the family at this time.1) If there are surviving children

from a former marriage, theguardian of those childrenshould also receive a printoutof what benefits the child(ren)may be receiving.

2) name of the Chief of Police,3) number of officers attending,4) number of officers attending

the reception after the fu-neral, and

5) number of vehicles.r. assisting in making the necessary

accommodations for food,lodging, etc.,

s. acknowledging visiting andassisting departments,

t . arranging for routine residencechecks of the survivor’s home bythe Mobile Patrol Division for6-8 weeks following the funeral.This service is necessary sincelarge amounts of money arepassing through the residenceand the survivors will bespending time away from thehome dealing with legal matters.


will gather information on bene-fits/funeral payments available to thefamily. The BENEFITS CO-ORDINATOR has the Department’sfull support to fulfill thisresponsibility to the survivors and iscompletely responsible for filing theappropriate benefit paperwork andfollowing through with the family to

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2) Attention should be given tothe revocation of health carebenefits. Many providersallow a 30-day grace periodbefore canceling or imposingmonthly payments uponsurvivors, and

h. meeting again with the family inabout six months to ensure theyare receiving benefits.

H. Continued Support for the Family1. Members of the Department must re-

main sensitive to the needs of thesurvivors long after the member’sdeath. The grief process has notimetable. More than half of thesurviving spouses can be expected todevelop a posttraumatic stressreaction to the tragedy.

2. Survivors should continue to feel apart of the “police family. ” Theyshould be invited to Departmentactivities to ensure continued contact.

3. Members of the Department areencouraged to keep in touch with thefamily. Close friends, co-workersand officials should arrange with thefamily to visit the home from time totime so long as the family expressesa desire to have these contactscontinue.

4. The Chief of Police should observethe member’s death date with a shortnote to the family, flowers on thegrave and/or wreath placement at theNational Law Enforcement OfficersMemorial.

5. Holidays may be especially difficultfor the family, particularly if smallchildren are involved. Increasedcontact with the survivors and addi-tional support is important at thesetimes.

6. The FAMILY LIAISON acts as along-term liaison with the survivingfamily to ensure that close contact ismaintained between the Departmentand the survivors and that their needsare met for as long as they feel theneed for support.

7. If no court proceedings surround thecircumstances of the member’s

death, the FAMILY LIAISON willrelay all details of the incident to thefamily at the earliest opportunity.

8. If criminal violations surround thedeath, the FAMILY LIAISON will:a .

b .

c .

d .

e .

Barry J. McDevittChief

inform the family of all newdevelopments prior to pressrelease,keep the family apprised of legalproceedings,introduce the family to thevictims’ assistance specialists ofthe court,encourage the family to attendthe trial, and accompany themwhenever possible, andarrange for investigators to meetwith the family at the earliestopportunity following the trial toanswer all their questions.

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I. General Funeral Procedures

A. All members will maintain an excellent personal appearance.Uniforms and equipment must be in outstanding condition.

B. Uniforms

1. Spring and summer - long sleeve shirt and tie.

2. Fall and winter - uniform blouse.

3. Members of the Honor Guard and pallbearers will wear whitegloves.

4. A black sash will be worn across the badge.

C. Funeral Services







Members who attend the funeral services will report to apredesignated assembly point away from the place of servicesfor inspection and briefing.

From the assembly point, members will march to the place ofservice, timing their arrival to permit immediate entry.

Upon entering the building, members will remove theiruniform hats, place them under their left arm, hat brimforward, and move in an orderly manners to the place reservedfor them.

Members will remain standing until all members are in theirplaces and the command, "BE SEATED" is given.

Members will sit with their hats upright in their laps,maintaining a military bearing throughout the service.

At the end of the service, members, upon receiving thecommand, "OFFICERS RISE", will rise in unison and placetheir hats under their left arm preparatory to filing pastthe casket. They will hold their hats in this positionuntil they have passed the casket and arrived outside.

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Upon leaving the building, members will replace their hatsand assemble in formation at right angles to the hearse.

* Two ranks will be formed facing each other, leaving anaisle through which pallbearers and casket may pass.

* Members will be formed by height. They will normallybe dressed at extended intervals but may be dressed atclose intervals if space is limited.

* While waiting in formation, members will stand atparade rest.

When the casket comes into view, the formation will becalled to attention. The next command will be "PRESENTARMS". All members salute and hold this salute until thecasket is placed in the hearse. At this time, the command,"READY", "FRONT", will be given and members will returntheir hands to their sides.

After the doors of the hearse are closed, the command “FIRSTRANK (passenger side of hearse). RIGHT FACE" and "SECONDRANK, (driver's side of hearse) LEFT FACE", is given so thatthe two columns are facing the hearse.

The Commander will then dismiss the formation with thecommand, "OFFICERS DISMISSED". The members will break ranksand leave in a quiet and orderly manner.

Members will then take their assigned places in themotorcade and proceed to the cemetery.


1. Members will report to the places that have been reservedfor them immediately upon arrival at the gravesite. Ifindoors, members will remove their hats and hold them undertheir left arm. All members will sit with hats in laps,maintaining a military bearing throughout the services. Ifservices are held outdoors, members will wear their hats.

2. Just prior to the 21-gun salute and taps, the command"OFFICERS RISE" will be given. Members will stand atattention facing the firing team or bugler. When the 2l-gunsalute and taps have concluded, the command "OFFICERSDISMISSED” will be given. Members will then break ranks andreturn to their assigned vehicles.

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A. Any Metro Transit Police Officer who dies in the line of dutywill be accorded full honors if requested by the survivors. Thiswill include the casket watch during viewing, honor guard,pallbearers, firing squad, taps, military flagfold andpresentation and motor escort.

B. The Honor Guard commander is responsible for coordinating anddirecting the activities of the Honor Guard, casket watch,pallbearers, firing squad, bugler, and flag presentation.

C. Casket Watch

1. The casket watch is usually comprised of officers from theHonor Guard. However, volunteers may stand watch at thediscretion of the Honor Guard commander. Officers who areassigned to the casket watch must present an excellentuniform appearance and conform to all current groomingregulations.

2. The dress uniform, including hat, blouse and white gloves,will be worn for the casket watch. The watch will bedivided into shifts with two officers standing 30 minutes ata time.

3. If the family wishes, an informal watch can take place afterthe viewing has been concluded for the day.

4. The casket watch moves in slow cadence. This includesmarching, movements and saluting. The official will postthe watch and the officers will position themselves at ornear the head and feet of the deceased officer.

D. Honor Guard

1. Members of the Honor Guard will assemble at a location nearthe service (church, funeral home, or cemetery) forinspection by the Honor Guard commander.

2. Commands will be executed by the Honor Guard commander.

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E. Pallbearers

1. If pallbearers are requested by the family, they will beselected by the Honor Guard commander.

2. Pallbearers will be under the direction of the Honor Guardcommander. They will report to the funeral home as directedfor instructions and seating arrangements.

III. Procedural Variation

The procedures outlined in this Order shall be followed in mostcases. Any changes made necessary by a shortage of manpower, theunusual size of the funeral, the type of service, the physicalarrangement of the place of service or for any other reason shall bemade by the Department Liaison Officer.

Any additional honors to be accorded to deceased members or employeesof the Force or to deceased members of other law enforcement agenciesshall be at the discretion of the Chief of Police.

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CONFIDENTIALLine-of-Duty Death Information

Full Name_____________________________________________________________________

Information will be used ONLY in the event of your serious injury or death in the line of duty. Please take the time to fill it out accurately because the data will be of extreme comfort to your family and the Transit Police in fulfilling your wishes.

Your Address______________________


State Zip Code

Your home phone number


Spouse's Name

Address and telephone,if different from above

Spouse's employer, workaddress and telephone

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Names and datesof birth of yourchildren




If you are divorced, please provide information about your ex-spouse.






Do you

Zip Code



want a police representative to contact your ex-spouse?( )yes ( )no

Please list the name,address, and telephone numbers of yourchildren who live outside the family home and key relatives(parents, siblings, in-laws, etc.) below:

Address Phone (H&W) Relationship

Line-of-Duty DeathInformation

Page 2

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Please list the persons you would like to be contacted by a policerepresentative incase of serious injury or death in the line ofduty. Begin with the first person you wou1d like notified.

Name Address Phone (H&W) Relationship

Is there anyone you would like to accompany the policerepresentative when the notification is made to your immediatefamily? If someone other than a Transit Police Officer, pleaseinclude address and telephone number.

Is there anyone you would like contacted to assist your family, orto assist with funeral arrangements, or related matters who is notlisted above? This person should be knowledgeable concerning yourlife insurance representatives, location of your will, etc.

Address (H&W)Phone Relationship

Line-of-Duty DeathInformation

Page 3

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Please list any preferences you may have regarding funeralarrangements:

Funeral Home

Church or Synagogue


Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Services? ( )yes ( )noIf you are entitled to a militaryfuneral as determined by the Departmentof Veterans Affairs, do you wish tohave one? ( )yes ( )no

Do you wish a law enforcement funeral? ( )yes ( )no

Please list memberships in law enforcement, religious, or communityorganizations that may provide assistance to your family.

Do you have a will? ( )yes ( )noIf yes, where is it located?

Please list any insurance policies you may have.

Company Policy # Location of Policy

Line-of-Duty DeathInformation

Page 4

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Are there any special requests or directions you would likefollowed upon your death?

Signature Date

Line-of-Duty DeathInformation

Page 5

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WMATA Insurance Benefits

Retirement Benefits

D.C. Workers Compensation

Virginia Workers’ Compensation

Social Security Administration

Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Act


ICMA Retirement Corporation

Fraternal Order of Police

Police Association of D.C.

Veterans’ Benefits

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BENEFIT Personal accident insurance provides a benefit of twicethe annual salary, rounded to the nearest $1,000, to thebeneficiary of any member who dies as a result of anaccident (both on or off the job).

In addition...

1) an officer's beneficiary receives a term lifeinsurance benefit equal to double their annualsalary;

2) an official's beneficiary receives a basic lifeinsurance benefit of one and one-half times theirannual salary.

Some officials may have purchased additional lifeinsurance, which will result in an increased benefit.Check with Ms. Marty Battle in the Compensation andBenefits Branch for details.

Health benefits for survivors will terminate at the endof the month of the officer's death. Survivors mayremain in the plan for up to 36 months by paying the fullrate of the premium, plus a 2% administration fee.Current monthly costs are $210.05 for single coverage and$525.10 for the family plan.

HOW TO The Transit Police BENEFITS COORDINATOR will notify theAPPLY Compensation and Benefits Branch immediately following

the death of an officer in order to expedite benefitpayments. The BENEFITS COORDINATOR will provide theCompensation and Benefits Branch with the beneficiary'sfull name, birth date and social security number,anoriginal certified death certificate, accompany thebeneficiary to meetings with the Compensation andBenefits Branch and offer any other possible assistancein this regard. The same death certificate may be usedto verify the death in order to claim WMATA or Local 246retirement benefits.

CONTACT Ms. Marty Battle, Personnel Specialist for Insurance,PERSON (202) 962-2247, of WMATA's Compensation and Benefits

Branch will provide the necessary assistance to obtaininsurance benefits.

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Members of the Force may be participants ofeither the WMATA or Transit Police retirementplans. The benefits and procedures that mustbe followed to obtain those benefits aredescribed below.


Survivor benefits available under the WMATA plan arebased upon an employee's earnings and length of service.The WMATA Compensation and Benefits Branch will calculatethe monthly benefit. Cost of living adjustments areapplied in January of each year.


The amount of dependent pension shall be $200 to thesurviving spouse and $100 monthly for each dependentchild up to a maximum monthly benefit of $500. Thebenefit amount is not subject to adjustment for changesin the Consumer Price Index.

A "lump sum" withdrawal may be made. The benefit amountdepends upon the officer's contributions.

Additional details may be found in the WMATA/MTP LaborAgreement.

HOW TO The Transit Police BENEFITS COORDINATOR will notify theAPPLY Compensation and Benefits Branch immediately following

the death of an officer in order to expedite benefitpayments. The BENEFITS COORDINATOR will also provide theCompensation and Benefits Branch with a copy of the deathcertificate (may be the same certificate presented forWMATA insurance benefits) and furnish a copy of InternalRevenue Service form W-4P for the beneficiary tocomplete. The W-4P is used to request pension paymenttax withholdings. The BENEFITS COORDINATOR will act asa liaison between the Compensation and Benefits Branchand the beneficiary and will offer any other possibleassistance in this regard.

CONTACT Ms. Myla Riggs, Retirement Supervisor, (962-2379) or Ms.PERSON Elsie Brown, Personnel Specialist for Retirement, (962-

2843) in WMATA's Compensation and Benefits Branch willassist in all retirement matters.

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BENEFIT If an injury causes death, the compensation shall beknown as a death benefit, payable as follows:

1) Reasonable funeral expenses not exceeding $5,000,

2) The survivor receives a tax-free bimonthly benefit of50 percent of the average wages of the deceased, withtwo years' compensation in one sum upon remarriage,and

3) A bimonthly benefit of sixteen and two thirds percentof such wages will be divided equally among survivingchildren.

The total bimonthly benefit shall not exceed sixty sixand two thirds of the deceased officer's wages.

The death benefit may not exceed the average weekly wagesof the insured employees in the District of Columbia,which is currently $584.10. This figure is adjustedannually and may be obtained by calling the Office ofWorkers' Compensation at (202) 576-6265.

Additional information may be found in §36-309 - 313 ofthe D.C. Code and Chapter 2 of the District of ColumbiaMunicipal Regulations (DCMR).

Recruit officers who are injured or killed while in BasicTraining at the Northern Virginia Criminal JusticeAcademy are subject to the workers' compensation laws ofthe Commonwealth of Virginia.

HOW TO An official must complete a D.C. Workers' CompensationAPPLY Employee's Notice of Accidental Injury of Occupational

Disease (Form No.7 DCWC),and an Employee's ClaimApplication (Form No.7A DCWC) and submit them throughnormal channels to the Administrative Supervisor withoutdelay. Supervisors must also complete an Employer'sFirst Report of Injury or Occupational Disease (Form No.8 DCWC) and submit it with the Forms 7 and 7A. Copies ofall reports will be forwarded to the BENEFITSCOORDINATOR, and ultimately to the surviving family.

Complete a D.C. Workers' Compensation Notice of Claim forDeath Benefits (Form No. 16 DCWC), forward the Employer'sCopy through normal channels to the AdministrativeSupervisor, then mail or deliver the form to the Officeof Workers' Compensation within 30 days of the death.

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CONTACT Ms. Carol Robertson in WMATA's Office of Safety and RiskPERSON Management (962-1547) is Metro’s liaison with Crawford

Risk Management Services, and is very knowledgeableregarding worker's compensation benefits.

Ms. Amy Laitta, a supervisor at Crawford Risk ManagementServices (WMATA's insurance carrier),may be helpful.She can be reached at (703) 385-4443,

Mr. Alonso Patterson or Mr. Larry Barron [(202) 576-6265]may be contacted for further information. They aresupervisors at the D.C. Office of Workers' Compensation.

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BENEFIT The amount of benefit depends upon the officer's workcredits and his or her lifetime earnings. Basically, thehigher the earnings, the higher the benefits will be.

Survivor's benefits are usually paid as follows:a. widow or widower - full benefits at age 65 or


b. widow or widower - at any age if he or she caresfor the officer's child who is under age 16;

c. dependent parents at age 62 or older.

HOW TO Contact the Social Security Administration atAPPLY 1-800-772-1213 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through

Friday. A representative will begin to process theapplication and will make an appointment for the survivorto visit a local Social Security office.

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BENEFIT The Public Safety Officers Benefits Act provides a tax-free $134,571 (adjusted annually on October 1st) benefitto the eligible survivors of an officer whose death isthe direct and proximate result of a traumatic injurysustained in the line of duty. The Act also provides thesame benefit to an officer who has become permanently andtotally disabled as the direct result of a catastrophicinjury which must permanently prevent the officerfrom performing any gainful work.

Line of duty means "any action that the public safetyofficer is authorized or obligated to perform by law,rule, regulation or condition of employment or service".This includes training assignments, traffic accidents,etc. while the officer is on duty.

When the U.S. Department of Justice determines, uponshowing of need prior to taking final action,that adeath benefit will probably be paid, an interim benefitnot exceeding $3,000 may be made to the eligiblesurvivor(s).

HOW TO Eligible survivors or disability claimants must submit aAPPLY Claim for Death Benefits form directly to the U.S.

Department of Justice or to the Transit Police. TheTransit Police must submit a Report of Public SafetyOfficer's Death or Permanent and Total Disability form(and the survivor's claim form,if appropriate) to theU.S. Department of Justice. The Department of Justicewill then determine whether the circumstances of thedeath or permanent and total disability entitle theclaimant to a benefit payment.

CONTACT Mr. Jeffery Allison [(202) 307-0535] is the Director of PSOB PERSON at the Bureau of Justice Administration. The mailing

address is:

Public Safety Officers' Benefits ProgramBureau of Justice Administration633 Indiana Avenue, NWWashington, DC 20531

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BENEFIT If death results from an accident, the officer'sdependents are entitled to receive the following:

1) Burial expenses not exceeding $3,000,

2) Reasonable transportation expenses for the deceasednot exceeding $500, and

3) A benefit payment equal to 66 2/3 percent of thedeceased officer's weekly wages. The benefit willcontinue for 500 weeks to persons who were whollydependent upon the officer's income, or 400 weeks forsurvivors who were partially dependent.

The death benefit may not exceed the average weekly wageof the Commonwealth, which is currently $418.00. Thisfigure is adjusted annually and may be obtained bycalling the Workers' Compensation Commission at (804)367-8600.

Additional information may be found in S65.2 - 512 ofthe Code of Virginia.

HOW TO An official or the dependent must provide writtenAPPLY notice of the death to the WMATA Office of Safety and

Risk Management as soon as possible, but not later than30 days from the date of the occurrence. No specificreporting form is designated for this purpose; a policeEvent Report or simply a letter describing the event issufficient. The notice must include the officer's nameand address, the time and place of the accident, thenature and cause of the accident, and the injury. Thespecific notice requirements are more fully explained inS65.2-600 of the Virginia Code.

An official must complete a Workers' CompensationEmployer's First Report of Accident (IC Form No.3) andforward same through normal channels to the WWATA Officeof Safety and Risk Management as soon as possible afterthe injury.

Copies of all reports will be forwarded to the BENEFITSCOORDINATOR, and ultimately to the surviving family.

* Virginia Workers' Compensation benefits apply primarily to recruitofficers who are injured or killed while in Basic Training at theNorthern Virginia Criminal Justice Academy. Experienced officerswill generally be covered by the District of Columbia Workers'Compensation regulations.


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In many cases, the Authority's insurance carrier willsubmit a Memorandum of Agreement for Payment ofCompensation in a Fatal Case (Form No. 35) and benefitpayments will begin. Where the Agreement is signed by allparties and submitted to the Virginia Workers'Compensation Commission, then an award for benefits willbe entered by the Commission.

If a Memorandum of Agreement is not promptly submitted tothe officer's dependents by WMATA or its insurancecarrier, then the dependents should file a Workers'Compensation Claim for Benefits form (blue form) in orderto obtain a hearing with the Workers' CompensationCommission. There is a two year limit to file for ahearing in a death by accident case. See Virginia CodeSection 65.2-601 for further information.

CONTACT Ms. Madeline Yates may be contacted at [(804)PERSON 367-8600] for further information. She is an Assistant

Claims Examiner for the Virginia Workers' CompensationCommission.

Ms. Carol Robertson, WMATA's Office of Safety and RiskManagement at 962-1547, is Metro's liaison with CrawfordRisk Management Services (WMATA's insurance carrier), andis very knowledgeable regarding worker's compensationbenefits.

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HEROES (Honor Every Responsible Officer's EternalSacrifice),Inc. is a charitable organization of theWashington Area whose sole purpose is to providefinancial aid and professional counsel to the survivorsof law enforcement officers and fire fighters who arekilled in the line of duty. HEROES, Inc. is dedicated toassisting the surviving family members so they may remaintogether as a family to pursue the dreams their fallenloved one had for them.

Within 24-hours following an officer's line-of-dutydeath, a check for $3,500 is sent to the surviving spouseto be used for emergency expenses. A few weeks later, aHEROES committee invites the survivors to a meeting toassess their needs and problems. HEROES then works toprovide as much assistance as possible. Each case ishighly confidential and no details are ever revealed.

Every dependent child receives $500 at Christmas andEaster and $100 on their birthday. This provides themwith a confidence and independence to do things that theysee their friends doing but may not be able to afford.It also lets them know that someone remembers the absentparent.

Survivors and dependent children are also offered ascholarship at the college or university of their choice.Tuition and Expenses are paid by HEROES.

Captain Cyril P. Carew is the Department's liaison withHEROES, Inc. He should be contacted without delayfollowing the line-of-duty death of an officer. CaptainCarew will notify HEROES of the death and ensure that allpossible benefits are provided to the survivors.

Further inquiries should be addressed to:

HEROES, Inc.719 Tenth Street, NWWashington, DC 20001

(202) 638-2770


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BENEFIT Many officers have elected to participate in the ICMARetirement Corporation's retirement program that is madeavailable to employees of the Washington MetropolitanArea Transit Authority. The funds that are available tothe survivor depend upon the amount of contributions thatthe officer has made while a member of the ICMARetirement Corporation. Funds may be withdrawn from ICMAfor an Unforeseen Emergency, such as a severe financialhardship resulting from a sudden and unexpected illnessor accident, or death.

In the event of death, a designated beneficiary iseligible to withdraw the compensation balance in avariety of payout options. Taxes must be paid only onthe money that is withdrawn.

HOW TO Within 90 days of the death, the beneficiary must notifyAPPLY ICMA [(202) 962-4600] of a beginning payment date; then

submit a certified copy of the death certificate and theICMA Withdrawal Form to WMATA.

CONTACT Ms. Bertha Morton, in WMATA's Office of Personnel andPERSON Training [(202) 962-2241], is the WMATA liaison with

ICMA. She can provide the appropriate forms andnecessary assistance.

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Officers who belong to the Fraternal Order of Police(F.O.P.), Jerrard F. Young Lodge DC-l, are entitled tothe following benefits:

1) A $1,000 accidental death benefit, regardless ofwhether the incident occurred on or off duty;

2) Free television, flowers or fruit basket whilehospitalized; and

3) Legal services for lawsuits incurred in theperformance of duty (subject to Legal Aid Committeeapproval).

Contact the administrative offices at the F.O.P. as soonas possible [(202) 347-6929]. They will need a copy ofthe death certificate. The address is:

Fraternal Order of Police400 5th Street, NWWashington, DC 20001

Officer David McKenzie (962-2156) is the F.O.P. liaisonand will provide whatever assistance is necessary. He iscurrently an Agency Trustee at the F.O.P.

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Members who belong to the Police Association of theDistrict of Columbia (P.A.D.C.) are entitled to thefollowing benefits:

1) A survivor's benefit of $2,000 if killed in the lineof duty;

2) Legal representation on job related matters; and

3) Free television while hospitalized.

Contact the administrative offices at the P.A.D.C. assoon as possible [(202) 543-9557].

Mr. Steve Johnson at the P.A.D.C. The mailing addressis:

Police Association of the District of Columbia1441 Pennsylvania Avenue, SEWashington, DC 20003

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BENEFIT Some benefits are available to the survivors of UnitedStates military veterans. They may include a burialflag, Presidential Memorial Certificate and a headstone.Other benefits may also apply.

HOW TO Contact the Department of Veteran's Affairs at (202)APPLY 872-1151 for details. The regional office is located at:

Department of Veteran's Affairs941 North Capitol Street, NWWashington, DC 20421

Robby Robinson