
Autism Autism, being a part of a range of disorders, doesn’t have a cure but a wide variety of treatments all revolving around educational and behavioral programs to help with the symptoms of ASD. ASD’s symptoms can be categorized into three main groups social interaction problems, language and communication skill problems, and abnormal patterns of thought behavior. Social interaction problems are when the child has problems understanding other peoples feelings and emotions. Trouble with language and communication skills can appear as delayed speech development and trouble starting conversations. Abnormal behavioral thought patterns might involve repeat movements and activities and the child getting upset over the routine being changed. The signs and symptoms often occur as early two to three years with no previous signs of autism and often get confused for mental retardation and psychosis. The term autism was first used to describe a schizophrenic patient who withdrew into himself by Eugen Bleuler in 1908. Other pioneers of autism research being Hans Asperger and Leo Kanner

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Post on 24-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Autism


Autism, being a part of a range of disorders, doesn’t have a cure but a wide variety of

treatments all revolving around educational and behavioral programs to help with the

symptoms of ASD. ASD’s symptoms can be categorized into three main groups social interaction

problems, language and communication skill problems, and abnormal patterns of thought

behavior. Social interaction problems are when the child has problems understanding other

peoples feelings and emotions. Trouble with language and communication skills can appear as

delayed speech development and trouble starting conversations. Abnormal behavioral thought

patterns might involve repeat movements and activities and the child getting upset over the

routine being changed. The signs and symptoms often occur as early two to three years with no

previous signs of autism and often get confused for mental retardation and psychosis.

The term autism was first used to describe a schizophrenic patient who withdrew into

himself by Eugen Bleuler in 1908. Other pioneers of autism research being Hans Asperger and

Leo Kanner who worked separately in the 1940’s. Asperger and Kanner described two different

types of children one being able and the other severely affected, the views were useful to

doctors for three decades. Kanner, a child psychologist, in 1943 did a study with eleven kids

who had issues with social interaction, issues adapting to routine changes, great memory,

sensitive to stimuli, allergies and resistance to foods, good potential intellectually, echolalia

( tends to repeat people talking), and problems with spontaneous activities. Asperger’s group

that he studied in 1944 had the same features as Kanner’s group, however they didn’t suffer

from echolalia but instead spoke as if they were grown. Asperger also noted many of the

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children were clumsy and their motor skills weren’t those of a regular child. Bruno Bettlheim

did three therapy sessions with autistic children and studied them, leading to him saying the

childrens problems were due to the moms coldness so he separated the kids from their

mothers. Working with Kranner they tried to make a hypothesis showing kids with autism had

frigid mothers. Bernard Rimland, child psychologist and parent of an autistic child, disagreed

with Bettlheim and Kranner. All of this made autism better known in the 1970’s it wasn’t until

the 1980’s that education and therapy for psychotic kids started through The Erica Foundation.

The 1980’s elevated the momentum for autism research when Aspergers work was translated

to English and published. Thus proving there was neurological issues, genetic ailments and

metabolic issues leading to autism.

There are three different types of ASD varying in severity. Autistic Disorder also known

as Classic Autism appears as speech delays, social and communication challenges and odd

behaviors, may also have extra disabilities intellectually. Asperger Syndrome have milder

symptoms then Classic Autism, theres usually no language or intellectual disabilities but there

are social challenges and odd behaviors. Pervasive Developmental Disorder also known as

Atypical Autism shows some qualifications for autism but not all of them, they tend to be fewer

and milder. Children with ASD could also have other problems like ADHD, Tourette’s Syndrome,

other tic disorders, epilepsy etc. Again there is not a cure for autism only treatments.

It’s found that boys are five times as likely to have autism then girls. Alabama has the

lowest rate in America with 1 in every 175 children being diagnosed autistic while Ohio is

showing thousands of children with autism. There is no life expectancy for autistic kids, the

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majority will grow to lead a semi normal life while others may have to stay at home with mom

and dad but still a semi normal life. I mean after all some of the most famous people today and

in history have and had autism and live a fantastic life. People like Dan Aykroyd, Daryl Hannah,

Courtney Love, Charles Darwin, Bill Gates, and Mozart those are just a few of the many many

wonderful autistic minds that have blessed us with their intellect.