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  • 7/31/2019 Autodesk Architecture Brochure Letter En0


    Botswana Innovation Hub

    SHoP Architects.

    Simply a Better Way o Working

    Architecture Solutions

  • 7/31/2019 Autodesk Architecture Brochure Letter En0


    Now is the time to achieve the competitive advantage o BIM

    apid Industry Changes Create Oppor tunitieshe troubled global economy o the past ew

    ears has wrought signicant changes in the

    rchitectural industry. In many regions, spending

    n new construction projects has plummeted

    rovoking erce competition among those

    rms let standing ater industry closures and

    onsolidation. Developing economies have also

    ontributed to industry change by providing

    bundant work to rms capable o securing projects

    n an international scale and collaborating witheographically dispersed project team members.

    On virtually all projects, savvy clients and building

    wners are demanding more or their investment.

    hey want increased building perormance,

    nnovation, and a return on investment (ROI)

    hat they can measure in real-world cost and time

    avings, as well as in more abstract ways , such as

    reater end-user productivity and satisaction.

    Green Mandates Drive InnovationOne o the biggest changes has been the steady shit

    toward practices that reduce the impact o building

    projects on the environment. Perceived initially

    as a luxury among many in the proession, these

    types o practices are now in high demand, and are

    oten mandated by both public agencies and private

    industry owners, who value energy efciency, green

    building materials, zero-waste systems, and carbon

    ootprint reductions. Indeed, sustainable design

    practices have thrived even in some o the regionshardest hit by the recent economic downturn, as

    spending has moved to more aordable retrot and

    energy efciency projects.

    Win New Clientsand Gain Competitive AdvantageTo maintain a competitive edge and stay protable in

    this challenging business climate, architectural rms

    o all sizesrom large multinationals to home-based

    businessesare adopting new workows, tools, and

    technologies. Leading these new process changes

    and workows is Building Inormation Modeling, or

    BIM. Demand or BIM is growing rapidly, particularly

    among building owners and government agencies,

    many o which now require BIM on their projects.

    With BIM, architects can obtain unprecedente

    insight into how buildings will perormlong b

    construction begins. This insight can help you

    design more efciently, obtain earlier approva

    and deliver higher-quality, more sustainable de

    with ewer complications during the construct

    process. Ultimately, this approach helps projec

    teams achieve more consistent, predictable

    outcomes, which can increase client satisactio

    And, as many organizations have discovered, B

    is better or their business.

    We averted 17 potentially costly eld clashes

    and 21 RFI-only issues, reports Craword Smit

    BIM specialist at SERA Architects, discussing t

    project teams success in modernizing the agin

    Edith Green/Wendell Wyatt Federal Building i

    downtown Portland, Oregon. By comparing t

    cost estimate to x the eld issues against the

    cost o the sotware and the investment in pro

    time or clash detection, we calculated that us

    Autodesk BIM solutions or coordination on th

    project led to a percent return on investm

    BIM is a design process that

    relies on intelligent, inormation-rich

    models as the oundation or design,

    simulation, and collaboration at ever

    stage o the project liecycle.

  • 7/31/2019 Autodesk Architecture Brochure Letter En0


    o help building proessionals take advantage o

    he benets that Building Inormation Modeling

    BIM) oers, Autodesk provides a comprehensive

    ortolio o integrated solutions that help architects

    esign, visualize, simulate, document, and build

    etter buildings.

    Design and DocumentAutodesk Revit softwareBuilt or BIM, Autodesk Revit helps you to

    model and analyze design concepts and moreaccurately maintain your vision through

    design, documentation, and construction. Use

    inormation-rich models to make more inormed

    design decisions to support sustainable design,

    clash detection, construction planning, and

    abrication. Any design change you make is

    updated throughout your project, keeping design

    and documentation coordinated and more reliable.

    AutoCAD softwareArchitects can design, document, and share

    drawings more accurately and efciently with

    native DWG support, presentation-ready

    graphics, and powerul automation, management,and editing tools that minimize repetitive tasks

    and speed time to completion.

    AutoCAD Architecture softwareArchitects can boost design productivity with a

    comprehensive library o architecture-specic

    tools and components that more quickly generate

    schedules, elevations, and sections, and automate

    repetitive drating tasks.

    VisualizeAutodesk Showcase softwareShowcase provides an easy-to-use, real-time

    D presentation and rendering tool that

    helps transorm CAD les into compellingimagery, movies, and real-time presentations

    or interactive design reviews, marketing

    imagery, and sales presentations.

    Extend Your DesktopTransform theWay You Work

    Multiple ToolsOne Powerful SolutionAutodesk Building Design Suite is acomprehensive sotware solution thatcombines BIM and CAD tools to help youtake advantage o Autodesks portolio osotware or architecture. Design, analyze,visualize, and build better buildings with aset o tools that supports an end-to-endproject workow.

    Autodesk Building Design SuitePremium 21For architects and designers who needan optimized set o tools, the Premiumedition includes the power o BIM withRevit sotware, the amiliarity o AutoCADand AutoCAD Architecture sotware orefcient documentation, and AutodeskShowcase and Autodesk ds Max Designsotware or compelling visualizations,and Autodesk Navisworks Simulate orproject review in a single package.

    Autodesk Building Design SuiteUltimate 21This suite builds on the Premium editionwith an advanced set o tools or designand construction, including AutodeskNavisworks Manage, to help improvecontrol over project outcomes.

    Autodeskds Max Design softwareThis visualization studio-in-a-box provides

    advanced modeling, rendering, and animation tools

    to help architects create cinematic-quality visuals

    or marketing and selling their concepts

    to internal and external stakeholders.

    Simulate Autodesk 360 Energy Analysis for

    Autodesk Revit

    Available to Autodesk Subscription customers oAutodesk Revit products, this service provides

    architects with powerul Autodesk 360, cloud-

    based analysis capabilities that enable them to

    quickly gain insight into the energy consumption

    and building liecycle costs o conceptual and

    detailed designs, helping them create more

    sustainable building designs.

    Autodesk Green Building StudioDesigned or those who want to perorm whole-

    building energy analysis to better understand

    energy use and carbon ootprint implications o

    building designs, this web service is delivered to

    certain Autodesk

    Subscription customersthrough Autodesk 360.

    Build Autodesk Navisworks software

    This line o products helps design proessionals

    improve control over project outcomes by

    enabling the integration o multiple 3D models

    and multiormat data into a single model that

    all project stakeholders can analyze and review

    or better coordination, conict resolution, and

    planninglong beore construction begins.

    Autodesk extends the value o many o its products,

    services and solutions with Autodesk 360, a cloud-

    based platorm that helps architects, buildingindustry proessionals, and other project stakeholdersdramatically improve the way they access, view,review, and edit designs with virtually innitecomputing power and the ability to work anytime,anywhere. In addition, select benets help theentire team more easily design, visualize, andsimulate their ideas.

    BIM solutions or the entire project liecycle.

  • 7/31/2019 Autodesk Architecture Brochure Letter En0


    On a ast-track project, you dont have the luxury o going backand modiying early portions o the designs at the end o theproject. Everyonecontractors, architects, interior designers,and engineersneeds to be able to align their vision or the endresult in almost real time. I dont know how you could do thatwithout BIM.

    Damian SerranoBIM Project CoordinatorRLF

    Learn More or Purchase

    Access specialists worldwide who can provide product expertise, a deepunderstanding o your industry, and value that extends beyond your sotwa

    To license the Autodesk Building Design Suite or other Autodesk products,

    contact an Autodesk Authorized Reseller. Locate a reseller near you at

    Autodesk EducationAutodesk oers students and educators a variety o resources to help ensu

    that students are prepared or successul design careers. Educators can acc

    design sotware, curricula, and teaching resources, while students can acce

    ree* sotware, training videos, design competitions, and career resources.

    Anyone can get expert guidance at an Autodesk Authorized Training Cente

    (ATC) site, and validate skills with Autodesk Certication. Learn more

    about Autodesk Education at

    Autodesk SubscriptionSubscribe to Autodesk Building Design Suite. Autodesk Subscription gives

    you an advantage with powerul cloud-based services, upgrades to the late

    sotware releases, online technical support, and exible licensing privileges

    Learn more about Autodesk Subscription at

    *Free products are subject to the terms and conditions o the end-user license agreement

    accompanies download o this sotware.

    **All Subscription benets are not available or all products in all geographies. Please cons

    your Autodesk reseller or sales representative or more inormation.

    Autodesk, AutoCAD, DWG, Green Building Studio, Navisworks, Revit, Showcase, and ds Max are registe

    trademarks or trademarks o Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or afliates in the USA and/or oth

    countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autod

    reserves the right to alter product and services oerings, and specications and pricing at any time witho

    notice, and is not responsible or typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. 212 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.