automated deployment pipeline using jenkins, puppet, mcollective and aws

Download Automated Deployment Pipeline using Jenkins, Puppet, Mcollective and AWS

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Post on 06-May-2015




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  • 1.Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Jenkins, Puppet and Mcollective From an Engineers perspective@diptanu

2. DevOps ? 3. Continuous Delivery 4. Why Continuous Deployment Get measurable changes fast Reduce the risk of releases Loosely coupled but coherent teams Get rid of the works-on-my-boxphenomenon Forces you to think where does state fullthings live in your system 5. First Principles CI is just the orchestrator Package and version everything Dont use the build tool after tests have beenrun and packages have been made Divide and Conquer Use tools that solve one particular problem Think hard what the pillars of infrastructure are 6. Jenkins Distributed Builds Shard responsibility of build infrastructure For example, dont treat the CI server as yourartifact repo Think about what happens when Jenkins goesdown Discard old builds 7. Jenkins Use the Jenkins Job Builder to configure jobs DynaSlave plugin if you need a lot of scale Build Flow Plugin/Build Pipeline Plugin forvisualization Job DSL Plugin Configuration Slicing Plugin 8. Jenkins Disable Jobs that havent built successfully Set number of builds Mark build permanent