automated design validation the solid works api

Automated Design Validation with the SolidWorks API Paul Gimbel, Business Process Sherpa Razorleaf Corporation

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Post on 20-Jan-2015




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This SolidWorks World 2010 presentation by Paul Gimbel from Razorleaf Corporation explores using the SolidWorks API and the tools available within SolidWorks and SolidWorks Simulation to validate automatically generated, and manually configured designs.


Page 1: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Automated Design Validation with the SolidWorks APIPaul Gimbel, Business Process Sherpa

Razorleaf Corporation

Page 2: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

What You Will Hear In This Session

• Automating SolidWorks Simulation programmatically


• Tools within SolidWorks to do design validations

• This an ADVANCED session

Assumes that you know SolidWorks user interface

Assumes that you know the basics of SolidWorks API programming


Presentation will be available at

Page 3: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Who Is This Guy and Where Did He Come From?

• Razorleaf Corporation SolidWorks Service Partner

Services ONLY (we’re not trying to sell you anything, we’re neutral)

Data Management (EPDM, SmarTeam, Aras)

Design Automation (DriveWorks, Tacton)

Workflow Automation (Microsoft SharePoint and Tools)

• Paul Gimbel (aka “The Sherpa”) 10+ years as Demo Jock, Applications Engineer, Trainer, Support Tech

5 years as Design Automation Implementer

Specializing in SolidWorks, DriveWorks, Tacton, Custom Programming

• (THERE! Now I can report this trip as reimbursable.)

The Sherpa

Page 4: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

What is Design Validation?

Ensuring that the suggested design meets requirements

• Form/Fit/Function

• Durability

• Weight

• Performance

• Manufacturability

• Maintenanceability

• Packaging/Shipping Limitations

• And so on…



Page 5: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

What Forms Can Validation Take?

• Equations

The most accurate method to determine values

Can be difficult to apply to complex geometries

• Code Calculations

Many have to meet and publish them…it’s the law

• Simulation


• Prototype


−Somewhat time consuming


−Expensive and time consuming

Lesson from Programming:

Rule out the easy stuff before you start sucking up CPU.

Page 6: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

How Does This Work With Design Automation?

Frequent Goal of Design Automation Allow NON-SolidWorks USERS to design/configure valid products


• Cannot use any interactive tools

• Methods must not require SolidWorks on their machine

• May use a 3rd party solution

Page 7: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

What Validation Tools and/or Techniques are there?Why Does Every Slide Have a Question in the Title?

Within SolidWorks Sensors

Design Checker


Mass/Section Properties

Interference Detection


Any other XPress

Reference Dimensions!!

With SolidWorks Simulation Stress Analysis

Flow Analysis

Motion Simulation


Outside tools (commercially available and homegrown)

Page 8: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api


Gimme Free Stuff (well, what I already pay for)

Page 9: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

What Do I Get With My SolidWorks?

Reference Dimensions


Mass/Section Properties

Interference Detection


Design Checker


Any other XPress

Page 10: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

What Do I Get With My SolidWorks?

Reference Dimensions


Mass/Section Properties

Interference Detection


Design Checker


Any other XPress

Page 11: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

What Do I Get With My SolidWorks?

Reference Dimensions


Mass/Section Properties

Interference Detection


Design Checker


Any other XPress

Page 12: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Reference Dimensions (2D and 3D)

• Watch the name of the reference dimension

Find it in the Property Mangler

• Retrieve the DIMENSION object.GetValue2(“ConfigName”)

Imports SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks

Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swconst

Partial Class SolidWorksMacro

Public swApp As SldWorks

Public Sub main()

Dim swDoc As ModelDoc2 = Nothing

swDoc = CType(swApp.ActiveDoc, ModelDoc2)



End Sub

End ClassNote: Code in yellow omitted from future slides.

No longer a property

Page 13: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Measure Tool

• Separate Measure object - swDoc.Extension.CreateMeasure

• Must use Measure.CALCULATE(object)

If Object Is Nothing, SolidWorks will use the current selection set

Alternatively, you can use the Selection Manager object

Set options before you call the calculate method

• Returns are fairly specific

Dim swMeas As Measure = Ctype(swDoc.Extension.CreateMeasure, Measure)

swMeas.ArcOption = _




Check out the options hereDon’t forget to test all objects and results!

Page 14: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Mass Properties

• Obtain MassProperty object


Dim swMassProp As MassProperty = _

CType(swDoc.Extension.CreateMassProperty(), MassProperty)


boolstatus = swMassProp.SetAssignedMassProp(1.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, Nothing)

Page 15: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Section Properties

• Requires an Array of FACE or SKETCH object as input


• Returns a 24 item array

Need to look up which index corresponds to what you’re interested in

−Use API Help topic IGetSectionProperties2

Clumsy throwback to VBA

Dim swSelMgr As SelectionMgr = swDoc.SelectionManager

Dim swFace As Face = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(0, 0)

Dim swSectionProps(23) As Double

swSectionProps = swDoc.Extension.GetSectionProperties2(swFace)

MsgBox("Area (index 1) = " & swSectionProps(1))

Don’t forget to test all objects and results!

Page 16: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

How’s THIS For Helpful?

Page 17: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Dealing with Result Arrays Using Enumerations

Public Enum SectionResults

Area = 1 CentroidX = 2 CentroidY = 3 CentroidZ = 4 momentXX = 5 momentYY = 6 momentZZ = 7 momentXY = 8 momentZX = 9 momentYZ = 10 polarMoment = 11 principalAngle = 12

principalIx = 13 principalIy = 14End Enum 'SectionResults

Public Enum SectionResults Area = 1 CentroidX = 2 CentroidY = 3 CentroidZ = 4 momentXX = 5 momentYY = 6 momentZZ = 7 momentXY = 8 momentZX = 9 momentYZ = 10 polarMoment = 11 principalAngle = 12 principalIx = 13 principalIy = 14 DirectionXx = 15 DirectionXy = 16 DirectionXz = 17 DirectionYx = 18 DirectionYy = 19 DirectionYz = 20 DirectionZx = 21 DirectionZy = 22 DirectionZz = 23End Enum 'SectionResults

Paste me!

Page 18: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Interference/Collision Detection

• swAssembly.ToolsCheckInterference() just opens the UI

• Use the InterferenceDetectionMgr object to create an Interference Object

• Establish object

swIntMgr = Ctype(AssemblyDoc.InterferenceDetectionManager, _ InterferenceDetectionMgr)

• Set properties

swIntMgr.TreatCoincidenceAsInterference = True

• Run Interference Check (any method except Done)

Dim swInts() As Object = swIntMgr.GetInterferences

Dim swInt As Interference = Ctype(swInts(0), Interference)

• Grab results

Dim dVolumes As Double = swInt.Volume

Page 19: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Interference/Collision Detection

• swAssembly.ToolsCheckInterference() just opens the UI

• Use the InterferenceDetectionMgr object to create an Interference Object

• Establish object

Ctype(AssemblyDoc.InterferenceDetectionManager, _ InterferenceDetectionMgr)

• Set properties

swIntMgr.TreatCoincidenceAsInterference = True

• Run Interference Check (any method except Done)

Dim swInts() As Object = swIntMgr.GetInterferences

Dim swInt As Interference = Ctype(swInts(0), Interference)

• Grab results

Dim dVolumes As Double = swInt.Volume

Page 20: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Interference/Collision Detection

• swAssembly.ToolsCheckInterference() just opens the UI

• Use the InterferenceDetectionMgr object to create an Interference Object

• Establish object

Ctype(AssemblyDoc.InterferenceDetectionManager, _ InterferenceDetectionMgr)

• Set properties

swIntMgr.TreatCoincidenceAsInterference = True

• Run Interference Check (any method except Done)

Dim swInts() As Object = swIntMgr.GetInterferences

Dim swInt As Interference = Ctype(swInts(0), Interference)

• Grab results

Dim dVolumes As Double = swInt.Volume

Page 21: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Interference/Collision Detection – More Complete Code

Dim swAssembly As AssemblyDoc = CType(swDoc, AssemblyDoc)

swDoc.Parameter("CrankAngle@[email protected]").Value = 150

Dim boolstatus As Boolean = swDoc.EditRebuild3()

Dim swIM As InterferenceDetectionMgr = swAssembly.InterferenceDetectionManager

Dim iIntQty As Integer = swIM.GetInterferenceCount

If iIntQty >= 0 Then

Dim swInts(iIntQty - 1) As Object

swInts = swIM.GetInterferences

Dim swInt As Interference = CType(swInts(0), Interference)


End IfDon’t forget to test all objects and results!

Page 22: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api



• Sensor types

• Notice for interactive users

• Potential performance issues

• Suppress extraneous sensors

• Set notification frequency

Page 23: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Working with Sensors in Code

• Get the sensor object from the Sensor Feature (use MD2.GetFirstFeature)

Dim swSensor As Sensor = swFeature.GetSpecificFeature2

• Critical sensor properties and methods

Select Case swSensor.SensorType

Case swSensorType_e.swSensorSimulation

Case swSensorType_e.swSensorMassProperty

Case swSensorType_e.swSensorDimension

Case swSensorType_e.swSensorInterfaceDetection

End Select

• Be sure to Update the sensor with the UpdateSensor method

• Check the AlertState to see if the sensor has picked up on a problem

• Use the AlertType to see what kind of a problem

SW2009 SP2 and before only supported Dimension Sensors

Page 24: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Using SolidWorks Events

• Create a class

• Declare a variable WITHEVENTS for the object that holds your events

Public WithEvents swPart As SolidWorks.interop.sldworks.PartDoc

• Create a Function for whatever event you want to monitor

Function swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify(ByVal swSensor As Object, ByVal _

SensorAlertType As Integer) As Integer

Shell("'#SW Sensor!'", AppWinStyle.Hide, False)

End Function 'swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify

• In your main code – Activate the handler (RemoveHandler to discontinue)

AddHandler swPart.SensorAlertPreNotify, AddressOf _


Check out all available events in API Help

Note who your event belongs to

Page 25: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Using SolidWorks Events

• Create a class

• Declare a variable WITHEVENTS for the object that holds your events

Public WithEvents swPart As SolidWorks.interop.sldworks.PartDoc

• Create a Function for whatever event you want to monitor

Function swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify(ByVal swSensor As Object, ByVal _

SensorAlertType As Integer) As Integer

Shell("'#SW Sensor!'", AppWinStyle.Hide, False)

End Function 'swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify

• In your main code – Activate the handler (RemoveHandler to discontinue)

AddHandler swPart.SensorAlertPreNotify, AddressOf _


Check out all available events in API Help

Note who your event belongs to

(Don’t think you can ignore me)

Page 26: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Using SolidWorks Events

• Create a class

• Declare a variable WITHEVENTS for the object that holds your events

Public WithEvents swPart As SolidWorks.interop.sldworks.PartDoc

• Create a Function for whatever event you want to monitor

Function swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify(ByVal swSensor As Object, ByVal _

SensorAlertType As Integer) As Integer

Shell("'#SW Sensor!'", AppWinStyle.Hide, False)

End Function 'swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify

• In your main code – Activate the handler (RemoveHandler to discontinue)

AddHandler swPart.SensorAlertPreNotify, AddressOf _


Check out all available events in API Help

Note who your event belongs to

(I’m not going away)

Page 27: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Using SolidWorks Events

• Create a class

• Declare a variable WITHEVENTS for the object that holds your events

Public WithEvents swPart As SolidWorks.interop.sldworks.PartDoc

• Create a Function for whatever event you want to monitor

Function swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify(ByVal swSensor As Object, ByVal _

SensorAlertType As Integer) As Integer

Shell("'#SW Sensor!'", AppWinStyle.Hide, False)

End Function 'swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify

• In your main code – Activate the handler (RemoveHandler to discontinue)

AddHandler swPart.SensorAlertPreNotify, AddressOf _


Check out all available events in API Help

Note who your event belongs to

(I’m not going away)

Page 28: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Using SolidWorks Events

• Create a class

• Declare a variable WITHEVENTS for the object that holds your events

Public WithEvents swPart As SolidWorks.interop.sldworks.PartDoc

• Create a Function for whatever event you want to monitor

Function swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify(ByVal swSensor As Object, ByVal _

SensorAlertType As Integer) As Integer

Shell("'#SW Sensor!'", AppWinStyle.Hide, False)

End Function 'swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify

• In your main code – Activate the handler (RemoveHandler to discontinue)

AddHandler swPart.SensorAlertPreNotify, AddressOf _


Check out all available events in API Help

Note who your event belongs to

(Keep it up. Your iPhone is next.)

Page 29: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Using SolidWorks Events

• Create a class

• Declare a variable WITHEVENTS for the object that holds your events

Public WithEvents swPart As SolidWorks.interop.sldworks.PartDoc

• Create a Function for whatever event you want to monitor

Function swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify(ByVal swSensor As Object, ByVal _

SensorAlertType As Integer) As Integer

Shell("'#SW Sensor!'", AppWinStyle.Hide, False)

End Function 'swPart_SensorAlertPreNotify

• In your main code – Activate the handler (RemoveHandler to discontinue)

AddHandler swPart.SensorAlertPreNotify, AddressOf _


Check out all available events in API Help

Note who your event belongs to

Fine! I’ll do it myself.

Rebooting in:

Page 30: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Applying Update 1 of 9,278,029….0% Complete

Do Not Turn Off Computer

Page 31: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Applying Update 1 of 9,278,029….0.001% Complete

Don’t Even Think About It.

I’ll restart when I’m good and ready.

Page 32: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Autonomous Edition

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Page 35: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Automating SolidWorks Simulation

• Evaluate what you are trying to automate

Can it be done with sensors?

Can it be done with Optimization?

• Not all of SolidWorks Simulation is documented in API Help

Extra SDKs or Installation options may be required (ex. Flow)

Page 36: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Gimme an S, Gimme an R, Gimme an A, Gimme a C!

• Must add SolidWorks 2010 Simulation Type Library as a reference to each project

You can also add SolidWorks.Interop.cosworks.dll−You will need to BROWSE for it …SolidWorks\API\redist

(cosworks? There’s your proof that all the product renames are marketing)

Page 37: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Possible Applications

• Record iterative results

Run iterations and send results out to Excel or other system

Allow code or outside tool control when to iterate and how

Page 38: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Possible Applications

• Attach / create / modify study components (loads, connections, etc.)

Create 400 pin locations in a regular (or slightly irregular) array

Create an unknown number of loads based on driven geometry

• Allow 3rd party solutions to kick off simulation as part of automation

• More complex iterative optimizations using your own optimization algorithm

Change what YOU want to change, how YOU want to change it

Page 40: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

• RMB in the Project Explorer to add a Reference

• You will not find it in the .NET tab

• You MAY find it under COM

• You will most likely need to browse for it

Adding The Reference

Page 41: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

The Process

Imports SolidWorks.interop.cosworks is implied

• Fetch the SolidWorks Simulation (CosmosWorks) Add-In object

Dim cwAddIn As SolidWorks.interop.cosworks.CWAddInCallBack = _swApp.GetAddInObject("CosmosWorks.CosmosWorks")

• Fetch the cwModelDoc

Dim CWorks As Object = cwAddIn.CosmosWorks

Dim cwDoc As CWModelDoc = Ctype(CWorks.ActiveDoc(), CWModelDoc)

• Fetch the CWStudyManager object

Dim cwStudyMgr As CWStudyManager = cwDoc.StudyManager()

Page 42: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

More of The Process

• Fetch the CWStudy object

Test for study existence with StudyCount

Dim cwStudyCount As Integer = cwStudyMgr.StudyCount

Dim cwCurStudy As CWStudy

Dim iErrors As Integer

IF cwStudyCount > 0 Then

cwCurStudy = CWStudyManager.GetStudy(0)


cwCurStudy = CWStudyManager.CreateNewStudy2 _

(“StudyName”, type, iErrors)

End If

TIP: Don’t create studies when you can preset and drive them

Imports SolidWorks.interop.cosworks is implied

Page 43: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Add Material

• Need to apply the material to the Solid Body Object

Study gets the SolidManager

SolidManager gets the SolidComponent

SolidComponent gets the SolidBody

Circle gets the square

Dim cwSolidMgr As CosmosWorksLib.CWSolidManager

cwSolidMgr = cwCurStudy.SolidManager

Dim CompCount As Integer = cwSolidMgr.ComponentCount

Dim cwComp As CWSolidComponent = cwSolidMgr.GetComponentAt(0, cwStudyErrors)

Dim cwBody As CWSolidBody = cwComp.GetSolidBodyAt(0, cwStudyErrors)

cwStudyErrors = cwBody.SetLibraryMaterial("M:\MyMatlLib\RLMatl.sldmatlib", "Unobtainium")

Page 44: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Even More of The Process

• Get the next Manager or Options object

All properties and options reside one level down

Dim cwStaticOptions As CWStaticStudyOptions

cwStaticOptions = cwCurStudy.StaticStudyOptions

cwStaticOptions.SolverType = _


Dim cwCurMesh As CWMesh = cwCurStudy.Mesh

cwCurMesh.Quality = _


Imports SolidWorks.interop.cosworks is implied

All ReadOnly!!

Page 45: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Even Still More of The Process

• Update components, mesh and run the analysis

Update is for any geometry changes since last run

'We'll typically calculate or get these as inputs

Dim dElementSize As Double = 0.0012

Dim dTolerance As Double = 0.005


cwCurStudy.CreateMesh(CosmosWorksLib.swsUnit_e.swsUnitEnglish, _

dElementSize, dTolerance)


Imports SolidWorks.interop.cosworks is implied

Page 46: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Mandatory Charts (Gratuitous Chart of Fictitious Data)(per Microsoft PowerPoint code 2009 Section XXIV Subsection 441.K.9.ii.v)

















Reaction to Subtle Jokes In Slides by








Telnet ChatDrinkOnline PokerDancingSleep

Activities Past Midnight

Page 47: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Even Yet Still More of The Process

• Retrieve the Results object

Most Results methods return arrays

These are typically brought in with generic options

Dim cwCurResults As CWResults

cwCurResults = cwCurStudy.Results

Dim cwResultsErrors As Integer

Dim cwStress As Object

cwStress = cwCurResults.GetMinMaxStress _

(0, 0, 1, Nothing, 0, cwResultsErrors)

Imports SolidWorks.interop.cosworks is implied

Page 48: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Dealing with Arrays

• Return types are VERY vague

• Always the possibility of a null return

• Most samples stay generic



• Run once or twice or check sample to find out return type

• Fetch as generic object then recast the variable to get the array


• Make separate functions wherever possible to use Try…Catch blocks

Allows you to handle the errors differently

Page 49: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Array Sample


‘Define as generic object

Dim cwStress As Object

‘Retrieve the object

cwStress = cwCurResults.GetMinMaxStress(0, 0, 1, Nothing, 0, cwResultErrors)

If cwStress IsNot Nothing

‘Declare your array

Dim cwStressArray() As Double

‘Recast your generic object as an array

cwStressArray = CType(cwStress, Double())

If cwStressArray.Length > 0 Then

For Each dStress As Double In cwStressArray

Next dStress

End If ‘Array.Length > 0

End If ‘we have a stress results object

Page 50: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Array Sample


‘Handle the fact that we did not get usable stress results

End Catch


‘Define as generic object

Dim cwDisplacement As Object

‘Retrieve the object

cwDisplacement = cwCurResults.GetMinMaxDisplacement(0, 0, Nothing, _

CosmosWorksLib.swsUnit_e.swsUnitEnglish, cwStudyErrors)

If cwDisplacement IsNot Nothing

‘Declare your array

Dim cwDispArray() As Double

‘Recast your generic object as an array

cwStressArray = CType(cwStress, Double())

And so on…

Page 51: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Getting Back Visual Results

“A picture is worth a thousand lines of code”

– Michaelangelo (…I think)

• The absolute most beneficial feature of automating simulations!!!

• API has the ability to activate plots, delete plots, and tell you how many there are and their names

• There appears to be no way to Save plots or animations out to files.

End of slide

Page 52: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api


Page 53: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Other Validation Tools

Available via API

• SolidWorks Utilities

Compare Document

Compare Feature

Compare Geometry

Geometry Analysis

Thickness Analysis

• Design Checker

• Check (Face, Edge, Body)

• Parting Line Draft Analysis

NOT Available via API

• SimulationXpress

• FloXpress

• DFMXpress

• SustainabilityXpress

• Deviation Analysis

• TolAnalyst

Page 54: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Outside Validation Tools

• Calculations are too involved or not understood to recreate

• External DLL code

May be VB, FORTAN, PASCAL, GW-BASIC, Assembly Code, Pig Latin

public declare function InitializeLibrary lib "extn.dll" alias "_InitializeLibrary@12" (byval hWnd as long, byval str as string, byval dword as long) as longShell

• External EXE code

Shell(“PVCalc.EXE “ & dPressure & “,” & dWallThk, AppWinStyle.MinimizedNoFocus)

• Web-based ASP tools

Less overhead to load/install

Most applications allow parameters to be passed in the header

Page 55: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Soup Recipes?

• If you have questions you would like to discuss, please find me

Now…At any time during the conference…or After the conference

• Presentation available on

Free newsletter with tech tips, industry insiders and more…

• Catch me in my upcoming tour dates!!

Wednesday @ 1:30 – Automating Your Designs with Excel and the SW API

Friday @ Miffy’s Muffin Palace – Drury Lane

Paul GimbelBusiness

Process [email protected] TheProcesSherpa on Twitter

The Sherpa

Page 56: Automated Design Validation The Solid Works Api

• PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fill out your survey

• It takes practically no time at all

• I HONESTLY want your feedback and I do apply it

• Let’s see if the SolidWorks folks read these:

• PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fill out your survey

• It takes practically no time at all

• I HONESTLY want your feedback and I do apply it

• Let’s see if the SolidWorks folks read these:

In the comments section, add:

“OK, I’m stumped. How did he pull my card out of THERE?”


Paul Gimbel, Razorleaf [email protected]

@TheProcesSherpa on Twitter