automatic business attribute labeling from yelp …...automatic business attribute labeling from...

Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp Reviews Ephraim D. Rosenfeld Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - New York University 251 Mercer St. New York, NY 10012 [email protected] Michael Iannelli City University of New York The Graduate Center 365 5 th Avenue New York, NY 10016 [email protected] ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a predictive model capable of assigning attributes to businesses based on their consumer reviews and evaluations. We utilized the Yelp Dataset Challenge [1] data sources containing approximately 140K businesses, 4 million reviews, 1 million tips, and 1 million business-related attribute tags. We transformed the review data into TF-IDF term-vectors as well as Word2Vec representations, and input these into binary classifiers to predict a set of business attributes. Our models achieved a range of 53-85% accuracy. In this work, we present the results of our experiments, and we provide some analysis of the most informative features used by our models. Keywords Data Mining, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval 1. INTRODUCTION While researching a business or establishment to patronize, consumers would benefit from having a set of keywords or profile attributes that best describe or categorize the business or venue. This information would help customers make informed decisions and minimize their search efforts. Assigning attribute filters to a business is typically a carefully- curated and laborious process in which reviewers must manually identify and ascribe these attributes to the target record. In some cases, such as Yelp, a collective intelligence approach is desirable as users can review a business and comment upon its qualities and attributes. This approach has the advantage of mitigating incorrect or malicious information, while exploiting the experiences and judgements of a large body of informed consumers. We present a predictive model capable of assigning attribute labels to business records. To do so, we describe the problem as a set of binary classification sub-problems and identify whether a business bears or lacks a given attribute. We utilize the Yelp Dataset Challenge resource files which consist of approximately 140K businesses associated with ~4 million reviews, ~1 million tips, and ~1 million attribute tags. The business attribute lists were parsed and the data was filtered to create balanced datasets of positive and negative examples for each attribute. Feature extraction and classification pipelines were set up using both TFI-DF and Word2Vec methods. We assess the goodness of our predictive models in the form of accuracy scores. Additionally, we provide an analysis of top- performing features utilized by these models. 2. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP 2.1 Data Preparation 2.1.1 Tools and Libraries We implemented our experiments in Python3. NLTK [1] was used for text processing such as tokenization and lemmatization. We utilized the Doc2Vec library in Gensim [2] for our Word2Vec experiments. Numpy and Scipy were used for numerical calculations as well as Scikit-Learn [3] for its built-in classifiers and model evaluation capabilities. We used the gradient boosted machine model in XGBoost [4]. Additionally, we used Pandas and the Yelp Dataset Challenge dataset. 2.1.2 TF-IDF Experiments The Yelp dataset consists of categorical profiles describing each business, as well as user-generated submissions for those businesses. Yelp allows its reviewers (referred to as “Yelpers”) to post two kinds of textual submissions: a) “tips”, which are usually short, informational posts that Yelpers provide to each other and to potential customers, such as: Cash-only! Their Lyonnaise potatoes are very well seasoned,” And b) “reviews”, which are lengthier and usually contain a narrative of a customer’s experience. A citation from a common Yelper reviewer is as follows: "Like any other Zoe's, this location has great sandwiches, salads, kabobs, and more … I like the location -- Birkdale is super convenient -- but parking can sometimes be a challenge because of the popularity of this shopping center. Things are tight inside the restaurant, too, but they're very kid-friendly and don't mind if you have a stroller with you. Friendly staff, great food, great location.” The two examples above demonstrate that many objective attributes used to categorize a business or venue can be inferred from reviewer information, such as: whether its atmosphere is child-friendly, if parking is available, and if credit cards are accepted. Our goal is to build a predictive model that utilizes this reviewer information to fill or predict many of the business profile slots provided by the Yelp dataset. The profile attributes provided by Yelp therefore act as class labels, while the reviewer information is aggregated and tokenized into word vectors that can be used to predict a given attribute. For simplicity, we chose attributes bearing only two possible values (“true” or “false”), and we evaluated each attribute separately, thereby reducing this effort to a series of binary classifications. The Yelp reviews and tips were aggregated and joined to the business profile dataset to create one long review which was labelled by the associated business attribute. This aggregated

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Page 1: Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp …...Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp Reviews Ephraim D. Rosenfeld Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - New

Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp Reviews

Ephraim D. Rosenfeld

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - New York University

251 Mercer St. New York, NY 10012

[email protected]

Michael Iannelli City University of New York – The Graduate Center

365 5th Avenue New York, NY 10016

[email protected]


In this paper, we present a predictive model capable of assigning

attributes to businesses based on their consumer reviews and

evaluations. We utilized the Yelp Dataset Challenge [1] data

sources containing approximately 140K businesses, 4 million

reviews, 1 million tips, and 1 million business-related attribute tags.

We transformed the review data into TF-IDF term-vectors as well

as Word2Vec representations, and input these into binary

classifiers to predict a set of business attributes. Our models

achieved a range of 53-85% accuracy. In this work, we present the

results of our experiments, and we provide some analysis of the

most informative features used by our models.


Data Mining, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval

1. INTRODUCTION While researching a business or establishment to patronize,

consumers would benefit from having a set of keywords or profile

attributes that best describe or categorize the business or venue.

This information would help customers make informed decisions

and minimize their search efforts.

Assigning attribute filters to a business is typically a carefully-

curated and laborious process in which reviewers must manually

identify and ascribe these attributes to the target record. In some

cases, such as Yelp, a collective intelligence approach is desirable

as users can review a business and comment upon its qualities and

attributes. This approach has the advantage of mitigating incorrect

or malicious information, while exploiting the experiences and

judgements of a large body of informed consumers.

We present a predictive model capable of assigning attribute labels

to business records. To do so, we describe the problem as a set of

binary classification sub-problems and identify whether a business

bears or lacks a given attribute. We utilize the Yelp Dataset

Challenge resource files which consist of approximately 140K

businesses associated with ~4 million reviews, ~1 million tips, and

~1 million attribute tags. The business attribute lists were parsed

and the data was filtered to create balanced datasets of positive and

negative examples for each attribute. Feature extraction and

classification pipelines were set up using both TFI-DF and

Word2Vec methods.

We assess the goodness of our predictive models in the form of

accuracy scores. Additionally, we provide an analysis of top-

performing features utilized by these models.


2.1 Data Preparation

2.1.1 Tools and Libraries We implemented our experiments in Python3. NLTK [1] was used

for text processing such as tokenization and lemmatization. We

utilized the Doc2Vec library in Gensim [2] for our Word2Vec

experiments. Numpy and Scipy were used for numerical

calculations as well as Scikit-Learn [3] for its built-in classifiers

and model evaluation capabilities. We used the gradient boosted

machine model in XGBoost [4]. Additionally, we used Pandas and

the Yelp Dataset Challenge dataset.

2.1.2 TF-IDF Experiments The Yelp dataset consists of categorical profiles describing each

business, as well as user-generated submissions for those


Yelp allows its reviewers (referred to as “Yelpers”) to post two

kinds of textual submissions: a) “tips”, which are usually short,

informational posts that Yelpers provide to each other and to

potential customers, such as:

“Cash-only! Their Lyonnaise potatoes are very well seasoned,”

And b) “reviews”, which are lengthier and usually contain a

narrative of a customer’s experience. A citation from a common

Yelper reviewer is as follows:

"Like any other Zoe's, this location has great sandwiches, salads,

kabobs, and more … I like the location -- Birkdale is super

convenient -- but parking can sometimes be a challenge because of

the popularity of this shopping center. Things are tight inside the

restaurant, too, but they're very kid-friendly and don't mind if you

have a stroller with you. Friendly staff, great food, great location.”

The two examples above demonstrate that many objective

attributes used to categorize a business or venue can be inferred

from reviewer information, such as: whether its atmosphere is

child-friendly, if parking is available, and if credit cards are

accepted. Our goal is to build a predictive model that utilizes this

reviewer information to fill or predict many of the business profile

slots provided by the Yelp dataset. The profile attributes provided

by Yelp therefore act as class labels, while the reviewer information

is aggregated and tokenized into word vectors that can be used to

predict a given attribute. For simplicity, we chose attributes bearing

only two possible values (“true” or “false”), and we evaluated each

attribute separately, thereby reducing this effort to a series of binary


The Yelp reviews and tips were aggregated and joined to the

business profile dataset to create one long review which was

labelled by the associated business attribute. This aggregated

Page 2: Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp …...Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp Reviews Ephraim D. Rosenfeld Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - New

review approach has been suggested by Cho and Yoon [5]. We

chose to use only those businesses which had a substantial number

of reviews and tips, while excluding those businesses whose

review-count fell below a given threshold. This threshold was

initially chosen at five reviews, but, as described later, we ran more

iterations using different thresholds to see if a smaller number of

well-reviewed businesses would translate into higher accuracy


These aggregated review entries were fed into Scikit-Learn’s

CountVectorizer and TfidfTransformer APIs to

generate word vectors with TF-IDF scores for each term found in a

business’s reviews [6]. In addition to using TF-IDF scoring, the

reviews were cleaned and normalized by: a) removing English

stop-words, and b) setting a minimum document frequency so that

uncommon terms found in only a small fraction of documents were

ignored. We believe that eliminating highly-uncommon terms was

necessary because user-generated data, such a Yelp reviews, are

replete with anomalous and generally-meaningless tokens, such as

misspellings, numbers, and other textual “noise”. That said, a small

term-frequency threshold (terms found in 0.05% documents or

more) was chosen, which would still allow for a large variety of


2.1.3 Word2Vec Experiments Word2Vec is a technique that utilizes a shallow neural network to

generate low-dimensional word embeddings based on the context

of the words [7]. The resulting word vectors represent the semantic

content of each word. Paragraph Vector, an extension of

Word2Vec, generalizes the model to documents of arbitrary length


We implemented a feature extraction method using the paragraph

vector implementation in Gensim’s Doc2Vec library. The method

was used to generate dense feature vectors representing the

semantic context of each business’ reviews. A Doc2Vec model

with a windows size of 8 was trained on a corpus consisting of all

reviews and tips in the dataset producing 200-dimentsional word-


Like our TF-IDF feature extraction methodology, the reviews and

tips corresponding to each business were aggregated into one single

long review per business. Each long review was then input into the

Doc2Vec model to infer a 200-dimensional feature vector for later

use in our classifiers.

2.1.4 Data Selection Because the distribution of business attributes is highly skewed (see

Figure 1), we generated balanced datasets consisting of an equal

number of positive and negative examples. A preliminary labelled

dataset of 300 businesses was used to build out a predictive

pipeline. Once the pipeline was complete, a larger balanced dataset

was used. The number of underrepresented values for each attribute

dictated the sizes of the larger balanced data-sets. Therefore, the

size of larger balanced datasets varied by attribute.

2.2 Classification Two classifiers were used in TF-IDF modeling:

Naïve Bayes: a supervised learning algorithm that assumes

independence between each word. We specifically chose the

Multinomial implementation of Naïve Bayes, because it works on

sparse vectors; and, unlike Bernoulli Naïve Bayes, term frequency

is discreet rather than binary. This is especially true for our

aggregated reviews where a single record consists of a

concatenation of multiple reviews, where we want to

Figure 1. A distribution of business attributes. The number of businesses

that accept Bitcoin (151) cannot be seen due to the skewness of the data.

recognize the occurrence of terms as they are found at

the individual-review level.

• Linear SVC (Support Vector Classification): this

implementation of SVM (support vector machine)

learning is generally fast to execute and works well with

sparse, high-dimensional vectors, such as term vectors

For the Word2Vec experiments, we used SVC as well as the

following additional classifiers:

• Logistic Regression (LR): A linear model that outputs the

probability of a categorically-dependent variable. In our

case of binary-classification, if the probability value is

greater than 50%, the example is labelled as true.

• Gradient Boosted Machine (GBM): A boosting algorithm

that uses decision trees as its weak learners

2.3 Analysis Methods We ran a few iterations of the datasets, first using the entire TF-IDF

word vector as the feature list, and then selecting only the top

performing terms/features using a chi-squared test. We exercised

feature selection for the following reasons: a) to reduce the

dimensionality of the vector-space with the hope of improving the

execution-time and accuracy of the model b) to eliminate “noisy”

terms c) as a bi-product, to extract the top-performing features for

further analysis.

For six of the eight target attributes, we ran evaluations for both the

small and large balanced sets. The attributes with the two largest

datasets (“Bike Parking” and “Good for Kids”) introduced

performance constraints on commodity hardware, and were

therefore omitted.

Because the sample datasets consisted of balanced attribute values,

we relied on accuracy scores to measure the effectiveness of our

predictive models. Ten-fold cross validation was used to normalize

the scores of the models.

One advantage to using non-neural learning mechanisms, is that

they are “white-boxes” that allow us to peer into the judgements










Business Attributes



Page 3: Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp …...Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp Reviews Ephraim D. Rosenfeld Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - New

and decisions that dictate their results. This insight and analysis is

useful, if not at least reassuring, for humans who are overseeing this

automatic curation process, as it allows them to identify trends and

correlations in the data. We therefore provide top scoring features

in the appendix of this paper, as dictated by TF-IDF, chi-squared

correlation, and Linear SVC. We then suggest some analyses of

these top-scoring features.


3.1 TF-IDF Evaluations The performance evaluations for all iterations on the sample data-

set is available in the appendix. A few observations regarding the

performance of our experiments:

• The performance differed based upon attribute, even

when using the sample datasets in which the sample size

was uniform across all attributes. This is intuitive, as

some features are more straightforward and explicitly-

mentioned in the review information (e.g. ‘Good for

Kids’ and ‘Restaurant Delivers’) whereas others

(‘Wheelchair Accessible’ and ‘Bike Parking’) are more

obscure and therefore more difficult to infer.

• Linear SVC has a higher accuracy than Naïve Bayes. See

Figure 2. for the scores of each model

• While some of the iterations using chi-squared-

correlation feature selection improved the model’s

accuracy, the performance-gain in most instances was

negligible. Furthermore, there is little consistency in the

number of top-K features that should be mandated for

optimal performance across all classifications.

• Each iteration was generally comparable one another in

execution time. As such, time efficiency is not a relevant

factor in choosing between any of these models.

• For all models, the results were better when using the

larger datasets. See Figure 3. for the evaluations of Linear

SVC between the sample and full (i.e. using all data

available) – datasets.

Figure 2. Accuracy scores against the full balanced datasets

Figure 3. Comparing the performance of Linear SVC between

sample and full datasets. For the ‘Accepts Bitcoin’ attribute, the

dataset size is so small that the sample and full datasets are one

and the same.

Figure 4. Accuracy scores for TF-IDF Naïve Bayes using different

review-to-business minimum thresholds

As mentioned, we initially included only businesses with a

minimum of five reviews. We performed two more iterations of

Naïve-Bayes classification, once using a smaller review-per-

business threshold of three reviews; and another time with a higher

threshold of ten reviews. The purpose of this effort was to ascertain

if there was an advantage in modeling off a larger dataset (i.e. with

more businesses that meet the lower review-count threshold) versus

a smaller one with a “richer” or more dense set of reviews per-

business. An argument for choosing a higher review-count

threshold is that, a more accurate model, albeit more limited in its

scope – has greater utility than a system with compromised

performance. Figure 4. depicts these iterations and shows that there

























Performance Against Full Datasets








Linear SVC Performance

Sample Dataset

Full Dataset















2 0.6









4 0.6
















Performance with different business-review thresholds

min=3 min=5 min=10

Page 4: Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp …...Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp Reviews Ephraim D. Rosenfeld Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - New

is a slight, although perhaps negligible gain in performance by

increasing the review-per-business threshold.

Another notable observation is the length of the word vectors as the

size of the datasets grow. As mentioned, we specified a minimum

document frequency of 0.05% as we noticed that many of the low

TF-IDF-scoring features were indeed useless textual “noise”. As

the size of the datasets grew, more of these noisy features were

excluded from the feature vector, and the feature list began to level-

off in length. We believe that this desirable, as it eliminates useless

features while reducing the dimensionality of the feature vectors,

thereby reducing the memory footprint of the vector space while

increasing its accuracy and its resilience against outliers. Figure 5.

portrays the accuracy scores of the full data-sets as a bubble chart,

where the x-axis is the accuracy, the y-axis is the length of the

feature vector, and the areas of the bubbles correspond to the

sample sizes of each data-set. We see that once a dataset exceeds a

certain size, the feature-vector lengths begin to level-off and


Figure 5. Accuracy scores (x-axis), feature vector lengths (y-axis),

and dataset size (bubble-area) of the full balanced datasets. As the

datasets grow in size, their feature-vector lengths level-off as

uncommon terms are discarded.

3.2 Top-scoring features In the appendix, we provide the following lists of top-scoring


a. The top positive coefficients of Linear SVC

b. The top negative coefficients of Linear SVC

c. The top chi-squared correlated features, both positively

and negatively correlated features.

d. Terms with the highest TF-IDF scores

In general, many of the top-performing coefficients provided by

Linear SVC are straight-forward and intuitive. Several chi-squared

correlated features are also understandable, albeit the polarity of

these features is not readily available. In contrast, the top TF-IDF

features are almost identical for all attribute predictions, and they

seem to consist of common or ubiquitous terms found throughout

Yelp reviews, rather than discriminatory, domain-specific terms.

Examples include words such as “great”, “good”, “food”, and

“service”. As such, we primarily focus on top SVC coefficients and

top chi-squared correlated features in our analysis.

3.2.1 Intuitive Top-scoring Features We mention a few, intuitive examples of top-scoring Linear SVC


• Accepts Credit Card: positive features include “card”,

“online”, and “ordered”, while negative features include

“cash”, “atm”, “debit”, and “plastic”

• Dogs Allowed: positive features include “outside”,

“outdoor”, “pet”, and “dog”, while negative features

include formal indoor settings, such as “mariott” (a

hotel), “lounge”, and “salon”

• Good for Kids: positive features are “kids”, “family”, and

“daughter”, while negative features are terms associated

with nightlife such as “bar”, “hip”, “downtown”, and


• Wheelchair accessible: positive features include “mall”

and “elevator”, while negative features include “stairs”

and “upstairs”

We find comparable results with the chi-squared correlated

features. Terms referring to nightlife and casinos appear high in the

list for the “Good for Kids” business attribute as they are

negatively-correlated to the class label. The word “delivery” and

commonly-delivered food items (i.e. “pizza”) are significant for the

“Restaurant Delivers” attribute. Terms found in the SVC

coefficient for “Accepts Credit Card”, such as “cash” and “order”

also appear in the list of chi-squared correlated features.

3.2.2 Implicit Features Some top-scoring features are not at all intuitive, but they

nevertheless indicate some form of correlation or association with

the target attribute. As an example, the top chi-squared correlated

features for “Dogs Allowed” were almost exclusively terms

associated with Asian cuisine (with the exception of term “hotel”),

such as “sushi”, “rice”, “thai”, and “korean”. This would indicate

that venues that specialize in Asian food and ambience generally

prohibit the presence of pets.

Among the top negative SVC features for the “Accepts Bitcoin”

attribute are first-names, which are manifested in reviews as the

names of business owners or employees. While the data-set for this

attribute was smallest in size and is therefore more prone to “noisy”

features, we can suggest that individual or family-owned “mom-

and-pop” venues whose reviews contain first names, would be less

innovative and ambitious to promote Bitcoin transactions.

Although many terms were shared across top TF-IDF features, the

top terms in the “Restaurant Delivers” attribute consist of items

commonly associated with food deliveries in North America, such

as “pizza”, “chinese”, “rice”, and “sushi”. Almost all low-scoring

TF-IDF features for this attribute (not found in the appendix)

consisted of German terms, specifically those associated with

dining, such as “hefeweizen” (a kind of beer), “abendessen”

(dinner), and “essens” (food). This would indicate that restaurants

located in North America are more likely to deliver than those in

Germany (The Yelp Challenge dataset includes information for:

eight cities in the United States; two cities in Canada; one in

Scotland, and one in Germany).

Several cities and neighborhoods are mentioned in the lists of top-

performing features, and we can surmise that certain regions, either

due to culture, geography, topology, or urban development are

inclined or predisposed towards a given business attribute value.

Below are a few examples:





9,010 9,092







0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85

Accepts Bitcoin Accepts Credit Card

Dogs Allowed Restaurant Delivers

Restaurant Does Take-out Wheelchair Accessible

Page 5: Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp …...Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp Reviews Ephraim D. Rosenfeld Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - New

• Accepts Credit Card: Pittsburgh, PA is scored


• Dogs Allowed: Scottsdale, AZ and Stuttgart, Germany

are scored positively, whereas (Las) Vegas, NV is

scored negatively

• Wheelchair Accessible: Scottsdale, AZ is scored

positively, whereas Toronto, ON, Yorkville (a

neighborhood of Toronto), and Montreal, QC, are

ranked positively

Although this is an area of research unto itself, one could suggest

that cities with flat terrain and a lower population density (i.e. fewer

stairs or tall buildings) such as Scottsdale - are more conducive to

wheelchair accessibility than hillier, more densely-populated

regions such as Toronto or Montreal. (Note: cities that appear in the

datasets but are often associated with certain types of cuisine, such

as New York and Boston, were omitted from this analysis).

3.3 Word2Vec Evaluations The results from the three classifiers using the full, balanced

datasets ranged from 53-85% accuracy. For all but one attribute,

SVC classification performed best, followed by logistic regression,

while gradient-boosted machine (GBM) came in last place. For the

“Accepts Bitcoin” attribute, GBM had the best performance while

SVC had the worst performance. This discrepancy, however, may

simply be due to the poor availability of data for this attribute.

The results were consistent with the TF-IDF experiments.

Classification of the “Takeout” and “Delivery” attributes

performed well, achieving 85% and 78% percent accuracies,

respectively. This was comparable to TF-IDF’s 85% and 80%

corresponding performance.

When the SVC classifier was used, the Word2Vec-based technique

performed either as well as, or worse than, the TF-IDF

vectorization models. In some instances, the Word2Vec-based

approach had significantly worse performance, such as the

“Accepts Credit Card” attribute, with a drop of 6% in its accuracy


Figure 6: Accuracy Results for three different classifiers using

Word2Vec Document Vectors

4. DISCUSSION The Linear SVC classifications with TF-IDF feature vectorization

achieved accuracy scores between 70-85%, which, if not useful as

standalone predictive models, could be incorporated into an

existing voting algorithm or ensemble-based learner.

We used several models to discover top-performing features, and

we suggested reasons behind the appearance of certain terms, be

they latent or explicit from the data.

The Word2Vec-SVC combination did not perform as well as we

had hoped. It underperformed when compared with the TF-IDF-

based models in all experiments that we ran.

4.1 Future Work

4.1.1 Incorporation of Image Level Data The Yelp Dataset Challenge also contains ~6GB of image level

data. We would like to see if this data can be used to improve our

predictive model. For example, identifying a picture of a margarita

in a Mexican restaurant indicates that the restaurant most likely

serves alcohol and can be labelled as such. Using Yelp image data

to predict business profile attributes has been attempted by

Varshneya et al. [9].

4.1.2 Additional Word2Vec Experiments To truly leverage the power and insight of distributed word

representation, we thought of applying vector arithmetic to assist

users in their business searches. As an example, suppose a

consumer likes all but one attribute of a given venue, e.g. that

smoking is prohibited. (S)he could perform vector arithmetic on

that establishment to discover a new venue with the desired

attribute. The formula would appear as follows (using “smoking-

permitted” as an analogy):

[non-smoking-venue] + [Smoking-permitted] =

[newly-discovered, smoking-permitted venue]

4.1.3 Improvements to TF-IDF Scoring In our experiments, the top-scoring TF-IDF features consisted of

ubiquitous terms that consistently appeared in the feature vectors,

regardless of the attribute we were attempting to predict. As an

improvement, we could adjust the inverse-document frequency

(IDF) scoring mechanism to give less weight to these common

terms with the hope that more informative features would

determine the classification of a sample record.

Only single-word tokens were used to generate the feature vectors.

However, the use of n-grams to improve prediction accuracy is

highly-intuitive, as it could recognize subtleties such as negation

(e.g. “dogs allowed” v. “no dogs allowed”) and compound words

(e.g. “monte carlo” as a single token). Our initial experimentation

with n-gram generation indicated that incorporating bigrams and

trigrams in our feature vectors was computationally expensive,

memory intensive, and ineffective at boosting the accuracy of our

models. Although some valid bigrams were detected (e.g. “las

vegas”), many nonsensical n-grams were generated as well. We still

believe that the incorporation of valid n-grams into our models

could substantially improve their respective accuracies; and our

intuition is that, with an increase in sample size, “noisy” n-grams

will be ignored while useful ones will be maintained.

We saw a slight improvement in accuracy when we selected only

businesses with a substantial number of reviews. We envision

further experiments using a higher, more extreme review-count-to-

business threshold, e.g. 20 or 30, to see if this results in a dramatic

improvement in accuracy. If such an experiment is to be performed,

we would advise that the minimum-document frequency threshold










Word2Vec Classification Results

SVC Logistic Regression Gradient Boosted Trees

Page 6: Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp …...Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp Reviews Ephraim D. Rosenfeld Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - New

used to eliminate uncommon terms – should be increased

accordingly as the sample-set decreases in size.

4.1.4 Top Performing Features We provided some analyses of top performing, highly-correlated

features, and we suggested some hypotheses as to the meaning and

presence of certain features. Furthermore, we identified several

latent features that would go undetected in a textual-pattern rule-

based system. As a next step, we could definitively determine the

polarity (i.e. positive or negative) of each chi-squared correlated

feature by analyzing their presence in the review data. This would

give us greater clarity into the significance of these features.

4.1.5 Investigating the Coverage/Accuracy Tradeoff Through the course of our experiments, we observed that our

classifiers were generally much more confident about correct

predictions than incorrect ones. By choosing to label only those

example that meet a certain confidence threshold, we can achieve

greater accuracy, albeit with fewer results. For example, setting

this confidence threshold to 90% in our Word2Vec models for the

“Restaurant Take-Out” classifier reduces coverage by 50% but

increases accuracy to 96%.

5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Yelp for providing the sample datasets and for

sponsoring initiatives that inspired us to perform this research. We

are indebted to several open-source NLP and machine-learning

APIs that enabled us to perform our analyses. These include NLTK,

genism, Numpy, SciPy, and Scikit-Learn. We acknowledge the

efforts of Professor Mathew Doherty of the Courant Institute of

Mathematical Sciences of New York University for overseeing the

progress of our research.

6. References

[1] "Yelp Dataset Challenge," Yelp, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 May 2017].

[2] S. Bird, E. Loper and E. Klein, Natural Language Processing with

Python, O’Reilly Media Inc., 2009.

[3] P. S. Radim Rehhurek, "Software Framework for Topic Modelling

with Large Corpora," in Proceedings of the LREC 2010 Workshop on

New Challenges for NLP Frameworks, 2010.

[4] F. Pedregosa, G. Varoquaux, A. Gramfort, V. Michel, B. Thirion, O.

Grisel, M. Blondel, P. Prettenhofer, R. Weiss, V. Dubourg, J.

Vanderplas, A. Passos, D. Cournapeau, M. Brucher, M. Perrot and E.

Duchesnay, "Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python," Journal of

Machine Learning Research, vol. 12, pp. 2825-2830, 2011.

[5] T. Chen and C. Guestrin, "XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting

System," in The 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference On

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Top Positive SVC Features






Credit Card



Good for




Restaurant Offers




1 neighborhood vegas location patio kids delivery hibachi mall

2 gives cheese store outside family deliver seating notch

3 southside pho service nypd ice delivered barista basil

4 Madison company card zimmer families phone love pretty

5 combinations photos pricey truck golds work honestly picnic

6 clay dog online scottsdale friendly deliveries workers valley

7 annex said ordered residence arena ordered craving scottsdale

8 lap barber hotel downtown auch jason seasoned children

9 spoiled crepe christmas favorite admission lavender sandwich champaign

10 safeway patrick noise pet zip online crepe mum

11 salami pedicure mini stuttgart daughter yard merchant ny

12 Toronto delivery flavor flavor easy christian ich gilbert

13 coriander zombie missed dog basketball israeli karaage elevator

14 holly casino app outdoor staple negative great purchased

15 interesting las register thank slushies recipes marche tempe











AcceptsCredit Card


Good forKids


RestaurantDoes Take-






Business Attributes

Performance Evaluations for Sample Balanced Datasets









Page 8: Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp …...Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp Reviews Ephraim D. Rosenfeld Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - New

Top Negative SVC Features










Good for





Offers Takeout



1 mandalay breakfast cash marriot bar murphy bitter stairs

2 vegas aaron atm lobster reservations smoking sausages toronto

3 monroeville glasses debit told crowd casino dipping macaroni

4 robinson phillip plastic lounge tiny register junction hut

5 venetian connie process zipps hip cost en cozy

6 gate battery meds decent stools seated reservation firm

7 path joseph cards york downtown casa museum delivered

8 smelled salad flavour financing soju perch signs Yorkville

9 mentor troy cart teas ambiance fajita waiters upstairs

10 carlo charlotte maintained clean drunk southside vegas cousins

11 cushions gabe english beginner trendy list vibe bob

12 cosmopolitan brad ladies gardens casino italy main colour

13 2014:00:00 kevin dollar meals booked prefer dejeuner winter

14 sorely amber flower salon louis Einstein casino montreal

15 effective kirsty bio birthday reservation carrot kbbq boxes

Top Chi-Squared Correlated Features










Good for






Restaurant Offers




1 vegas food food sushi room pizza buffet vegas

2 ramen steak service hotel hotel food wine food

3 steak good good rice steak good vegas good

4 chicken menu great thai vegas delivery dessert great

5 club restaurant vegas patio pool great steak place

6 bar salad und breakfast night service dinner buffet

7 lo meal steak room carlo bar und service

8 waffles ordered room beef monte place pizza just

9 lobster dinner time dishes strip steak experience time

10 wine delicious buffet Korean stay burger buffets und

11 wagyu sides just rolls wine breakfast die like

12 night dessert like bike bar like restaurant steak

13 craftsteak bread ordered noodles casino table course love

14 pool table hotel Japanese lobster drinks rib best

15 drinks server nice shop rooms just view der

Page 9: Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp …...Automatic Business Attribute Labeling from Yelp Reviews Ephraim D. Rosenfeld Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences - New

Top TF-IDF Features










Good for




Restaurant Offers




1 food great food place food pizza food place

2 place hair place food good food good good

3 good service good good place good place great

4 great place great service great place great like

5 like time service like service great pizza just

6 service food like just like chicken like service

7 just good just time chicken order service time

8 time company time store just like just really

9 pizza just store really time service chicken chicken

10 really recommend really und order just time pizza

11 chicken did chicken nice pizza time order ve

12 store work staff staff restaurant ordered really store

13 ‘ve like pizza shop really delivery ordered restaurant

14 order really ‘ve friendly got really restaurant nice

15 nice repair order bar lunch sushi ve ordered